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View Full Version : What do you find Annoying with Boys and Their Phones?

June 19th, 2012, 11:52
I can understanding people speaking on thier phone, but who cares about texting. :dontknow:

June 19th, 2012, 13:42
I can understanding people speaking on thier phone, but who cares about texting. :dontknow:

MFAS - unless you are under 25, I think this illustrates the age gap!

I suffer from it too - I simply can not understand why these young whippersnappers feel the need to have their mobile on 24/7 and to respond to every phone call ot text (even at 3am).
My god - they even take the infernal contraption to bed with them!!

Similarly, you ask "who cares about texting"? Well I can get 5 or 6 texts in a day from my bf when really a 1 minute phone call would cover all the points made in those texts. I'm sure they'll all end up with repetative stress injury from all the texting - they never bloody stop!.

I know i'm a crusty old bastard and I wouldn't know an Ipad from a fanny pad, but I don't even carry my mobile with me most of the time - it's lying on a chair, or in the car, or in a bag.
I don't respond before 9.00am or after 11pm and not at all at weekends unless I happen to feel like doing so.

I do appreciate that mobile phones have given ordinary ppl in Thailand the ability to communicate cheaply (ie without the expense of a landline) but, quite frankly, for UK users I wish they'd never been invented - they're the Devil's work and no mistake.
As I am still of working age, I increasingly find that even Clients (in my case, the public) seem to think they have the right to my mobile number and to call it and send texts willy-nilly. They'll be turning up at my house next. Whatever happened to privacy?

:dontknow: :dontknow:

June 19th, 2012, 14:28
It's far from only the under 25 year olds addicted to texting. One of my good friends in Bangkok is closing in on 70. Even though we live in the same city and meet regularly, will he pick up the phone to make a call? Nope. He'll text 19 times out of 20, even though he knowns I have an ancient Nokia and just plain don't like texting! It seems to be a habit that is very difficult to break :violent1:

June 19th, 2012, 14:59
...One of my good friends in Bangkok is closing in on 70. He'll text 19 times out of 20, even though he knowns I have an ancient Nokia and just plain don't like texting!

Out of interest, does he wear trackies and a baseball cap as well?


June 19th, 2012, 19:17
I remember walking down the street with a boy in the Philippines a couple of years ago. My phone beeped with a text message. It was from the boy! "I'm hungry" it said.

June 19th, 2012, 19:53
I remember walking down the street with a boy in the Philippines a couple of years ago. My phone beeped with a text message. It was from the boy! "I'm hungry" it said.

Awwww - that's actually quite sweet!

June 19th, 2012, 20:04
Scottish your original post here is music to my ears. I so agree with you. What the f..k is it with these kids? I can be talking to my boy and his phone will ring and he no longer sees that I am in the room or talking to him first! It's like they are going to die if they don't answer it.

The worst is when I go into a bank or store and while I am asking questions the phone rings and I am the one that must hold. It has happened so many times in TMB Bank and elsewhere. Personally I think mobile phones should be banned in banks as that is a high security risk. Could be someone outside asking if the coast is clear on the inside.

The boys must answer there phone as you say at 3 am or anytime their freakin friends are drunk, stoned and lonely for conversation. Where I come from, before 7:30 am or after 10pm, somebody better have died or the house is on fire!

And if you want to call me, the common complaint is..... I tried to call you but your phone is always switched off! Guess what then? :dontknow:

As far as my bar? Phones are not permitted on stage but the second they are off stage, they run to the cashier to quickly retrieve them!

June 19th, 2012, 20:50
And from another grumpy old git.........Why in Thai gyms are 90% of the people unable to last a whole hour without their mobile phones. Sometimes the music can be bad enough without the constant noise of some stupid ringtone. At busy times I see people on bikes chattering away on their mobile while reducing their speed to about 2 miles a fortnight.

June 19th, 2012, 21:19
One of the things that annoys me is when I go in a restaurant or just plain sitting quietly on the beach. Someone's phone always rings and has to have the loudest most hideous ring. Then they sit there a let it ring and ring while they look at their phone and try to figure out who is calling and decide if they want to answer it or not.

Or how about a falang bringing a boy to the beach and allowing him to use his mobile phone as a radio (because he is so bored with you) and plays it loud as though he believes that everyone in your section wants to hear it?

June 19th, 2012, 23:16
you all DO KNOW that the rest of the world is like it too (texting etc). Not just "boys". I thought it might be a passing phase (like wearing underpants to show above jeans) but it is here to stay. I particularly don't like a dinner guest sending pics of the food to his facebook, for all to see.
By the way pennyboxer (??) it peeves me when women use the treadmill for hours, put in the incline but hold onto the rails thus negating the effect of the incline.

June 19th, 2012, 23:45
With all due respect, this is the 21rst century. New technologies will continue to come an go. One downside I find is the youngster's are losing their verbal communication skills and their writing skills are dimishing too. Remember our parents said the same thing about the 'quote' toys we had in our day too. Patience everyone. Mai ben ri. :dontknow:

June 20th, 2012, 03:44
I agree with most that has been said.

but I don't even carry my mobile with me most of the time - it's lying on a chair, or in the car, or in a bag.

That's another thing I don't get. I have a friend in Germany who keeps his phone in his bag, on his desk or elsewhere. Why is it called mobile phone? Because it is mobile, so you can have it with you all the time, meaning in the pocket of your trousers! When my phone is switched on, it's in my pocket.

Personally I think mobile phones should be banned in banks as that is a high security risk.

You have my full support for that. I think it would be a good idea to have all mobile phones equipped with a device so it can be switched to non-sending-non-receiving automatically, and all banks, museums, restaurants should have a ban-mile where you can't use your phone, just as if there was no connection to the network. Instead of signs "please switch off your phone", there would just be no connection!

As far as my bar? Phones are not permitted on stage

That's fantastic! I wish all bars would adapt this policy. The aesthetics of a boy's butt in underwear is completely distroyed by anything (non-natual) in the underwear.

The worst is sending an SMS that requires an answer, if the answer is not clear, another SMS will follow, requiring a fourth one. One call would suffice!

The bad thing is, I slowly adapt this way. I was complaining about Thai boys, but recently I had a few dates in Paris, it's the same, no less than five calls and five SMS just to meet someone! It's almost impossible to have date of the kind "see you on (day) at (time) in (place)" without several follow-up calls and messages.

And there are people who put their phone on the desk or table in front of them, like a shrine, so everyone can see and admire it.

June 20th, 2012, 06:24
Maybe it's the people I come into contact with Christian, but most of them actually just talk a lot of shite on the phone - 1 minute of content and 30 minutes of useless crap.
Plus they invariably call when it suits THEM (obviously) which is usually at the time I'm eating dinner or doing something preferable to having a totally superfluous conversation.

Therefore, since I really don't want to talk to them in the first place, I feel no guilt in not having my mobile phone with me all the time.

The fact that you "can" have it with you all the time, doesn't make it compulsory you know.

And finally, I have enough unsightly bulges in the trousers without a phone making matters worse.

Bah, Humbug!


June 20th, 2012, 07:29
Trousers? I thought you Scots wore kilts? Isn't that why you wear a poke in the front for personal items such as mobile phones or is it to hide your dirk, which you guys keep unsheathed?

June 20th, 2012, 07:37
Guys on their phone does not bother me. If I am interested in them then I will ask them over, if I am not interested in them I will leave them where they stand and if they are on their phone and I am the only guy in the bar I don't have to worry about them looking at me with a pleading hope of being offed in their eyes.