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August 6th, 2012, 04:15
Are you a sex tourist?

Is the cheap availability of boys the major factor why you come to Thailand? If not, why do you come to Thailand?

This poll was in the air: why-much-chatter-about-pattaya-t26989.html (http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/why-much-chatter-about-pattaya-t26989.html)

August 6th, 2012, 04:28
sex tourist and proud of it :party

if it wasn't for the boys, I'd be taking more of my holidays in Tenerife

August 6th, 2012, 06:01
I would still travel to Thailand if there was no sex scene, for a long time now I have found more to a country to enjoy than just the sex scene but having said that I still enjoy my time in the massage places.

August 6th, 2012, 06:48
I always enjoy my visits to Thailand.The fact that the guys there are very available is nice but it is not the reason I go there.I just love the country and its culture..I have met much better guys in Prague than Pattaya.Each to his own..

August 6th, 2012, 09:57
I came here with my bf, and yes I've visited the bars and club, but its not my reason for being here. If he wanted to live in Peru, that would be fine by me.

August 6th, 2012, 11:31
I love the sex (straight boys are better at it I think) but I also love the many wonderful restaurants, the weather, the fun, the motorbike and many other things. Would I still come without the sex, probably not but then it's a situation I cannot imagine happening. Can you?

August 6th, 2012, 12:37
Yes I,m a gay sex tourist and spend my holidays in Pattaya, where I like the bars/Gogos and the reasonably priced accommodation and also Dongtan beach. But of course I go there to have sex with Thai boys.
Before I discovered Thailand I spent several holidays in Playa del Ingles Gran Canaria where there is a good gay scene including a section of the beach. I enjoyed the nude sunbathing, flirting with other guys and sex in the dunes.

August 6th, 2012, 13:53
I go because my bf lives there...but allso enjoy travelling to different places in Thailand with him

August 6th, 2012, 15:10
Of course! Theres no other reason to visit Thaialnd wih all the scams that go on there they should really call it land of scams not land of smiles plus all that superstitious nonsense about spirit houses and so on its just crap.

August 6th, 2012, 18:13
Of course! Theres no other reason to visit Thaialnd with .......... all that superstitious nonsense about spirit houses and so on its just crap.

I believe that's what they call "experiencing other peoples cultures" and whilst certain aspects of that it may sometimes "appear" to be nonsense to us highly educated and advanced Westerners ( tongue firmly in cheek there) I'm sure a lot of what we do appears very strange to Thai's too, so personally I always view such "oddities" as a positive addition to my trip rather than a negative one, Viva la difference and all that.

August 6th, 2012, 18:36
Yeah I thought the same when I went to Disneyland with the kids a few years back.

August 6th, 2012, 18:52
Oh such a cynic :-) Next you'll be trying to tell us that actually there's no such thing as 5 ft high mice then either with big ears and a wife called Minny then I assume !! lol

August 7th, 2012, 01:47
None of your fu_king business? As you are rather open asking others about their personal behavior surely you wouldn't mind someone asking you a question, there is not a board or seldom a day that goes bye where your not posting. Do you consider yourself a serial poster?

August 7th, 2012, 03:06
None of your fu_king business?

That would be "other".

Sorry if my direct question offends you (or anyone else, in this case, just abstain from voting and drop me a PM).

Based on my daily presence on this and other boards, you can call me serial poster if you want. If you think I spend too much time on the forum, I agree. But there are other who post more.

But to answer my original question: I am a sex tourist. There is more to Thailand than sex. I enjoy the good weather, the food, the cheap accommodation and transportation, even developed an interest for history, culture and language. But the unique selling point are the boys. I can get everything else at other places (e.g. in Italy I can have good weather, food I like, history and culture, a language that is easier to learn for a European, I assume accommodation and transport are cheaper than in Germany, it's not as far as Thailand, but there are no boys to my taste!).

August 7th, 2012, 03:55
The phrase 'sex tourist' is judgmental and offensive. It's a bit like asking a somebody if they're a pervert, rather than asking if they're gay. If you want a civil answer, you have to ask a civil question.

August 7th, 2012, 04:04
well how to answer the question?
What is a sex tourist?
I quoted "other"
I love to arrive in BKK and driving to my hotel listining to isann music.
I love to go to DJ.
I love the guys I can meet there.
I like the friends I have met.

Do I pay for sex?, yes sometimes but not always.
Does it make me a sex tourist?
Maybe yes or maybe not, it is all in the "window" looking,.

August 7th, 2012, 04:09
Actually I've no problem with the phrase and quite happy admit to being a "sex tourist" as in it's wider accepted sense that's exactly what I am - I like to travel to places where I can find good hot sex, if I went for the culture or sports or the history I would quite happily be called a sports enthusiast etc, so I'm quite happy to agree that yes, I'm a sex enthusiast and I enjoy going on holiday to partake in one of my favourite pastimes, it's such a British thing to think of sex as something to be ashamed of or to try to hide the fact you like it and or worry about allowing others to call you a pervert simply for enjoying sex, I see that as their repression problems not mine ( no offence intended Daniel, I'm not referring you to personally there by the way)

August 7th, 2012, 04:25
I agree. I just wouldn't want to engage in a conversation with somebody making moral judgements, using language like 'pervert' or 'sex tourist'. If I'm asked if I'm gay or have sex with Thai men, then I'd give a civil answer.

August 7th, 2012, 11:41
if it wasn't for the plentiful cheap sex I certainly wouldn't bother...lotsa of other ploaces with better + cleaner beaches and equally delicious food....it's the boys...that are the attraction..sex is good and no need to feel dirty or guilty about it...

August 7th, 2012, 12:11
This is a fascinating question.

I'm so happy to hear that the vast majority are happy to proudly call themselves sex tourists..... which is obviously exactly what we are.

This weird negative connotation that's been assigned to the term bothers me alot.

I'm proud to be gay.
I'm proud that I enjoy sex.
I'm proud to be a tourist.
I'm proud to be a gay sex tourist.

It's so very weird that if you take the "sex" out of it, it changes the connotation 180 degrees.

The term "gay sex tourism" is absolutely despised by some people.


The term "gay tourism" is so highly regarded and put on a pedestal. The Thai government even has an official government web site to promote it!

However, mention "sex" --- as in "gay sex tourism" --- and suddenly it's an unmentionable despicable, maybe even criminal, deviant behavior.

Repression through Shame. That's all it is.

I think it's time we took back that term and wore it with pride.

We're not ashamed that we're gay, we have sex with consenting adults, and we travel.... We love it, and we're not ashamed of it.

August 7th, 2012, 15:30
I don't find "sex tourist" in any way offensive when used among fellow "sex tourists."

I go to LOS primarily for sex with handsome Asian guys with big cocks and authentic Thai food.

For everything else, I have Japan and Europe.

August 7th, 2012, 16:02
I go to LOS primarily for sex with handsome Asian guys with big cocks and authentic Thai food.

Do you not find that ends up very messy as the rice tends to get everywhere if he's not careful I find ??!! lol

August 7th, 2012, 16:12
Not everyone who reads this forum is a tourist .....

August 7th, 2012, 16:14
Perhaps the question for them then should be "Are you a Sexpat" ???

August 7th, 2012, 17:32
Not everyone who reads this forum is a tourist .....

Tourist or resident, I suspect 90% of SGF members visit/live in Thailand for the same reason (it may not be the ONLY reason, but I bet it's a major factor).

August 7th, 2012, 18:30
Sure, it is a major factor. It wasn't the reason I came for my first trip, but it certainly is a major factor for all the return visits.... :tongue3:

I am not aware of another destination (especially outside of SE Asia) with such a willing stable of young guys reasonably available.

August 7th, 2012, 18:59
Do you not find that ends up very messy as the rice tends to get everywhere if he's not careful I find ??!!

Yes, I do find that. But licking it off him is half the fun!

August 8th, 2012, 02:57
The phrase 'sex tourist' is judgmental and offensive. It's a bit like asking a somebody if they're a pervert, rather than asking if they're gay. If you want a civil answer, you have to ask a civil question.

For me, sex tourist does not contain a moral judgement, sorry if I got misunderstood.

It's not as mainstream as asking someone if he goes to the Alps for skiing or to Spain for a holiday on the beach, but the concept is the same. Just a fact that there is one thing that determins the choice of place for holiday.

And of course I ment to include residents as well: Are you a sexpat?

I'm so happy to hear that the vast majority are happy to proudly call themselves sex tourists..... which is obviously exactly what we are.

The question was only if they are a sex tourist (sexpat), not if they are proud to be a sex tourist (sexpat), you will have to start your own poll about that.

I don't get this "I am proud to be ..." with things you have no influence on. I think you can be proud of something you achieved, but not of something you are from birth. I have no influence on being gay or being German, how can I be proud of it?

August 8th, 2012, 03:35
I agree with you, christian, about the "gay pride" thing. I didn't choose to be gay or Irish. I'm happy to be both, but never understood where pride came into it. Proud as opposed to ashamed, I suppose, as previous generations were. :dontknow:

August 8th, 2012, 04:22
God there are some prissy queens on here who don't want to face reality. Sex tourist is a legal term, dears, there are laws that include the phrase. It's defined as traveling to a foreign country for the purpose of having the local cunt or cock.

Of course when I visit Thailand it's for the food, the fabulous unspoilt beaches like Dongtan, Thailand's well-deserved reputation for nature conservation (think logging) and the loving, smiling, gentle Thai people. Sex? Moi? The thought never crosses my mind.

August 8th, 2012, 05:40
...Sex tourist is a legal term, dears, there are laws that include the phrase. It's defined as traveling to a foreign country for the purpose of having the local cunt or cock...

Surprising that Club 18-30 haven't been prosecuted to the point of bankruptcy then - their entire business revolves round whisking young people away to get laid (allegedly).

It seems, sex tourism (where adults are involved) is legally only a bad thing if you're a poof.

August 9th, 2012, 02:33
gasp...I find myself agreeing with scotty....now I need my meds and some whisky to wash them down with.....and on a slightly more serious note I'm also annoyed how gay+Thailand seems to imply underage activities to the average straight ....as if I'm a trainer...

August 10th, 2012, 12:47
I don't get this "I am proud to be ..." with things you have no influence on. I think you can be proud of something you achieved, but not of something you are from birth. I have no influence on being gay or being German, how can I be proud of it?

Actually, I agree with you. The term "Gay Pride" has always annoyed me for that same reason.

What we really mean is lack-of-shame. Unfortunately, the English language does not have a convenient word that means the opposite of "ashamed". The closest one is "proud"..... but it's meaning is not a very correct fit.

I just used, "I am proud to be......" as shorthand for, "I am very not ashamed to be....."

Sex tourist is a legal term, dears, there are laws that include the phrase. It's defined as traveling to a foreign country for the purpose of having the local cunt or cock.

Really?? Where are there laws that use the term? Where is it explicitly illegal to travel to... if you have sex there...?

August 10th, 2012, 13:33
I do know if you travel back and forth to certain countries including but not limited to Thailand, you are put on a watch list of sorts for them to look through everything on each entry. I know because they used to hassle me every time I would enter and imply I liked underage. They used to go through my stuff for about 1 hour each time. Was very very annoying cause if they know me they know I enjoy legal age cock, not babies!

August 10th, 2012, 13:53
Sex tourist is a legal term, dears, there are laws that include the phrase. It's defined as traveling to a foreign country for the purpose of having the local cunt or cock.

Really?? Where are there laws that use the term? Where is it explicitly illegal to travel to... if you have sex there...?

The laws do not have to use the specific term - there is no law entitled " The Fucking of Goats in a Public Place Act 2005" - but try doing it and you'll quickly find yourself in a spot of bother.

Likewise there is no list of countries per se - much better and easier for the authorities to have an open-ended law applicable to changing circumstances.

In many countries, activities indulged in abroad which would be considered an offence in the Home country - but may be perfectly legal in the host country - can be prosecuted on return. Also, in the UK at least there is the legal possibility to prevent travel if there is a suspicion that such activity might take place.

It seems to me that the effect of such laws, when applied, is to limit "sex tourism" whether it is referred to as such is immaterial as I demonstrated in my first sentence.

Before anybody jumps in with "Oh this is only for sex offenders and pedos" - let me just quote the UN definition of sex tourism: "trips organized from within the tourism sector, or from outside this sector but using its structures and networks, with the primary purpose of effecting a commercial sexual relationship by the tourist with residents at the destination" - not a word about sex offenders etc.

August 10th, 2012, 17:13
Sex tourist is a legal term, dears, there are laws that include the phrase. It's defined as traveling to a foreign country for the purpose of having the local cunt or cock.Really?? Where are there laws that use the term? Where is it explicitly illegal to travel to... if you have sex there...?Have you thought of using Google to do your own research instead of asking silly questions here? Or haven't you worked out yet that most of what's posted here is tendentious and/or based on a sample size of one (ie. it happened to me so it must be true for everyone)?

August 10th, 2012, 18:44
Oh Sooty you are too depressed tonight. I think you need a holiday.

August 10th, 2012, 19:26
I have used google and read on this subject extensively over the years. That was my point. I've never heard of it being illegal to visit a country for legal sex. ( i.e. "sex tourism" )

Also, the UN is not a governing body and does not make laws ( thank god! ) .

...activities indulged in abroad which would be considered an offence in the Home country -but may be perfectly legal in the host country - can be prosecuted on return.

If this is true, it's quite frightening. I'm pretty sure this would be unconstitutional in the US. It is overreaching it's own jurisdiction to be.... global..... everywhere.

If it were true here, gays flocking to Canada to get married could have been prosecuted when they got home.

And in the case of the UK, it might not be "an offence in the home country", as prostitution is legal in England, I know.

But back to the simple definition of sex tourism..... my definition at least.... is a tourist who has sex while travelling. What gay man is NOT a sex tourist, by that definition!? And where is that illegal? ( assuming gay sex is not illegal there)

I think it's become a popular misnomer, heavily perpetuated by media "exposes" and "documentaries", that the term sex tourism is a legal term. I think it is not a legal term anywhere.

August 10th, 2012, 21:11
It is true, though I believe limited to underage sex cases. I do not know the particulars, but it is called "Protect Act of 2003"

It had a bunch of child protection laws, one of which is the ability to prosecute US Citizens if they engage in child abuse while outside of the country, from what I remember. To my knowledge, it does not have any language restricting adult with adult sexual behavior.

I have no idea if countries other than the US have similar laws.

August 10th, 2012, 21:23
That is scary. Big Brother continues to grow...... like a cancer.... over-reaching into the privacy and rights of people everywhere. It starts with a good cause, like "save the children"..... and slowly spreads into surveillance of all people all the time everywhere. Check this out: http://www.ted.com/talks/lang/en/malte_ ... ching.html (http://www.ted.com/talks/lang/en/malte_spitz_your_phone_company_is_watching.html)

I wish they would differentiate and use a term like, "child sex tourist" or some such.

Lumping all tourism for sex... in with that...... is like saying, "....homosexuals and other child molester deviants...".

Consenting-Adult-for-Consenting-Adult sex tourists need to stand up for themselves and protect their name.... and say, "Please don't lump us in with sex traffickers and pedophile child molesters. Thank you very much!"

Sex with consenting adults is legal.

Similarly, adult sex workers who have freely chosen that occupation need to stand up and say, "Excuse me. I have not been trafficked, nor coerced. I freely chose this profession and I am a consenting adult. Thank you very much!"

August 11th, 2012, 08:56
It is true, though I believe limited to underage sex cases. I do not know the particulars, but it is called "Protect Act of 2003".in fact it is children and prostitutes. I suppose most US citizens don't know this but anyone applying for a US visa used to have to answer a question about "Have you ever been with a prostitute?"

Since having sex with guys in Thailand for PLU is mostly about paid sex then that Act and its equivalents applies.

August 11th, 2012, 11:20
Not quite accurate Sooty. Before everyone gets in an uproar, I did some cursory reading on Protect Act of 2003.

Good summation from Wikipedia....(the Act has many sections. I am only referring to the part relevant to prosecution for activity engaged while abroad)

Authorizes fines and/or imprisonment for up to 30 years for U.S. citizens or residents who engage in illicit sexual conduct abroad, with or without the intent of engaging in such sexual misconduct.

For the purposes of this law, illicit sexual conduct includes commercial sex with anyone under 18,[6] and non-commercial sex with persons under 16 when there is at least a four-year age difference or the person is under 12 years of age.[2][7][8][9] Previous US law was less strict, only punishing those having sex either in contravention of local laws OR in commerce (prostitution); but did not prohibit non-commercial sex with, for example, a 14 year-old if such sex was legal in the foreign territory.

PLEASE NOTE: I am merely summarizing US Law in limited application. I am not insinuating any effect on legalities in Thailand or applicable to other nationalities...and I am not a lawyer. :tongue3:

August 11th, 2012, 17:09
That law sounds perfectly reasonable to me, I can't see why anyone would have a problem with it ? And it certainly in no way restricts the 70% of us on the board who quite happily identify as "sex tourists" from doing what we all enjoy doing, nor I believe was it ever intended to.

August 11th, 2012, 19:22
No, It does not restrict any of my activity, but I have some problems with it on a more ideological level.

The US has plenty of problems here on our soil that we could be addressing. Expanding jurisdiction and control over citizens to their actions all around the globe diverts resources and attention. There are plenty of molesters and incest perpetrators here that should be locked up.....no need to go looking overseas for them. And more importantly, it opens the door for over zealous federal staff with a moral agenda to hassle anyone they want under the guise of investigating possible infractions of this Act.

The laws are rarely the problem....it is always the bigots that are empowered by them.

August 11th, 2012, 19:30
That's what I say to the police every time they arrest me for cottaging.