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View Full Version : Second Thoughts on Prostate--And elephants, old & new.

May 22nd, 2006, 17:35
From, HealthDay News. 14 May, 2006:
The elderly may not benefit from aggressive treatment for prostate cancer, a study at the University of New Mexico Cancer Research and Treatment suggests.
Even though prostate cancer eventually can be fatal; it often progresses so slowly that many men, particularly those over 75, are more likely to die of some other disease.
Aggressive treatments such as radical prostatectomy or radiation, while eradicating the cancer, can have negative effects on quality of life, including urinary incontinence and impotence.
As a result, aggressive therapy's side effects may not be worthwhile for elderly patients: there was no evidence of a significant survival benefit from treatment.
"This raises the question: Should we be aggressively looking for prostate cancer in older men? The answer; I think, is no," said lead researcher, Dr. Richard M. Hoffman, an associate professor of medicine at the treatment center.

So if it works, and it doesn't hurt, leave it alone! The odds are: something else will kill you first.
Whoopee! That's the best news I've had this week!...Right after: it's down to 3┬░C tonight, my dog's not preggers and there's a 10% chance Brad Pitt is gay--And a .000013% chance he wants my body!...For something other than a door-stop or Halloween costume.
Actually; I think the door-stop would be quite lovely, providing he has me bronzed.... I might even do for a hat-rack...or a lamp post.
Oh, goody!...a lamp post!
I wan'na be a lamp post!
I wan'na be a lamp post!
Isn't that what Scientology is all about?
And he can use my prostate for a hockey puck...or a whoopee-cushion--But not an ash tray: I gave up my cabaret act years ago!

Which reminds me of the (nearsighted?) elephant, recently in the news because he tried to get it on with a Land Rover:
(I'm am NOT making this up, you know!)
The driver reported he (The elephant--Not the driver, you ninny!), "dribbled" (The driver's word, not mine.) so much it was, 'Necessary to turn on the wind screen wipers.'
I hope Jumbo remembered to leave ┬г20 on the bonnet...I mean...just the clean-up alone!

Um...And there was this: "Well known evangelist (Believer in, Evengeline [sic] Lilly...Evengeline Lilly's lollys.), dingbat and gaybasher, Pat Robertson, says god 'confided' in him that a tsunami 'MAY' hit the Pacific Northwest 'some time' this year."
...........................(thinking)............. ...............:idea:...
Um...Could it be?... The famous Japanese pole dancer, Sue Nami--She who propelled incontinence into a career--is coming to Alaska?
In any event; anyone wishing to book an Alaska cruise...I think you're safe. At least; safe from tsunamis.
But rampaging woolly moofs...er...mastadons may be a worry.

And speaking of woolly moofs; god gave me a message for boygorge,
"That elephant wants his arse back--But take your head out of it first. Thank you from J.C. God."


May 22nd, 2006, 18:41
Pat Robertson, says god 'confided' in him that a tsunami 'MAY' hit the Pacific Northwest 'some time' this year

Maybe God decided it was time to clear out all of those gay eskimos

Time to stop them playing in/with each other's ice holes

May 22nd, 2006, 19:04
Pat Robertson, says god 'confided' in him that a tsunami 'MAY' hit the Pacific Northwest 'some time' this year
Maybe God decided it was time to clear out all of those gay eskimos
Time to stop them playing in/with each other's ice holes

It's polar bears.
The Eskimos cut a hole in the frozen lake, sprinkle canned peas around it and hide in a nearby igloo*.
When the bear comes up to take a pea, they kick him in the ice hole.

*Igloo: A loo made of ig.
It's while hiding in the loo the Eskimo boys get it on--Just like Merry olde London.

I used to date a very cute Eskimo go-go boy named Na Nookie of the-North. Not recommended if you don't like long sleepovers.
When I was with him, at the North Pole, the stars stood still: we blocked the ramp & they couldn't get to the other poles.
He used to eat Whalemeat and blubber. I was okay with him calling me, Whalemeat; It was the damn blubbering I took personally.
So we parted. Now he's going with a guy named Moose. At least; I think it's a guy.

BTW: In Alaska; men outnumber women 18 to 1--And still they move there. Speaks to me right off the bat!
"Northward, 'ho'!" I don't mind being outnumbered; it's, outmaneuvered, that really pisses me off!

PS: jojo; Next time you're in Alaska, would you like to come visit me at the lake? We can play with our ice holes.
And does preppy have to do with education? Or the Operating Room? If the latter; leave your razor home.

May 23rd, 2006, 04:10
"Northward, 'ho'!"

Edith, how dare they call you a ho!

May 23rd, 2006, 17:47
"Northward, 'ho'!"

Edith, how dare they call you a ho!

Thank you. You are very kind--But I really don't mind what they call me...so long as it achieves the desired. er...desired result.
My fun-quotient increased 300% after I acquired...a 'reputation' for being 'easy.' I admit; the nickname, Easy, helped a lot--As did, "Call --- --- ---- for a good time," written...in 1,657 stratigic (Public) places...all around town. A bad case of CTS put an end to that...until I had the rubber-stamp made: the scurrilous story about the full-page-ad in the Advocate is a complete fabrication started by a dizzy queen who was known as Hungry Hannah! It was only an innocent gesture (Like wearing a surgical-glove to give someone the finger.) of hospitality:
Hello Sailor!
Need Some TLC?
Marines, Army, ROTC, Coast Guard, College Men, Lonely Tourists & Salesmen also Welcome!
Sorry, No quadruple amputees. (No elevator--And I have bad back.) or females.
Drop By Any Evening For A Free Continental Breakfast!
Call 123-555-6969
--and it was just a quarter-page, tastefully printed over a half-tone candid shot taken while I was sunbathing, BA, at the BA Beach.
Besides; I was new in town.
And far too young for bars.
And it was too cold for the trucks or giggle-weeds.

The ticket-booth & air-mattresses came later.
We start selling franchises next month.

(Lots Of Love Always)