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July 28th, 2012, 18:25
The Thai Rice Exporters Association has declared that the rice industry is 'heading for disaster'. So far this year they have suffered a 48% drop in exports and a 34% drop in export earnings and have seen Thailand loose it's leading exporter position to India for the first time in 50 years.
Checking on Thai Visa I see that the causes include ever-increasing subsidised and deteriorating stock piles, Thai rice being too expensive on the world market and the rise of India and Vietnam as rivals.
The Exporters have never cared a damn for the farmers but are now predicting severe consequences for all concerned including the farmers.
Arid regions which produce a single crop yearly would be particularly badly hit. Given the fragile political situation obtaining at the moment I think Thailand does not need trouble in the rice fields.
The boys may come back but maybe not to scratch our backs.

July 29th, 2012, 15:45

I read this story a week ago. Interesting really that the government don't seem to able to get a handle on things. In fact, the current people in power are buying the the rice direct from the farmers at inflated prices which cut out the normal middlemen. The Rice Exporters are the middlemen and make vast profits on the back of the poor farmer. Of course the Rice Exporters are mainly owned by wealthy Thai/Chi families and now they are beginning to hurt. The govt have, in fact vast stockpiles of Rice (they are running out of space to store it) hoping that the prices will rise on the international market. Of course other countries are taking full advantage by taking away Thai market share in the global markets. It's all about buying votes of course! Take a quick look at the link:


July 29th, 2012, 17:40
Thanks for the link.
Right now this may seem to be another mundane political/economic issue but I see rice straws in the wind. Your link mentioned "sowing seeds of discontent" as a function of the present blanket subsidy and storage policy and I think this is so. It's physically and economically unsustainable and now the world Market has thwarted thailand's hopes of big profits.The millers can't cope, the rice is deteriorating and the tax payer will soon call a halt. In the end the farmers will be the long-term victims especially in single crop regions away from the Chao Praya such as in much of Issarn.

August 4th, 2012, 11:26
Yes, Vietnam is set to take over Thailand in rice production. I guess Thailand's rice is more expensive...and Vietnam is getting more rice per hectre than Thailand along with more modern techniques. The problem with Thailand right now is that the govenment (since I have been here the past 7 years) has been too busy changing the cabinet, constitution, attacking the other political party...and it is worse this year. The government right now is so busy pleasing Thaksin that it is neglecting helping the rice farmer (yes, promises are made), infrastructure, and the deep, deep, problem in the South which is out of control (I know, they are hoping it will just go away.-NOT)

August 4th, 2012, 15:52
The government right now is so busy pleasing Thaksin that it is neglecting helping the rice farmer (yes, promises are made), infrastructure, and the deep, deep, problem in the South which is out of control (I know, they are hoping it will just go away.-NOT)I hope you can give us more about this for me Thai politics is one group of corrupt generals and mafia politicians trying to squeeze more out of the country than the other mob how is Thkasin different is it just a question of scale or hes taken corruption to a place its never been before in the history of Thailand my impression is that the politicians who dont like him are the ones who hate the fact that hes got away with something they could only dream about and thats why they bad mouth him all the time theyre really all "same same".