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View Full Version : Thailand: Land of Smiles?

August 9th, 2012, 10:50
I don't know who came up with the slogan "Land of Smiles" but he didn't live in Bangkok. In most countries when one passes someone on the street or in a shopping area and that person bows his head or says the equivalent of the Thai Swadekrap he will get at least a head bow in return. Not really often in Bangkok is this practiced. When smiling at someone, the chances of getting a smile in return is about 50%.

Perhaps this is the big city problem and people in larger cities are not as prone to respond politely. In Chiang Mar, it seem that people are more likely to respond with a smile or some form of greeting. Since I don't visit Pattaya very often, I cannot comment on what goes on there.

What are your experiences in this area?

August 9th, 2012, 14:31
Yes people in the big cities round the world are not as friendly as they are in the provinces
so the same applies to Thailand...In Bkk not so friendly.....Pattaya ok..but its a big city now so maybe not as friendly as years ago.
The most friendly people i've met in Thailand are the people of Isan.

August 10th, 2012, 06:49
In most countries when one passes someone on the street or in a shopping area and that person bows his head or says the equivalent of the Thai Swadekrap he will get at least a head bow in return

You may be surprised at they type of head bow you would get in Glasgow after dark!

August 10th, 2012, 08:20
I dont why but even in BKK I get a lot of smiles, I dont know why you guys dont get it, even in the late night I get a big smile and an honour from the security guy, taking care of the condo, next to where I am staying.

August 10th, 2012, 10:50
Since I don't visit Pattaya very often, I cannot comment on what goes on there.

Smile at a Thai in the street in Pattaya and they'll probably propose marriage. A short-time room quickie at the very least.

August 10th, 2012, 13:07
Most of the time when you smile to a Thai, they smile back. What do you call it Waa whatever? Well do that to someone you are visiting or start to talk to and it will be done back. I love the people here in most instances but talk bad and yes, you have a problem on your hands, especially if they are drunk or on something else.

August 10th, 2012, 17:40
Wasn't it a tourist slogan, so if you believe it you have only yourself to blame?

August 10th, 2012, 22:22
Thailand is the land of smiles. I find that slogan very accurate.

Having said that, when I smile at someone here in New York City, they almost always smile back.

It's true that this generally happens less, the larger the city is.... worldwide. Whether comparing Lafayette, Indiana to New York City... Or Udon Thani to Bangkok.... I would bet...

But I don't think it is because people in larger cities are any less friendly. I think it's because they are busier. They are in a hurry. They have places to be, things to do, and they're already running late.

Look them straight in the eye, smile, and ( if they aren't rushing past you ), they will smile back.

The difference I found in Thailand was.... How often they smile at me first... and how warm and sincere their smiles are. They seem very sincerely happy to see you. And not just money boys. Straight men, old ladies, children, everyone. :notworthy: You really feel like... they feel.... honored by your presence.

August 10th, 2012, 22:47
Dream on Bruce :-) You keep telling yourself that :-)

August 10th, 2012, 22:52
What.....? :happy7:

( Like, Buck.... They're gonna wanna pay me! ha ha )

August 11th, 2012, 09:03
.The difference I found in Thailand was.... How often they smile at me first... and how warm and sincere their smiles are. They seem very sincerely happy to see you. And not just money boys. Straight men, old ladies, children, everyone. :notworthy: You really feel like... they feel.... honored by your presence.Clearly you have absolutely no idea about Thai culture and are making inferences about a completely foreign country based on Noo Yark. As almost any guide book will tell you, Thais smile so as to avoid conflict. A google search (remember Google?) on the key words "Thai smile conflict avoidance" will tell you all you need to know. But stop being so damn sentimental.