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View Full Version : Not really in Thailand but ...

May 23rd, 2012, 02:20
I was wondering how all the posters who seem to have such frenetic sex lives in Thailand, were coping when they were back in farangland ?
Do you live on memories, do you have a regular boy/girl :glasses7: friend ?
Or do you visit rent/call boys ?

May 23rd, 2012, 02:23
Since I don't have a frenetic sex life while in Thailand (compared to some) I'd be interested to read responses to this. My sex life at home is pretty frenetic, but that only involves me :crybaby:

May 23rd, 2012, 03:16
Probably to the surprise of some board members, I have no records* of my sex life, I stopped counting after my third holiday in Thailand. But as an estimation I can tell you that about 98-99% of my sex life takes place in Thailand (where I spend only about 10% of the year :crybaby: , on holiday). In Europe encounters (gay saunas) are extremely rare, the rest is memories, pictures, porn and wanking. In Paris entry to a gay sauna costs about 15 Euro (about 600 Baht, more on the weekend and holidays), and in the sauna are mainly whites. In Thailand, I can get laid for that, so I gave up going to gay saunas.

*This might be ambiguous? There is a record (noun, the best result or the highest ...) for fastest getting laid which was about 3 hours from landing, but I do not record (verb, to keep a permanent account...) my sex life.

May 23rd, 2012, 04:12
I love the fact that you're now putting footnotes to your posts, christian - hilarious. :sign5:

May 23rd, 2012, 06:04
...In Europe encounters (gay saunas) are extremely rare....

You are seriously not trying, Christian.

Long before I discovered Thailand I whored it all over Europe with good success - and I've only once been in a Sauna (too many old men for my liking).

You're in Paris - so get yourself along to "Le Depot" for a start and theres a few bars in the Le Marais (?) area where you could get some action!

I can have a great 3 or 4 days in the Berlin or Hamburg rent bars - and whilst Amsterdam and Prague are a pale shadow of what they once were, they are still interesting.

I'm not saying that Europe compares to Thailand for "easy availability" but fun doesn't have to be a 10/11 hour flight away.


May 23rd, 2012, 07:41
damn you scots as I'm sitting here with a airline ticket for a trip to amsterdam this weekend and as I'm sitting here still getting over a chest infection I picked up in you know where lol I'd actually talked myself into not going and convinced myself that just as you say Amsterdam is not a patch on what it once was etc.......and now you've gone and put doubt in my mind and I may have to go just to prove myself right all along - the cockring here I come perhaps !! lol

May 23rd, 2012, 08:20
The Cockring was never my scene lol - I was always more into the Paardenstraat rent bars, in their heyday there was The Festival, Cupido, and Music Box all in that street. Also Blue Boy Club nearby. The Festival Bar was owned/run by an old Tranny who took no shit - even from those North African boys who looked as if they would have slit your throat if you gave them a reason to. It was a helluva place - you would even have boys fighting over you. I guess she must have died and hence the place shut down.

Last time I was in that street it was down to one - and the Dutch and North African boys has been almost completely supplanted by the East Europeans. Still had fun tho :leb:

I did stay for a week in what was basically a boy-brothel in Hamburg once (and I know I'm in exalted company on SGT in doing that - except he probably stayed for a year :sign5: )

Now I find the best scene is Berlin - I can mince/stagger between 3 rent bars in the same street and there are street boys right outside too. The language barrier is not so great there either. I can fly there for ┬г50 return if I plan it well!!

And to think Christianpfc said this:

...Scotty is prude.


May 24th, 2012, 02:11
You are seriously not trying, Christian.

You're in Paris - so get yourself along to "Le Depot" for a start and theres a few bars in the Le Marais (?) area where you could get some action!

I was in the Marais (4th arrondissement, the gay quarter of Paris) on a Saturday afternoon (after a sightseeing trip), there are a lot of gay bars, and I scan my surroundings for handsome men, but there were non! More than 100 waiting outside of a bar or disco, not a single one I would go to bed with for free.

But one day I will probably make it out there, there is a weekly meeting of gay Asians I know of.

May 24th, 2012, 02:16
I celebrated my 40th birthday in Amsterdam, shagging the owner of the bar I'd been drinking in all evening, on the floor of said bar. Enjoy celebrating my birthdays abroad still, but nothing compares to that one.

May 24th, 2012, 05:33
....shagging the owner of the bar I'd been drinking in all evening, on the floor of said bar. ...

I heard you did the same thing in Happy Place last time you were there.

:occasion9: :occasion9:

May 24th, 2012, 08:10
When I am home I don't have sex on work nights and try to discourage company after work because that is my gym time and I have a limited amount of time to myself before I have to get ready for bed. On the weekends I am busy doing things I could not get done during the week and if I do allow myself time to have sex it will most likely be Saturday night or Sunday afternoon.

Right now I have some friends who are leaving messages for me to call them back so we can hook-up for sex fun but I am just not in the mood to do it. There are also guys on the online hookup sites that want to hook up but I am not interested in meeting anyone right now. I am focused on getting my body in shape for my vacation in October.

So I guess the answer is that I don't have much sex when I am home as compared to my sexual free-for-all while in Thailand.

May 24th, 2012, 11:51
Interesting Thread !
Back home in England I have a boyfriend with whom I have regular sex but I dont live with him. I have been with him on holiday to gay beach resorts in Europe. Playa del Ingles was a particular favorite with its nude beach and dunes. But for some reason he wont travel to Thailand, even after I show him pictures of Thai boys and the gay scene in Pattaya.
I on the other hand make 2 or 3 trips a year to Pattaya of about 3 weeks, during which I have sex with maybe 20 or 30 boys that I obtain from bars/gogo's or gayromeo, starting within hours of my arrival.

May 24th, 2012, 15:50
honestly, I'd settle for a free glass of wine - I have some standards (low, but I have them)

May 24th, 2012, 19:27
In for pics. :)

May 25th, 2012, 02:45
pics of what, dab 69?

May 25th, 2012, 23:21
I like Asian guys, not that many in my area in USA so I just wait until I go back. I am staying longer this time to vote.

May 26th, 2012, 10:40
the cockring here I come perhaps !! lol

Holly cow. I used to be a bouncer there...a long long time ago. What a place and what a time. Is it still open?

Scottish, That Berlin story was interesting. 50 euros to fly there but what about the boys and hotel?

May 26th, 2012, 15:07
Apparently so, the bar man here in my gay hotel ( Amistad) tells me it's open but has changed his name to something sounding like fuck ? ( it may have been his accent though) however its on my list for checking out tonight so I''ll let you know :-) And sods law after coming to Amsterdam who did I end up drinking with last night - two freelance Thai guys !!!! lol who were over "working" ( and no I didn't bother as I was shattered before anyone asks - plus there's a miserable part of me would begrudge paying the 50 or 100 euro (or more in Dublin) that they'd hit you up for here knowing the same guys selling it for 20 euro back home lol)

May 26th, 2012, 16:18
...after coming to Amsterdam who did I end up drinking with last night - two freelance Thai guys !!!! lol who were over "working"....

NIrish, I don't doubt you for one moment - but I'm sure that many of us who have tried in vain to get a Visa for a Thai boy will be wondering how the fuck two Thai rentboys managed to get into Holland? If you see them again, do a bit of probing will you - Ohhhhhhh, Matron!


May 26th, 2012, 19:43
Actually scots the place is coming down with Asians, there were at least 3 separate groups of asian guys all out drinking in that one bar last night but yeah if I get a chance I'll ask, although I've asked before and they never seem to like to give an honest answer and I've always an idea there's some poor suckered farang here in Europe currently paying a huge fine after his boy buggered off and didn't return to Asia as he planned and disappeared into the underworld of the dam or some other European city.

I know a few pattaya guys currently in Dublin "working" and they tell me it's either a holiday visa ( with I'm assuming their farang pimp paying the guarantee while they work for him but then they DO return home meaning they can come back again a few months later and start the cycle all over again. I also know a guy who told me he's on a student visa but I think it's probably more like the first story all over again and he just didn't want me to know he was working.

May 26th, 2012, 23:11
I have not come across any thai rent boys here in Dublin!
I know of one thai guy that used to work the beach that is here with his BF... but from what i know he doesn't charge when in dublin

Names and contact details by PM please!!

Dublin is so bereft of quality Asian guys at this stage... its like they were all rounded up and deported!

May 26th, 2012, 23:28
Well I genuinely don't know how ANY Thai bar boy/ non-professional boy manages to get a Visa without a myriad of supporting documents - certainly in the UK there is absolutely ZERO chance of it being on the back of any kind of "guarantee" - but I do hear that they seem to be able to get into Germany (for example) with relatively little difficulty.

I guess that once they are in Germany (or any Schengen country) then travel between Schengen countries is easy (UK excepted of course as the UK is not in Schengen and seems more interested in filling the place with dependent Pakistanis than allowing any Thais/SE Asians in - even with a Sponsor)

Do I sound bitter?
The aim of my life is now to find some way of fucking over the system since it seems detemined to fuck me over :violent1:


May 27th, 2012, 03:39
Here in Brussels we have a few thai boys offering massage. Most past their prime.
But I have very fond memories in London, where I probably got the taste for asian boys, and they were very easy to find.
I don't go to London as often nowadays, but from what I see on the specialised sites, they are not a rarity.

I have no idea how they manage their visa !

May 27th, 2012, 04:15
I wonder if this is not part of some 'human trafficking' thing? There are professional gangs who import women and young girls into Europe to work in the sex industry, so why not boys/young men?