View Full Version : 7 day trip to Pats

May 26th, 2012, 20:41
I had a few days holiday to use up in May so decided to do a 7 day trip to Pattaya.Most people say that isnt long enough for a long trip but i think it is. So i left Norwich and flew to Amsterdam with Klm which is there city hopper that was ok but then had a 6 + hour wait in Amsterdam for the Klm flight to Bangkok. This use to only be a 2 hour waite but klm have changed the times of the flights to Bangkok so hence the wait, thou comming home it works in my favour as its now a daytime flight and less time to wait for my connection.
Annway got to Bangkok at about 09:40am on the Thursday and had about a 10 minute wait for immigration which is ok compared with a few years ago. Got outside and found the car i had booked on the iternet with PT cars and is only 1000bt incl of tolls and always reliable.
Within 90 minutes i was stepping out of the car to be greeted by the waiter from the Ambiance hotel who promptly took my case to my room whilst i checked in.
Had got a Delux Suite from Agoda and again i was not dissapointed. Just the room for a 7 day wind down from work and within easy reach of all my favourite bars and agogo's.
After unpacking and setting my Laptop up with the Free wifi i went out to just around the corner to the money change to cash some pounds up and got 49.85bt - pound which is the best ive had for a couple of years.
Went back to Ambiance and had a lay down for a few hours to get some of the travelling out of me.
About 7:30pm i went down stairs or to be trueful down in the lift and had a nice soup and main course in the Lounge of the Ambiance, i couldnt be bothered on the first night to go far and this suited me fine. At about 8.30pm went out to Pannorama Bar for a coke just so i could have time to think of where i would go to on my first night.
So i left the bar and went over to DaBoss's bar but the manager told me that Neil was not in tonight as he needed to take things easy for a while so i thought i would catch Neil another night(which i did). I then wandered over to Splash boys bar in Pattayaland soi 1 as ive not been in this bar before. Went in and found a variety of boys on stage nearly all small fem type but a few larger lads there. I like the Fem guys so i thought with the large selection on stage i could settle here for a while.
Anyway i ordered a beer and sat back to admire the view. The manager/ mamasaan came over and hes a small guy and he sat down and i decided i wanted a play with this guy as he was just my type so had a few cuddles and hand wanderings much to his suprise as i think he wanted me to bring another boy from the stage over but was shocked that i wanted him to stay. I bought him a drink and he wandered off after a while as i got fed up pawing him lol.
I then see this guy with a fair streak in his hair that i liked so i called him down and found out it was his first night at this bar and that he had worked at the beer bars in Sunne plaza up to now. He said he wish he was still over there as he didnt like being up on stage. The guy was 25 and i think i might have see him in Sunne before but as i dont go there much i couldnt be too sure.
Anyway we seemed to get on well and chatted for a couple of hours with a few drinks bought to keep him from the stage, anyway about 11pm i offed him and we went back to the Ambiance. We both stripped off and he had a gourgus slim body and nice cock.
We layed together on on of the big Sofas for a while touching and talking before we both took a shower together. Well i should say i just stood there and he done the hands and soap work. So by the time the water was switched off there was 2 large hard cocks that needed working on so a quick towel down and then into the Large King bed for a lovely first night back in Pattaya.
More to come............

May 26th, 2012, 21:02
thanks for posting - look forward to hearing more of your adventures.

May 27th, 2012, 04:19
Mouth watering post so far ...

May 27th, 2012, 09:27
Yes, a nice rad. I am curious, do you leave your laptop in your room? Are you not worried about it being stolen.

May 27th, 2012, 11:55
TNX for this trip report.

I'm going to bring a laptop and ipad with me on my next trip, in two weeks. Bally's has safety deposits but not big enough for a laptop. The "Regent Silom" advertises "In room safety box тАУnotebook size," which was almost the reason I booked with them. However, I decided that I could leave these goodies at Bally's reception before I went hunting.

May 27th, 2012, 13:36
Loved your report. I,m travelling to Pats next week and you have wetted my apetite for the place and the boys. The better exchange rate is good news but still far short of the 70 we used to get for a pound. The Ambiance hotel sounds good to me and close to the action.
More please.

May 27th, 2012, 15:49
Oh no just spent 30 minutes typing day 2 and submitted it only for it to say i wasnt logged in so ive lost the post.never mind lets try again.
Day 2..... Started with me waking up with the sun streaming in thru the window, forgot to close the curtains again still never mind as i could feel this puring sound on the back of my neck and the arm loosely arround my lower waist told me the lad was still sleeping so i carefuly turned around and went down to his semi hard cock and started licking it and thought this is a nice way to wake up, which he did with a smile on his face.
After a while i said i needed to get some food as i was Diabetic and needed to take some pills so we showered and made our way down to the lobby, a big kiss and a promise i would see him that night i turned into the Lounge to get my Breakfast.
Ok first things first i needed to go to the Supermarket at the central Festival Mall to get my 2 boxes of Cornflakes and milk as its always nice to get up in the morning and have my cereals at the table in my room also some nights when i get in i love a bowl of cereal.So off i trotted to the Mall but stopped at Pattaya beach on the way and sat down to look at the lovely dirty water and green slime floating in on the tide and the dirty boats parked all along the beach waiting for the hoards of Chinese Tourists who want a trip to the Islands.
Didnt spend long on the chairs but did have a foot massage from a lady i had before who gives lovely massage and with my Diabeties and to me a good foot massage is a must.
Ok after an hour i got to the festival mall and was very impressed at the size of the food hall and haow clean it was and the range of goods it stocked. After getting my ceareal and milk i had a wonder to the top floor to check out the movies for the comming week as i often in the afternoon when its too hot for the beach love to lolop in a compfy chair and catch a good film.
Got back to the Ambiance about midday and see a massage boy i fancied sat outside the gym so i took him up to my room and had a good hours massage and finished with his lovely smooth rod giving my butt a happy ending. Worth every Baht of the 1000 i gave him.
Had a knapp and in the evening wandered over to the Day Night soi and sat down at the small Restaurant near the rea of Tutcom and gave the set menue a try, it was very good as i chose the pork steaks and mash pots. Lovely.Washed down with a glass of red wine.
Ok im not the biggest fan of Sunee Plaza but i always give it at least one visit per trip so off i went for my visit. Got as far as Forest bar and a voice called out my name and i looked over and see a guy i had first met about 4-5 yrs agao as a gogo dancer in Toyboys.
Im sure he wouldnt mind if i told you his name well its Am and he now is the Cashier at Forest bar so i sat down and bought us both a drink and had a good old chin wag for about 1 hour. By this time he was having to get up all the time to take money to the till and i got fed up so i said my farewells and left. Ok i thought lets get back to the Splash bar in Pattayaland to see the boy from the previous night but i thought on the way there i would go via Waliking street, always love to wander down there.
Got as far as GUY S Bar and a lovely cutie came running out of the door and put his arms around me, im sure we had spoken last time i was out a few months before, still he knew me and i just melted when with him . He was only small and a very fem boy so just my type so lets get you back to my bed i thought. I ddidnt need to go in the bar as i remember last trip in there i landed up with a ringing in my ears all night as the music is so loud and being only a small bar. So after getting the off fee down to 400bt from 600bt we set of for the Ambiance Hotel with him practicaly having his lips glued to my cheek....i dont think he had been offed for a while lol. Ofcourse being walking street i got some looks from other Ferangs on there way to the girlie bars but hey who gives a s..t.
Back at the Hotel the desk clerk studdied the id for a while as i must admit the guy did look young but is 21 so no problem. Got to the room and he was stripping off his clothes as i clossed the door. Wow this is going to be a live wire i thought. Anyway i led him to the large Sofa and got undreesed and after a few minutes he had his lips glued to my hard cock. Wow lets shower and get to bed i said before i cum all over the seat. Anyway i got him into bed and thought tonight will be my night to do the "Lancing" as last night i was happy to let the other guy penetrate me. This cute guy had the lovliest bubble butt i had seen for a while and i wasnt going to waste and second.
After what seemed an age but proberly wasnt as i looked at my clock and it still wasnt midnight i looked at the guy and he smiled and kissed my lips and put his head onto my chest and arm over my lower waist and we both drifted off.
As the Question about my laptop in the room well ive always left it in the room at the Ambiance, as i got to know the girls who take care of the room i trust them 100%.
Day 3 soon.........

May 27th, 2012, 16:09
I know this is off topic but I lived at the ambiance for 8 years or so on and off and the last two years full time. I had no reservations leaving my lap top, wallet and money in the room and nothing was ever missing. Good honest group.

May 27th, 2012, 18:11
great report so far jolly....
GUY club can be fun, and some good staff there. Did they really try to charge you 600 baht for an off? and you had to talk them down to 400 baht?
I don't remember such high off fee there...crazy. Maybe a low season thing ?

Anyway, glad you are enjoying your visit. Keep us up to date on all the happenings....

May 28th, 2012, 01:04
Im going to now lump all the remaining days of my trip into one post as most of the days were spent either at Jomtien beach or at the movies in Pattaya, so i would just be repeating myself every post. This is except about 2 days before i came home i had a massage on Jomtien beach with a boy ive never seen before. It was ok but i made the mistake of letting him use baby oil. Well you're saying thats ok nothing wrong with baby oil and normally i would agree. But this particular day was very hot and after the boy had left i nodded off for a little while,thinking i was ok as i was well under the beach brollies.
Ok that night i looked at my legs and stomach and they had cooked with the oil and i was very sore and this was to be my last day on the beach and the following 2 days i spent in the cool of the large malls and cinema.
After my first couple of days i did go back to Splash boys but the lad i was told had left and gone back to a bar in Sunee plaza...good for him i thought.
I spent a couple of nights in Toy boys and met a lovely 20yo guy from Nongkai ( excuse my spelling). Anyway he was tallish and a little shy but a gorgous lad and spent 2 nights with me, and would only bottom which was ok as i would take a massage boy in the day who would Top me so i was happy every day. One night the boy from Toy boys was on my lap top looking at Facebook while i went for a shower and when i came out he was on some gay porn site looking at some gay movie stream.Woooo stop i said i dont want any porn on my laptop as who knows what might happen when comming back thru Customs in the uk. Im very paranoid about this so spent the next day with the lap top on for 6 hours erasing the Free space on my hard drive, thank god its an old Vista lap top with only about 180gigs of memory or i might have been doing it for longer. Not to worry got it wiped with east tec erasser i have on the laptop.
The last 2 nights of my trip rained very hard all night so kept very close to Hotel with quick trips across the streams in the streets to the gogo s of soi 1. It rained so hard at on point i was stuck in a place i think called X Boys gogo which charged me 200bt for a drink and this was only tonic water aghhhhhhhh too much.
I got across to see Neal outside his bar a few nights before i went home and was glad to see him looking good considering what he had just been through.Spent about 1 hour with Neil then wandered off to another venue somwhere.
Over all the 7 nights i spent in Pattaya was well worth it but the travel seems to take its toll on me the older i become, so i will try next time to only do a minimum of about 11 nights so it gives me a longer period to get over the travel lag.
As i dont drink too much now mainly diet coke with the odd beer or glass of wine i found the prices ok and didnt spend my allocated budget i had set myself in fact took home about ┬г350 pounds i had planned to spend, but i still had a real good time.
Bars i liked the most were Splash Boys on soi 1 Toyboys on Boyztown and the veranda at Ambiance to sit and chill out without any hassel. Plus i must give Forest bar a thumbs up for prices and nice boys.
Just a footnote about KLM. I used the economy class but paid extra for the compfort zone which gives double the recline and 4 inches extra leg room, well worth the couple of hundred Euro for the return trip.

May 28th, 2012, 04:58
Thanks for the excellent posts.

As for laptops in the room, well about ┬г200 buys a nice little netbook which will fit in any hotel room safe. The latest ones have HDMI leads, so they can also be hooked up to that LCD screen in your room.

May 28th, 2012, 13:21
a big kiss and a promise i would see him that night
Well, there goes our good name :tongue3:

May 28th, 2012, 13:47
Afraid so VNMAN, thou with only the 7 days i knew i would break 1 or 2.

May 29th, 2012, 06:20
One night the boy from Toy boys was on my lap top looking at Facebook while i went for a shower and when i came out he was on some gay porn site looking at some gay movie stream.Woooo stop i said

Good trip report thanks for sharing, i wouldn't have thought about that whole thing with the oil and the sun, I'll have to watch out for that HOWEVER the one important detail you left out ( see Christian can perhaps teach us all something yet about that attention to every detail :-) - was "what was the web address the for good streaming porn" !!?? lol :-)

May 29th, 2012, 10:28
Thanks for this, It's nice to read a post from someone who had a great time rather than moaning. Perhaps it all comes down to budget. You had plenty of money to spend and so could afford to enjoy yourself. Maybe others are coming to Pattaya with the same amount they had six or seven years ago and finding that they can't afford to party like they used to.

May 31st, 2012, 07:46
Thanks for the post. I enjoyed reading it.

May 31st, 2012, 08:24
Yes enjoyed your posts OP, so well done. Just a general observation:
A lot of these other countries ought to ask themselves why decent people need to leave their shores and travel in effect more than half way across the world to get some decent sex.
Why is that?

June 1st, 2012, 03:51
Don't ask the countries, ask the people who travel quarter around the world (my case, from central Europe to Thailand).

I simply do not feel sexually attracted to inhabitants of countries west of Bangladesh and east of the Philippines. But what's wrong with that? (Apart from blowing large amounts of carbon dioxide into the air.) Others go to the Alps for skiing or to Spain, Italy, Greece or as far as the Dominican Republic for the beaches.

June 1st, 2012, 04:04
zinzone, I consider myself a decent person (I don't know what your definition of decent is) and I travel half way round the world for sex with young men because at my age, the men I'm attracted to in my own country have no interest in me (generally speaking, there are always exceptions). So I go to Thailand because I can get the sex and companionship of good looking young men that I can't get at home. Simple, really.

June 1st, 2012, 11:59
I am sure you are a decent person Joe552 in every way, my point being that in these other countries they ought to ask themselves why so many of their citizens come to Thailand(not only gays) to get something romantically( sexually) they cannot get in their own countries. Agree that a lot is to do with the rampant Ageism in those countries but have you also noticed the large number of younger farangs who also feel the need to come to Thailand too. Not sure its' quite so simple.

June 1st, 2012, 15:51
Zinzone, I'm afraid that for what I suspect is the vast majority on this board, it IS that simple.

Younger males in our own countries simply would not give most of us the time of day - due to ageist attitudes and peer/media/religious pressure.
That leaves commercial sex - which is neither inexpensive nor readily available in our home countries - and some would say that's a good thing.
Hence, we travel for it, and for the relaxed atmosphere where you can (mostly) just be yourself without others passing judgement or comment.

And I don't feel at all ashamed about this - I don't see myself as any more of a "sex tourist" than young women who go to Malia, Gran Canaria, or Benidorn simply to get pumped rotten for a fortnight.

Of course there are exceptions - there are quite a few virile, fit, and awesomely attractive people on this board - we know this is a fact because they keep telling us!


June 1st, 2012, 15:55
But I AM I tells ya! :crazy:

June 1st, 2012, 16:03
well put, scottish-guy.

June 2nd, 2012, 10:00
Don't blame only the young. Many guys on this board would not give a guy their own age a second look. Heck.. There are a lot of old single gay guys here in the USA. Spare a Thai and ride a old guy :)

Hey, I got a joke!

3 guys were sitting at the bar bragging about their time with their guy.

The firs guy was French and told his friends that once he had an orgasm, he would like the guy all over and focus on this pucker. Once he did that he said "The guy floated 6" off the bed!"

The 2nd guy was from Israel and told them that when he was finished having sex, he would kiss the guy all the way don't to his feet and suck on each toe and that made the guy float 12" off the bed!

The last guy was from Germany and said that is nothing... "When I was done having sex, I got up and wiped my tool on the curtains and the guy hit the ceiling!

June 2nd, 2012, 13:01
In my defense, I just woke up, but I didn't get it. it took me a while to under stand 6" and 12" because I use the metric system. I did an intensive search on the word pucker and could only come up with "A term used to describe the tightness of your sphincter." The German didn't make the whole story come together so I really don't get it. :dontknow:

It's most probably me bucknaway.

June 2nd, 2012, 15:04
you're not alone, vnman - I didn't get it either :dontknow:

sorry bucknaway

June 2nd, 2012, 15:44
add me unless it is an African American thing and their reputations of having huge dicks. :dontknow:

June 2nd, 2012, 16:33
How can you possibly not get it? It isn't very funny, but how can you not get it?

With the first two guys, the sex they gave was so good that when they licked their partners, the partner was elevated off the bed by 6 and 12 inches respectively (nothing to do with cock sizes).

When the 3rd guy wiped his dick on the guy's curtains, the house-owner "hit the ceiling" i.e. went apeshit


June 2nd, 2012, 16:49
thanks for the clarifiication, scottish-guy. I think I'd use the phrase "hit the roof" to imply being angry rather than the ceiling. I wonder if christian will find it funny? :dontknow:

June 2nd, 2012, 17:26
thanks for the clarifiication, scottish-guy. I think I'd use the phrase "hit the roof" to imply being angry rather than the ceiling. I wonder if christian will find it funny? :dontknow:

Well, the English found Freddie "Parrot-Face" Davies, "Professor" Stanley Unwin, Mike & Bernie Winters, Norman Collier, and Jasper Carrot all incredibly funny despite the fact they were all actually shite - so anything's possible with the Germans.

:dontknow: :dontknow:

June 2nd, 2012, 19:51
And the "pucker"?

June 3rd, 2012, 02:34
thanks for the clarifiication, scottish-guy. I think I'd use the phrase "hit the roof" to imply being angry rather than the ceiling. I wonder if christian will find it funny? :dontknow:
I knew this joke in the hetero version and I read it in German long time ago, so I understood Bucky's post. Not my kind of humor (independent of the nationalities used in the joke).

June 3rd, 2012, 08:29
Sorry, I didn't mean for a little humor to knock the thread off track.

Man, I can't wait to get back to Pattaya to get some good Padthai from the street vendors on walking street. I'm also looking forward to walking around in the wee hours of the night once all the bars are closed just to talk to the guys out in the shadows with their friends. If I get lucky I will meet another construction worker, but I have not given up on spending time with a kick boxer fresh from the ring :)

June 3rd, 2012, 11:11
zinzone, I consider myself a decent person (I don't know what your definition of decent is) and I travel half way round the world for sex with young men because at my age, the men I'm attracted to in my own country have no interest in me (generally speaking, there are always exceptions). So I go to Thailand because I can get the sex and companionship of good looking young men that I can't get at home. Simple, really.

Very sad this. In other words those attracted to you in your own country do not want to know. Have you ever wondered perhaps because you are god awful unattractive, and likely always have been so. It's no difference in thailand: you are probably considered equally ugly except they will go with you as you pay for it.

June 3rd, 2012, 13:01
Coffeebreak, maybe you need a coffeebreak before you respond to posts in such a manner.

Very sad response!

I think it was a very honest and clear explanation from Joe, as to why he travels to Thailand. Nothing sad about it. He knows what he wants and where to get it. And trust me, those boys he's with are very happy that he comes together with his money.

You really think that the boy's for rent do it for the money? Not because he is so handsome? Are you gonna tell us what 1 + 1 = next? I'm pretty sure we all know the answer.

And about the thread going off topic...I think that most of us are waiting for the next part of jolyjacktar's trip.

Please correct me if I'm wrong.

June 3rd, 2012, 13:10
but I have not given up on spending time with a kick boxer fresh from the ring :)
First time I heard about s@x tourism in Thailand (80s) was in a documentary about Pattaya. In the documentary they showed a Thai boxing ring in a bar and the boys who were fighting could be had for some exclusive fun after their fight was done. In other words, you could take them off.

I have looked for this bar intensively when I came to Pattaya the first time but couldn't find it. I asked many people and some had heard the stories and others could tell me that the bar was in Pattaya land 1, probably next to dream boys.

June 3rd, 2012, 16:13
Coffeebreak, you describe me perfectly. Are you sure we don't know each other in real life? :dontknow:

June 3rd, 2012, 21:35
Wow.... I think I have been a sex tourist all my life. I go to DC for fun and sex, Philadelphia for fun and sex, NYC for fun and sex and to a gay campground for fun and sex. I have even been to Thailand, Puerto Rico and Atlanta for fun and sex! But Thailand is the only place that I have paid compensation for the sexual fun.

I still have not seen the Palace in Thailand and I have heard so much about it.

June 4th, 2012, 03:46
There is a man - woman boxing show (or two women boxing?) in a bar in Patpong, I'm quite sure you can take the woman off.

(But I don't want any of the ladies there, I want the cute doorman! Over my last three (!!) holidays I have been chatting with him, and we got closer and closer to my objective, I hope it works out on my next holiday.)

June 4th, 2012, 05:40
coffeebreak..stop being so hateful...it gives you wrinkles.....anyway have you ever done your sums...in Europe rent boys cost a lot more..even with the crisis a damn Greek hooker still insists on at least тВм100 for very short time...and they still have minds of their own....so annoying...I can make it to BKK...off half a dozen numbers ...with no effort...for less than what it would cost in Europe....and satisfy my kink for rent boys...And yes there is some truth that in europe once you are over 35 someone under 23 considers you old and unless thay have a fetish for older guys will not even consider you as a sex partner...so BKK does satisfy the urge.....

June 4th, 2012, 06:05
One thing we all should keep in mind is that not everyone pays for sex and for some of us it is a choice we make. Yes you can hire guys for sex but outside of Thailand many of us would never consider hiring a sex workers when so many guys are around giving it away for free.

Even in Thailand hiring a guy for sex is an option as there are even more guys that are not in the sex trade and simply want sex for the same reason everyone else in the world does.

June 4th, 2012, 19:39
Hey, bucknaway, if you are after a Thai boxer, there is presently a guy on GR with the handle "pattayaboxer".

He seems to be a working Thai boxer...why dont you message him and maybe your dream will come true. :love4:

June 4th, 2012, 20:15
even with the crisis a damn Greek hooker still insists on at least тВм100 for very short time...and they still have minds of their own....so annoying..

First of all: LOL

Second: I was just thinking about the Greeks earlier today. I was wondering about the money boy situation over there with the euro crisis and all. I found out, at least from what I read, that the place is crawling with eastern Europeans.

I tell you, we Western Europeans got fucked in more ways than one with that damn European Union. I lived in eastern Europe for a few years and things were great. Everything was cheap, from services to goods. Not anymore! Result is like you said: these boys too are asking for тВм100 easy (that's inflation for you) and with that, you get list of all the things they don't like to do.

That's the amazing thing about Thailand. Prices have been pretty steady over many years. Only the Baht has become more expensive but the guys are really selling a dream. It's too bad that some (most at first stage I guess) believe the dream to be true with all the hurt and anger that comes with it. I haven't found a European (that didn't like me) come close to given such an experience.

Still waiting for the next installment of the "7 day to pats" story so i hope we're getting some lean way to keep chatting away :-)

June 4th, 2012, 20:27
What do you think,it's only Europe? :sign5:
It started in USA about 8 - 10 years ago! The boys started demanding $250. for an hour and if they even bothered to show up at all, there was a list of....."oh, I really don't do that" or "that will be extra". When I was in Las Vegas and Los Angeles probably 90% were on drugs and never bothered to show anyway or if they showed, they were unable to do anything!

I started traveling to Hamburg and Rio de Janerio and then was introduced to Prague. Prices and demands were much better but the drug situation started to get real bad about 8 years ago. Amsterdam also got very independent about what they would do but the prices were ok. Then in Amsterdam rather than working shifts like they used to it was when they felt like coming in. Prague started to get like the pits but Rio still was good. Problem was that there was not too much to do during the day except wait for evening when the saunas opened. Couldn't go wandering around as you would get robbed easily, but the fun was terrific and the boys there are like tree trunks.

Then I was introduced to Thailand where for about $30 they smile, go with you and call you papa. Even Thailand has changed so in the last 10 years and it's our fault for letting them get away with it. Well this should be in a different thread but what the f...

Oh yes and Morocco was also great! It was forbidden for the boys to touch the girls unless they were married to them. The punishment is very severe, so the boys in those Arab countries all walk around with blue balls. Back then it was fantastic for a boy to find a foreigner that would give them smoke or ass and wow, $10 also! I don't know if much has changed there.

June 5th, 2012, 01:18
The only cute boys I met in Las Vegas were two Mexican guys. hahaha

But $250, I think it's worth while to save your urges, save up, and go abroad. I never been to Rio. A friend is going to Brazil this summer, can't wait to hear his report. Colombia must be really interesting. people tell me good things about it. When I was 29, I stayed in Mex City, wow! That was something else I'm telling you. Didn't pay for anything but had so many boys. Just crazy there. They had clubs for early teens around 12 or so. For mid teens 16 and for late teens and twinks. Amazing how a club that caters purely to 12 year olds can be full. Just so we have no misunderstanding; I'm talking about a normal dance club.

Well, I guess we keep migrating hahaha, but Thailand probably stays no1 for me for a long time.

Brad the Impala
June 5th, 2012, 02:57
.in Europe rent boys cost a lot more..even with the crisis a damn Greek hooker still insists on at least тВм100 for very short time...and they still have minds of their own....so annoying...I can make it to BKK...off half a dozen numbers ...with no effort...for less than what it would cost in Europe....and satisfy my kink for rent boys...

Surely this can't be the same poster who was boasting of the 10 Euro hookers he was swamped by in eastern Europe!


June 6th, 2012, 05:40
Holy cow, never read that post. When I said that I lived in Eastern Europe, I was talking about Romania. I just wanted to make clear that I was talking about market price, because a relative small amount of money went a long way. I surely wasn't talking about taking advantage of pure desperation. I've seen the poverty and thousands of boys that live in the sewer systems. The food that my Romanian friends and I used to bring them surely didn't come with a price tag.

June 6th, 2012, 17:45
Brad....one country is romania the other is greece...same continent but not same place...I'm typing slowly so you can keep up.....are you maybe american...european geography is not their strong point.
Point is I was recently in Athens, for 3 days...on business..place is depressed and I thought like a vulture i could sweep in and buy some cheap ass....but no...even the damn east european hookers (living in athens...) were not open to negotiation.\; clearly the whole crisis thing hasn't hit them hard enough yet to drive down prices.

Best place for cheap uncomplicated full service commercial sex is Thailand...

June 6th, 2012, 22:20
Latinpox wrote :
Best place for cheap uncomplicated full service commercial sex is Thailand...

Latinpox wrote:
Have always loved Thailand for the easy paid sex, can ride a bubble butted gogo boy like a pony all night for the price of a meal.....didn't think any other place could beat that...but now stand corrected.

June 7th, 2012, 04:01
a447 ...so nice to hear from you again...been far too long....and.....success lies in the ability to learm from ones experiences.....
Pity that da boss hasn't been able to tame the nit picking kill joys...

Brad the Impala
June 7th, 2012, 23:01
Brad....one country is romania the other is greece...same continent but not same place...I'm typing slowly so you can keep up.....are you maybe american...european geography is not their strong point.

You were comparing Thai hookers and European Hookers. Looks like European Geography is not your strong point. Romania is in Europe, even in the EU, hadn't you noticed?

..in Europe rent boys cost a lot more...I can make it to BKK...off half a dozen numbers ...with no effort...for less than what it would cost in Europe....and satisfy my kink for rent boys..

The 2nd romanian subway pickup I paid EUR10...before I used him I ordered room service...bill for a steak+chips+beer was EUR24....showed the bill to the pickup...let him know that my meal was worth more than twice his arse....using the stupid naked thing as a stool consumed my meal at my desk sitting on him...he got the leftovers...made him say thank you...

"Kink for rent boys" is certainly the correct self description!

June 8th, 2012, 14:38
......"Kink for rent boys" is certainly the correct self description!

There is a line between kink and utter perversion.

I know which side of the line I think Poxxxy stands on, and I'd be surprised if the majority doesn't agree with me.


June 8th, 2012, 22:06
I pass no comment on Latins kink or otherwise but what is it they say - "one man's kink is another mans vanilla" - or something like that anyway ?

June 8th, 2012, 22:33
I'm struggling to think of who might classify "vanilla" as:

A) "Riding" boys "like a pony"
B) Sitting on a rentboy you've paid 10 Euros whilst eating your 24 Euro steak lunch - and then showing him the bill so he gets the message
C) Deliberate humiliation of other human beings less fortunate than yourself

The Maquis De Sade or Gilles De Rais maybe?

Sure it may all be fantasy shit - but doesn't that say plenty about the perverted state of his mind that he gets turned on by it?


June 10th, 2012, 16:40
scottyboy..lets not cast stones..you know the whole glasshouse thing....as for humiliation..I suspect the boys are way past that..afterall what can be more humiliating than a grown man standing on a stage in teeny weny tight speedos selling his arse...anyone can walk in off the street and order him like one orders a drink...
Or one can walk into a bar...watch boys playing with themselves...call one over and for 200BHT pull his shorts off and paw him to your hearts content...and only pay after the money shot...in full view of all the customers...he's already a toy..an entertainment piece...
I'm not into pain...or no.2's.......so in my book still very vanilla....the act of renting another human being and using him when I want..as I want is a major turn on..so what?
I even rent out my spare bedroom....and collect the rent in a rather unorthodox way...works for me.

June 10th, 2012, 16:46
scottyboy..lets not cast stones..you know the whole glasshouse thing...

I know the "glass house thing" but I don't see how it applies to me - if you think it does then give me your best shot.


June 10th, 2012, 18:29
it's not ALL about YOU......what I'm trying to say is that ones man's vanilla is another's perversion...just ask 90% of the world...just being attracted to someone of the same sex is unnatural, revolting, reason to get fired.stoned..hanged from construction cranes...ridiculed....

Sure I push the provebial envelope a bit far...but as I've stated several times...if being teated like a rubber sex toy is too humiliating the rent number can leave...I don't exactly strap them down in my basement...

I simply expect a little more broad mindedness from this forum....

June 10th, 2012, 18:32
I simply expect a little more broad mindedness from this forum....

a little more?

June 10th, 2012, 19:49
it's not ALL about YOU..........

Actually, it IS all about ME when you refer to me directly.


June 10th, 2012, 21:16
latinpox wrote:
I simply expect a little more broad mindedness from this forum....

No, you are expecting a little more gullibility.

Anyway, you have told us ad finitum about your sexual fantasies. No need to repeat them. Time to move on to something else...something more substantial, instead of the same old shit.

Any restaurant reviews you'd like to share with us? Any travel tales? Any up to date bar info?

June 10th, 2012, 23:14
...you have told us ad infinitum about your sexual fantasies...

a447 - "Ad Nauseum" would have been more appropriate.

June 11th, 2012, 16:07
yes I would expect a little more broad mindedness..a little more LA and less evansville...

a447 and scotty
yes. we do seem to have slipped back into a familiar pattern of barbed replies, not condusive and I apologize for contributing; but when given the rather bubious compliments of being peverted and kinky i feel obliged to respond....clearly i shouldn't.
I do see your point in posting reviews, i couldn't care less about restaurants/food, but do enjoy the club+hotel reviews and have made bookings based on these...

June 11th, 2012, 17:05
...you have told us ad infinitum about your sexual fantasies...

a447 - "Ad Nauseum" would have been more appropriate.

I don't want to sound pedantic but it should be "ad nauseam " :8(

Though the expression fits perfectly !

June 11th, 2012, 17:12
a447 - "Ad Nauseum" would have been more appropriate.[/quote]

I don't want to sound pedantic but it should be "ad nauseam "

See, now you may not have wanted to come across as SOUNDING pedantic.......however if not you sort of failed miserably there .......... :-)

June 11th, 2012, 18:15
I never understood how you could be proud of your lack of knowledge !
Unculture is not a achievement.....

June 11th, 2012, 20:59
Lukylok, I think Nirishguys' comment was meant to be tongue in cheek.

June 11th, 2012, 22:25
Lukylok, I think Nirishguys' comment was meant to be tongue in cheek.

Sorry, I read it at a bad hour ! :dontknow:

June 12th, 2012, 00:09
A447 is quite correct and don't worry I wasn't at all offended ...... like others you perhaps assume incorrectly that I actually care about what people think of my random postings to an internet forum - I don't - and with that comes the freedom to not have to worry about what some people consider "underachievement" lol when of course in reality you know nothing about me or my life or "achievements" (whatever they may or may not be), I find it all quite funny actually :-)

Ha ha relax, it's just the internet ....and the one thing I was always taught ( apart from Latin of course as they didn't teach that to us in the prison reform school I attended as it was all wood work and sack stitching ) is to never judge a book by it's cover and actually over the years some of the "smart" people I've met have actually turned out to be as dumb as shit in real life so "smartness" doesn't necessarily always impress me - but hey I would never be uncultured enough to point that out to them on a public forum as it might make me look arrogant and elitest ( I'm sure you're neither by the way - probably:-)

So, anyway "whatever" :-) it "was" meant a tongue in cheek joke just as a447 had realised as I just thought it was FUNNY that in your efforts "not sound pedantic" you excelled in "overacheiving" exactly that ! - but hey what would I know, I'm only an uncultured underachiver ha ha - and being judged as such on a message board which is filled with posts about go go bars, hookers and their admirers among other things makes me wonder how I'll ever cope and get over the shame of my underachievements :-) ........see, now this is exactly what happens when I don't put an LOL at the end of every post and people misunderstand my so called obviously poor attempts at humour for cutting criticism, I really will have to be sure to add that from now on just to cover myself ! :-)

*ps.......is "unculture" even word - I wouldn't know of course......but I'm guessing not, anyway, no matter, I'd hate to sound pedantic ! :-)

June 12th, 2012, 02:01
way tooooo much print.....nada said....

June 12th, 2012, 02:16
way tooooo much print.....nada said....

Yes, you're right sometimes less is more - accordingly I refer you to my above reply :-)

June 12th, 2012, 02:18
way tooooo much print.....nada said....

I agree !!!---this childish rubbish just seems to go on and on even when Joe is not around !!--- now lets get back to Pats !!!!

June 12th, 2012, 08:40
Could this post be purged of non-related entries?

June 12th, 2012, 14:39
Could this post be purged of non-related entries?

I assume you're capable of separating those comments you find relevant from those you don't?

Can you not do that for yourself? Do you need to be nannied?

Have you considered that other people might find the little asides within some topics to be the most interesting/amusing part?

Personally I am not that interested in reading (for example only) about how many prostitutes a poster manages to fit up his arse in a week - but I don't make a song and dance about it and ask for posts like that to be removed.
