View Full Version : Prague Report

August 14th, 2012, 17:02
Well, due to time restrictions, I decided to give Thailand a miss this year and re-visit one one of my old stomping grounds.

The 2 hour flight was very welcome intread of an all-day affair, as was the $200 air-fare!

Flew with Jet2 - first experience of this airline - and very positive apart from when a Sumo wrestler sat next to me (would have put DaBoss to shame). I paid for extras like allocated seat and 3 course meal etc so it was all very pleasant.

Checked in to the ibis hotel, just outside the Centre - around 50 Euro a night - very nice, efficient etc.

First night out, again revisited old haunts - Pinocchio (now called Club Temple) - shadow of its former self - where there used to be 40 boys, there are now 10. Consumption cards in use with minimum consumption (no problem for me - lol).

Took off 2 boys on the first night - and back to hotel- no problem with bringing anybody back, no ID checks, nothing at all.

The boys ask for 3000Kc = $150 - for short time - some will negotiate down but others have a set price and just won't budge even at the risk of getting no customer. Your Scottish sister got 2 boys for 3000Kc of course. One boy was a midget (gotta try everything)!

More later.... unless I'm too drunk to post.

Any questions - ask


August 14th, 2012, 19:45
Now in Villa Mansland - maybe half a dozen boys - very nice afternoon.

Owner HARRY not only nodded :hello2: but came over - excellent welcome

August 15th, 2012, 02:11
Tell more about the midget! How hung was he? The one midget I knew had "it" hanging down to his knees. Good thing he was not a Scot in a kilt.

August 15th, 2012, 04:19
sorry, scottish-guy, but I find this hard to swallow - 2 guys for the price of 1 and one of them a midget? I think your fantasies are intruding into your posts here. :occasion9:

August 16th, 2012, 15:00
Excuse me dear, I have witnesses!

The 2 for 1 (including midget) was Pino's on monday.

Tuesday, took off 1 boy from Villa Mansland - good fun but I was far too drunk of course - have a hazy recollection of price of 2000Kc.

Wednesday - visited a few smaller bars - Fan Fan Club - small intimate bar, no action.

Boysclub - new and very strange establishment - more like an old fashioned House of Boys - they have hotel rooms, small area, and another room with stage and spotlights etc. 3 boys on offer - but as I say not worth going back.

Also visited "Heaven" - which is a porn store/cinema/bar/maked-party complex. Did not get naked - much to the the relief of all.

More later......

Oh, booze prices - around 40kc/┬г1.25 for a LARGE beer everywhere - very cheap.


August 16th, 2012, 16:21
Did they perform with each other as well as with you. I took a couple of boys from the same bar here in Bangkok the other night; all very jolly in the bar but back at the hotel it was "cannot, he my friend".

August 16th, 2012, 17:53
Now Sooty, you said you were in Prague the other night?

August 16th, 2012, 21:24
Scottish, have you been to Escape Bar? Last time i was there (March) it was very quiet had 6/7 boys of which 5 were good quality. I also visited Little Temple (think it was called Montys before) one afternoon - met a real cutie (besides him there were several clear drug addicts wo had a brawl over some peanuts...very bizarre! Love Prague - used to be 3/4 times a year but have now limited myself to 2 trips pa. :party

August 16th, 2012, 22:56
I visit Prague three or four times every year.

Scottish is spot on with his assessments of Club Temple (which the American owner seems to run as a vanity project) and Villa Mansland. Escape has priced itself out of the Market for many of its old customers.

Normal price for a Villa Mansland boy is about 1500 CZK (┬г50 or so).

August 17th, 2012, 23:35
Sooty, no the 2 boys wouldn't do each other but happy to both service me at same time of course.

Oh, a word on transport - excellent Tram and Underground syst,m - all day ticket costs 110kc and covers all public transport modes.

Thursday day time - visited Erra Cafe which was nice enough - couple of beers and toasted mozerrella/cheese baguette, then Q Cafe which was a revelation. Very nice young, studenty crowd with some strange aromas wafting across from the cigarrettes being smoked. Very friendly staff and enjoyed a nice bottle of Pinot Grigio for 399kc (infact had 2 (shared))

Of course it's Gay Pride here and the parade is on Saturday. This cafe is an information base for the event and are selling all the rainbow paraphanalia, so I bought a 3x5 foot flag to drape over my shoulder as a plaid to complement my highland dress at the parade.

Ventured over to Little Temple (formerly Monty's as others have said) around 4/5pm to check it out in afternoon. Some boys trickled in - in fact one RODE in on a bike! Let's just say they appeared younger than I'm sure they were.

So after a day of exploring the city, headed back to Ibis hotel for nap, wash and scrub-up before heading out for the night.

Returned to Villa Mansland in "celebrity disguise" :evil4: around 9pm to see if busier at night than during the day - it wasn't. Maybe 4 boys, 2 of whom were already taken, one I didnt fancy that much and the other I'd taken the other day (didn't recognise me in costume so that was ok). Stayed for an hour or two because it's an effort to get there so best stay a while. My "disguise" seemed to cause much amusement

Got a taxi over to Club Temple to see if busier at that time and was warmly welcomed.Very busy at around 11pm - maybe 15 boys and many punters. Very few empty seats. Boys were crowding round, nudging each other, asking "is it? isn't it?" - All great fun anyway.

Stayed there about 90 mins - the got Club Taxi over to Escape - upmarket, more expensive club. MANY boys (maybe 25 or so) - some even more gullible :evil4: and asking for photos etc. Good fun. Around 1am (I think) all the lights went almost off and around 10-15 completely naked boys appeared (teens/early 20s) and cavorted with the punters. Bit of gogo after that, then a fuck show (simulated) then the "tip hat" came round. Stayed less than an hour and it cost me around 1500kc - so a good night to be had but would make it a very expensive one. Some boys maybe a little pushy for drinks - but I didn't feel uncomfortable.

Escape Club taxi back over to Club Temple (probably around 2.30/3am) but very quiet by that point - had a few drinks and laughs then went home.

Thursday - went back into town, went to Q Cafe around 1pm, had 2 bottles of wine + 2 soups all for 850kc.

Now in a little cafe across from Hotel for a beer and lasagne (200kc) - will nip over to Hotel and freshen up before heading out again.

Will let you know more tomorrow - but as I said if anybody wants info just ask.

August 18th, 2012, 10:19
You visited already sauna labyrinth (old Toms Bar) ? Best day was always wednesday with the naked party. Only price was the entrance and lots of free sex for hours. In the good old times i was a regular at Villa Mansland. Know the owner since opening. Had 8 years czech boyfriend and learned the language. I never paid tourist prices there.

August 18th, 2012, 16:05
Hi Atri, I'm not a sauna person but thanks for info. I think I do remember a Tom's bar from years ago

I used to visit Prague regularly and even brought a Pinocchio Czech boy into the UK maybe 15yrs ago (not easy when they were not in the EU). That didn't last long! Then I think 2 yrs later I discovered Thailand!

If you know Villa Mansland (and Harry) since it opened you must also know there's rather a chequered history there, my dear :evil4:

Anyway - FRIDAY night - spent at Club Temple which was VERY busy. Could't get into Little Temple as it was full (not that it's big, but even so it was packed), so went straight into the main club. Noticed a couple of boys hanging around outside - formed they impression they were banned from the club and they looked a bit shady anyway.

Inside- many boys last night of all (legal) ages, shapes, and sizes. At one point difficult to get a seat. One difference since the old Pino days is that the boys ar less blatant and pushy than they used to be. Whereas they used to just come and sit down next to you and pull their shirt up, they now wait to be asked. All boys very friendly but obviously desperate for cash. Tempted to say about half dozen looked to be under the influence of various substances - but that's fewer than you'd find in many UK clubs where 80% are off their faces.

Various boys dancng on stage, stripping etc. Highlight was impromptu hot sex show by two waiters (one got over-excited and was a VERY big boy :evil4: )

Today I'm off the Gay Pride parade - still got one or two bars to visit in the course of the day.


August 18th, 2012, 21:20
I know all history from there as i was a part of the history. First they opened only the left part of the house with a small bar in the cellar. Some time later big "Erika" (now in Jomtien) took over the club with the restaurant. Many managers have been coming and going. Since some years i prefer to stay for the same prices in Hilton or Corynthia Towers and to get the boys over GR or in the sauna. Next time will visit in october for a weekend. I always go with train. Ticket is cheap. Pay only 73 Euro for first class return. Taxi for tourists from train station about 3-500 CKR and for me about 80 CKR.

August 19th, 2012, 15:43
Saturday - went on the Gay Pride Parade! If you see any photos on the net look for a guy in highland dress.

Apparently this was only the 2nd ever such event - going ahead with support from the Prague mayor who declared in his message "This is not Moscow - the Police will not break up your parade and beat you up". Interesting reminder of how things still are elsewhere in the world.

The usual colourful floats, drag queens, "Alcazar Type" ladyboys etc - but very much more community based rather than the corporate "chasing the pink pound" side we often see elsehere. This was very welcome for me.

Interesting also to see 2 counter-demonstrations - one by religious fantatics who waved placards about Jesus and the Bible etc and another more sinister element who kept their faces covered (I don't know, but I presume some right-wing fascists?) One bible-thumper followed the parade the whole way screaming - presumably about how we would all burn in hell. When he shouted directly at your sister I replied in some less-than-biblical language and he seemed to get th message and ran away further up the parade.

We didn't stay for the whole event - repaired instead to Q Cafe only to find it closed because, you've guessed it - they were all in the parade.
However this proved fun because we spotted a tradituinal Czech beer hall nearby and went in there. My costume lots of giggles and the elderly Accordian player broke into a medley of Scottish songs - he was obviously very perceptive when he lauched into "My Bonnie Lies over the Ocean" - how true!

Anyway, they served traditional Czech black beer so I had 5 of those and ordered Beer Cheese with butter and Onion, served with fried bread - absolutely delicious! My friend had several cokes, 1 beer, and ordered Onion Soup - 2 hours of fun for under 600kc.

Couldn't be bothered returning to the Ibis so trammed it to Little Temple. It was ok for a few drinks. The place is ok but closer inspection suggests more attention needs to be paid to the toilets especially. At least we weren't there when the large ceiling fan fell off the ceiling - as had happenned a few days before!

Moved from there to Club Temple but the formula was becoming rather predictable - some of the boys are almost like part of the furniture, they are always there. Same in Thailand of course but, in Thailand, they seem to manage to keep your attention more.
So, we didn't stay there long - left around 11.00 and went back to hotel.

PS- sorry for spelling mistakes - using a netbook with very small keys and all the years of wanking have taken their toll on my eyesight.


August 22nd, 2012, 09:35
Great report! Since I'm heading to Prague next week for the first time. Friends have told me to check out Saints for general gay fun and Drakes. Have you been to either of these places?

August 22nd, 2012, 11:36
Most of my acquaintances who have been there have been very disappointed with Drakes. Customers are drawn in by the William Higgins connection but have often reported very high prices and few young men around. It will be interesting to have your own assessment.

August 22nd, 2012, 14:20
Well guys, I'm afraid my trip has ended - and I'm back home.

Overall impression - hmmmm OK - with the 2hr cheap flights and easy availability of (albeit a limited selection of) rentboys it's maybe a good place for a long weekend, but no more (I did all the touristy things years ago and Charles Bridge is still Charles Bridge).
Won't be rushing back

Drake's I didn't go to because I'd been there years before and found it expensive, over-rated, and frankly boring. Darkrooms and slings etc I have no interest in and anything that might have been of interest I could have found elsewhere - and without paying an Entry Fee!
Pissed me off also that, at the time, there was a Tourist entry Fee and a (much lower) "Native" fee - but I'm a bit more used to that now!

Saints bar, I'm afraid I didn't get to - but good luck and let us know what you find


Khor tose
August 22nd, 2012, 15:53
Great report. Now tell us what you choose for a disguise that amused everyone.

August 22nd, 2012, 18:16
Great report. Now tell us what you choose for a disguise that amused everyone.

Bit if I did that, my anonymity would be gone when I next wear it in Pattaya!


August 23rd, 2012, 14:31
Most of my acquaintances who have been there have been very disappointed with Drakes. Customers are drawn in by the William Higgins connection but have often reported very high prices and few young men around. It will be interesting to have your own assessment.

I found the Drakes bar a waste of time and went there before I got to know about other places..

I still enjoyed going into the porno shoots as a paying observer. That memory stayed for many years until I went to one at Villa Mansland. Beautiful boys and a stunning experience.

Starting to get itchy feet again.

August 23rd, 2012, 22:31
Glad you enjoyed the experience... I'll post details of any future open shoots or tutored sessions here on this forum as I have done before. I hope that you'll be able to join us again!

August 24th, 2012, 00:55
I visited Prugue for many years and throughly enjoyed myself. I found most of the places you are all talking about wonderful and I too found Drakes a total bore. You are correct, people visit there for the name and walk away totally disappointed; well at least I did. :pottytrain2:

August 28th, 2012, 23:20
http://www.gayscout.com/queerguide/c0g1 ... ague-Praha (http://www.gayscout.com/queerguide/c0g127.-1.3608/Prague-Praha)

August 30th, 2012, 13:26
A look at that gayscout listing, it seems the list could benefit from recent comments, if only from the people who posted to this thread.

Many of them I had not heard of.

August 30th, 2012, 16:03
We have just returned from our trip to Prague. As usually, we'll round up our impressions in a Report, which shall be posted in the next few days. In order to report visibility beyond this distance visibility markers are used. Most of my acquaintances who have been there have been very disappointed with Drakes.
bartending certification online (http://www.bartendermixed.com/)

August 30th, 2012, 19:30
I agree with the comment re Drakes. last time I was in Prague (March) I did nip into Drakes, mainly as I was showing a friend around "the istes". As I walked around the empty corridors past the cabins with their many channels of porn films, a really cute guy (small in stature, but very big where in mattered) took my hand and led me inside a cabin.... he then said " I am not a prostitute, I dont sell my body, I really like you...but I am a student and need money for books...can you give me 2000 crowns ". I found it amusing! Obviously accepted the chance to help the guy's education, and was nicely rewarded.

Saints bar I also enjoy - its very close to the nightclub and about 10 mins walk from top of wencelas sq - its just a really friendly bar, where a lot of the US/UK residents hang out. I met 2/3 really nice local guy. Well worth popping in for a drink.

November 22nd, 2012, 01:22
nice picture/map of Prague with interesting places noted


scroll down to bottom of page

December 22nd, 2012, 23:06

heh I would finally actually visit a temple

December 23rd, 2012, 05:43

Have had 3 xmas emails this Villa Mansland year, including this erotic contributing porn video sessions.


We have persuaded our good friend Rob Maynard of the well-known websites
HMBoys and Twink Academy to hold another of his popular photography workshops at the Villa.
You will be working with three very cute boy models during the day and, with Rob on hand to give as much or as little
help as you need, will gain the experience to produce sexy, erotic shots even when using just a basic camera under
ordinary domestic conditions.
All you need to bring is your enthusiasm and your camera!
The cost for this exciting opportunity is just 3,800 CZK.

We are limited to a maximum of just six places on the workshop,
so book yours now by e-mailing hotel@villa-mansland.eu

Best regards


Villa Mansland

December 23rd, 2012, 10:06