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View Full Version : Texting in go go bars

June 19th, 2012, 08:16
Talking to a schoolteacher, he claims to have bought a jammer to use in class to stop texting by students.

I would love to have one of those to use in several bars that seem to host texters.


June 19th, 2012, 13:53
I think the staff in the bars should be made to switch there god dam phones off when they are supposed to be working.

June 19th, 2012, 15:34
Surely the point of the original post was that LW objected to the go-go boys appearing utterly uninterested in the customers (whose spending keeps them in work) and preferring instead to text (though, at least in the Sunnee bars I know, they're more frequently using their phones to access porn in order to, ahem, display themselves to best advantage).

I don't think that LW was objecting to the bar customers sending texts.

June 19th, 2012, 16:06
Yes the OP is correct that texting by the boys is SO annoying, I think phones should simply be banned when they are "on stage" and there's nothing worse than seeing the shapely lines of a nice cute ass broken by the latest Nokia x100 or whatever the latest model of phone is - complete with lit up screen shining through his pants !

And as for them using their phones to watch ( str8) porn to get themselves hard etc well speaking personally that just turns me off even more as it just reminds me a) that they are in fact Str8 and have no interest in being with you except for the money and also b) makes me think "just how good is this guy going to be once I get him home if he can't even get himself hard now alone never mind when he's with me alone and doing something he absolutely doesn't want to be doing" So, no, phones, just as some clubs do enforce already thankfully should be left in the boys locker with a fine for use when working - although rather than take money out of poor guys already empty pockets we'll commute the fine to preforming a chuk wow show on stage for the whole bar to see, maybe that'll put then off the notion -- or maybe not ? - but if not either way then it's a win win for everyone I guess ! :-))

And re phones being used after hours work wise by ourselves Scots as much as I hate to admit it you are absolutely right, it's got out of hand and is actually changing the fabric of our society - and depending on how you look at life not for the better I fear.

I have to declare my hand and state that I am one of the worst offenders as my phone is "always on" and I think nothing of sending messages or emails to both my staff and my suppliers at all hours of day / night just when I feel like it if I'm up working - I do this on the basis that if they're not up or don't answer it "no problem" and they'll reply when they do log on and check their messages etc, but I have to be honest and admit to knowing that there's some unspoken pressure on people to now reply "instantly" to others and that "I must send a reply as I've just got a message" effect usually so I (know I) will usually get my reply within seconds, night or day.

I should add that my clients also treat me in exactly the same manner and just as Scots said automatically ask for and expect / demand my number / email address ( which they know as i use a smart phone I'll be contactable in the same manner as above 24/7) so it's one big crazy circle and undoubtedly the concept and clear demarcation lines between "working time and personal time" have now been blurred so much that they have almost merged into one and disappeared and it would be a brave member of staff who told any boss / client "ah but that's after hours so I wouldn't have responded to your message" - and even I who am a bit of a workaholic sometimes fully accept that's not a good thing - either for the individual concerned or the country in general and is something we should all try to stop before it gets (even more) out of hand.

But will I stop - no, because the emails keep coming in and I keep needing my answers from people "immediately" as that's how we're all brainwashed to be these days and we're taught that anything sort of an immediate reply just isn't acceptable :-( So (and to get back on topic perhaps) I guess the guys dancing on stage replying or sending texts are actually no better or worse then the rest of us it seems perhaps ?:-(

June 19th, 2012, 17:57
As a very general rule, in my experience the well run bars do not allow their boys to have mobiles in their underwear for precisely the reasons NIrish mentioned. Beautiful things have clean lines...Apple products...Cartier...the Mona Lisa...Emirates Stadium...etc.

June 19th, 2012, 18:03
Beautiful things have clean lines...Apple products...Cartier...the Mona Lisa...Emirates Stadium...etc.

You forgot Da Boss :love4:

June 19th, 2012, 19:08
So, no, phones, just as some clubs do enforce already thankfully should be left in the boys locker with a fine for use when working - although rather than take money out of poor guys already empty pockets we'll commute the fine to preforming a chuk wow show on stage for the whole bar to see, maybe that'll put then off the notion -- or maybe not ? - but if not either way then it's a win win for everyone I guess ! :-))

this could end up like the old shampoo instructions problem - "lather, rinse, repeat" - as he will need the porn on the phone to complete the chuk wow he will thus have to do another chuk wow ... he (and the phone battery) could end up quite drained by the end of the night!


June 19th, 2012, 21:14
I think as we have gone off so far from what the OP intended, which was texting in go go bars and this could really be fun, I will open a new thread starting with one of my posts and tranferring over non go go bar texts to there.

June 20th, 2012, 03:56
I want one (jammer) as well. The worst are the calls when a long-time off has to leave after short time because (fill in yourself).

June 20th, 2012, 10:20
Christian. It's a trick. I make them turn their phones off as soon as we leave the bar. Problem solved.

June 20th, 2012, 16:21
god you're a better man than me arsenal getting them to "actually" do that as it's like asking one of them to cut their right arm off if asking them to turn their phone off ! I mean how else are they going to get the 2am " I sorry I have to go now my friend he locked out of room / my friend he in accident / there has been a nuclear radiation leak in Japan and I have to fly there immediately and seal the leak - ( ok to be fair the last one has only been used a few times on me so far but you get the idea - god I'm such a sucker for a sob story :-)

June 20th, 2012, 19:11
It's not impossible. Years ago when I used to go to the Shangri-la and other places in Bangkok I gave my boys an allowance each week. I always told them that if we were in a restaurant and I heard their phones ring or they were texting , they would get fined 500 baht. Well it took one or two times before they realized I was serious but they DID learn. :sign5:

June 21st, 2012, 03:42
Christian. It's a trick. I make them turn their phones off as soon as we leave the bar. Problem solved.

Does this really work? I had something similar in mind, but thought it would be pointless, they would just switch it on for the emergency call to go thome. Let them switch it off and hand it to you and keep it for the duration of the encounter would be an idea. Would this work?

June 21st, 2012, 03:51
Don't know what's wrong with you guys, but my recent experience is that my sexual prowess meant the boys had no desire to be on their phones. Maybe the problem is you and not them :dontknow:

June 21st, 2012, 04:49

June 21st, 2012, 05:01
well, I've never been refused a second date, so I must be doing something right :occasion9:

I think you're just jealous!

June 21st, 2012, 10:57
Christian: It works. :laughing3: