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View Full Version : Where's the best Full English breakfast in Pattaya?

July 25th, 2012, 18:16
I was inspired by an entry on Gay Affairs Pattaya's Blog, to look for the best English Breakfast in town. It's hard to find a good one in Pattaya. Getting the flavour of the sausage right is one problem for a start. Frying eggs well isn't that easy for Thai cooks. I'm after suggestions of places to try and visit. I'll collect them all and publish results of "taste tests" as I go along.

So far on the list I have:
Pig & Whistle Second Road Soi 7
Palmers in Boyztown
Canterbury Tales in Soi Chaiaprook? (They have black pudding as part of the feast - YUMMY)
Sea Fresh in Thapraya near Soi 7.

If anyone has any other ideas of places to try, please let me know. it would help if you can tell me where they are too. The requirement is for the place to do a "Full English", with sausage etc.

Assuming my waistline and wallet can stand it, I'll report back when I can!


Breakfast at Palmers - thanks to Gay Affairs Pattaya - 155B with a mug of tea.

July 25th, 2012, 18:46
Being right across the street from Palmers and I have never done their English Breakfast and that looks good!

July 25th, 2012, 19:18
Pattaya beer garden on pier at end of beech road where it joins walking street...breakfast is good there

July 26th, 2012, 00:39
When in Pattaya, I have a cooked English breakfast with a couple of English friends nearly every day. Each of us has our own idea of what constitutes a good breakfast and there is animated discussion every morning as to where we should eat. The Coffee Club on the ground floor of Royal Garden Plaza and the Caf├й Royale in Pattayaland Soi 3 get more repeat breakfast business than other establishments from us. Apart from the food and service, both venues offer an air-conditioned, smoke-free eating area, and a comfortable fan-cooled area outside for the smokers to enjoy an after-breakfast cigarette and coffee.

July 26th, 2012, 00:54
I really like the breakfast at the coffee shop in Baan Dok Mai Guesthouse, Pattaya. I think they have some of the best bacon I have ever seen and tasted in Thailand. Not too fat, but crispy.
Well, I don't remember if I ordered a "full english" breakfast, but I am sure you can get it.

July 26th, 2012, 01:09
My vote goes to Palmers - other places in Thailand often do not offer a proper sausage and the bacon is often very fatty!
Palmer offers a good fat banger and meaty bacon, and a good sized mug of hot tea.

Having said that, the English breakfast (like everything else English) is decidedly inferior to the Scottish variety which comprises up to 3 courses:

1. Porridge - made with real oats, not that instant stuff which looks and tastes like wallpaper paste. The only permissible addition is SALT - certainly not sugar or honey or jam etc! If you are taking the breakfast experience seriously, it is de rigueur to enjoy a nip of malt whisky with your porridge - hence when top-end hotels in Scotland offer a buffet type breakfast you'll find a bottle of malt whisky positioned by the porridge pot - it's not just for show and the great news is the whisky in such situations is FREE!
2. Smoked haddock/smoked salmon with poached or scrambled egg.
3. Cooked breakfast as the "Full English" - but minus the baked beans and with the addition of black pudding, white pudding, often a square or flat sausage instead of a"link", and always a fried potato scone.

Unfortunately, nowhere is this offered in Pattaya and although there is a Scottish bar near the Paradise Centre in Phuket I doubt he offers the real thing as he is from Edinburgh :duel:

Now if DaBoss wishes to start a Scottish Breakfast club, I am available for hire and work cheap! :evil4:


July 26th, 2012, 01:55
English Breakfast you say? Which I now see is different than typical USA breakfast. I can only say that serving eggs sunny side up should have a yolk to dip and not cooked through.Scrambled eggs should be light and fluffy and yellow. Throw away that ham slice or whatever it is and that tasteless this that is called a sausage. Find bacon that isn't crispy and boring but chewy and awesome. Toast that arrives hot and buttered along with jelly that you don't have to peel apart. How about orange juice that comes from an orange. Oh yes...home fries...moist and slightly crunchy with appropriate seasoning already How about a cup of coffee that does not burn out your insides and a napkin not the size of a postage stamp...maybe the whole sheet.
Let's see what else.Of course a cute server and lots of customers inside, like me, who are really enjoying our fare. What does it cost. No idea but it would be nice to find that place along the roadway and not in some hotel setting. Maybe that is what I will do should I decide to open up shop and not need to make a cent but to provide a great breakfast that most would love to have regularly.

Now where do I click to get out of this Fantacy Land page. :dontknow:


July 26th, 2012, 01:59
During my recent holiday, I often ate at the Baywatch Diner on Beach Road (Walking St. end). Scrambled eggs and crispy bacon, good coffee and a nice view of the sea. A good way to start the day.

July 26th, 2012, 02:54
During my recent holiday, I often ate at the Baywatch Diner on Beach Road (Walking St. end). Scrambled eggs and crispy bacon, good coffee and a nice view of the sea. A good way to start the day.

I've often eaten there and find it good for quick food - but for their Breakfast or their Sausage & Mash, they serve "fake" sausages (almost like a bloated frankfurter - not what would be considered a pork or beef "sausage" anywhere in the UK).


July 26th, 2012, 02:57
never had their sausages, scottish-guy, so can't comment. but it's more the location I like rather than it being a great breakfast.

July 26th, 2012, 03:03
Well i must admit i had Breakfast at poisidon maybe spelled wrong , in jomtien,although it was a little more expencive,they serveda first class buffet ,english anything you wanted really and at 300 baht i thought it was well worth it ,free refills,and a lot of choice of food ,i can highly recomend it .

July 26th, 2012, 05:01
Papa Davids for me or Le Cafe Royale..
Both great.

July 26th, 2012, 07:18
Papa David does an excellent breakfast and offers a huge choice English, Swiss, Frence, German ect. Not sure if they offer salty porridge though SG...yuk. If you are biked up then Bon Cafe on the road to Na Klua is wonderful and you get a choice of their delicious coffees.

July 26th, 2012, 08:08
A couple details about breakfast in Thailand.... Many places serve bacon hardly cooked. If you want crispy bacon, you have to say: "sook, sook" (means well cooked). Next, when you see the word "sausage" as part of the breakfast, it is most likely a hotdog. Many times the coffee is instant.

July 26th, 2012, 10:14
Well i must admit i had Breakfast at poisidon maybe spelled wrong , in jomtien,although it was a little more expencive,they serveda first class buffet ,english anything you wanted really and at 300 baht i thought it was well worth it ,free refills,and a lot of choice of food ,i can highly recomend it .

It's 199 bahts.

PS : I am not Oskar, but stay there now.

July 26th, 2012, 10:23
Rich Man-Poor Man's: Soi 9 Jomtien...# 1

Pig & Whistle a close second.

July 26th, 2012, 11:49
Thanks to everyone for the suggestions. I started off today at the Cafe Royale.

I've made a full report on the blog at blog/NickysGayPattaya/the_best_full_english_b-437.html (http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/blog/NickysGayPattaya/the_best_full_english_b-437.html)

But here's a picture to get your juices going


The current list of extra places to try is
Palmers in Boyztown
Canterbury Tales in Soi Chaiaprook? (They have black pudding as part of the feast тАУ YUMMY)
Sea Fresh in Thapraya near Soi 7.
Pattaya Beer Garden on pier at end of beach road
Baan Dok Mai Guesthouse, Day/Night
Baywatch Diner on Beach Road (Walking St. end).
Papa Davids by the Hanuman statue in Jomtien
The Coffee Club on the ground floor of Royal Garden Plaza
Rich Man-Poor Man's: Soi 9 Jomtien

Thanks to everyone who has taken the time and trouble suggesting places. If anyone has any more please keep posting



July 26th, 2012, 18:44
Perhaps if Dave from
Daves ( formally months) is reading this thread this is something he could work on, get "perfect" in terms of ingredients and how it's prepared etc ( as of course he would be cooking it himself) and could maybe build up a name for himself as THE best English ( or Irish for that matter) breakfast in pattaya?

But now to really put the cat among the pigedons - the BIG unanswered question - should the perfect english / irish ( ok and scots :-) have beans on it or not !!??? :-)

July 26th, 2012, 19:02
...should the perfect english / irish ( ok and scots :-) have beans on it or not !!??? :-)

English & Irish Breakfasts ought to have beans - a Scottish breakfast ought not to include beans.

And BTW - since you totally excluded them, you better steer clear of the WELSH - who have their own breakfast variation which is the sames as English/Irish (except with Welsh produce) and additionally includes cooked and minced seaweed aka Laverbread together (sometimes) with cockles.


July 26th, 2012, 19:19
But surely the beans need to be Heinz (yes, I know it's an American company) not those awful biG but comparatively tasteless things that you get in Thailand and that are shown in the photo above?

Beanz meanz Heinz was not only a very effective slogan but was actually true.

July 26th, 2012, 23:12
MAGS on Theppassit Rd gives you a genuine English breakfast prepared under the watchful eye of a genuinely friendly English lady. I think she has changed to a new location on the road recently.
PAPA DAVID'S in Jomtien is hard to beat, though I had to beat off a lady boy waiter when I brought a starved but stunning Cambodian in there fresh from a local building site.
POSIDON serves a running buffet style breakfast with eggs and sausages cooked to order, good value and delicious if you're prepared to tip toe and mince around and constantly duck to avoid the purple/scarlet hanging table lamps.

July 26th, 2012, 23:33
I've heard reported that a dish called the ULSTER FRY exists. From what I hear it's probably just as well it hasn't come to Thailand as it packs a mega load of artery choking, heart stopping ingredients but sounds like just the thing after a heavy night on the Soi .....Soi Bucow of course.

July 27th, 2012, 02:07
...a dish called the ULSTER FRY exists..

I refuse to get into this!


July 27th, 2012, 02:16
I think the Ulster fry has something called soda farls, which are a kind of bread - but I'm open to be corrected on that. Personally, I don't believe beans belong on a breakfast plate, but I know others like them.

July 27th, 2012, 02:23
Beans, Beans, they're good for your heart -
The more you eat, the more you fart -
The more you fart, the better you feel -
So eat those beans with every meal!

July 27th, 2012, 02:24
who would have thunk it? health advice from a Scot? :sign5:

July 27th, 2012, 02:25
I think the Ulster fry has something called soda farls, which are a kind of bread - but I'm open to be corrected on that. Personally, I don't believe beans belong on a breakfast plate, but I know others like them.

I am with you on this one, beans will make your fart smell terrible.

July 27th, 2012, 02:28
thanks for your support, but I'm like the Queen - I never fart - it's SO common. :sign5:

July 27th, 2012, 02:43
thanks for your support, but I'm like the Queen - I never fart - it's SO common. :sign5:

Oh well, well, even a Queen has to fart sometimes ;-)

July 27th, 2012, 02:46
wrong again - one has staff to do that sort of thing :occasion9:

July 27th, 2012, 09:10
A couple details about breakfast in Thailand.... Many places serve bacon hardly cooked. If you want crispy bacon, you have to say: "sook, sook" (means well cooked). Next, when you see the word "sausage" as part of the breakfast, it is most likely a hotdog. Many times the coffee is instant.

Too funny....and makes me so happy I stay with "local" food during my visits. Hot dog, instant coffee, and raw bacon.

:pukeright: :pukeleft:

Now, granted I am just an ignorant yank and as such, should have no opinion on a proper English Breakfast...but I am curious.
For those that live in Thailand...or maybe are on extended visits....what percentage of the time do you eat local versus falang food / tastes of home?

EDIT: looks like daBoss (rightfully) started a new thread for me about Thai vs falang food so as not to hijack this one. Many thanks....

July 27th, 2012, 12:34
thanks for your support, but I'm like the Queen - I never fart - it's SO common. :sign5:

Oh well, well, even a Queen has to fart sometimes ;-)

As Joe552 says, he would never do such a positively vulgar thing - he is so refined, he"pharts"

I hear he is also fond of the occassional "phuq"

July 27th, 2012, 14:21
Papa David's today. I'm going to have a rest over the weekend, and start again next week. I'll keep publishing the results on my blog here - blog/NickysGayPattaya (http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/blog/NickysGayPattaya) rather than keeping this thread going

You can read what I thought of Papa David's here - blog/NickysGayPattaya/breakfast_with_papa_b-438.html (http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/blog/NickysGayPattaya/breakfast_with_papa_b-438.html) but as before, to whet your appetite, here's the main picture


New places that have been suggested to me:
Maggs in Thepprasit
Lindas, Thappraya near the Hanuman Statue
Question Mark Bar

These add to
Pig & Whistle Second Road Soi 7
Palmers in Boyztown
Canterbury Tales in Soi Chaiaprook? (They have black pudding as part of the feast тАУ YUMMY)
Sea Fresh in Thapraya near Soi 7.
Pattaya Beer Garden on pier at end of beach road
Baan Dok Mai Guesthouse, Day/Night
Baywatch Diner on Beach Road (Walking St. end).
The Coffee Club on the ground floor of Royal Garden Plaza
Rich Man-Poor ManтАЩs: Soi 9 Jomtien

Thanks again to all who have posted places to visit. I've not added the Bistro Oscar (Poseidon) as they don't do a full English (I checked this morning). This list isn't closed - if anyone wants to suggest anywhere new ...

July 27th, 2012, 16:20
I try to eat as much Thai food as poss..but sometimes i need a few home comforts and when you are away nothing tastes better than a English breakfast

July 27th, 2012, 17:13
Canned beans with too much sugar.
Orange juice that is sugar water.
White bread with lots of sugar.
Cheap ham and sausages.
Sugar fruit spread (jam).
Coffee that tastes like from a school cafeteria
OK, eggs are eggs.
Such gourmets here!

July 27th, 2012, 21:41
A friend suggested Linda's so we gave it a try. Small portions but the food was very good, service excellent, linen table cloths and napkins. Both the American and English breakfasts were 124 baht. The smokers can do their thing out on veranda and others can sit in air-conditioned comfort inside.

Thai Dyed
July 27th, 2012, 23:27
This is what I consider to be flawlessly fried eggs and very hard to find in Asia outside your own kitchen:
[attachment=2:1ebyuyc6]perfect fried eggs.jpg[/attachment:1ebyuyc6]

And here are perfectly poached eggs which I photographed at my favourite breakfast place in BKK with bacon fried exactly the way I like it:
[attachment=1:1ebyuyc6]Perfect poached eggs.jpg[/attachment:1ebyuyc6]

My favourite store bought baked beans are from America. I wonder if anyone has ever seen this brand available anywhere in Bangkok or elsewhere in Thailand?
[attachment=0:1ebyuyc6]Baked beans.jpg[/attachment:1ebyuyc6]

July 28th, 2012, 01:04
I have to say those eggs look absolutely delicious.


July 28th, 2012, 01:14
I have to say those eggs look absolutely delicious.

Seconded. They've got a quality of genitalia as well.