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June 12th, 2012, 08:57
Trying to come us with some standards for the intellectual level of Thais, in the general sense, has been difficult but I have reached some conclusions:

When a Thai steps onto a motorbike his IQ drops to 60 or below and he thinks he owns the roadway and looses all concern for his life.

When a Thai drives a van with passengers his IQ drops to 70 and he is just stupid and dangerous.

When a Thai steps into a car or truck his IQ diminishes to 80 and he turns into a bully

June 12th, 2012, 12:42
When a farang goes in to a gogobar he's IQ drops to 1 meter

When a farang drinks alcohol his IQ drops to 0.00mm

When some farangs post topic their IQ is not existent :laughing3:


June 12th, 2012, 12:59
Maybe I am overreacting, but I resent the original posting as although we know the Thai driving leaves much to be desired, the post seems to question Thai's level of intelligence. We can laugh about the driving standards in LOS, but to try link it to intelligence level, even in jest, is just insulting. It is akin to the tourists on holiday who complain about thick locals because they do not speak english.

Every place has its crappy drivers - taxi drivers in Johannesburg, Italians in Rome around the Colliseum, Parisians around the Arc De Triomphe, or the nasty bully of them all , the white van man in London.

June 12th, 2012, 14:06
I resent the original posting
Sorry you were offended by the post since I thought it was funny. But, we all view things in our perspective and you have yours as I have mine.

June 12th, 2012, 15:15
I think this is pretty funny and, unfortunately, all to accurate. I have Thai friends who get on a motorbike and think they are impervious to the dangers of the vehicles they drive between. Unfortunately, this is not so and many are injured and some killed. One of these friends now has a permanent leg injury and limps badly. A permanent physical injury because he was in a rush to get to a bar.

June 12th, 2012, 15:22
The amusing thing is the way Klong questions Thai IQ levels and then makes a schoolboy-level error in his post:

.. looses all concern for his life....

To be fair, I must admit that I've done that kind of thing myself - as somebody kindly pointed out the other day :laughing3:

June 12th, 2012, 16:06
...wow the level of racism and bias is astounding....I can only hope that klong is Thai ...that would soften the blow a little...
Every country and nationality has it's fair share of idiots...

June 12th, 2012, 16:10
Maybe I am overreacting...

You are.

June 12th, 2012, 17:45
marsilius...before the Jews were exterminated in Germany they were first publicly insulted and demonized...there is no...no...room in a civilized society for racism in any form...or has history taught you nothing!!

June 12th, 2012, 18:03
Poxxxy - I really think that trying to conflate klongs humorous remarks about Thais seeming to lose all their senses when they get in control of a vehicle, with the racist propaganda which emanated from the likes of Der Sturmer in Nazi Germany, is stretching it a little and actually insults their victims (who were not all Jews let's remember).


June 12th, 2012, 22:00
Agree with Ronthai and Thanatorn. And just finished a note to another site. It is quite strange that people want to live or spend time in a country that they love to denigrate. Why come here? An ego boost? Reminds me of Brits on the Costa del Sol ordering fish and chips and complaining about the lack of English. Same could be said of Aussies in Kuta or Americans in Can Cun.

June 13th, 2012, 03:45
Sorry you were offended by the post since I thought it was funny.
Please explain: does your post express your opinion and did you post it for discussion or is it just supposed to be funny? (I think it is not.)

June 13th, 2012, 04:45
When a Thai steps onto a motorbike his IQ drops to 60 or below and he thinks he owns the roadway and looses all concern for his life.
When a Thai drives a van with passengers is IQ drops to 70 and he is just stupid and dangerous.
When a Thai steps into a car or truck his IQ diminishes to 80 and he turns into a bully
Not trying to one up you but the chinese are just as bad. They went from bicycles to BMWs in one generation and it is scary.

This is a true story. I am talking to my class about vicarious liability and I say there is an old lady crossing the street at a zebra crossing and a truck owned by a delivery company comes around the corner honks at her and then runs her over. Who is responsible? The truck driver or the delivery company? The students answer..the old woman..the truck honked she should have jumped out of the way.

Third world drivers are fucking stupid but I forgive them.

June 13th, 2012, 07:03
http://www.bestgore.com/road-accidents/thailand- Just copy and paste the link....this site is very disturbing and graphic so think before you go. This site under road accidents is full of Thai accidents like the one shown. I believe every driver should be required to watch every video on here. Maybe they won't drive so fast and reckless.

June 13th, 2012, 08:26
or is it just supposed to be funny? (I think it is not.)
No Christian. It was tongue-in cheek, but not just a joke. I will explain my full position later.

June 13th, 2012, 11:04
Klong to answer your private message:

I am farang

June 14th, 2012, 03:18
Thai IQ's actually overall are lower overall than most of countries we are from and from countries like Singapore, Japan, etc. There is are some pretty serious nutrition/poverty issues in this country. As if you haven't noticed. Those directly impact on IQs.

June 14th, 2012, 04:35
I would assume that schooling and ambition has a great deal to do with IQ's also. I know one person who states that they don't have the money to go to a paid school so they go to the free school here in Pattaya and they attend school one day a WEEK! Now I am not sure but how much can you learn in one day a week?

June 14th, 2012, 04:45
Sorry, but DaBoss has spoken, so who are we, You or I to argue

1 hour a week

Case closed :kap:

Well I did not say 1 hour a week. Said one day a week but I do believe it is not a long time. DaBoss

June 19th, 2012, 16:46
...wow the level of racism and bias is astounding....I can only hope that klong is Thai ...that would soften the blow a little...
Every country and nationality has it's fair share of idiots...

An odd paradox is that in a part of the world that is supposed to be more group or collectivist focused many asian drivers turn into real selfish assholes when behind the wheel.

It is not racist or biased to point out the idiots in each country.
I love asia in general but there are IMHO more fuckwhit drivers per capital in asia than in the western world.

June 19th, 2012, 18:45
Thai IQ's actually overall are lower overall than most of countries we are from and from countries like Singapore, Japan, etc. There is are some pretty serious nutrition/poverty issues in this country. As if you haven't noticed. Those directly impact on IQs.
i know the original poster meant his input as humor, but I couldn't let the above quote go without comment. If you Google IQ and race you will discover that his connention is simply wrong. It turns out that Jews and East Asian score one standard deviation above Caucasians. But, it should also be mentioned that no one has ever created an accepted definition of intelligence so the truth is no one really knows what the Stanford Binet IQ test measures except how well a repeated administration of the test will score.