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June 28th, 2012, 12:46
This is a test post.

I am new here.

Did this work?


June 28th, 2012, 12:53
I guess it worked. :)

I've been reading this forum for a while, and I'm happy to actually be a member now.


June 28th, 2012, 13:37
Bruce :hello2:

I guess you know a lot about us then

Are you in Thailand right now or traveling there soon?

I'm always interested in learning about new people. Anything else you want to share?


June 28th, 2012, 14:03
Thanks. :)

No, I am in the US.

I will be in Pattaya in 6 weeks and 6 days. ( but who's counting!? )

From August 15 through September 24.

I am thinking seriously about a couple of side trips.... to Udon Thani ( since I met a contact online there ), and Chiang Mai, and Bangkok. Maybe a couple of nights in each of those places. But the rest of the time in Pattaya.

It will only be my second time there.

Khor tose
June 28th, 2012, 16:29
Thanks. :)

From August 15 through September 24.

You probably already know this, but just in case, be sure to get an extension on your 30 days visa on entry from Thai immigration.

June 28th, 2012, 16:54
Another option:

I got a free 6 month visa at the consulate in Ho chi Minh City. I think it worked like this. I could stay 2 months and needed to extend it at immigration after that time. A month later I needed to leave the country shortly and I could come back on the same visa for another two months which could be extended with another month.

Anyway, point being...if you want to stay 5 - 6 weeks, a visa like that could be got at no cost. There's probably a consulate in NYC.

PS as long as you're not counting hours you're probably Ok :-)

June 28th, 2012, 17:03
Hope you have great time..and if your looking for a very nice hotel in Udon Thani ...i can recomend Paradise hotel...great location ....really nice design.. staff great service and good price , your money really goes far in isaan and the people are lovely
I love the excitment in pattaya..but my heart lies in isaan

June 28th, 2012, 20:28
Wow. No, I didn't know about the 30-day visa thing. Thanks for all the tips. I'll check with the Thai Consulate here in NYC today or tomorrow.

Also thanks for the Udon Thani hotel recommendation. Is it a gay hotel?

Anyone have any experience with BoyZone? ( site: http://www.theboyzone-udon.com/ ) http://www.utopia-asia.com/thaiudon.htm

Going for the sexual fun mainly, how many days would you stay in each of these places?

Udon Thani
Chiang Mai

Every day in one of these places being one less day in Pattaya, of course.

June 28th, 2012, 20:42
Wow. No, I didn't know about the 30-day visa thing. Thanks for all the tips. I'll check with the Thai Consulate here in NYC today or tomorrow.

Get a 60 day Tourist Visa.

June 28th, 2012, 20:54
I would say none in Udon Thani /Chiang Mai and weekend 2 and 4 in Bangkok.

I'm speaking from my experience and others might not agree. Your a s@x tourist (paraphrasing) so why would you remove yourself from the mecca of it all? If you say that you want to travel...well, then it's a whole different story. But please don't think your missing out what "the trade" is concerned by not going beyond Bangkok and Pattaya.

U could also consider renting an apartment instead of staying at a hotel. There are some pretty good deals out there for longer 30+ day stays.

Of course it's hard to give advice to someone you don't know.

June 28th, 2012, 21:01
Hi Bruce.....yes over 28 days you need a tourist visa

The Paradise hotel is not gay ...but in Thai no one cares as long as you pay the money..i'm allways with my bf and always have a double room so where ever we go they know we are gay
and the standard of accomodation is probally better than a gay hotel and cheeper

Funny you mention Boyzone cause we went there a few weeks ago....we got a tuc,tuc...and the driver found it hard to find but asking people a few times we found it...its very dark inside....but the boys are very friendly and some cute ones....so me and my bf offed one each and all four of us went to straight bar that was like a disco bar...every one was friendly
we were staying at another guest house that time so we took them back there.....the bed was big so all four of us used it ha ha.....and sneeked them out at 7 in the morn ha ha
we've been to all the places you mention....like Chaing mai too ...club one seven is a good place to stay..that is gay.it it has a pool... reasturant.. sauna....and again the staff are very nice
how long you stay is personal choice...but i'd get bored if i stayed in one place all the time...i think your doing the right thing ..staying in diferent places......Thai is a big country not just pattaya and bkk

July 15th, 2012, 03:31
It seems you are not a reincarnation of other current or previous members. Furthermore, your posts add value to this forum. Welcome to this forum!

July 15th, 2012, 03:39
It seems you are not a reincarnation of other current or previous members. Furthermore, your posts add value to this forum. Welcome to this forum!

Thank you!

I feel very welcome here, and I appreciate you ALL too.

I hope I get to meet several of you in person when I'm there... I have my tickets now. August 15 to September 24.

July 15th, 2012, 04:51
It seems you are not a reincarnation of other current or previous members. Furthermore, your posts add value to this forum. Welcome to this forum!

Thank you!

I feel very welcome here, and I appreciate you ALL too.

I hope I get to meet several of you in person when I'm there... I have my tickets now. August 15 to September 24.

Here for my birthday so !!!!!!!!!!!!

I second what Christian said by the way

July 15th, 2012, 05:39
Here for my birthday so !!!!!!!!!!!!

I second what Christian said by the way
You are 1 day younger than my sister!
She is unmarried if you are looking for a wife (i will take care of T if you need!)

July 15th, 2012, 05:59
Trust me G you would come screaming back at me within days ,offering to double the dowry i would have had to give your family( for your sister) to reverse the swap if i gave you T for a few days

I dont call him my little demon for nothing !!!!!

He will turn me into an :old: well before i thought id get there !!!!

July 15th, 2012, 06:09
Haha but you haven;t met my sister yet!
She makes your Demon look like mother theresa!

August 3rd, 2012, 05:24
I think I'll skip looking for a wife.... Thanks for the offer anyway. :ink:

But I won't mind stocking up on temporary "boyfriends" while I'm there.... :love4:

I wish I was there right now...

But I will have to wait...

13 More Days till I am in Pattaya !

August 10th, 2012, 05:50
Well, it's now less than a week away.... Six days from now, to be exact.

I'm so excited. :ura1:

I have my flights and hotels booked, of course. And just today, I finalized my tentative and flexible dates for a few side trips...

So here's the agenda, as it stands right now:

Wednesday, August 15th - Fly out of JFK, changing planes in Doha, on Qatar Airways
Friday, August 17th - Arrive very early in the morning at BKK. I spend 24 days in Pattaya on my own.
Monday, September 10th - My boyfriend arrives at BKK joining me. We spend 2 days together in Pattaya.
Wednesday, September 12th - We fly to Udon Thani for 2 days.
Friday, September 14th - We fly to Chiang Mai for 2 days.
Sunday, September 16th - We fly to back to Pattaya for 2 days.
Tuesday, September 18th - We fly to Ko Phi Phi for 3 days.
Friday, September 21st - We fly to Bangkok and spend our last weekend in Bangkok ( or maybe those 2 days in Pattaya - we can decide at the last minute ).
Sunday, September 23rd - Very late Sunday night, actually 2:30am Monday morning, we fly from BKK back to JFK.

Don't worry, those 24 days that I'm on my own... I will most definitely not be alone. And don't worry, my bf and I have an extremely open and honest relationship.... and we both love to play around a lot.... so it's all good. Look out, Thailand, here we come!

The idea is, we'll probably both meet some hot young men... in Pattaya, and/or Udon Thani, and/or Chiang Mai, and/or back in Pattaya again... ( or all of the above ).... Then, we can take those hot young men along with us to the remaining destinations... including Ko Phi Phi for 3 days, and Bangkok for the last 2 nights... Who knows, we might each have one of our own, or we might only find one that we share, or we might find 3 or 4 or more that we share.... and make our own entourage.... as long as a good time is had by all. It's all great.

Since I'll be in Pattaya on my own so long before he arrives... It's very possible that I might already have several young men lined up... so that I could meet him at the airport in a limo with several boys in the back already raring to go...

Needless to say, I think we will have a great time.

All the side trips are flexible and changeable... pretty much everything except our flights from NYC and back. My bf can't join me sooner because he has to work. Also, he's never been there before and he's not convinced that he's going to want to spend as much time in Pattaya. He thinks he'd rather just hop from place to place spending only 2 nights in each place, to see more... so this plan is a good compromise. If he decides he really enjoys Pattaya, we can stay there more. If not, we can take boys with us to any or all of those other places.

August 10th, 2012, 08:13
ha ha oh I'm SO looking forward to reading your trip reports Bruce :-)) your trip and your 24 days alone and then meeting up with your BF whilst still picking up and both sharing guys going to be "interesting" to say the least I think :-) I was going to say "enjoy" but I think that's a given :-) lol

August 10th, 2012, 08:59
OMG! A slut coming to Thailand! Hide everyone, hide!

August 12th, 2012, 03:57
Ha ha! Happy to oblige, Nrish.

In 4 days (late Wednesday night), I leave New York.... and in 6 days (early Friday morning), I'll arrive in Pattaya. You can count on trip reports. :gy:

I'll be bringing my laptop so I can be online.... Of course, if I'm having tooooo much fun, I might have to just make mental notes until I have time to write.

But I'll try to make a few minutes at some point in my days.... to jot some notes about how it's going. :director:

August 12th, 2012, 05:39
so how long have you and your BF been together, bruce? sounds like you have a great trip planned.

August 12th, 2012, 07:01
We've been together forever. Closer to two decades than one.

( If you're doing the math, I was only 3 when we got together, of course. )