View Full Version : Can you afford to import your Thai boyfriend to the UK?

June 10th, 2012, 11:50
It looks like the Nasty Party (a.k.a. the Conservative Party) is cracking down on mail-order brides and grooms. The price of love is ┬г25,700 a year, according to UK Home Secretary Theresa May (http://www.newstatesman.com/blogs/voices/2012/06/price-love-%C2%A325700-year-according-theresa-may). Yep, that's the same Theresa May who warned the Tories in 2002 (http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2002/oct/08/uk.conservatives2002) that they were becoming known as "the Nasty Party".

August 19th, 2012, 22:03
Can I ask... are there many Thais living in the UK? If so, are they mainly in London or are there pockets of Thais in other towns and cities?

August 20th, 2012, 07:01
The Conservative Party are playing true to form - if you have enough money you can "import" and marry who ever the fuck you want, but if you are poorer - even to the extent of being on a salary of ┬г25,699 and thus completely able to support your partner - you are to be prevented from doing so.

This Party also tell us that the subsistance level for an couple in the UK is ┬г5343 - that is the benefit rate these Tory toffs reckon a couple can live on - can anybody spot the disparity between that argument and this latest one suggesting you need ┬г25,700?

When you consider that 18 out of 29 Conservative Cabinet Ministers are personal millionaires (and you can add a few more on to that to allow for probable financial jiggery-pokery), then is it any wonder they are completely out of touch with anything other than the growing racist, uneducated, and xenophobic mindset exhibited by many in the UK, fuelled by a disgusting, rabid tabloid Press which puts "Der Sturmer" to shame?

The real question in UK politics is why anybody in their right mind votes for this bunch of tossers .


August 20th, 2012, 22:51
Not that I give a shit who's really in power back home. Looks like your countrymen are in the trough again SG :snorting: :happy7: :occasion9:

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politic ... ornia.html (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/SNP/9487588/Alex-Salmonds-entourage-spends-48000-to-attend-Brave-premier-in-California.html)

August 20th, 2012, 23:34
I'm sorry, but how does going on an official trade mission along with the Visit Scotland Tourist Agency equate to "being in the trough"?

Spending ┬г48,000 attending that trade mission (on the back of a Disney movie which will showcase Scotland worldwide) to gain anticipated tourism revenue of ┬г140,000,000 - how does that equate to wasting money?

Oh, what this? The Tory Telegraph forgot to mention those little details?
Quelle Surprise my dear.


No doubt your position is that the First Minister of Scotland ought not to help the Tourist Board take advantage of using the premiere of the movie to promote the country featured in the movie?
I mean you wouldn't see The Prime Minister and the Mayor of London at the Olympics every day for a fortnight, would you?
Not to mention the opening by Mrs Saxe-Coburg and Gotha - together with the subsequent daily appearances of the rest of her brood.

Tip: Away and lick that life-size cardboard cut-out of Thatcher you probably keep in your loom.


August 21st, 2012, 00:59
Quite where you get the impression that I'm a Tory supporter would be interesting SG. I'm just showing my interest in how the Scottish taxpayers dosh is being squandered. It's just your one sided view that I enjoy taking the piss out of SG. Keep them coming now. You seem to have enough time on your hands :occasion9: :occasion9:

Here's another one to keep you busy :hello2:

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politic ... lmond.html (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/SNP/9482934/So-how-slightly-independent-would-that-be-Alex-Salmond.html)

August 21st, 2012, 01:47
Quite where you get the impression that I'm a Tory supporter would be interesting SG. I'm just showing my interest in how the Scottish taxpayers dosh is being squandered...

So, I'll safely assume you're unable to answer the 2 questions I posed.

I'm not even bothering with your new link - "telegraph" in the url says it all - and that's where I get that impression you allude to.
