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View Full Version : OK, We Have all Had it done to us! Falang Shitheads

August 5th, 2012, 21:40
Well we have all had it done to us in one way or another, and Scottish Guy could probably repeat his hotel experience but tell about the tales when other falang come wait til your back is turned and try to steal someone you are with.

I had a boy at the beach the other day that was ready to give me a massage and this dumb ass walked right up behind me and asked him to massage him.
I mean he was getting ready to give me a massage! Well the kind gentleman I was with just tore his dumb ass head right off but I think he still did not understand what he did was wrong. The dumb ass who may come 1 time in a year maybe had the boy for a week but the boy lost massages for the year.

August 5th, 2012, 21:51
I've had that situation when I'm sat with a boy in a bar/Gogol and some Falang comes up and starts talking to the boy ignoring me. Usually he's offed him last weeK/month/year and feels that he has some sort of prior claim.
I say that I've just bought a boy drink and would he please move away, which normally works although I've had black looks when I Leave the bar having offed.
It happens a lot that you see a boy in the bar early in the evening but don't off but return later to claim him. It's a disappointment if you find he's been offed or with another customer but that's the name of the game. You win some and loose some

August 5th, 2012, 22:29
TravellerDave: The problem you described of going back to a bar later to off a boy only to find he has already been offed is easily solved. If you see a boy you like but don't want to off him there and then book him for later on. This involves paying the off fee at the time of the booking, a deposit if you like. I have done this before on numerous occasions and have never had any problems with the boy not being there. In fact as the bar, boy and myself all seem very happy with this arrangement I think that perhaps it is quite common.

If for whatever reason you are unable to return to the bar and collect him then you MUST return the next night and pay him. As yet this has never happened to me but one day it will and I will do just that.

August 5th, 2012, 22:45
Exactly as you said Arsenal. But as you also said, you must tip the boy as if you went and took him away or he will be a bit hot!

August 5th, 2012, 23:46
If you see a boy you like but don't want to off him there and then book him for later on. This involves paying the off fee at the time of the booking, a deposit if you like. I have done this before on numerous occasions and have never had any problems with the boy not being there. In fact as the bar, boy and myself all seem very happy with this arrangement I think that perhaps it is quite common.

I would be surprised if a boy was really quite so happy with being pre-booked and kept waiting.

Many farang, having paid that deposit early in the evening, might well decide not come back until end of business: (1) they know that, with a sex partner guaranteed, they can enjoy an evening flirting and butterflying elsewhere, (2) not taking the pre-booked boy with them on their evening out allows them to avoid having to make painful conversation for several hours with a boy who in spite of his physical attractions might not be very articulate in English, (3) they might hope that taking the boy home at a very late hour might persuade him to stay all night.

A pre-booked boy would therefore end up with a single off that night, whereas if he'd been taken off immediately earlier on in the evening he could have returned to the bar in the hope of finding a second paying customer.

August 6th, 2012, 02:37
Yes Marsilius but you are talking about days of yesteryear. Days of today, they are thrilled to get an off.

August 6th, 2012, 03:01
does that mean off fees might come down? buyer's market and all that :dontknow:

only joking (sort of)

August 6th, 2012, 03:07
It happens a lot that you see a boy in the bar early in the evening but don't off but return later to claim him. It's a disappointment if you find he's been offed or with another customer but that's the name of the game. You win some and loose some
If you didn't off him when you first came to the bar, that means he wasn't that important to you. At least that's how I console myself when I miss someone or something due to indecisiveness.

In fact as the bar, boy and myself all seem very happy with this arrangement I think that perhaps it is quite common.
I consider this unfair towards other customers. I expect everyone on stage to be available. I would think "What the fuck?" if I ever wanted to off a boy and were told that he is booked. Comparable to putting your towel on a deckchair to reserve it for you.

I once sat in a bar and the only cute boy sat opposite with a customer, but I couldn't see his badge with number. So I asked mamasan what his number was for later reference. Mamasan proposed to call the boy over, I declined. Do mamasans have no manners? (Rhetorical question.) He was sitting with a customer!

Once I was in a strange situation. I was chatting with a boy on gayromeo and he knew I am aquainted with a Farang he met before so we kind of agreed to meet a the Farang's place. There was mutual attraction between the boy and me. But my farang friends is very possessive and talkative, so he wouldn't let us (the boy and me) go to my place close by. Another Farang friend arrived, I finally used their smoking (Farang A and B, they even went out to the corridor because I complained about the smell) to leave (not without surreptitiously exchanging phone numbers with the boy and describing the way to my place). The boy joined me a bit later. Of course my Farang friend noticed what was going on and came and banged on the door, but I didn't open or answer.

My Farang aquaintance still claims that I "stole" a boy from him. (He was not aware that the boy came to his place to meet me.) Well, we are all adults and can whatever we want (within the law).

August 6th, 2012, 03:15
the idea of "pre-booking" a boy seems odd to me - if I see a boy I like in a bar/go-go, I'll off him - why would I wait until later? :dontknow:

it does seem to suggest disrespect for the boy, that you can go off and have a good evening elsewhere, then come back and "collect" your pre-booked package. doesn't seem right to me.

August 6th, 2012, 03:22
Joe is right, reserving a boy does not only show disrespect for other customers in the bar, but for the boy as well.

August 6th, 2012, 04:02
In a Pattaya go-go bar, I bought a beer for a guy I'd taken off a couple of times that trip. I left him drinking his beer, while I went for a pee. When I returned, he was sitting across the bar with his beer and another customer. After five minutes or so, I presumed he wasn't coming back, so asked another dancer to join me for a beer. We chatted. I liked him, so I asked if he'd like to come back to the apartment. The response was an enthusiastic 'yes', so I paid the off.

While he was getting into his street clothes, the first guy sat himself next to me and asked why I was taking the second guy off. He was obviously quite annoyed. The customer had called him over and told him to sit down. He hadn't bought the guy a drink, and had neither tipped nor offed him during the twenty minutes they sat together. I tipped him and explained that it was the other customer who was out of order but, with different modes of reasoning, I was Mr Black Heart (at least until I returned to the bar and offed him again).

August 6th, 2012, 04:10
interesting situation, Daniel - I'm not sure how I would have handled that. but maybe the first boy should have told the other customer that he already had a customer, so wasn't free to chat? :dontknow:

August 6th, 2012, 05:20
I have pre booked a couple of times. Both occasions have been when I have been "indisposed" for one reason or another - last time I had been to meet some ex work colleagues who happened to be in Pattaya so not really appropriate for me to take company. I went in the bar before my "meeting" took a real shine to the boy - so explained I would be back approx 12 and paid the off. The boy changed into his street clothes and spent the couple of hours waiting upstairs smoking with his colleagues or stood outside with his mates - as such he wasnt "on stage". He was well worth the wait as well - offed him every day for 8/9 days!

August 6th, 2012, 11:26
I've done this at Krazy, Wild West Boys, X-Boys, Dynamite and others that have now closed.

Marsilus: Everyone seemed happy with the arrangement except you apparantly. Whatever many other farang may decide to do is nothing to do with me.
Christian: I don't really care about the other customers.
Joe: No disrepect at all, actually the opposite. I like him a lot but don't want him at 9.00pm because I have other plans. And anyway, you're paying him ┬г20 to have sex with you...total respect?

And of course, if he wants to the boy can always change his mind and go with another customer if he chooses to. That too has never happened yet but one day it will. Any of you under the impresssion that the boy wants to spend the entire evening with you are dillusional beyond belief.

August 6th, 2012, 11:41
Its true, pre booking is not at all rude and there are many reasons. First it seems that several think that many boys come back to the bars for a second off. Untrue. Many come back to hang with their friends and drink. Yes one or two do come back for a second off but it is rare. They do that to meet tuffer times in the week

As the other person above said, it could be because the falang has a meeting with friends, or dinner planned and wants to make sure he get's someone he wants and not what is leftover. It can be because he wants to go back to his hotel room to clean the pipes so to speak before his guest arrives. They are a multitude of reasons and it is not rude at all. The boys care less about sitting around talking to their friends while a falang gets ready or has dinner.

As far as the boy going and sitting with the other customer with your drink, well that's out and out rude of the boy but some don't know better. What they are looking for is a guaranteed off. They have rent to pay, food to buy them or maybe their family whatever. I don't allow it.

There was an instance where a falang bought a boy a drink and the boy took a sip and went in the bar to talk to other people. I don't know if he was talking to his friends or another falang. 30 minutes went by, the boy came back out after leaving the falang along. The drink had been sent back and I had taken the cost of the customers bill, the 20 baht chit taken away from the boy. The boys need to understand manners. When someone buys you a drink, that's where you stay until a decision is made unless it is an unreasonable length of time.

August 6th, 2012, 13:49
I tried pre booking DaBoss on my last trip in May but the waiter just laughed and told me i would get more joy with my hand. Which made me laugh. Still i like to see your waiters have a sense of Humour mate.

August 6th, 2012, 14:23
As is sometimes the case I am sure he had not a clue of what you were saying. Sorry as they would never in the world say that to a customer!

August 6th, 2012, 15:13
I tried pre booking DaBoss...

That's where you went wrong Lofty, you aimed too high and need to set your sights a bit lower.

Try taking off some of the go-go boys before you try to pre-book the star of the show (and unofficial proprietor) for sex.

And if you do manage to pre-book DaBoss in the future, get some Viagra and make sure you are able to perform - as you will certainly feel the full weight of his expectations on you!


August 6th, 2012, 15:40
Tee hee! "the full weight".... yes!.

Ya know this brings me back to Pattaya Male who was so upset and sent me a livid email about the fact that he had taken a boy off and "on the way out the door" was trying to book another one and was using an off coupon. Come on guys! This isn't your first time to Thailand and you know that most of this good intentioned lads don't understand even when you sit down and look at them and try to explain it to them let alone try to explain something out of the norm and quickly! make sure you have someone's full attention and make sure they there is eye contact to guarantee you they know what you are trying to do.
The waiters know the names of the drinks. That's it. get a manager for anything else. You talk, they listen, they shake their head yes and then walk away trying to LOOK at everything and figure out what the hell could you have been talking about. After awhile they can't figure it out, so they forget. Waiter probably thought you wanted to take him off and saying he was , I don't know but something. :sign5: English is not their first language!

August 6th, 2012, 20:35
I have often thought about pre-booking my guy and paying the off fee to the bar, but as yet, I haven't bothered. The guy knows I will turn up to off him every night (I am no longer a butterfly and off the same guy during my stay), and he has always been there when I pick him up at 10:30. I don't pick him up earlier, as I think he might be able to score another off in the meantime.
His friend in the bar told me that lots of farangs wanted to off him, "but he not go with other farang. He wait for you."
Mmm...I'd like to think so, but......

Daboss wrote:

Its true,................
The boys need to understand manners. When someone buys you a drink, that's where you stay until a decision is made unless it is an unreasonable length of time.

I can't but agree with everything in your post, Neal.

August 6th, 2012, 21:20
A447, if you like the boy and take him off every night why not just negotiate several days off and get a discount? I don't know about other bars but if you off him for 7 days, here you would pay for 6 and maybe if you sweet talk me rather than someone demand, you might even pay less.

If you allow the boy to make extra money, how do you know if he will be back before 10:30. Pay the off and it is up to him what customer he wants and for how long as he won't be up there dancing.

August 7th, 2012, 12:32
I remember one incident on the lines of this thread about 5 years ago. I took a boy from Euro Boys in Sunee (anyone remember those cute white lace-up briefs?) overnight and returned there the following evening just as it opened and paid the fee. However it was too early to return with him to the hotel so I said I would be back. Later that evening I went into the Kaos Gogo for the cock show and couldn't resist offing a boy from there.
I was in bed with him when at about 2am there was a loud banging at the door. Fuck ! I thought what have I done?. I checked his ID he's not underage. Pulling on my pants I open the door - there's the boy from Euro Boys, shouting that he had been waiting for me all night. I felt real bad and got him into the room where he explained to the Kaos boy in Thai. They then both berated me quite rightly and I felt a real shit.
I said that both boys could join me in bed but they didnt want to do that. I sorted the situation out by giving the Euro boy 1000 baht because I remember the advice about never having a dispute with 2 or more Thais.
Next morning I asked how the boy had got past reception and ID check but didn't get an answer - sleeping was probably the reason.

August 8th, 2012, 22:16
I've had that situation when I'm sat with a boy in a bar/Gogol and some Falang comes up and starts talking to the boy ignoring me. Usually he's offed him last weeK/month/year and feels that he has some sort of prior claim.
I say that I've just bought a boy drink and would he please move away, which normally works
I've never had that done to me, but if someone tried it with me, I would probably do as you did. If despite that the guy persists, if I am not going to take the boy off and/or after calling him over it turns out I am not all that interested in the boy anyway, I would tell him if he wants the boy I'm with that badly, and doesn't want to politely wait until I'm done, fine. I just bought the boy a drink and was planning to give him a tip. Let's see, the bill says "drink for boy" 120 baht and I was planning to give him a 100 baht tip for sitting with me. As soon as you hand 120 baht over to me and 100 baht over to the boy, he's all yours . . .