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View Full Version : Large Fruit Condoms and For Fun Gel Packs Free!

July 6th, 2012, 02:46
Well it's not a real big deal but for your safety beginning July 16, 2012 Happy Place will start purchasing and giving away FREE a three pac of Body Guard extra large or small condoms and Wet For Fun Gel Pacs with every off! Of course this has no bearing with what may or may not happen during your off but just in case you need some while enjoying Pattaya or elsewhere. Another reason to visit Happy Place Bar Soi 2 Boyztown area. Less expensive drinks, no pushy boys, waiters or Mamasans, full shot drinks and cocktails and now free condoms and lube! These are not freebies that are given away by any organization give away.
Please see their advertisement on the pages within SGF. Body Guard condoms. far superior.

July 6th, 2012, 03:11
three pac of Body Guard extra large or small condoms

Re: Condoms for Large Fruits

Interesting that they only come in "extra large" or "small".... hmmmm :hah: :jok:

Do you happen to have a "fitting room"?

And nice that they come in a 3-pack.

I usually either use 0 (if we don't do that)..... or 1.... or 6.... But never 3.

But I suppose two 3-packs with do the trick just fine.

July 6th, 2012, 03:32
Great that you're giving them out Neal and I don't want to take away from your initiative in any way but I can't understand why gay venues ( especially go go bars in particular) don't have condoms free by the bucket load, placed all over the place in easy to access locations and with the boys being issued with as many as they can carry - all free to charge to them of course and yes ( and you and all bar owners aren't going to like this part) but the cost to be Absorbed by the bar ( I know this is what you're doing now Neal so I commend you on that) but I can never understand why something so critical to their customers health is left to chance or expense and walking into gay saunas and seeing no condoms on show ( when you're in a towel so briny our own isn't as easy as it sounds) makes no sense to me whatsoever and actually stinks of the owners not giving a shit about HIV or Sri infections generally and would be enough to make me not go back to that place.

I do accept by the way that it IS the customers responsibility and not the bar owners to look after their own health but when at comes to something as simple and non expensive as condoms I think if all parties do the most they can to ensure an over supply of condoms everywhere possible that has to be better than the alternative, but again well done for taking a first step in the right direction Neal and lets hope your fellow bar owners follow suit - and all perhaps club together and make one good donation to "Take Care" and let them
Supply you all at their excellent low low trade costs perhaps which is a win situation for everyone which I'm
Guessing they would be very happy to do?

July 6th, 2012, 07:41
Several different organizations DO supply or give to the boys and the bar handfuls of condoms and gel for free. These specialty condoms and lube as indicated in the announcement are not the freebie foil pack but actually ones that are purchased in drug stores. If they were put out in buckets for the staff and customers to take, I am quite sure that the majority of both will stuff their pockets and purses with them and the cost would be substantial. So for now
there are freebies given out to the boys by all the different organizations but we thought to ADD to that a Free packet of good lube and condoms when each customer left the bar with someone. Nice ones and extra large. Oh and yes they come in other sizes also but we felt that the small ones for the small ones and the big ones for people who play with bigger boys and toys. gee I thought we were doing something good to equip our customers with a name brand good product so that when they took a boy off and got to their room that they were adequately equipped. W

I think to pick on bars and say it is their responsibility to supply them is unfair. As I said these bars are not even breaking even as it is, let alone put them out for free in buckets. I would assume the cost would be about $200 - $300 US a night! Well when they leave the bar, the custoer and boy can purchase at 7 -11's or Magic Markets anything they thing they may need. a bar is very different than a suana. I have seen suanas that have vending machines that dispense lube packs and condom packs. A suana is a place you may get trapped and if there are no condoms or lube, may have to dress and leave the place in order to come back and have fun, whereas a bar is a place you may meet someone and then go out anyway and pass a 7 - 11.

Where does it stop?

July 6th, 2012, 12:52
Well again let my repeat my congratulations on you doing at least "something" rather than nothing, that in its self has to be commended. And I would stress that I haven't said its a go go bars sole responsibility to provide their boys / customers with condoms, if fact I specifically highlighted that it was indeed the individuals responsibility, however I did also say that that I think there is a collective responsibility on everyone to do simply as much as is possible to ensure an over supply of condoms in general and as venues that make their profit from sex ( in one shape or form or the other) I do think it's important that such venues contribute to getting the safer sex message across, with one of things being the supply of condoms as that's one of the simplest and cheapest ways of stopping infections.

I do actually think this should go further and governments should be funding free condoms - full stop ! - for everyone and it should become a thing of the past someone having to decide can they afford to buy a condom or travel about to find a free source before having sex as I'm sure if the true lifetime medical costs of treating STI's not to mention HIV / AIDS infections in the world were calculated they would far outweigh the costs for the provision of the manufacture of free condoms.

As you've already mentioned gay venues in other parts of the world do already dispense free condoms "by the bucket load" but my experience is that after the initial "rush" once people see that they are free and will remain so the dash and grab mentality dies down and people take only what they need, I do understand this may not be he same here in Thailand due to the boys ( and the cheap Charlie's ) always wanting "more" when something is free here which is why I think the solution should be atleast a city wide if not country wide one, which of course then involves government and I'm not sure they actually give a shit about ensuring the safety of gay people I doubt will happen anyway soon.

But again congratulations for doing "something" for your boys and their customers it's certainly better than nothing.

July 6th, 2012, 15:13
... the solution should be atleast a city wide if not country wide one, which of course then involves government and I'm not sure they actually give a shit about ensuring the safety of gay people...

I would hope the Thai National or Local Govt bodies would realise that HIV is not a gay issue, rather it is an issue for everybody - especially in Thailand where the gay/str8 demarcation lines are more than a little blurred and a boy might well be fucking a guy at 8pm and a female at 11pm.

Also, in the UK at least, all the Condoms & Lube distribution in bars and clubs is organised by Charities (yes, with the assistance of Govt grants) - something that doesn't seem to happen much in Thailand despite constant reports of large sums of money being raised for HIV charities.
I do realise that HIV charities in Thailand have to direct money into areas of care which are Government funded elsewhere, but you would think that some of the cash could go to prevention which would include condom distribution :dontknow:

July 6th, 2012, 18:30
I would hope the Thai National or Local Govt bodies would realise that HIV is not a gay issue, rather it is an issue for everybody - especially in Thailand where the gay/str8 demarcation lines are more than a little blurred and a boy might well be fucking a guy at 8pm and a female at 11pm.
Amen, Scottish. This is something that I don't think that an awful lot of people realize.

July 6th, 2012, 18:33
Thanks Boss. I think this is a most considerate thing to do.

July 7th, 2012, 03:00
Thanks, DaBoss. You are doing a great thing.

And if this promotion of the special condoms is temporary ... When it's over, please give 3 of the free condoms to every customer who off's a boy. That costs nothing, but could save a life.

July 7th, 2012, 04:32
... please give 3 of the free condoms to every customer who off's a boy....

But...But...But.... surely the customer is only taking the boy to his room to see his etchings or discuss the finer points of Buddhism ... you're not seriously suggesting that boys are taken off for purposes of horizontal refreshment?


July 7th, 2012, 04:53
Neal, this is a good idea.

Sex is like road traffic: everyone involved have to be careful all of the time to avoid accidents. It's both parties responsibility to have a condom.

Idea: in addition to the big cock show, you can have hands-on determination which boy needs which size of condom, performed by your customers!

I vagely remember biology class, we were all issued a condom and there was a penis-shaped piece of wood handed around where we could practice how to use a condom, in your bar there is the the opportunity to do in live models!

July 7th, 2012, 19:48
Funny I remember a class like that at my friends school too ! But for some reason there was only ever Him and the priest teacher required to attend that class - and apparently it must have been something to do with the war effort as the priest told him he had to keep it a secret - how strange !

July 7th, 2012, 22:03
I don't think the priest would've used a condom - the church doesn't believe in them. Fucking underage boys is ok, but don't try to plan your family. :violent1: