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June 14th, 2012, 09:24
Am I incorrect or was Smiles in a most rancorous and lengthy snit with the owner of another board? In looking at that site recently it appears that not only have he and the owner made up but he can't get his nose far enough up that guys butt. In his new capacity, as a minion, he cow-toes to every line of his leader. Why this transition?

June 14th, 2012, 09:28
This topic is wrong on so many levels and for so many reasons.

June 14th, 2012, 10:34
This topic is wrong on so many levels and for so many reasons.

Is this feeling a result of your "good intentions?"

June 14th, 2012, 12:35
Am I incorrect or was Smiles in a most rancorous and lengthy snit with the owner of another board? In looking at that site recently it appears that not only have he and the owner made up but he can't get his nose far enough up that guys butt. In his new capacity, as a minion, he cow-toes to every line of his leader. Why this transition?
This is just not the Smiles I know and I do know the man. Ass kissing is not his strong suit and that's putting it mildly.


June 14th, 2012, 13:52
You can say that again Krobbie! LOL! Klong are you sure you were not mistakenly thinking of Smiles and me?

June 14th, 2012, 17:23
Ha ha and if is he thinking of you and smiles and accusing Smiles of kissing your ass or whatever term was used then he is most certainly mistaken lol as I seem to recall not so very long ago Smiles did exactly the opposite and said fairly clearly just about exactly what he felt about you right here on the board (rightly or wrongly) and also to your credit I guess and contrary to your accusers I see he's still here and hasn't been kicked or banned and so can still call you a twat or whatever words he cares to use if he decides to, right here on your own board ! - which sort of makes a mockery of some of the people / the person who tried to goad you into reacting in just that way only just a week or two ago in trying to have you kick them just so they could have a good moan elsewhere perhaps!

June 14th, 2012, 19:05
If only 'klong' and all the other posters on various boards whose main purpose is to make crude, abusive and usually unwarranted attacks on others realised how these attacks ALWAYS backfire on themselves and make them look mean-spirited, petty, hate-filled and cowardly. No need for those attacked to reply - the attackers condemn themselves.

Khor tose
June 15th, 2012, 00:53
Am I incorrect or was Smiles in a most rancorous and lengthy snit with the owner of another board? In looking at that site recently it appears that not only have he and the owner made up but he can't get his nose far enough up that guys butt. In his new capacity, as a minion, he cow-toes to every line of his leader. Why this transition?

You have got to be kidding. Yes you could not be more incorrect if you tried.

June 15th, 2012, 06:42
This topic is wrong on so many levels and for so many reasons.

Is this feeling a result of your "good intentions?"

Yes, I feel uneasy talking about Privite people on public forums. It just seems wrong to me.

June 15th, 2012, 11:25
Some of you either have short memories or have not been around these boards for a long time. Smiles has been one of the most mean spirited, rancorous, trouble makers to ever be around these boards. He was despised by many when he was a regular poster here. Now he over at Gaybutton's board, (returning after being thrown off of Gaybuttons establishments and battling with him for a long time. Recently he attacked me there and I'm just returning the favor. I do not recall ever saying anything about or to him before. Now he is busy being an official ass-kisser for Gaybutton and hence had to chime in on a thread of mine there that ended in my being banned from that board. The following were words between myself and Gay Button exchange between Gaybutton and I is why I was kicked off:

You are absolutely jammed on "stereotyping" being the most bad thing around. Just as you don't feel that it is fair, using a common statement does not mean that the statement is wrong. Get off of your high horse. You may run this board but that does make you Mr Always correct just because it is your way.

If you don't like it, you're at liberty to refrain from posting here. You must think I'm going to tolerate a trouble maker. Wrong.

First it's name calling within a posted message - "obnoxious." Second, it's an insult PM. Fair warning - do anything similar - posted message or PM - and you're gone.

What is this? You rule by threats? That is neither fair nor nice. Why are you this way? I am not going to bow and scrape like some of your constituents do. I know that you have the capacity to be a nice person because you have helped me out with information in the past but there are two sides to you. The nice guy and the bully.

Mr Smiles then jumps in with this:
by Smiles ┬╗ Thu Jun 14, 2012 2:18 am
By the way, if anyone still doesn't believe our friend Klong is not simply a winder-upper ~ after reading this thread here on this Board ~ then take a gander at this thread on Sawatdee ( http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/fo ... 26726.html ). Same author (Klong), same cliche-ridden generalizations, same shallow theme . . . this one regarding Thai IQ's.

Now, I fully recognize and admit that I post some controversial topics but they are my opinion and how I feel. If you don't agree with these beliefs and feelings that is one thing and I accept it, but to be chastised by one of the greatest troublemakers these boards have ever seen is something I will not let just pass by. I will respond to "in kind" unless the board administrators forbid it.

June 15th, 2012, 15:21
Why anybody frequents Gaybutton's website is a mystery to me.

I have looked in as an outsider a couple of times and it seems to me that it's not really a forum at all - it's more of a massager for one enormous ego.

Do yourself a favour and just avoid his website - it will do your blood-pressure a world of good

June 15th, 2012, 15:31
Why anybody frequents Gaybutton's website is a mystery to me.
A put down post from you again? When are you going to figure out, as I've told you before, you're just not good at it? Keep trying, though. That way I get a laugh and a yawn both at the same time . . .

June 15th, 2012, 16:29
" ... Recently he attacked me there and I'm just returning the favor ... "
You call that an 'attack'? :8( :8( :blackeye: (or, in the Nirish style: "LOL LOL" )

June 15th, 2012, 16:37
It's not a "put down post" at all - don't flatter yourself - it's merely an observation, an opinion if you will!

Unlike your own site, opinions other than the owner's are still allowed here.

Here's another observation:

If anybody had any doubt as to the "iron fist" nature of your website (and, dare I say it, your personality) then they could do no better than refer to this little gem on your forum: "DAVE'S SCRUMPTIOUS SATURDAY BUFFET"

Now, Dave (who owns a little cafe and was merely trying to advise readers of a special deal) committed the heinous offence of suggesting to GB that he didn't feel comfortable about giving out his phone number on a public forum after GB had jumped down his throat and "suggested" it. Sounds fair to me.

Well, fuck me, did Dave not get a hysterical response from GB - TEN PARAGRAPHS LONG - about why he should do as he was told, and bringing in all sorts of irrevelant crap about how narrow the soi is that GB cannot get his Rolls-Royce (or whatever it is) down it easily so Dave better give out his number so that GB and his "friends" can all make a firm booking before going to the trouble of attempting to park his car outside Dave's cafe. I recommend reading it - as a study in hysteria. It's the talk of Pattaya apparently.

As far as I hear it takes a crowbar to open GBs wallet to pay for anything anyway - he much prefers somebody/anybody else to pay - so Dave might think himself lucky that GB can't get his enormous car up his alley! The resultant wrestling in the mud over who should pay the bill could be the sort of street entertainment best avoided.


June 15th, 2012, 17:05
Here's another observation:
That's much better, but sorry - you're still not good at it. Nice try, though. You see, in your previous post you wrote, "I have looked in as an outsider a couple of times." Apparently one of those "couple of times" is very recently.

Who do you think you're kidding?

Ok, keep trying. Maybe one of these days you'll improve. It's unfortunate you're still not good at it, but then judging from most of the posts appearing on this board that you've written, you're not much good at anything else either.

Oh well, I'm not going to turn this into a pissing match any further than it already is, so now you get to write what you want without another response from me. I hope you'll come up with a better put down attempt, but I doubt you will. You can't even cut it as a troll.

Bye bye . . .

Khor tose
June 15th, 2012, 17:15
Why anybody frequents Gaybutton's website is a mystery to me.
A put down post from you again? When are you going to figure out, as I've told you before, you're just not good at it? Keep trying, though. That way I get a laugh and a yawn both at the same time . . .

I don't think he was attacking you at all. Just saying part of the truth about you and your website.

June 15th, 2012, 17:21
Exactly, KT - it is a common symptom of megelomania that the sufferer believes that others are "out to get him", or "putting him down" or "trolling after him".

I am merely directing others to GB's own website and inviting them to make up their own minds - his personal forum where he's steam-rollered every other contributor by making over six and a half THOUSAND personal interventions in under 2 years. A posting frequency that even puts Beachy in the shade!!

I feel I am performing a public service more than anything else.

It must seriously piss GB off that, on this forum, he cannot just ban everybody/anybody who questions him.


June 15th, 2012, 17:47
Re: Origin of Your Screen Name
by Klong ┬╗ Thu Jun 07, 2012 10:27 am

I will be honest for a change. Gaybutton kicked me off of this site, thus canceling my old screen name. I wanted back on and decided to use something Thai sounding. I used Klong because most know what a klong is and that's a dirty canal. I have been behaving myself and maybe he won't throw me off even though I have practiced deceit to reenter.
Will Rogers said: I'm not a member of any organized political party. I'm a Democrat!
Posts: 106
Joined: Wed Jul 27, 2011 12:16 pm
Re: Origin of Your Screen Name
by Gaybutton ┬╗ Thu Jun 07, 2012 10:54 am

Klong wrote:
I will be honest for a change.

Since you confessed, and confession is good for the soul so they say, and you haven't caused any problems, and you managed to get away with it (assuming you really think I didn't know all along), your illegal immigrant status has been nullified, your "Green Card" has been issued, and you get to stay.

Copied from Gaybuttonthai June 7 2012

June 15th, 2012, 17:54
" ... Recently he attacked me there and I'm just returning the favor ... "
You call that an 'attack'? :8( :8( :blackeye: (or, in the Nirish style: "LOL LOL" )

Careful Smiles !......that almost became something vaguely looking like of a bit of a sense of humour starting to break through on your part there :-) ! .....I'm not sure my body is ready for such a shock this early in the morning :-) lol :-)

June 16th, 2012, 05:27
As far as I hear it takes a crowbar to open GBs wallet...

ROFL! I think scotty is brilliant at putting other's down (that includes myself, and I often found myself giggling when I was at the receiving end.)

This entire tread (while not politically correcct - discussing happenings on one forum in another and sharing PMs (?) ) is a great read!

Khor tose
June 16th, 2012, 09:32
ROFL! I think scotty is brilliant at putting other's down (that includes myself, and I often found myself giggling when I was at the receiving end.)

This entire tread (while not politically correcct - discussing happenings on one forum in another and sharing PMs (?) ) is a great read!

I know, it is almost like the old SGT. I know that many did not like the frank, intensely personal and often foul worded comments on the old SGT, but I still think that was part of its charm.

June 16th, 2012, 11:35
Gaybutton. Your board was very useful during the floods with almost hourly updates.

However in the last month alone you have attacked the owner of Monty's tiny cafe and threatened any potential owner of Eros if they don't continue the membership policy. But worst of all, you critisised the owner of Euroboys who went home to have cancer treatment for not posting a sign on the door stating what was going on. If you don't feel shame at that then there really is no hope for you.

Khor tose
June 16th, 2012, 16:00
Gaybutton. Your board was very useful during the floods with almost hourly updates.

However in the last month alone you have attacked the owner of Monty's tiny cafe and threatened any potential owner of Eros if they don't continue the membership policy. But worst of all, you critisised the owner of Euroboys who went home to have cancer treatment for not posting a sign on the door stating what was going on. If you don't feel shame at that then there really is no hope for you.

This was probably one of his more compassionate months. Usually he is worse then this. At least that is what I heard from his ladyboy ex.

June 17th, 2012, 03:02
Looking at all posts/replies in this topic regarding Gaybutt its seems as if nobody has a lot of time for him or his board ??

I cant have any time for his board because he banned me !!!!( mostly because i challenged him on his peoples skills haha )

After reading the 10 paragraph outpouring from GB to poor dave it doesnt look like things have changed much --

June 17th, 2012, 04:36
At least that is what I heard from his ladyboy ex.
This thread is getting better and better! Quoting the ex.

Soon we will be all together wrestling in the mud. I'm looking forward to it.

June 17th, 2012, 05:20
the "ex" a ladyboy
I didn't know smiles was one

Brad the Impala
June 18th, 2012, 04:52
Mr Smiles then jumps in with this:
by Smiles ┬╗ Thu Jun 14, 2012 2:18 am
By the way, if anyone still doesn't believe our friend Klong is not simply a winder-upper ~ after reading this thread here on this Board ~ then take a gander at this thread on Sawatdee ( http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/fo ... 26726.html ). Same author (Klong), same cliche-ridden generalizations, same shallow theme . . . this one regarding Thai IQ's.

Smiles was certainly spot on in his description of Klong and his bitter mean spirited posts.