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View Full Version : 19 year old european boy freelancer - any market in pattaya?

July 26th, 2012, 00:20

I'm a 19 year old norwegian guy that will be visiting thailand for 4 months, september - december. Have been thinking of earning some extra by doing some freelancing in Pattaya, but is there really a market for that with all thai guys available? Where would be the best place to pick up a "customer"?


July 26th, 2012, 04:40
Yes there is definitely a market. A big market actually. Assuming you're good looking and/or cute. The potential customers are European expats who get bored with rice (variety is the spice), Russian gay men (they often aren't into Asians at all), and even Thais. Post on gayromeo.com in the regular section for Thailand, not the escort section. Most of the Thais on the regular section are commercial, why should you be different? If you post on escort, much fewer people will ever see you. Do it now and the experts here can comment on your drool factor. Yes your value on the market is higher than a Thai. Supply and demand. You'd be more rare.

July 26th, 2012, 08:39
If you are good looking with the blue eyes and better yet, blond hair, you'll be busy in the commercial scene. I think I would get on Gay Romeo and introduce yourself and when someone contacts you ( and you find that person "do-able"), let the member know you are into the escort business. Many farangs may think you just want sex without money; whereas we farangs on Pattaya Gay Romeo soon learn that most of the Thai guys on Gay Romeo are money boys (even if they do not mention it on their post).

July 26th, 2012, 08:46
If you are attractive than you will do well.
If you are average looking with a big cock you will do well.

July 26th, 2012, 09:31
YES!!!!! by all means you will pay for your hotel, food and save some to boot and still be on holiday.
When I was in Pattaya in February I made friends with a 21 year old German boy, blond hair, blue eyes.
We met on gayromeo. I didn't hire him but we became fast friends. He enjoyed having someone who he
could have an evening off with. He happened to be bi so he had quite a bit of female clients who came on Asian
group tours, but his mainstay was Asian men on holidays and about 15% Thai.
He was a drop dead gorgeous hunk and I would have easily paid the rate but got a a free sample.
Go For It!!!!!

July 26th, 2012, 10:17

I agree with the rest.

If you happen to be blond-haired - blue-eyed - cute - slim - and a bit on the fem side - the best place to find a customer would be at the Forest House Bar/Sunee Plaza on October 2nd at 8::00 PM.

Happy Hunting!

July 26th, 2012, 11:31
Don't forget you'll meet mainly older gays that are not very rich. Do not expect to make a fortune.

July 26th, 2012, 11:41
Certainly worth a try... But I think you'd be unrealistic to expect many to cough up the amount of cash that they'd offer back in Norway or another developed country. After all, you'd be competing with Thai money boys who are quite happy with 1000 baht for a short time or 1500 overnight. And, whether deserved or not, those bored-with-Thai-boys ex-pats that might, as suggested above, be your main market do have a reputation for being "cheap Charlies".

July 26th, 2012, 12:01
If you are attractive than you will do well.

The correct word is "then".

July 26th, 2012, 12:44
If you like your donuts sweet and National Geograpic channel, plus only charge 500 Baht, you're on my list

July 26th, 2012, 15:03
I can vouch for the fact that there would be plenty of business for a 19yo Norwegian providing he is attractive - I remember a few years ago I brought a 17yo Scots boy on holiday with me - 5' 11, 75kg, very attractive, very slim, blond hair, 9" cut cock!

1st night in Thailand we went to Screw Boy bar in Patpong and I can tell you that the punters were far more interested in him than they were in anything on the stage. Had I been a pimp I could have hired him out many, many times over - and let me tell you this, when I rebuffed advances with the fabricated line "How dare you! That's my son, I'm his father!" not only did the offers continue but at an increased tariff!

I am happy to report that, despite his youthful good looks, whenever he found a Thai boy to take off, he had to pay like the rest of us!


July 26th, 2012, 15:04
I didn't mean to imply the value would be the same as Euro rates. But I do think the value is higher than for locals. I would estimate DOUBLE. The Charlies will just pass. He would be offering something special and there is no reason he shouldn't milk it.

July 26th, 2012, 15:14
Supposing you are who you say you are, you would be wasting your time money wise unless you can meet a well healed punter willing to be your sugar daddy.

July 26th, 2012, 15:31
Bollocks. It's more fun to freelance and have your freedom than being "owned" by a Daddy.
Some people will try to tell this guy that he needs to charge local rates because they want a taste and don't want to pay more! Too bad.
Hope he isn't a troll ... if so, this thread is really funny.

July 26th, 2012, 15:50
Have to agree with Narky - by my reading of his post, this blond Viking boy (it's all in the marketing!) is only looking to finance his trip through Thailand by turning a few tricks, he's not looking to be "owned"


July 26th, 2012, 16:16
well, it worked for NIrish Guy (who's no Adonis, I'm told) so why wouldn't it work for a cute blond Scandiwegian? :dontknow:

July 26th, 2012, 16:20
If the guy is very average looking or even on the ugly side he could still work being youthful and exotic for Thailand but then local rates may apply. :laughing3:

July 26th, 2012, 17:09
It didnt work for me. Short , spectacles and piff Helmet didnt do a thing to get me picked up . Still looks like a trip back to the Kyber Pass for some old camel trader again.

July 26th, 2012, 17:18
Never mind lovely boy - now that Khun Toi has left Le Cafe Royale, David may offer you a spot singing "Whispering Grass" for tips on a Tuesday night.


July 26th, 2012, 17:19
I'm over 50 and have gotten unsolicited offers here from Malaysians, Arabs, and Indians! A 19 year old Norwegian guy? Wow.

July 26th, 2012, 19:33
]I am happy to report that, despite his youthful good looks, whenever he found a Thai boy to take off, he had to pay like the rest of us!

Scotty...If you would have taken this cute 17 y/o mini-scotty to the karaoke's and disco's they (the gay Thai boys) would have got him off for free.

July 26th, 2012, 21:07
When our Norseboy Adonis posts on gayromeo, someone please post his username! Admit it. Y'all want to have a look, don't you?

July 26th, 2012, 22:52
While we are on the subject, I think Joe552 is Scandanavian - well I heard he's hung like a Norse.


July 26th, 2012, 22:56
don't give away ALL my secrets, scottish-guy :sign5:

July 26th, 2012, 23:05
Some of us would be much better off with a Nurse than a Norse!

July 26th, 2012, 23:20
I'm over 50 and have gotten unsolicited offers here from Malaysians, Arabs, and Indians! A 19 year old Danish guy? Wow.

I have to protest, Norway is not the same as Denmark.
You are an ignorant old fool Narak. :8(

The OP is from Norway, I am from Denmark and is Danish.

In Denmark we don't even call a danish for a danish, but a Wienerbr├╢d (Wien=Hauptstadt von ├Цsterreich) or sometimes The Bakers bad Eye, because there is some cream in the middle of it. Confused? :laughing3: :laughing3:

July 27th, 2012, 01:10
Freudian slip. Since corrected. I am very, very sorry for insulting that hottie from Sweden for suggesting he was a mere Dane and we are all awaiting to swoon over the Swedish prince in Pattaya with anxious anticipation! :party

July 27th, 2012, 01:25
... I am very, very sorry for insulting that hottie from Sweden for suggesting he was a mere Dane...

Narky, you are losing it big time - the boy in question is a Norwegian and not a Swede - which is, of course, similar to a turnip-Brassica napus napobrassica


July 27th, 2012, 01:29
I am batty tonight! I think I may just be Finnish with this thread. Or maybe not.

July 27th, 2012, 01:31
Ah, well never mind, I was used to it when I was a taxidriver.
When the cruiseships arrived in Copenhagen: Can you take us to where the polar bears are in their natural environment, is Santa Claus really from Greenland or Finland, now that we are here, can you drive us to Stockholm, and is Stockholm the main city of Denmark?

Don't get me wrong. I liked most of this people and some of them were big tippers.
Well we might be OT, but I have never understood, how people can be in let us say, Berlin, Copenhagen, Amsterdam one day each, and then think they have been there.

July 27th, 2012, 01:35
I've been to your crumby little country and I know perfectly well what country it is and what country it isn't. Nice sandwiches!

July 27th, 2012, 01:39
I am batty tonight!

I think with all this Viking talk you're just horny.


July 27th, 2012, 01:48
Oh, don't take is so seriously, I hope you understand a joke.
Well you can call our country small, because we are, but then again we have big cocks. :laughing3: :laughing3: oops at least some of us. :laughing3:

Wow what a great pic, I want to be a Viking and well.....horny.
You know we just took what we wanted, but today, I am happy not to be a violent Viking :hello2:

July 27th, 2012, 02:03
The Human Development Index (HDI) is a comparative measure of life expectancy, literacy, education, standards of living, and quality of life for countries worldwide. It is a standard means of measuring well-being, especially child welfare. It is used to distinguish whether the country is a developed, a developing or an underdeveloped country, and also to measure the impact of economic policies on quality of life.

#1 Norway
#10 Sweden
#14 Iceland
#16 Denmark
#22 Finland


#2 Australia
#4 USA
#7 Ireland
#9 Germany
#28 UK

July 27th, 2012, 04:59
How can the UK be 28th?

July 27th, 2012, 05:01
When do we get to see a PICTURE of the young Icelander? :bis:

July 27th, 2012, 05:07
That might well work. I once met a German of Turkish origin in Pattaya who claimed to be working as a money boy (part time on the weekend, during week he was studying in Bangkok, all unconfirmed, I only know for sure that he was around the gay scene and I met him on two consecutive holidays) for prices slightly higher than the locals (I don't remember how much, he was not special looking).

July 27th, 2012, 12:53
How can the UK be 28th?

Why would it not be?

If people stopped waving the Union Jack and singing "Rule Britannia", they might realise that the country is in a double-dip recession, totally insolvent, and floating in a sea of debt financed by a diminishing asset which it might lose almost completely after 2014.
Add to that one of the worst child-poverty levels in the industrialised world, approx 20% of adults with a literacy level below that of an 11yo, and life expectancy rated by the CIA Factbook as #28 - far below Israel and on a par with Jordan for example.

But never mind, last year we had a Royal Wedding, and this year a Diamond Jubilee and now the Olympics - Hip! Hip! Hooray!


July 27th, 2012, 13:03
The Human Development Index (HDI) is a comparative measure of life expectancy, literacy, education, standards of living, and quality of life for countries worldwide.
#1 Norway
#2 Australia
#4 USA
#7 Ireland
#9 Germany
#28 UK

How can the UK be 28th?

I suggest you read again the thread
"Where can you get an English breakfast?'

July 27th, 2012, 17:03
I'm a 19 year old norwegian guy that will be visiting thailand for 4 months, september - december
What type of Visa are you going to get for this wind up trip?

July 27th, 2012, 17:06
He could easily do that with a double entry tourist visa. Two entries of 60 days each. One visa run needed.

July 28th, 2012, 03:25
Agree with Scottish-Guy. In addition, the weather and the highest teenage pregnancy rate in Europe (?).

July 28th, 2012, 09:53
One thing this thread shows is how man negative people with very little to do, but post bullshit, hang out on this board

SoiVC Slut-old
July 28th, 2012, 10:00
One thing this thread shows is how man negative people with very little to do, but post bullshit, hang out on this board

So nice of you to take time from your busy schedule to chime in . :laughing3:

July 28th, 2012, 15:16
One thing this thread shows is how man negative people with very little to do, but post bullshit, hang out on this board

Now you mention it kjun12, it has struck me how much you are hanging around the forum lately.

July 28th, 2012, 16:00

How very dare you!

We travelled from Rentboys to World Economics in less than 24 hours!

You wouldn't get that on Gaybottom or Baht-Stup.

There's just no pleasing some people.


July 28th, 2012, 18:24
Bullshit? How very dare you!
Mea Coupa, Mea Coupa. It was said in a weak moment. I had slept with moon beams hitting my head.

July 29th, 2012, 07:31
Whats "mea coupa" I looked it up on the Internet and all i could find was "mea culpa" I thought kunt12 was an educated man so maybe he knows better.

July 29th, 2012, 07:45
When do we get to see a PICTURE of the young Icelander? :bis:

That's interesting. When do we start publicizing hookers on this or any other forum. I know some people are proud of their time as hookers, but isn't this just over the top?

July 29th, 2012, 07:48
For this forum?

Are you having a laugh?

Did you perhaps mistake this forum for the Church Ladies Club?

So you're not proud of your time peddling your arse? Were you bad at it?

July 29th, 2012, 08:12
That's interesting. When do we start publicizing hookers on this or any other forum. I know some people are proud of their time as hookers, but isn't this just over the top?

I don't see it as being over the top of anything. I just wish they would practice a bit more marketing savoy and include nude pics in their promo's.

SoiVC Slut-old
July 29th, 2012, 08:20
Maybe close to the time you started a thread about porno sites new-pattaya-gay-porn-165000-views-first-day-t26919.html (http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/new-pattaya-gay-porn-165000-views-first-day-t26919.html)


July 29th, 2012, 09:31
Maybe close to the time you started a thread about porno sites new-pattaya-gay-porn-165000-views-first-day-t26919.html (http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/new-pattaya-gay-porn-165000-views-first-day-t26919.html)

My post which was picked up by gay google outlets, got more publicity for Pattaya than anything Ive seen for a long time.

It was not me that filled the forum with claims that I was a callboy. The forum on that thread seemed to drag on for weeks.

July 29th, 2012, 09:39
I have had a chuckle over this whole deal.
It has been days now with no follow up post by our new member...asking if there is a market for a 19 year old white money boy in Pattaya.....
There is the wind up.....there is the pitch......too easy.

Anyone that believes the authenticity should perhaps ease off the sang som for a bit....


July 29th, 2012, 10:10
My sentiments :drug: exactly!

July 29th, 2012, 17:01
No, I don't believe it, but hey its still worth scanning gayromeo for new Pattaya profiles. Hope springs eternal.

July 30th, 2012, 05:50
Does it matter if the OP was real or sincere?

It was an interesting question which made for some interesting discussion. :-)

July 30th, 2012, 06:35
It has been days now with no follow up post by our new member...asking if there is a market for a 19 year old white money boy in Pattaya.....

It's not that simple. You/we assume that anyone that joins this website has not joined many others in their search for answers. Many people will join a host of websites and only return to those that they are comfortable with.

Before I came to Thailand I was all over the net asking questions and performing searches. Some websites were helpful and some were nasty. Some gave me bad advice and others advice was spot on.

Thailand attracts many first time visitors from every corner of the world and chances are they are not playing by our rules.

For some the question is if he was real or not? For me, I found his question to be a good one but it was my fellow posters answers that I was more interested in.

August 1st, 2012, 11:40
I know an escort boy (Mexican living in London) on a short holidays in Bangkok who used GayRomeo to get some customers here. His GR profile did not really hide the fact that he was an escort boy and, once, one of his customer happened to be an undercover policeman waiting for him together with some colleagues. No gangbang followed, just a huge "fine" to be allowed to walk free.

August 1st, 2012, 13:18
I know an escort boy (Mexican living in London) on a short holidays in Bangkok who used GayRomeo to get some customers here. His GR profile did not really hide the fact that he was an escort boy and, once, one of his customer happened to be an undercover policeman waiting for him together with some colleagues. No gangbang followed, just a huge "fine" to be allowed to walk free.Sounds like another urban myth.

August 1st, 2012, 13:30
Undercover bkk police entrapping foreign escort boys...?


Makes no sense at all to me. But then again, porn and dildos beig illegal makes no sense to me either...

August 1st, 2012, 13:59
Why? Is escorting illegal in Thailand? It's legal hee in Australia. Thats crazy there are so many prostitutes there the country is full of them.

August 1st, 2012, 14:01
No, but a non-Thai working without a work permit is illegal.

August 1st, 2012, 14:27
Narky is correct in the second part of his answer but wrong in the first part.

Prostitution (which is exactly the activity this "Escort" was carrying out) is illegal in Thailand - and at any age btw.


August 1st, 2012, 14:31
Narky is correct in the second part of his answer but wrong in the first part.

Prostitution (which is exactly the activity this "Escort" was indulging in) is illegal in Thailand - and at any age btw.

:occasion9:Yes of course but not enforced. Foreigners working illegally is enforced.

August 1st, 2012, 14:35
That may indeed be so, but BrisbaneGuy asked a specific question.

August 8th, 2012, 04:16
There's a fortune to be made by white boys in foreign countries if they find a "protector". There's a Sultan of a Gulf State who has strapping young British soldiers on his personal staff and I understand some of those blond flight attendants make a small fortune on their backs when they fly to the Middle East. I even heard a story about a young American who became bum boy to a Thai VIP twenty or so years ago and has flourished in Thailand.

August 8th, 2012, 05:29
I even heard a story about a young American who became bum boy to a Thai VIP twenty or so years ago and has flourished in Thailand.

You're correct - but he's barely recognisable these days - much older and much less svelte - he owns a GoGo bar in Soi 2 now...."Happy" something or other.


August 8th, 2012, 06:07
OOOOOwwww! That done did hurt!!

August 8th, 2012, 06:32
This whole thread is damm funny :bounce: :bounce:

August 9th, 2012, 04:19
I once was at the gay beach with two Farang friends and one of them chatted up an Eastern European (in his 30s?), they exchanged phone numbers and he (Farang friend, in his 50s or 60s) called him (the Eastern European) while still in sight on the beach and did some sweet talk. So there is Farang-Farang hook-up for pay possible.

August 9th, 2012, 05:19
So there is Farang-Farang hook-up for pay possible.

hmmmmm.... :thk:

Maybe my trip won't be nearly as expensive as I thought it would be....

August 9th, 2012, 12:02
I even heard a story about a young American who became bum boy to a Thai VIP twenty or so years ago and has flourished in Thailand.

You're correct - but he's barely recognisable these days - much older and much less svelte - he owns a GoGo bar in Soi 2 now...."Happy" something or other.

Oh, what a wicked pen you have.