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View Full Version : Stealing by Chambermaids

August 17th, 2012, 14:51
Contentious question. Are Thai chambermaids incapable of not stealing, even if it is something quite worthless. They have always taken my coffee sachets if they were still in the box, if there were seven when I left, upon my return there were five. Always two taken.
The last time I was there I placed them in a row on the table, as an experiment really and that stopped the theft. Instead she took a tiny disposable razor and shaving cream from one of those vanity packs you find in quality hotels. Actually rather funny.

However not so funny. Using a small hole in my locked bag she managed to get 200 RMB (┬г20.00) out. Not such a big deal. But she was wearing gloves and they were covered with cleaning chemicals which actually burned my hand. In my opinion that's not just theft, it's assault. I had to empty the bag and give it a good wash.

August 17th, 2012, 15:05
So what did you do about it :dontknow:

August 17th, 2012, 16:21
I told the manager and showed both him and the head of housekeeping the bag while making a big deal of telling them not to touch it. I do actually know which chambermaid it was. A day later on returning to my room the lady in question saw me and immediately averted her eyes away. Guilt was never so written on someones face as at that moment.

August 17th, 2012, 16:23
To be fair I have always found the EXACT opposite and much to my surprise even when I leave money ( several hundred baht in small denominations etc) lying about its always there when I return and in fact half times it's all gathered up and stacked nice and neatly for me or placed in a clean ashtray or something, I guess I do usually stay at the same hotels etc so maybe don't have a wide experience but I know certainly in Tarntawan etc I have never had a problem and so always ensure I leave a suitable tip in the room for the housemaids on my departure.

August 17th, 2012, 17:04
They have always taken my coffee sachets if they were still in the box, if there were seven when I left, upon my return there were five. Always two taken.

You poor thing...two sachets of coffee. I bet your holiday was ruined.

I never heard of anyone using sulfuric acid for general cleaning pusposes - this sounds like a case for Sherlock Holmes.

August 17th, 2012, 17:19
If the maid were guilty of stealing, surely she would have been sacked?
I find it hard to believe that someone who probably supports a family on meagre wages and lives in a shack on the edge of town would run the risk of destitution for sachets of coffee. Or even a small (relatively) sum of money, the loss of which could be easily traced back to her.

Of course , she would not have looked a guest in the eye if she'd been wrongly accused. Are you sure about the facts as presented?

August 17th, 2012, 17:21
All I can say is that all over the world I have left things of value out with no problem and tht includes money and large sums for the 10 years that I lived at the Ambiance.

August 17th, 2012, 18:14
Dodger:The items were worthless, that was the point I was trying to make. My apologies if it wasn't simple enough for you. I didn't mention sulphuric acid, any bathroom cleaner will burn your skin. Don't believe me...try it and see. And no, it did not ruin my holiday, thank you for asking.

Oliver; Are you calling me a liar? I'm just telling you what happened. Be careful what you write, anonymous board or not YOU are still liable in almost every country in the world. The chamber maids at this particular hotel work in threes on one floor and dart in and out of various rooms at the same time. Impossible to say who was responsible.

Neal: You have been very lucky. Or perhaps they just like you.

August 17th, 2012, 19:00
How did she manage to get some money out through a small hole in your bag ??

August 17th, 2012, 19:39
Halfhansum: That is a fair question. It's a lockable holdall with two non-lockable compartments at either end. Some years ago having lost the key I made a small hole to get the spare. The chamber maid simply made it big enough to get her hand through. In doing so she left chemicals on the bag.
No need for Sherlock Holmes.

August 17th, 2012, 19:56
...so...let me get this right...you locked your spare keys in a bag that it belongs to...in case you need them when you need to open same bag whose keys you have lost????????????????????????????????????????????
Pure brilliance....they gave the f*cking nobel prize to the wrong person all along.....arsenal..step up!!!!

August 17th, 2012, 21:30
Latinpoxxx: Well it seemed a good idea at the time. Which Nobel prize am I supposed to have received.

August 17th, 2012, 21:44
Unbelievable??? In 20 years of visiting Thailand in many Hotels with many chances I have never had 1 baht stolen and in fact have on numerous occasions where I left money in laundry had it returned to me by the maids.

I find them to be truly Honest and hard working for meager wages!!

August 17th, 2012, 21:58
Oh yes! I forgot about that. Money, passport and other things, always returned and I reward them for thier honesty. It is off topic but the Jomtien Beach massge boys the same. Money coming out of my pocket etc. Everything returned to me

August 17th, 2012, 21:59
Surely she must have left a considerable sized hole in your bag, if she was able to get her hand through ?
Where was this, if the amount stolen was 200 rmp, i presume it wasn`t Thailand ??

I believe RMP is China and paper money.

August 17th, 2012, 23:04
Halfhansum: It was in Thailand. I live in China.

August 18th, 2012, 00:01
Last month, I was in Chiang Mai, having lunch with my friend in a very small restaurant, where the food is outstanding.
In paying the bill (140 bahts for two !) I dropped a 1.000 note.
The lady ran after me to give it back.
Being Thai, she noted the number of the note and played it at the lottery, and ..... won 2.000 bahts !

Who says honesty doesn't pay !

August 18th, 2012, 02:23
Oh, speaking of that, I was using the toilet at Tui's Place on the beach. I had collected 100 50 baht notes form the vendor where I sit. The packet fell out of my pocket when I sat. When I got up I did not check and left. Within 15 minutes the packet was gone and no one turned it in. My fault but I will never get change again and take it in somewhere, I wait until I am ready to leave.

August 18th, 2012, 07:29
From my 15-17 years in Thailand I have never been stolen from my room, from the maids.
Maybe I has just been lucky.
One time I hide 1000 bht under the madress, if I had to pay for a hook-up.
What happended, I went to sleep alone, but the maid had put new linen on my bed next day.
Was she honest, yes the 1000 bht was put in an astray together with 2 condoms.