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May 20th, 2006, 17:15

The man on the left, wearing a fabulous vintage chiffon-lined Dior gold lame gown over a silk Vera Wang empire waisted tulle cocktail dress, accessorized with a 3-foot beaded peaked House of Whoville hat, along with the ruby slippers that Judy Garland wore in The Wizard of Oz, is worried that the Da Vinci Code might make the Roman Catholic Church look foolish.
courtesy MB

May 20th, 2006, 17:28
TeePee that gave me quite a chuckle :bom:

American Teacher-old
May 20th, 2006, 17:38
Read the book -- good.

Saw the movie -- ok to fair.

Understand all the hype? -- not really.

If you are not too familiar with the movie or the book -- do yourself a favor. Read the book and forget the movie.


www.niddysnook.com (http://www.niddysnook.com)
** Home of Pattaya's Tastiest Cheeseburger! **

May 20th, 2006, 18:16
The man on the left, wearing a fabulous vintage chiffon-lined Dior gold lame gown over a silk Vera Wang empire waisted tulle cocktail dress, accessorized with a 3-foot beaded peaked House of Whoreville hat, along with the ruby slippers that Judy Garland wore in The Wizard of Oz, is worried that the Da Vinci Code might make the Roman Catholic Church look foolish.

At least he ditched the beaded bag!
(But only because it was on fire.)
I know because I was the one shouting, "Show us your knickers!"
They're Victoria's Secret--And best kept that way!

May 20th, 2006, 19:54
"The U.S. Cardinals said they are going to develop a code of ethics to help them deal with the sexual scandal. Wait a minute, I thought their already was a code of ethics, it's called the Bible." тАФJay Leno

"I read this in the paper this morning: New York City has a priest shortage. So you see, there is some good news in the world. ... To give you an idea how bad it is, earlier today in Brooklyn an alter boy had to grope himself." тАФDavid Letterman

"As you've probably heard, the Pope has asked all the Cardinals to return to Rome. You know how they got them all to come back? They told them that there was going to be a performance by the Vienna Boys Choir." тАФJay Leno

"The Cardinals will be staying at the Domus Sanctae Marthae, the new hotel at the Vatican, where turn down service means the bell boy isn't interested." тАФDaily Show host Jon Stewart

"They say (the Pledge of Allegiance) violates the separation of church and state. How about the separation of church and altar boy? That's what I'm worried about." тАФJay Leno


May 21st, 2006, 12:35
is stranger than fiction! On a recent interview on BBC World with the spokesperson of the UK branch of Opus Dei, the questioning went something like this:

Int: Is it true that you wear a strap on your thigh that is embedded with metal studs?
O.D: Yes but it's only a little thing.
Int: But it inflicts pain?
O.D: Not pain, more like a reminder.
Int: Why?
O.D: As a sacrifice for people of the world.
Int: And you whip yourself
O.D: No.
Int: But you have a length of cord which you beat yourself on the back with?
O.D: It isn't that important
Int: So you whip yourself?
O.D: Yes but only a little bit! Oh and since the publicity of the book and film we are getting 50 emails a month from people who want to join Opus Dei.

What odds they are sado-masachists!

Dan Brown, luckiest bugger in the entire world. He writes one ripping yarn of a book which captures the imagination and gets hyped beyond belief until 60 million copies are sold (and still selling). If you have read the Da Vinci Code, don't bother with any other of his books, they are basically the same story (sometimes with the same character) in a different location.

What all the fuss is about is beyond me, it's a trashy good read and totally ridiculous ... SPOILER ... For those of you who don't want to see the film but who may be interested as to what it's about. As far as I can recall from the book, it's basic 'shocking' premiss is that Jesus married Mary Magdalene, had kids, she was (for some reason) buried in Scotland before later being moved to be layed to rest under the glass pyramid at the louvre in Paris. Throw in a homicidal albino monk, a mad Englishman, self flagellation and a series of Tomb Raider type puzzles and there you have it!

May 21st, 2006, 15:36
I've been there three times--And only got goosed!...Once! However, it was by a guard--But with a baton...I think. It was very dark...the room, not the baton! (I'd turned off the light in the loo. He turned it back on, saw me, and right back off it went.)

Ebert and what's-her-name (The queeny one) both liked it. So I guess I'll waste a dollar...when it's out on DVD.

I hope it's as funny as The Producers, which we watched last night. But I wish they'd put the out-takes back where they belong instead of all at the end.
BTW: Some of the little-old ladies (Who steal the show.) are men...What some people won't do to get laid!

May 23rd, 2006, 09:56
If you are not too familiar with the movie or the book -- do yourself a favor. Read the book and forget the movieForget the book, don't bother with the movie. That would be the real favour, surely? I haven't read the book but I'm told it's a conspiracy theory about a nice Jewish boy turned sex tourist who gets a Jewish go-go girl in the club, and a lot of men in frocks have spent the last 2000 years in some sort of cover-up. In other words, typical American tosh

May 23rd, 2006, 16:32
It grossed $235,000,000.00 first day out--So what, if it grossed-out a few nuns. `doubt Ron Howard cares...heard he's stated a religious (?) organization: Opie Dei.

American Teacher-old
May 23rd, 2006, 23:05
If you are not too familiar with the movie or the book -- do yourself a favor. Read the book and forget the movieForget the book, don't bother with the movie. That would be the real favour, surely? I haven't read the book but I'm told it's a conspiracy theory about a nice Jewish boy turned sex tourist who gets a Jewish go-go girl in the club, and a lot of men in frocks have spent the last 2000 years in some sort of cover-up. In other words, typical American tosh

That's a terrible plot explanation and ridiculously far from the truth. The book is well written and very entertaining. It raises some interesting ideas -- albeit in a rather cliche way.

Nonetheless, a good read.

May 24th, 2006, 00:33
First this:

" ... The book is well written ... "

Then this:

" ... It raises some interesting ideas -- albeit in a rather cliche way ... "
Pretty well a contradiction in terms if I am reading you correctly.

But aside from that I disagree with you fundamentally: I thought the book was dismally written (though I enjoyed the idea & it's possibilities ~ in the hands of a better writer) and now it appears the movie is at least as dismally directed (though I'll probably rent it sooner or later).

All totally subjective of course (my friend who gave me the book enjoyed it very much and he's much smarter than I), and I'm obviously a lousy critic .... being just about the only person I know who could hardly abide even the first few chapters (I threw it away after plodding labouriously that far) of 'Lord of The Rings'.

Cheers ...

May 24th, 2006, 05:52
Nonetheless, a good read.No wonder you failed as a teacher and now run a cafe

May 24th, 2006, 08:44
The Davinci Code, is incredibly badly written way too long and deserves non of the hype it has been receiving. Is there any-thing more to say?

May 24th, 2006, 08:46
... and so wise. Still, Young Master Cedric told us that when he first joined the Forum

May 24th, 2006, 09:14
"The Davinci Code, is incredibly badly written way too long and deserves non of the hype it has been receiving. Is there any-thing more to say?"

Badly written...a bit like Young Cedric's own post? "Da Vinci" is two words. "None" has an "e" at the end. "Anything" is one word, no hyphen. Also, you could learn to use commas.

Other than that, his message is incredibly well written. I would certainly listen when an author of his caliber criticizes a work for being badly written.

May 25th, 2006, 12:16
Thank-you boygeenyarse, and the thick season hasn't even begun. Perhaps you are puzzled by English as written by the English. Next time I have the time to waist a comma on you i certainly will try.

May 25th, 2006, 19:42
Waist? I'd credit you for being clever if I weren't so sure it wasn't an accident. Or is this the "under the stairs" usage of the word?

May 25th, 2006, 23:31
the "under the stairs" usage of the word?

Below stairs to be precise.

May 26th, 2006, 09:00
Geenyarse is confusing me for someone who gives a shit. But you come across them quite often. Anally retentive daddy wanna be types, that confuse clever with intelligence and written grammar with social status.
Arse (you dont mind me calling you that, do you, it sounds so sexy?) it's not how you write it's how you speak that counts, that is bellow stairs in your field of expertise any-way. But I am glad to see you are trying to improve yourself. It's touching.

And Arse, what is your problem? We dont all have to like the D'vinciCode. No, not really.
That you liked a very boring over hyped crap book is your right. Now enjoy the movie and the sequel and any spin offs, wont you please.

May 26th, 2006, 09:05
I haven't read the book, nor seen the film, and don't plan to.

I was simply pointing out that it is a bit piquant that someone complaining about a best-selling literary work being so "poorly written" was himself incapable of writing the shortest post even to the spelling and grammatical standards of the fifth grade.

May 26th, 2006, 09:09
I haven't read the book, nor seen the film, and don't plan to.

I was simply pointing out that it is a bit piquant that someone complaining about a best-selling literary work being so "poorly written" was himself incapable of writing the shortest post even to the spelling and grammatical standards of the fifth grade.

I believe modern educational methods discount the importance of correct grammar, punctuation, syntax, and vocabulary in favour of self-expression. It does not matter, therefore, how one says something as long as one has something to say.

May 26th, 2006, 09:11
Is the poster known as Young Master Cedric an instance of BadBoyBilly's unique sense of humour or is he just another ill-mannered youth? That upbringing at Kensington Palace (as told to us by Hedda http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/fo ... .php?e=223 (http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/weblog_entry.php?e=223) ), not to mention the schooling (but not at Slough Comprehensive) where dusty volumes of the Literary Review lined the library walls and Young Master Cedric gained familiarity with authors such as Evelyn Waugh, seems to have been of little influence. Perhaps he's going through a rebellious phase? I'm told it sometimes happens with young people
I believe modern educational methods discount the importance of correct grammar, punctuation, syntax, and vocabulary in favour of self-expression. It does not matter, therefore, how one says something as long as one has something to say.That certainly seems true of Young Master Cedric's contribution

May 26th, 2006, 20:42
Arse I am so tired. I just got home from mothering six fully grown Washingtonia palm trees onto a large reticulated truck, each weighing more than a ton. The crew? A jabbering cackling bunch of Cantonese toy-boys, no I don't speak Cantonese, though the phrase, comb your hair later, would be very useful. This is the glorious summer job.

So please excuse any grammatical errors, can you do me that favour? Now Arse where was I? Oh yes, I like the word "piquant" though I am more familiar with "pee-cunt" nothing to do with you I hastily add, just as used by the satay satiated when they refer to spicy. Or for anything the Dutch here find agreeable and sexy. The d'vincicode is not one of them. The Dutch come with the job.

Can i put your mind to rest Arse? When i say badly written i dont of course mean the grammar or punctuation or any-thing as mundane, though that would have been more in keeping. I mean just badly written.
The list is endless, but for mains what about "plodding" as Mr Smiley (dear Smiley) correctly called it, it's meant to be a thriller for god sake!!!!! And then all that breathless prose "confronted by an ALMOST inconceivable apparition in the form of a giant albino...monk" is something inconceivable or is it not, and wouldn't a giant Albino monk most definitely qualify? Blah blah blah, my apologies Arse, I really am tired

Sleep tight Arse. Can I add Hole? Then everytime I write your name i can get a boner.

May 27th, 2006, 09:41
You've done it now. Hedda's had to intervene - http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/fo ... .php?e=242 (http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/weblog_entry.php?e=242)

June 5th, 2006, 04:01
Did not enjoy the movie at all.............. maybe i should have read the book first?

June 5th, 2006, 11:26
Did not enjoy the movie at all.............. maybe i should have read the book first?

Reading the book before seeing a movie is not always ideal. An example of this happened with the first Harry Potter film (don't ask what kind of a silly adult I am to be reading this tosh). I sat through the film remembering what bits had been missed out and what bits should have been done better and ultimately thinking that the Harry portrayed in the film was not as I saw him in the book and in my head. A less wooden actor may have helped!

To completely side track and run off with this thread, does anyone have any ideas about the ending. If it hadn't already been done I would say that Harry's dad turns out to be Voldemort ala Luke and Darth Vadar - I don't think even JK would try this though. Another theory I have is that in the books there has been mention that Harry's parents were betrayed by a close friend. Could it be that between Harry, Ron and Hermione, one of them will be the betrayer and go over to the dark side before final redemption? Im figuring that there has to be a sacrifice in the final chapter and that if JK gets things right, then Harry will be the one to pop off this mortal coil to save his friends, although I don't know if she will do that in a kids book or whether she would want to kill off the cash cow of possiblly returning to the series later in life.

June 5th, 2006, 11:44
"Did not enjoy the movie at all.............. maybe i should have read the book first?"

Did it occur to you that perhaps the movie simply sucks?

June 5th, 2006, 12:01
Boygeenyus vomited this crap:

Did it occur to you that perhaps the movie simply sucks?

How the fuck would you know Dicknose?

By your own admission you have never seen the film NOR read the book

Booygeenyus' wanking words of wisdom:

I haven't read the book, nor seen the film, and don't plan to.

But then again that has never stopped you from mouthing off about things you know nothing about


June 5th, 2006, 12:51
Yet another SF Hydra with poor reading comprehension. I didn't say the movie sucked -- how would I know, I haven't seen it? The guy said he didn't enjoy the movie, maybe he should have read the book first. My question to him, "maybe the movie just sucked period" -- and would continue to suck regardless of whether the book had been read first, second, or never at all.

Go back to whatever Hydra rock you crawled out from under. We don't need your potty-mouth here.

June 5th, 2006, 13:19
What sort of a masochist pays to go where he is not liked or wanted - just so he can be heard saying things about what he knows not?

And pays for the privelege?

At least Hedda was smart enough not to pay

What is your excuse?

June 5th, 2006, 13:26
Looks like dear old Uncle Fungus is losing track of what name he used to make what post.

I don't like any of the posters here, so I would wear it as a medal of honor if none of them liked me. I'm here to tell the truth, as I see it, and burst their narrow-minded sex tourist view of the world whenever possible.

And, unlike most others, I am a major contributor to this board's financial well-being. So, even if I am "not wanted" by the majority of the old mothballs on this site, I think I am wanted by the one person who has the power to make me go away. So you're stuck with me, dear.

June 13th, 2006, 01:53
Nonetheless, a good read.No wonder you failed as a teacher and now run a cafe

And is failing at that too.

June 13th, 2006, 02:05
Did not enjoy the movie at all.............. maybe i should have read the book first?

You'd need to learn your ABCs first. One has to learn how to crawl before they can walk.

June 13th, 2006, 08:45
I'm here to tell the truth, as I see it, and burst their narrow-minded sex tourist view of the world whenever possible.Those two concepts are not incompatible except in the mind of a convert to Siamism like you

And, unlike most others, I am a major contributor to this board's financial well-beingWhat an incredibly vulgar claim (although I am reminded that boygeenyus is an American so I shouldn't be surprised)

We don't need your potty-mouth hereNow where did I last see that childish phrase used? Ah yes, Gareth in The Office. boygeenyus = Gareth? Yes, it has a certain je ne sais quoi

June 13th, 2006, 08:50
How the fuck would you know Dicknose? .... But then again that has never stopped you from mouthing off about things you know nothing about. FuckwitI see another of our Lord Jesus Christ's disciples giving us his own rendition of the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus undoubtedly wants jojopreppy for a sunbeam

June 13th, 2006, 13:09
How the fuck would you know Dicknose? .... But then again that has never stopped you from mouthing off about things you know nothing about. FuckwitI see another of our Lord Jesus Christ's disciples giving us his own rendition of the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus undoubtedly wants jojopreppy for a sunbeam

(Board) business as usual: how to take a bad premise and drive it into the ground.
This thread started off with a drag-pic of the pope: Her Poopyness, Mary Pooppins; and, as usual; deteriorated--Or ascended, the choice is up to the individual.--from there.

"A sunbeam, a sunbeam;
Jesus wants me for a sunbeam..."
I once had a lover who started every morning with that damn song...in countertenor.
On the seventh day, when he should have gave it a rest, he got a Sunbeam...toaster...upside the head.
I can't remember his name.
Neither could he--for several days.

June 14th, 2006, 05:52
First we get this from Boygeenyus:

" ... I haven't read the book, nor seen the film, and don't plan to. I was simply pointing out that it is a bit 'piquant' that someone complaining about a best-selling literary work being so "poorly written" was himself incapable of writing the shortest post even to the spelling and grammatical standards of the fifth grade ..."

Then, along comes Homintern and ups the ante, word-wise:

" ... As a life-long Pattaya-avoider I guess I shouldn't comment, but frankly any place whose Web site is so utterly 'twee' as to state "Niddy resides in Pattaya, Thailand with his husband, Christopher Parsons, baby chihuahua, Sebastian and newest pup, Olivia" suggests an establishment to avoid ... "

It's wonderful that these two truly delicious words appear here on this message board, and used by two of our most distinguished and often dislike-able characters . . . Boygeenyus for instance would skewer his own grandmother with an icepick while asleep in her bed if he thought she had so much as dangled an innocent participle the wrong way.
"Family" plays no part when self-righteous wrath becomes necessary to call upon.

For me, the only sadness here is that no one ~ at least to my knowledge ~ has as yet clambered up the third pillar of this literary edifice: that is to say, subtly (important!) employ the word 'jejune' in the proper context within a sentence . . . the better to make us all stop and think ~ deeply.


And then . . . there's BoyGeorge, who has garnerd together ALL the words he has managed to learn over the last 35 years and put them all together in one sentence and (unkowingly) has encapsulated the deep-seated collective 'Weltanschauung' of this entire Board membership in one glorious "in-your-heart-you-know-he's-right" wrap-up phrase:

" ... You should really be playing bowls at your age Grandpa, not playing with your own balls ... "
Ya gotta love it!!

Cheers ...

June 14th, 2006, 08:33
I'm not sure about others but I did find Smiles' contribution somewhat orotund

June 14th, 2006, 18:47
" ... I'm not sure about others but I did find Smiles' contribution somewhat orotund ... "
For a self-described fat bald old cunt, I wouldn't be bandying the word "orotund" around in public if I were you.

(I looked it up!!)

Cheers ...