View Full Version : Are Japanese sexually more "odd"

July 18th, 2012, 22:57
I came across this clip on youtube about a Japanese bath house, having boys as back washers.


Edited DaBoss

July 18th, 2012, 23:02
I don't think that back washing thing is probably OK in Japanese culture.
Back to the question. YES! Japanese are the kinkiest people on the planet! Lots of obsession on domination, rape fantasies, hilarious high tech sex toys, etc.
Thailand on the other hand is one the least kinky countries on the planet. I prefer something in the middle. I think Thailand is way too vanilla!

edited DaBoss

July 18th, 2012, 23:20
give the Japanese uniforms , bondage, or nylon spandex and they're turned on...

July 18th, 2012, 23:56
Without seeing a translation and seeing the young guys dressed I don't see any sexual connection, as they have a long tradition of public bath houses.

edited DaBoss

July 19th, 2012, 00:13
Looking at this I see nothing sexual and will not delete it. Some of the boys are going to be stunners when they turn 18. Wash my back any day. What I see is just more of the Asian cuture where the young take care of the older and not shuffle them off to dozens of old age homes like USA people do!

July 19th, 2012, 00:33
Yep, there is no connection between the bathing house thing and Japanese kinkiness.

July 19th, 2012, 02:12
They are very kinky. Just go to xtube and see. Edited DaBoss

July 19th, 2012, 02:19
I visited Seoul last year and attached to our hotel was a bathhouse very similar to what was shown in clip (myself and BF laughed so much at how we looked (totally ridiculous ) sitting on those small plastic chairs
There were backwashers there (youngish yes ) but there was nothing remotely sexual in their presence--it was just a part of the bathhouse facilities etc

July 19th, 2012, 02:36
From a small sampling I agree that Japanese porn is weird. I wonder who buys porn where the genitals are pixelated. And that there is usually one guy who wear goggles for swimming (or diving or skiing?), and does not take them off for the entire movie, puzzles me.

July 19th, 2012, 03:10
I wonder who buys porn where the genitals are pixelated.

If my dick was only 2 inches long I'd have it pixelated too.

July 19th, 2012, 03:33
I thought those guys were hot - and those young boys (as DaBoss says) will be stunners when they're older :sign5:

only ever been with one Japanese guy (here in Dublin) and as Dodger intimates, he was small for his age

July 19th, 2012, 04:38
not only the Japanese...watch the viewings here rise from 150 through the roof.

July 19th, 2012, 04:58
deleted DaBoss
"The national age of consent in Japan is 13 as specified by the Japanese Penal Code Articles 176 and 177.[33][dead link] However, prefectures can have ordinances that prohibit sexual activities with any minor under 18.[34]

тАШRapeтАЩ, Art. 177 Penal Code \'A person who, through violence or intimidation, has sexual intercourse with a female person of not less than thirteen (13) years of age commits the crime of rape and shall be punished with imprisonment at forced labour for a limited term of not less than two years. The same shall apply to a person who has sexual intercourse with a female person under thirteen (13) years of age.\'[35]

'Indecency through compulsion', Art. 176 Penal Code \'A person who, through violence or intimidation, commits an indecent act upon a male or female person of not less than thirteen (13) years of age shall be punished with imprisonment at forced labour for not less than six months nor more than seven years. The same shall apply to a person who commits an indecent act upon a male or female person under thirteen (13) years of age."


Nevertheless, I prefer them 25 to 35 years old and doing a bit more than scrubbing my back :pottytrain1:

July 19th, 2012, 08:13
I have seen my share of Japanese gay porn, and agree with Narakmak re the fantasies portyayed.
Power, control, bondage, torture, rape all seem to be recurrent themes.
It is harder to find a more 'normal' one, which follows more Western porn styles.

Is this what the Japanese are really like, or is it what the moviemakers think is wanted?
I admit that I have no idea, and others will have more knowledge than me.

July 19th, 2012, 08:17
From a small sampling I agree that Japanese porn is weird. I wonder who buys porn where the genitals are pixelated. And that there is usually one guy who wear goggles for swimming (or diving or skiing?), and does not take them off for the entire movie, puzzles me.

I had always believed that it was to disguise the appearance.

Many actors may have regular lives/work, unlike Western porn actors who are more upfront about their work, and maybe full-time staff.

The degree of pixelation varies a lot between different movies.

July 19th, 2012, 11:57
There is a small proportion of porn actors - almost all in the US - who can make a living over a long period from their work.

For the rest, after they debut as a new face, do the rounds of studios and if lucky get a lot of work in a very short space of time, porn is merely an occasional - and often just a one-off - supplement to a regular job.

In many years working in the business, out of many, many unpixilated performers I have known, only two have ever subsequently asked for their images to be removed from the Internet.

July 19th, 2012, 12:34
Having lived in Japan for a couple of years and visited the country more than 50 times before and since, I can tell you that vdo has absolutely nothing to do with sex - or indeed anything even remotely gay or sexual. Until relatively recently, most Japanese would bathe in public bath houses (some, especially older ones, still do). In these, walking around totally naked is 100% the norm. Also, the etiquette of bathing dictates that every inch of the body has to be soaped and scrubbed before getting in to one of several large baths. Older people have difficulty scrubbing their backs - and it is not uncommon for younger staff to be employed to do that. Often, these are kids still at school who will do this for pocket money before and after school - rather like kids do paper rounds in the west. Also, in the west we tend to equate nudity in anything remotely like a bathhouse or sauna with sex. Few Japanese would have equated the two until very, very recently.

As for Japanese porn, there was a thread about this on another forum. Perhaps because Japanese grow up in a very regulated society, one in which the group has total precedence over the individual, and one where there is so little habitable land that families have for centuries had to live on top of each other, children are brought up to understand not to see what they are seeing and not to hear what they are hearing. For that reason, men will happily read pornographic manga books going to work on the subway in the presence of women and children. But those women and children will not register the fact - they see but do not see. That is the culture.

Because the society is so regulated, it is less easy for many Japanese to express themselves sexually compared to those in the west. So porn is a huge business. Prostitution alone represents between 1% and 3% of GDP!! ThatтАЩs more than Japan spends on its entire defense forces! Add in a huge pornography business, and that figure certainly jumps to over 5%. If that sounds a lot, then it is perhaps sobering to realise that prostitution alone in the Netherlands accounts for a full 5% of GDP!

As for kinky sex vdos, there are more than enough тАЬordinaryтАЭ vdos to satisfy most tastes, and I reckon some of the guys in the gay vdos are as beautiful as any I have seen. Many are far more gentle in their portrayal of sex than quite of few more aggressive American/South American/European produced vdos. Yes there is pixilation of the genitals, but that is a legal issue and there is not much that can be done about it until the law changes. Producers are certainly now pushing the envelope and many more recent vdos have pixilation that is almost clear.

That said, there is certainly a market in the country for more extreme forms of sadistic porn. I could hazard all sorts of guesses as to why this should be, but I find them loathsome and have no desire to try and explain them away. As for masks sometimes being used, this has nothing to do with recognition or lack thereof of the actor. It relates more to a type of Japanese Theatre where fate-type characters appear in masks - not unlike some Greek drama. Cultural tradition once again.

July 19th, 2012, 13:38
haha...couldn't help but laugh at the assumption being made.
The video is saying that 270 primary and middle school students visited 50 public baths in the Edogawa area of Tokyo on Respect for the Aged Day. The kids are all volunteers and the idea is to forge bonds between the young and the old. They do this every year.

Fountainhall is 100% correct in everything he wrote.

Sasuga Fountainhall. Yoku wakatta!

July 19th, 2012, 15:18
a447-san, domo arrigato gozaimasu :occasion5:

July 19th, 2012, 19:16
to Christ and others:
what he likely means is the pix on po-DVDs (bought in TH) are ''remade''-in JPn they need by censor to be disguised-and then some clever guy tries to undo that. I too have several at home.
BUT; most of it is utter boring-no special acts-all same format, very slow, and even more funny: a sample DVD ith 5-6 scnes all have the same dark-glassed man doing the deed-on athlete boys of noone seemed to like it much.
JPNse str8 porn is indeed very kinky and different from US-style.

Thai Dyed
July 19th, 2012, 19:45
I hope the news report was about closing them, but I do not speak Japanese.

While admitting you are totally clueless about the story you are already condemning the people in the news story and calling the enitre Japanese culture "odd". And I thought The Westboro Baptist Church was bad. Here's someone just as nutty in our own midst. On top of that, even if your psychopathic projection into the situation were true, the subject is banned by the rules of this forum. Too bad DaBoss can't ban the crazies who write here just as easily.

July 20th, 2012, 00:26
Ronthai - you really have to tell us why you consider having a young boy doing something as mundane as washing your back could be in any way sexual.


July 20th, 2012, 01:46
Scottishguy, I think the American football coach, Jerry Sandusky, at Penn State Univ would agree with you.

July 20th, 2012, 10:00
What is rather amusing about the assumption of the OP is that not only is this clearly a news story on a public TV channel, everyone in the vdo is smiling. Even without a knowledge of Japanese (and mine is basic at best), it is hardly the stuff of porn.

in JPn they need by censor to be disguised-and then some clever guy tries to undo that . . . BUT; most of it is utter boring-no special acts-all same format
The law is clearly outdated because in Japan you can actually purchase little gizmos that will undo the pixilation!

Pong is correct about content - despite the cute guys (and girls), a huge percentage is just repetitive and plain boring. There are a few exceptions, and they can be very 'stimulating' - like the Field studio series "Surf, Surf Revolution".

July 21st, 2012, 00:35
Earlier posts were either deleted or edited because they accuse a public media of filming an illegal act. Not knowing the language and assuming what is being said or reported on would very possibly considered libel. Please take care. DaBoss

July 21st, 2012, 01:34
May I note one thing. Japanese gay sex is VERY vanilla indeed. They love and do it more romantic way. That's why they dream of some kinky action. If you come to Japan looking for unusual pattern, you will be disappointed. Drop by gai-sen-hatten-ba (potato queen cruising area) in Tokyo and you will see.

fountainhall-sama, a447-sama, nihon no gay wo ko'u'i teki ni gorikai itadaki totemo ureshi'i desu. Arigato'u gozaimasu.

July 21st, 2012, 02:27
Ronthai - you really have to tell us why you consider having a young boy doing something as mundane as washing your back could be in any way sexual.


MR. Scot,

My best guess is you GOT IT !!! Of course the youtube video had NOTHING to do with the Title or Topic..

I am just VERY VERY surprised about the number of, and happily surprised, of the responses..

Most 90% of the regulars ignore me, good for them, I would also ignore me.

Now why the TOPIC, which made No sence to the Video.

:angry5: :banghead: :binky:

OK, let's imaging that video would have been made in >>> EASY .... Thailand (impossible USA or Europe) <<<,
could you imaging the responses, because it would be a P.d. place.

My guess is less reponds, more where is the sauna !!!! If it would be USA or Europe.


Now, A 18- boy (or girl) would be washing your back and he or she is your son/daughter.
IN USA or Europe and your wife would see it.

I REST my case, that is and was why I posted this.
I apolagize to the posters that where ....... WHATEVER !!!

I DO NOT apologize to the reply posters WHOM looked at the YouTube clip, because there was/is an UNDERAGE boy SHIRTLESS. :bis:


because you and me stay/live in Thailand, so we all most be P.d.



July 21st, 2012, 02:32
Finally, some clarity on the subject - thank you, ronthai :dontknow:

July 21st, 2012, 03:20
Thank you Joe,

Guess you got it also.

Let me give you this >>> :love4:

July 21st, 2012, 03:34
thanks, ronthai - good to see sarcasm is still appreciated :occasion9:

July 21st, 2012, 04:07
I love a good HONEST sarcasm,

there is not enough of that going around. :withstupid:


Thai Dyed
July 21st, 2012, 10:39
Even before it was edited by the administrator, the original post had nothing to do with Thailand nor with anything Gay. Why does it remain in the "Gay Thailand" forum? Nor does it belong in the "Gay SE Asia" forum since Japan is not part of SE Asia, it is in East Asia, and again the post has no gay content. This thread belongs in the Global forum.
Not to mention the fact that the original post before it was edited was an attempt to create yet another Pedo Hysteria feeding frenzy which is also specifically banned by the rules of SGT.

I would like to know if the rules of the board have been changed on all of these counts?

July 21st, 2012, 13:06
Maybe because there was too much work to do at 4am as I needed to go somewhere. Excuse me! Would have been nice to get a PM. :notworthy:

Thai Dyed
July 21st, 2012, 13:55
Would have been nice to get a PM.

With all due respect, I sent you a PM. In addition to the PM I also used the "Report this Post" button at the bottom of the original post to send you a notice with a precise description of the problem.

This thread is still in the wrong forum. Japan is not part of SE Asia. Japan is East Asia. More importantly, this forum has as its topic "GAY SE ASIA". The original post has nothing to do with anything gay. Suggesting that there is anything gay about 270 schools in Japan celebrating their annual "Respect Elders Day" makes the post libelous.

The very title the original poster used leads one to the false conclusion that the video has a sexual context.

July 21st, 2012, 17:36
This thread is still in the wrong forum. Japan is not part of SE Asia. Japan is East Asia.

You may be right but the subject has to do also with problems Western foreigners have to cope with when living in Thailand.

More importantly, this forum has as its topic "GAY SE ASIA"The original post has nothing to do with anything gay. Suggesting that there is anything gay about 270 schools in Japan celebrating their annual "Respect Elders Day" makes the post libelous.

The very title the original poster used leads one to the false conclusion that the video has a sexual context.

If one reads the title carefully he would assume that there might be something not sexually odd. Apparently, the Japanese don't see the washing of an elders' back done by a young, shirtless boy 'necessarily' in a sexual context but, I dare say, most Westerners nowadays do. And that's the point, I think, Ronthai wanted to be discussed in this thread.

As it turned out there hasn't been a "Pedo Hysteria feeding frenzy"; that fear and all your actions to get moved this thread as well as the use of strong emotive words on your side gives the impression that you might have difficulties to discuss this subject.

July 21st, 2012, 18:09
...you might have difficulties to discuss this subject.

It happens to violate the rules of this board to discuss this subject. It looks as if you're the one that has a difficulty with that Spring.

July 21st, 2012, 18:55
It happens to violate the rules of this board to discuss this subject.

You need to be more specific why you think it would violate the rules to discuss the subject at hand. Even Thai Dyed admitted that the video clip has no sexual context. I appreciate DaBoss had the courage to allow Ronthai to start this thread; what other posters project into this subject (and it's not clear at all what your ideas are) is not his fault. I'm sure that when the subject gets slippery the thread will be terminated.

August 5th, 2012, 15:47
Take a ride on a subway in Tokyo or Osaka and just glimpse at the comic book porn the guys are reading rather openly and nonchalanly. It's always . . . unusual. There's definitely something different going on culturally. Over the past 20 years I have occasionally worked as a consultant for Japanese organizations and have made some friends, all straight. Their tastes can be out of the ordinary. Without judgment, it does seem that cultural factors play out in sexual tastes. My Japanese friends describe their culture as uncertain and insecure , , , one wouldn't get that impression as an outsider. I'll take Thai 'vanilla' any day.

August 7th, 2012, 15:43
ChelseaNY wrote:

My Japanese friends describe their culture as uncertain and insecure , , ,

You can add "and full of curiosity" to that. It's the Japanese love of new things that encourages them to experiment. A number of years ago a Japanese friend took me to a gay bondage club, even though I told him I wasn't interested in that kind of thing. I eventually agreed to go with him but it was all a bit of a laugh. Hardly hard=core bondage, just a bit of "pretend" stuff.

September 25th, 2012, 15:33
From a small sampling I agree that Japanese porn is weird. I wonder who buys porn where the genitals are pixelated. And that there is usually one guy who wear goggles for swimming (or diving or skiing?), and does not take them off for the entire movie, puzzles me.

I agree their porn is hardly worthy of the name but is that because they are so open about sex and have it frequently, anywhere and often, and with anyone [just look at that other web site about the constant groping in the peak hour trains of Tokyo in the rear and front carriages] that porn becomes totally unimportant?

It seems to be a norm for those from Buddhist countries to have a more than open mind about sex. I have found over the years that more often than not Japanese boys are almost too polite to say no and if they do at first they soon change their minds as the 'monster' awakes...and do not believe all that crap about all being undersized, only someone who has never travelled to or spent serious time in Japan could ever come up with that rubbish.

November 9th, 2012, 18:40
Several posts have referred to the pixelation of the genitals in Japanese (gay) porn. Japanese censorship laws consider the showing of adult genitals and of pubic hair as obscene, which is why they both are pixelated. On the other hand, Japanese kids' cartoon programs frequently picture naked children, particularly a character called Crayonchan. He is known also for mooning people. In one episode, shown during peak kids' viewing time at the weekend, he was shown as having drawn an elephant's face and ears on his lower belly, with his little boy's willy forming its trunk - and no-one in Japan batted an eyelid in horror though I did blink in surprise when I saw it. In Japanese bath houses, young boys bathe with adult males and no-one cares - as someone wrote earlier, bathing nude in public is not considered a sexual act. Japanese TV advertising for bath products frequently features parents bathing with their children, including boys with their mothers and girls with their fathers, and all the family in the bath together - something I imagine some would find strange or perverted but reflecting Japanese attitudes to cleanliness rather than to sex.

I might add that most of the cleaning staff in Japanese bath houses (and ordinary business premises) are women (and not always elderly ones). You can be taking a leak and find a woman swishing a mop alongside the urinal you are currently using. It is also not uncommon for male urinals in public toilets in, e.g., train stations, to be clearly visible by passersby.