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View Full Version : Thai boi fooled me!

July 24th, 2012, 11:29
There is no place like Thailand. I'm convinced of this after trying to find massage men here in America.

Only traveling once a year to LOS, one catches an ich to have a fling with a hot asian man. So off to Back Pages.com I go. I spot a real hottie!, looks Korean from the photos and he is located in the heart of little Korea in Manhatten New York. So I call and set up a meet on the weekend. Take the train and call him when I get there....one problem, he is in Queens at the moment(suburb in NY). Wasted three hours or so of travel etc.
I get a text asking when we will hook up from the same guy. I fall in love with the eight photos he has on the net and he text me! On my way! OMG...to my surprise he turns out to be a chub, nothing to do with the "photos"!

I tell him such without much response, but I decide to make the best of it after all the ordeal getting there on the subway. I ask if he is Korean..."no I'm Thai". Yes a Thai from Chang Mai, working on his green card. Ok, i try to make it work but lose my woodie. This calls for my last kamagra I brought back from LOS. No luck and call it a day! The massage part in the begining wasn't that bad though. Leave it to a Thai to instintivly give a good massage!

Not one to give up I arrange a meeting with *** Lee. Must be Chinese, only one photo, but a good one! I sandwich this meeting with two Shonen Knife shows in the area. Oh yeah Shonen Knife is the most awesome three girl Japanese group you could ever see live! They sing real girly stuff about food and animals but they are loud and melodic.

If a teen is coming out to his parents, all he must do is say he likes Shonen Knife, because no macho guy would ever admit that they like this group. A lot of gays love them. And since I posted that awful morbid video of the Philipino doctor getting murdered, I'll make it very happy with this SK video http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pl ... stKY3mmDVI (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=astKY3mmDVI) The Japanese boys in the video will have to wait for another ten years or so.

I'm driving my car this time around the city and call *** Lee on the cell. I have to wait as he is at Home Depot with a friend trying to get rid of the bed bugs. Finally I arive at his small room and he is half Philipino and Chinese. Very nice mix and the Chinese side prevailed as he is uncut...a nice plus in my eyes. Oh...and he looked almost as good as his photo. The massage had very quickly evolved into more fun. He massaging me while he knelt next to me allowing me to grope his sexy bodie in the most sordid ways...mmmm delightful.

But I choose not to orgasm as I have a full day in the city and have the number of a real hot korean for the next day in Manhatten. I hug him goodbye and think I might stay in touch with this cutie.

The show in Brooklyn that night is awesome as usual with Shonen Knife and when I arrive back at my hotel I call the Korean guy's number. "hello" . Yes I'm calling about your add in Backpage? "Sorry you have wrong number".
I try again the next day and get a voicemail that never gets returned. Yikes...should have made the most of it with my Chinese friend! Oh well...Thailand isn't too far off!

July 25th, 2012, 03:30
I gave up looking for sex in Europe.

July 25th, 2012, 12:28
So Europe is not much better sounds like. Please lord, bring me to paradise....but turn down the heat. There's global warming going on.

July 25th, 2012, 15:08
I gave up looking for sex in Europe.

Well you can't have looked very far Christian - Berlin, Hamburg, Prague, Amsterdam, Brussels, Barcelona, Madrid, Sofia, Bucharest, (and many more) all have rent scenes. Plus there are GR encounters to be had throughout Europe.

Sure there's not the choice that you find in Thailand, the price is higher, and the boys may be more business-like - but it's all there and it seems everything is available - especially in Berlin where there are some really kinky people, as I have described before:

...Berlin has a long history of decadence and of catering for all tastes but at about 11am one day in Blue Boy I saw something that surprised even me. A Norwegian guy of about 20 stones walked right in and announced loudly "I look for boy for scat fun"- and a boy was produced immediately! Even in Pattaya I think they might struggle with that one...


July 25th, 2012, 15:20
It is with deep regret that I have to say to you Scottish that you are unfortunately incorrect. It was more wide spread (pardon the pun, like Jiffy peanut butter, than I ever imagined! And let's leave it to that unless my members would like it continued. :kap:

July 25th, 2012, 15:55
Well, I obviously lead a more sheltered life than I believed!

July 25th, 2012, 22:52
Even in Pattaya I think they might struggle with that one...

Not really scottish-guy; seek and ye shall find. Having said that I will refrain for fear of banishment.

July 26th, 2012, 03:09
Well you can't have looked very far Christian - Berlin, Hamburg, Prague, Amsterdam, Brussels, Barcelona, Madrid, Sofia, Bucharest, (and many more) all have rent scenes. Plus there are GR encounters to be had throughout Europe.

No, I haven't. But I can make an estimation: I am into far-East and South-East Asians age 18-28. They are not abundant in Europe. On Gay Pride Paris 2012, I saw 4 (in words: four) that fit my specifications. An encounter with someone who fits my specifications and I his in Europe is as unprobable as getting hit by a lightning.

In Europe, I would not consider the rent scene. In Thailand yes, it is far cheaper and with a different currency (1000 Baht sounds less than 25 Euro, I would never pay 25 Euro for sex!).

That leaves Gayromeo and gay saunas. There are a few Asians (and Blacks) on Gayromeo in Paris who look attractive, and which I contacted, but no reply. There are several gay saunas in Paris, among them Sun City, the largest gay sauna in Europe according to their advertising. I went five times (entry 20 Euro at the weekend, and there is no guarantee that you get laid for that, in Thailand I can get laid cheaper) but there was little to my taste.

(And if someone is interested: I have saved the first four pages of the infamous "poo thread" from another forum on my harddrive. Just a fragment, but maybe the most complete written record that's left.)

July 26th, 2012, 04:59
Christian!! You saved the first 4 pages of the infamous poo thread??!!

You know that dinner invite? Gee I really am sorry but I just realized I had made another commitment that night. Maybe next time, sorry poopsie. :idea1:

Ouch! I mean shit! Opps I mean sorry guy. :nknw: