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View Full Version : Buy a bar in Pattaya NOW

May 28th, 2012, 21:54
It's just my opinion but I think there has never been a better time to buy a bar in Pattaya. Let me explain.

I don't actually think that very many of them have ever made any money. I have beeen coming to Pattaya since 2004 and even then most bar owners were complaining about how few customers they had. But, still the bars sold for quite a lot of money. Well, they still don't make any money but are now dirt cheap to buy. This leads on to my second point. So many people buy a bar because they want to do something else from what they are doing. What they really want is a change to their life.
They will of course find that the grass is no greener there than where they are but they can only find that out for themselves. I know of one couple who quickly found out that running a business in Britain was a dream compared to owning a bar in Sunnee.

So, scratch the itch, get it out of your system. Now is the time to buy a bar because overall you will lose less money now than in the past.

May 28th, 2012, 22:29
What a dumb post!

May 28th, 2012, 23:04
Penguin: Did you understand it? I'm not sure you did. If you're going to reply to me you had better be constructive. I don't tolerate fools lightly. Disagree by all means but say something of value.

Agreed. I think someone may be used to the old SGF and what was appropriate and what was not. DaBoss

May 28th, 2012, 23:23
Just posted on Gay Button site:

The owner of Stardust has decided to sell, so therefore we shall not be re-opening.

The owner has informed me that the asking price is 1 million baht which includes all fixtures and fittings in the bar and also in the rooms and apartments above. Don't forget this is a double unit not a single.The price is for the bar and the apartments inclusive. I shall mail Mr Gaybutton to discuss a more appropriate advertisement.

I would like to thank all the customers who had supported us over the last 12 months.

The asking price is 1 million Thai baht but that price is available for discussion for a quick sale.

May 29th, 2012, 01:10
I remember this bar from two years ago, then it was called Wonderland.

The last change of owner was just months ago (according to what I read on the forums).

Some bars change owners more frequently than I change my underwear!

May 29th, 2012, 01:22
Some bars change owners more frequently than I change my underwear!

oh christian, I hope that's not true. :pukeleft:

May 29th, 2012, 02:04
I agree totally Arsenal and your post certainly hit a nerve with me as of late it's just about EXACTLY what I was just sitting here thinking many a night as for various reasons I won't bore you all with "the bank" are / might / would like to royally screw me over over the coming months / year/s perhaps and I've had a crazy ( or maybe not so crazy) thought of just doing exactly what you've said and rather than slowly losing / the bank taking all my money now I'll just scoop what I can, buy a bar and still lose the money, but just at a slightly slower rate and all whilst in the sun and hopefully whilst getting blown every now and then by some cute Thai guy or six :-) - and as you said I'm under no illusion that it'll probably all go to shit at some point money wise etc but as I'm sitting here in Ireland looking at the same possible prospect perhaps I can totally understand your logic.

I wonder Neal ( and this is intended as a serious question ) could / would you care to comment as honestly as you can ( and I don't mean here in relation to your bar in any way here in particular - but feel free to comment on that if you like of course :-) but would you say that most / all of the smaller bars that are bought by farang as the OP describes as "escapes" ARE all actually all losing quite a lot / vast sums of money quite quickly or is it more perhaps a case of a slow drip over many years with the guys losing say a grand or two every year whilst trading away "reasonably" but not in any great way.

Obviously and again I'm not being funny here but we all aware and you have mentioned that when you came to Pattaya you were already very self sufficient cash wise so cash flow wasn't perhaps the most important aspect of your decision to relocate, but IF that had not been the case for you and you'd turned up in Pattaya with say maybe ┬г50k or ┬г60 (uk) cash in your pocket and went out and bought a ┬г1000000 (┬г20kSTG) bar/go go such as the type that can be seen for sale in Pattaya gay or otherwise quite regularly now ( and I know that HP cost and is worth a lot more than that by the way so lets forget about that for now) BUT if you had of arrived in those circumstances.....do you think that it (the hypothetical bar/ go go bar) would in all probability have a reasonable chance of having "some" trading success - or at least enough to allow you to perhaps stand still cash flow wise and even make a small profit perhaps at the end of a year OR.... is business that bad generally in Pattaya these days and the corruption and red tape that stifling that it would be fairly much an absolute and forgone conclusion that on average bars/go go bars like that, which sell at those sorts of prices (or less) ARE simply a money pit, doomed to failure before you start, no matter what you do or how hard you work and will ultimately fold after a year or two or when the additional cash necessary to fund the losses runs out meaning the "dream" will be over and you'll find yourself ending up trying to sell your million baht bar for a half a million baht to the next (dreaming) farang wanting to "live the dream" and so the cycle goes on ??

Whilst I realise it's a hard question to answer perhaps even a rough percentage break down of a possible success / failure rate would be interesting perhaps ??

Oh and as I believe a few other bar owners also maybe read the board it would be great to hear their honest thoughts re all this as well perhaps as I guess they may have first hand knowledge of the facts and also maybe even are sitting on bars for sale which actually do run at a profit and they want to sell for reasons other than cash flow such as ill health and that's the one detail that might be stopping people considering the purchase in the first place ?

On and and to keep on topic was I believe the whole point of Arsenal's original absolutely (in my view) very sensible post !

May 29th, 2012, 02:19
Interesting post, NIrish Guy. If I read arsenal's OP correctly, he's suggesting that if you ever had the itch (or dream) to run a bar in Pattaya, then now is the time, since you can buy a bar reasonably cheaply. I think, though, he was suggesting (and forgive me, arsenal, if I got this wrong) that although now is the time to do it, the result will be the same - you'll lose a lot of money, but if you do it now (compared to say 5 years ago) you'll lose less. That's my reading of his OP anyway, for what it's worth.

May 29th, 2012, 02:23
yeah, I think that's about spot on there to Joe and just how I read it......and of course the interesting question and the one left unanswered perhaps is that a) IS it a forgone FACT that you WILL lose your bar / and cash and b) just how much cash and over what period !! ??? as with even a rough and honest guide to those answers then one could start to work out whether they are still happy to jump in a scratch the itch perhaps or if it's a forgone conclusion that you'll go broke at least go broke (fast or slow ?) and in the sun and getting those blow jobs I mentioned perhaps ! :-)

May 29th, 2012, 02:33
well, I think they'd turn out to be very expensive blowjobs! I think if I was close to retiring age and had the funds, I wouldn't mind spending my time subsidising a bar in Pattaya, but that ain't gonna happen for me. I'll have to settle for being a retired customer constantly complaining about the price of a beer :crybaby:

May 29th, 2012, 03:04
Ok, let me put in my tuppence worth - I agree with Arsenal that bars are now selling cheaply, but why? - mainly because there no bloody customers I'd suggest.

Having said that, I fail to see why, as most people seem to believe, a bar must lose money - I can't get my head round that at all.
Now I'm not talking about a gogo bar with all the overheads and kickbacks which they are obliged to meet.
I cannot see how a simple beer/host bar should automatically lose money IF you take it seriously and work at it (the most important thing is to actually be there and have some kind of rapport with your customers)
No offence to our bar-owning SGT members - but keeping a bar is (I would suggest) more common-sense and committment. than rocket science

:dontknow: :dontknow:

May 29th, 2012, 03:23
I have to agree with you again, scottish - it's the owner who makes the bar, not the boys. What I mean by that is, there are beer/host bars that work because the owner is present and makes himself known to his customers, and there are those where it's all down to the boys to entice you in. I don't have to like the bar owner or even have a conversation with him, but I do want to be acknowlged by him while I'm spending my money.

May 29th, 2012, 03:41
Yeah I would have been inclined to agree with you Scot's that surely if you're buying somewhere with a low enough monthly overhead and you keep half an eye on what's going on and put in the effort to build your custom etc then on the law of averages you must with a fair wind have at least HALF a chance it not of having much profit but at least breaking even and simply "living" in Thailand, which at the end of the day is I guess the actual reason most people do it and not to make their fortune ?

However from reading things on here and a few other places it seems that opening a bar / go go bar is the very LAST thing you should ever do as it's automatically doomed to failure before you even start - and I guess looking at the amount of bars that come up for sale that would perhaps back that up - but saying that just how many bars are there there still trading away month on month, without breaking any turnover or profit records but the guy is just happy "living" ? That I guess was my question ?

Perhaps we should all chip say in two grand each, buy a bar between us, put a manager in and then take a shift a few weeks a year to go out and run it between us lol - and then we would soon see if there was any money or a living to be made or not ! lol - I'm guessing with that business model the answer would most certainly be NOT !! ha ha - but that still leaves the more serious question as you said that "surely not EVERY bar in Pattaya is losing money ???" I just can't on the law of averages believe that ? So, bar owners - are we dreaming ???

May 29th, 2012, 03:46
hang on, you're suggesting I put in a couple of grand, and rather than my 2 weeks holdiay, I have to go and work and actually run the bar while I'm in Thailand? :dontknow:

would I be right in thinking you're not the CEO of wherever you work?

May 29th, 2012, 03:51
no, you see that's EXACTLY why I AM the CEO of where I work ! lol - get others to invest their cash, staff it AND give up their holiday leave to boot - come of that's classic and worthy of an award by Sir Alan Sugar from the Apprentice I thought !!! lol

May 29th, 2012, 03:55
ah, but in earlier threads you talked about trying to convince your managers you were actually working rather than posting here. I suspect you're a lowly civil servant, who wears cords, and eats his lunch alone. time to post a photo to prove me wrong. :occasion9:

May 29th, 2012, 05:06
I'd rather take a sabbatical and spend that Million on a holiday in LOS for a year. No headaches, well only the ones induced by alcohol.

Here's the thing. They say that love makes blind and that goes for love of a country/city too. I would think that most of us will have some money saved and the possibility of living in Thailand can blind us. Especially those that come to Thailand for the first time. Wow, a bar for only 31 grand?

"I got 50 in the bank"
"I could never do this in my country"
"bar owners in my country are making a killing"
"i don't need to make a lot"
"This is my time to quit my boring job"
"I can live in paradise"

This is how I imagine something like that plays out in a potential buyers head. Drunk from love and all impulsive rationalizations. No critical thinking about the business deal at hand.

IMHO There are definitely exceptions and those are the bars that stay open longer. I can't believe it's because the business is so good, but rather that the owner(s) have enough money to maintain it. Why would a bar owner sell after a few months of running a business? Probably because the 19 grand left, after the million deal, is starting to run out.


May 29th, 2012, 05:09
Euroboys is for sale @500,000B, with a 3 year lease available on transfer, so 13888 PM needed to get back your capital
Rent is 6,000 B per month
Electricity would probably run @3000 PM

So need to be clearing 23,000 PM to break even
Thats before tea money, staff wages and living expenses

6 members of staff @9000PM (the rest can be freelancers)

Tea Money 10,000

So you would need 87,000 PM in income to break even

Average drink cost is 150B
Assume profit on that drink is 120B

So need to sell 725 drinks per month
Assuming the bar is only open 25 nights PM that means you would need to sell 29 drinks per night to cover your expenses
That is tough going for some of the smaller bars

Of course Off fees would boost income... figure 2 offs a day which would bring the required drink sales down to 25 per day...but whatever way i look at it my bar is doomed to fail before it starts!

May 29th, 2012, 05:20
well done, colmx, who said the world didn't need accountants. :occasion9:

you're absolutely right, though, hard to make the figures stack up. maybe if scottish would open his purse?

May 29th, 2012, 05:22
making a lot of sense there.

p.s. would it make sense to merge these threads about bars closing? I'm losing track and it's all the same basic story - just a suggestion :dontknow:

May 29th, 2012, 05:22
Perhaps we should all chip say in two grand each, buy a bar between us, put a manager in and then take a shift a few weeks a year to go out and run it between us lol - and then we would soon see if there was any money or a living to be made or not ! lol - I'm guessing with that business model the answer would most certainly be NOT !! ha ha - but that still leaves the more serious question as you said that "surely not EVERY bar in Pattaya is losing money ???" I just can't on the law of averages believe that ? So, bar owners - are we dreaming ???

I believe that Charlie Boys in Pattayaland soi 1 (where lucky 7 is now) was originally setup by a syndicate?
So there is a precedence

May 29th, 2012, 05:28
well done, colmx, who said the world didn't need accountants. :occasion9:

you're absolutely right, though, hard to make the figures stack up. maybe if scottish would open his purse?

Luckily i am an IT manager... so not a very good accountant

Reducing the sale price of a drink to 100B means that you would neeed to sell 49 drinks per night to break even

Seems that this might be a better route... that way the farang that was only buying a drink for himself @150B might be tempted to buy 2 x 100B drinks for himself and a boy

May 29th, 2012, 05:36
... maybe if scottish would open his purse?

"Open my purse"?

Is this some kind of sexual innuendo?

I didn't knowyou cared!

All that's in my purse is moths, a bus ticket, and a few bawbees.

You confusing me with the majority of SGT members who are multi millionaires.


May 29th, 2012, 05:37
BTW 500,000B = 12,500 Euro

So 12 investors @ 1050 euro each would get you 1 month a year at being a bar owner in NIrishs Timeshare-a-gogo!

No return on investment except free off fees the other 11 months of the year (just pay the boy tips!)

May 29th, 2012, 06:04
Hang on this is seeming like quite a good idea all of a sudden - we've got Colmx as our appointed book keeper ( as his figures all seemed to add up correctly even after I used my toes AND fingers to double check them ! And with the free offs for 11 months I bet we could recoup our initial investment in no time I mean what's that something like 166 offs @ 300 baht an off so I'm sure with the shagging rate on this board we'd all make our money back in NO time lol

So, Comx is the accountant, I'll work behind the bar as I'm quite experienced at the oul drinking lark and can water down the spirits just like all the best Thai bar men lol - oh also I'm musical so I'll run the karaoke and the music, Scots can be the bouncer and keep everyone out that he doesn't like ( we may have to re think that appointment as profits could plunge due to the bar always being empty), yer man that likes the Chinese grub can be our catering manager lol ( that should be interesting :-) and Joe can be masasan and work behind the bar if we get a rush on but mainly make sure the boys are all on time and well behaved ( but no playing with the boys mind without paying your off fee into the kitty ! ) .....oh and seeing as I'm prepared to work even harder to show my commitment to the project I'll volunteer to be the "fluffer" for the big cock show ( we are SO having a big cock show lol :-)

So, there we go, that's a start and we still have some vacancies so all applications will be duly considered - and the opportunity for investment is closing fast so get your cheque books out as you don't want to miss this once in a lifetime opportunity to own your go go own bar in Thailand - hell this could be cheapest least risk opportunity you'll EVER get to your your own bar without actually losing your life savings !!!

Colm - get that bank account opened and ready as I've a feeling we're going to have a FLOOD of enquiries - as when you factor into the equation we're all going to drink there and support it as are the other loyal SGF members hell we can't go wrong !!! lol

May 29th, 2012, 06:09
damn you just nailed my business plan and just about every reason I'd convinced myself was a GREAT idea for buying a bar all in one fell swoop there VN !! :-( Lol - no, to be fair I'm not "just" that blind...... very close perhaps but not "just" - thankfully :hello2: lol

May 29th, 2012, 06:52
..12 investors @ 1050 euro each would get you 1 month a year at being a bar owner in NIrishs Timeshare-a-gogo!

I have a suspicion that at least some of the "investors" would drink more than the value of their investment during their month in charge!


May 29th, 2012, 06:58
Euroboys is for sale @500,000B, with a 3 year lease available on transfer, so 13888 PM needed to get back your capital
Rent is 6,000 B per month
Electricity would probably run @3000 PM

So need to be clearing 23,000 PM to break even
Thats before tea money, staff wages and living expenses

6 members of staff @9000PM (the rest can be freelancers)

Tea Money 10,000

So you would need 87,000 PM in income to break even

Average drink cost is 150B
Assume profit on that drink is 120B

So need to sell 725 drinks per month
Assuming the bar is only open 25 nights PM that means you would need to sell 29 drinks per night to cover your expenses
That is tough going for some of the smaller bars

Of course Off fees would boost income... figure 2 offs a day which would bring the required drink sales down to 25 per day...but whatever way i look at it my bar is doomed to fail before it starts!

Nice calculation but I'm sure that you're forgetting some very important costs. Example, how many boys do you have working? Freelancers you say. Are those the GOGOs? because they get paid too; 2000 and up per month, plus food. Then there are all this little things you would never think of like glasses, straws, ice, toilet paper and the list goes on and on.

May 29th, 2012, 07:11
VN you're really not helping my "buy a bar for a grand" campaign here !! lol - and there won't be many incidentals as we intend to send the boys round all the other bars pinching the straws and toilets rolls and to keep them thin and sexy don't intend to feed them that much either ! - See, it's all in how you work with what you've got......there's still time for you to get in at a ground level investment, trust me in years to come you might be kicking yourself you didn't, are you REALLY sure you want to risk THAT !! lol

And Scots you give over too with all your "some may end up drinking more than their investment" line as in one fell swoop you've just exposed my secret claw back clause for all the world to see now ! damn you !

May 29th, 2012, 07:23
Nice calculation but I'm sure that you're forgetting some very important costs. Example, how many boys do you have working? Freelancers you say. Are those the GOGOs? because they get paid too; 2000 and up per month, plus food. Then there are all this little things you would never think of like glasses, straws, ice, toilet paper and the list goes on and on.

The more popular bars in sunee Mmic My and Nice boys) do not per the majority of their boys
They have a core group that they pay - to ensure that there are a minimum number of boys in the bar... but the rest are all freelancers

If they come on time and wait stay till the end of their shift they get a free meal @30B
They are free to come and go as they please... as long as they are not caught defrauding the bar of an off fee!

In MicMy - whoever is there at midnight has to stay until the bar closes... in fact their belongings get locked up and they have no access to them...this is to ensure that there are still boys to attract in customers and that they don't all run off to the disco or game shop after midnight when the pickings look slim in terms of customers

May 29th, 2012, 07:33
Oh joe ........bad news.......with Colms inside knowledge of how the game works it appears you've just been demoted and Colm will be adding Manasan to his duties as well - but don't worry I'll give up one night a week of my big cock competition fluffer duties to you as consolation - and we do still need some one for the live sex shows if you think you're up for it ?

May 29th, 2012, 10:12

Yes, that's exactly what I meant. I remember the owner of Thai Gentlemen Club telling me that if you want to own a bar in Pattaya just for something to do then fine. But if you want to run it as a business with possibly a bank loan etc then absolutely don't.
It could be a way of basically having an inexpensive extended break from your normal life. Allow a budget, say ┬г15-20'000 for a year. In that respect (and that respect alone) the 50% partnership offered by Monty is a total steal.

May 29th, 2012, 10:33
NIrish, there's no way I'm letting you getting involved in such a business.

Not when I have a worthless..uhm...I mean valuable; piece of land here in Vietnam that would be perfect for a man like yourself. The roads are paved with gold and there are naked and willing boys working in every rice paddy. One time offer soon to follow.

I must say that I was impressed with that "GOGO-share" idea LOL I'm seeing money guys. All we need are bars for sale. Seems that Sunee and Boystown have a few, at least one hardcore sales man (accompanied by some available boys), and a few marketing pros to hunt for potential buyers. Who can resist the possibility to own a bar for one month a year (x3) for only 5000 euro? No hard sale needed here.

I guess we could use Daboss' bar as demo.

May 29th, 2012, 11:15
Just wait, in the current business climate they'll get even cheaper. Most recently farangs have bought bars as you have said for something to do or something for the boy to do, once open they soon realize they must be there all the time or don't mind getting robbed blind.

May 29th, 2012, 13:13
.... the 50% partnership offered by Monty is a total steal.

And just like stealing, if you went into his proposed venture accepting his insistance that you don't need a work permit, you're in danger of ending up in the pokey.


May 29th, 2012, 13:29
Yes, read the thread on gay Button where Monty asks for a 50% partner for only $2,000 and ya don't need a work permit! Of course it needs renovations and purchases and the partner works a little with no work permit and untimitely gets thrown in jail. He then also admits he has no work permit and justifies it because we rent prostitutes which are illegal in Thailand. Yes, by all means read that thread and realize what type of people want to be partners with you....some of them.

And if you all are serious, I have 175% of Happy Place for sale and I could bring you in with ME!! :evil4:

May 29th, 2012, 14:39
An administrator or Board Owner needs a WP, even if the website is hosted overseas. Did you find your wp difficult to come by Da Boss?

May 29th, 2012, 15:12
.. Did you find your wp difficult to come by Da Boss?

This seems very similar to the snide remarks from GB's board.

I wonder why? :evil4:

Why don't you attend to you own business instead of throwing insinuations around?


May 29th, 2012, 15:49
I'm very hurt that you all had an online board meeting after I'd logged off and now I find I'm demoted from mamasan, even though I have the perfect outfit in my wardrobe, just crying out to be worn. I don't think I want to play with you lot anymore. :occasion9:

May 29th, 2012, 16:09
see, now this is EXACTLY what we all feared, that you were actually a bigger drama queen than all the boys put together and at the first signs of trouble or stress you'd up your frock and away in a fit of spit and feathers all until we came running after you pleading with you to stay - until the next time and the next time :-( no I think we've seen enough and I'm sorry to say the motion is carried and Colmx seems like a MUCh more suitable candidate for the role as he's displayed a steady hand, a sound mathematical grasp of figures and a knowledge of the drinking / working boy scene far in excess of any of the rest of us - hell we may even let him put in a slightly bigger share on his buy in so he can take an even bigger cut of the losses we're that pleased with him of late !! :-)

So, fluffer, part time barman and perhaps someone to nip round and collect the glasses is about the best we can offer you for now Joe, but if you care to send in your CV we're certainly keep it on file as we are an equal opportunities employer i.e, we'll take anyone's money and give them some random job - until their cheque clears at least ! - actually no scrub that I'm guessing the Colm as the savvy financial guy that he is will on behalf of the bar be insisting on all share options are paid strictly on a "cash only" basis - or if being paid by cheque then the cheque to be made out to "Copulating Alcoholics Share Holdings" - or CASH for short !

May 29th, 2012, 16:55
:sign5: you're far too sharp for me. I think I'll leave it and just enjoy the bar as a non-paying customer (whaddya mean? I'm a friend of the owners, course I don't have to pay off fees!) that kind of thing

May 29th, 2012, 17:06
Ah but you're forgetting who our bouncer is...... even one attempt at leaving without paying your off fee will I've no doubt result in you receiving a "Glasgow Kiss" to the forehead with a hand at the same time going into your pocket, emptying your wallet and then throwing you out in the street with a swift kick in the ass to boot - we choose our staff carefully and our bouncer takes no shit ! :-)

so, no, I think our ( still open) offer for you to invest in one of Pattaya's most up and coming go go bars is still by far the best way of you enjoying your time whilst here - I mean you're going to spend all your time in go go bars anyway whilst here so it may as well be your own !

May 29th, 2012, 17:15
you can be very persuasive - I'll bet you can charm a lot of boys into your bed for free :notworthy:

May 29th, 2012, 17:18
See now for some reason THAT is something I've never been quite so good at it seems :-( - and personally I can't imagine why as hey you've seen my cute ass, I mean who WOULDN'T go for that piece of prime Irish beefsteak !!! lol

May 29th, 2012, 17:27
indeed, who could resist? maybe you should carry that photo around with you to show them what they'll be getting :dontknow:

May 29th, 2012, 19:45
So I tried to listen to you and merge the two threads but the Stardust thread got lost and I can't find where it went. It wasn't that far along anyhow. Sorry and I will try to do better next time.

Puckered Penquin: You are back two days and two heavy handed insults after I sent you my warm "welcome back". Not a good way to resurface but I will give you a little leeway because you probably have not been aware of the changes to this forum.

As far as my word processor? Well I think I am allowed to misspell and my word processor either not pick it up or I was in a "I could care less" attitude, and you see I am allowed those times now and again because number one, my health and number two????? Oh yes, number 2 is that I own the fucking board. :evil4:

May 29th, 2012, 21:04
Excellent reply DaBoss !!!!! --i own the fucking board --and as you so rightly point out you are free to say what you want -i would too if it were mine and fuck the begrudgers

Is it just me or does anybody else feel the board seems to be only drifting along with loads of little tit for tat exchanges that seem to comprise most of the posts nowadays ???? :sleepy1: :sleepy1:

:blackeye: :blackeye: :blackeye:

May 30th, 2012, 00:43
I am only one person but it seems to me Martin911 that there are only tit for tat exchanges when you appear and if you look at the numbers they have doubled since I purchased the board and fights and bullshit have stopped. Ya know Martin911, there are two or three other boards here in Thailand if you don't like this one. :dontknow:

As far as Puckered Penguin, it was pointed out to me that you were not commenting on my spelling and word processor but a work permit. All of that is handled but I thank you for caring.

May 30th, 2012, 02:03
I think you are being a bit unfair to martin911 there

For those of us that do not live permanently in Thailand... Martins posts are the ones that keep us coming back time after time to this board

He is one of the few posters that actually know what is going on on the gay scene away from Sunee plaza beer bars

It may be your board - but at the rate that you are inviting people to F* off you will soon have no posters left to protect your investment.. remember posters are the lifeblood of this board

By the way i continue to dispute your assertion that the board is twice as busy as before... the stats may be twisted whatever way you (or those that are feeding you your stats) like - but having spiders and bots crawling the board does not equate to real visitors

May 30th, 2012, 02:46
I am not gonna argue with you about this Colmx except to say that I have not invited many people to leave the board other than a few people who love to claw, fight and argue and most have just accepted the change of the style of this board. A flooder has left at his own accord (but here under another name) and that's about it. Maybe 5 or 6 in total. Not even worth being concerned over.

May 30th, 2012, 04:39
An administrator or Board Owner needs a WP, even if the website is hosted overseas. Did you find your wp difficult to come by Da Boss?
Word Processor? Webpage? Something else? Can someone enlighten me please?

May 30th, 2012, 05:35
I find the board has lost something without Beachlover. I think the other board made a mistake tossing him because he was a "flooder". Even IF he wasn't who he claimed to be, it was fun Imagining there was an inteligent young asian man typing away.
Both boards must be in low season it appears. I hope you didn't toss BL boss....tell me you didn't.

May 30th, 2012, 05:58
It is very simple to see who was tossed and who wasn't and again we are off topic. Go to control panel, drop down box to members and click on the members tab to put it alphabetically and look the member up.
No Rocket, Beachlover was not tossed and technically is a member.
Several members put pressure on him to just come clean and stop exaggerating who he was and what he was all about. His fantasy. I totally admit I put pressure on him to end his "fucksticks" and Pattaya is shitsville, and nothing but whores and prostitutes. I found and told him that his posts were informative and valuable and to keep to the facts and research he did. It was awesome. Stop flooding and keep to 12 posts in any given day and 6 in the am and 6 at night. I guess he could not do it.

We established what we refer to as a "special member". This was a title for some abusive members that unfortunately were having trouble adapting to the new board and stop fighting all the time. Their posts were held until a moderator could approve them. Right now looking at the members list I see almost everyone is listed in that category and we are trying to fix it but I believe only 2 or 3 are genuinely in that category.
If you post something and you see a message that says your pst need sto be approved, you are in that category.
So all in all Colmx, Rocket and others there was no booting of many members. As I said about 5 or maybe 6, I would have to really think about it. Maybe 2 or 3 in the special category. That's all. Check for yourselves. Goodnight and sleep well. Life is too short.

May 30th, 2012, 06:55
Word Processor? Webpage? Something else? Can someone enlighten me please?

Work Permit

May 30th, 2012, 07:01
I find the board has lost something without Beachlover. Even IF he wasn't who he claimed to be, it was fun Imagining there was an inteligent young asian man typing away.

BL was pathetic; good riddance to bad rubbish.

May 30th, 2012, 07:06
Ha ha don't hold back there Francois, just say exactly what you mean ! Lol :-)

May 30th, 2012, 11:11
BL was pathetic; good riddance to bad rubbish.
It must take some work to be banned from two Boards, to be the subject of a poll on whether you should go or not on another, and be on moderated status on a 4th! Then he just disappears in that particular disguise! But then BL clearly had to work hard physically just writing all these posts, and mentally remembering much of the nonsense he wrote. And wasn't that really his problem? Some of the time he just didn't remember what he had written before. And some of the time his facts were sufficiently inaccurate to ensure that his cover was really blown. Did no one else think it odd that many of his posts were made between midnight and 4:00 am Sydney time? This from a poster who also went around saying he was up at 5:30 every weekday morning to get to his office early (except when he was travelling, of course)!

But you have to have some admiration for anyone so schizophrenic he can adopt such a totally different persona that so many - including a few Board moderators - actually believed him for so long! May he now be able to relax and just enjoy his retirement!

May 31st, 2012, 08:30
fun Imagining there was an inteligent young asian man typing away.

you're scaring us here.