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View Full Version : Boyztown Massage

May 21st, 2012, 04:40
During my last trip to Pattaya I seem to walk through Boyztown every other night and the Massage guys outside of the Ambiance Hotel would make a big always call me over to joke or flirt before they tried to persuade me to come inside for a massage. Now I must admit that at the time I found the guys to be masculine and handsome but since I had no knowledge of what goes on in the Boyztown massage rooms I would always thank them for the offer but decline the invitation. Also it may not show online but in person I am a shy person that becomes ever more so when 3 or 4 guys are showing me too much attention at the same time.

Have any of you had experience with the Boyztown massage places? If so what is the average cost and tip? What should someone expect from a massage there?

Any info would be appreciated.

I may just give it a try on my next trip.

May 21st, 2012, 09:16
Only one experience and it was about a year ago. I visited Copa massage.

Facility was very clean. Shower in the room. More of a bed than a massage table, and it was against a wall instead of the middle of the room.

The massage was not very good and other services were nothing noteworthy either. Masseur removed his clothes for the massage... Overall, a very typical visit as which happens at just about any male for male massage place.

I do not recall the specifics for cost. I would imagine it was around 500 baht for the massage and I typically tip about 1000 baht for this level of experience.

I have been very happy with massage places in the Day/Night area, though I would like to try All of Me 2 in Sunee at some point.

Unless Boyztown is more convenient based on your location, I wouldn't make a special trip for a massage.

May 21st, 2012, 09:29
Generally, if you're looking for the fem/twink types in massage you should stick with Day/Night.

May 21st, 2012, 13:20
I have styaed at Ambiance many times,and had a few massages from them down staires,
there is some nice guys,they take you to a empty room in hotel,shower and strip,and start to massage,it always leeds to a happy ending,massage boys massage in the nude.They do expect a 1000 tip though,even though it says minimun tip is 500/600, they always ask for 1000.

May 21st, 2012, 15:42
See my last Pattaya report :happy7:

May 21st, 2012, 19:28
.They do expect a 1000 tip though,even though it says minimun tip is 500/600, they always ask for 1000.
THINK:if they ask that, it is wishful hoping for and not expectations. Do you still have to learn how it works in TH?

May 21st, 2012, 19:35
.They do expect a 1000 tip though,even though it says minimun tip is 500/600, they always ask for 1000.
THINK:if they ask that, it is wishful hoping for and not expectations. Do you still have to learn how it works in TH?

I have been coming long enough to know how it works ,and these guys do want 1000 min tip.at boyz massage in boyz boyz boyz

May 21st, 2012, 19:49
I've previously confessed to never having had a massage (and got called a "prude" :bis: ) but honestly, if the Client is expected to pay min 1000B, why would you not just take the boy to the privacy and comfort of your own loom?

I mean it's not really the massage that most people are interested in, is it?
Maybe from a professional masseur it might be the attraction, but surely you don't get that from the BBB boys - it's just the nookie isn't it?


May 21st, 2012, 20:16
why would you not just take the boy to the privacy and comfort of your own loom?

I've often thought this myself as I was thinking about how much I (over)spend and how a portion of that always seems to goes towards several massages and then a boy afterwards as well later and so adding to my daily sex budget costs :-) - but also then increasing the sex also I guess so I'm not complaining about that he he.

And I think the answer I always end up at is that a) I do sometimes actually want some form of massage maybe in the afternoon whilst walking about in the heat to relax my leg muscles / sore back etc so I have the massage, which is always generally passable no matter where you go, with a bit of sex fun afterwards just for the hell of it and then b) it's "instant" meaning that I don't have to go through the ritual of sitting talking to the guy ( he knows why I'm there so we can just get stright to it whether that be the massage or the sex, plus bothering with the whole offing end of things and the perhaps sitting pretending I'm half interested in being with them / listening to them (rude I know but sometimes that's the truth) so it's just a way of getting a quick massage, some fun with someone I find hot with no ties and in an hour move on - and then once I'm nice a relaxed go out and find a nice boy that I DO want to spend time with for the evening perhaps.

May 21st, 2012, 21:01
I usually just have a wank and save all that money for the important things :alc:

May 21st, 2012, 21:09
A) and who said I didn't do that "as well" :-) - and b) I guess it all depends on what one considers "important" :-)

May 22nd, 2012, 02:03
if the Client is expected to pay min 1000B, why would you not just take the boy to the privacy and comfort of your own loom?

I mean it's not really the massage that most people are interested in, is it?

I think that a lot of guys that are in closed relationships use a massage as a quick way of getting off and adding a bit of variety to their sex lives... without their BFs losing face
e.g. If the farang was to off another boy it would look bad... but to go for a massage (with extras) is more tolerable... in a don't ask/don't tell kind of way

Its a bit like when my BF goes to a sauna... its always becuae he needs steam to clean his pores... not to get off with some ramdom stranger!

May 22nd, 2012, 02:33
Well, I have to admit that's something that hadn't occurred to me.


May 22nd, 2012, 02:43
are we now condoning adultery? are there no limits to the depravity this board will promote? :dontknow:

May 22nd, 2012, 04:50
are we now condoning adultery? are there no limits to the depravity this board will promote? :dontknow:

Joe, really, come on, not everyone chooses to live in a monogamous relationship, couples both gay and straight have everything from one steady BF / GF to totally open relationships and it's not for anyone else to judge or pass comment on what works for them, just because you don't find the idea of an open relationship appealing to you that doesn't mean it doesn't and can't work for others.

May 22nd, 2012, 04:57
NIrish Guy, you missed my poor attempt at humour. I was joking, not judging.

May 22nd, 2012, 05:06
NIrish Guy, you missed my poor attempt at humour. I was joking, not judging.

Ahhhh ! :-) yes I totally missed that this time it seems, thank goodness, I thought you'd post the plot there for a minute and gone over to the light side all of a sudden ! Lol

May 22nd, 2012, 06:48
I get many massages during my visits, and NIrish has already listed some of the reasons. Quick, spur of the moment encounter without any forethought, searching, etc. I do like the massage part, it is not just a quick sex date. An hour or two of an attractive Thai guy rubbing out my stress is a better way of spending an afternoon then hanging out at the beach, at least for me. And having it all end with some sex is just all the more fun.

I also agree with colmx on the massage being a way to get some "strange" with the BF not losing face. No outside boy in "our" room, no walking down the street with him, etc.

I have not given much thought to trying to arrange a massage in my room. I would think it would make a bit of an oily mess on the bed, which would annoy me.

As another poster alluded to in regard to the original question, if you prefer a more masculine or muscular guy for the massage, BT may be a better option for you. I have not come across an overly "fem" masseur in day night, but more the boy next door type as opposed to an alpha male type.

May 22nd, 2012, 07:56
Another reason to get a massage while in Thailand is because you are on holiday and want to enjoy the things there that you don't do at home. You are on holiday and want to enjoy every moment and let them build into fond memories when you are too old to have the fun that you can have today.

Besides, you never know what opportunity awaits when you just let yourself explore and enjoy. Oh, I could tell you some of the crazy adventures I have had in Thailand but I don't want to get into an argument about it being made-up because they could not imagine it happening to them. But at any rate, many of the Thai guys enjoy having fun and are happy to include anyone they think will enhance their fun time in a positive way.

Just try standing outside DJ station in sporty clothes and a easy-go-lucky smile on your face and see what happens. If you are not invited to tag along to a after hours bar or a private party than you are doing something wrong.

But back to the main point of this thread, I wanted to know about the massage because I like the guys as they are more to my taste since they are older and more masculine than the average Thai that is interested in me. Besides... It never hurts to ask for info :blackeye:

May 22nd, 2012, 14:12
I have never been attracted to the BT massage boys but in March was walking into BT and the first place on your right had a guy whose eyes captivated me. Claimed to be from Burma but I'm still betting on a Middle East country or possibly India. Not my type but on an impulse I went for it. The place was quite seedy and not up to the standards of BKK or Chiang Mai massage places. Can't recall the price but thinking it was 500 and the same for a recommended tip. Showers dirty and your solo. I prefer the routine like Bonny's in BKK where the boy is in the shower with you soaping and scrubbing you all over.

The guy was definitely the 'alpha male' dominate and commanding type. New experience for me and a great memory. His massage skills were an absolute zero. Didn't even pretend to give a massage. Was very proud of his well endowed body and he had ever reason to be happy with it. After warming up he used ever position possible and many that were new to me. I had no clue I could be such a willing bottom but for a change it was pretty special.

Would I do it again? Probably yes. I left there feeling 50 years younger and promising to come back again tomorrow. Why not?

May 22nd, 2012, 14:42
are we now condoning adultery? are there no limits to the depravity this board will promote? :dontknow:Joe, really, come on, not everyone chooses to live in a monogamous relationship, couples both gay and straight have everything from one steady BF / GF to totally open relationships and it's not for anyone else to judge or pass comment on what works for them, just because you don't find the idea of an open relationship appealing to you that doesn't mean it doesn't and can't work for others.Another poster whose sense of humour is Missing In Action.

May 22nd, 2012, 15:45
Another poster whose sense of humour is Missing In Action.

Hey Snooty did you read my follow up message perhaps before jumping on your keyboard perhaps ? We've already covered that - and for a guy who's last two messages (and almost all now that have had a wee read) have been solely about having a dig at other people or generally being an argumentative grumpy bollocks I look forward to you displaying your own keen razor sharp wit any day now to entertain us all and show off your own particular style and sense of humour - I wait with bated breath :-)

May 22nd, 2012, 16:47
..Just try standing outside DJ station in sporty clothes and a easy-go-lucky smile on your face and see what happens. :

I did - nothing happened - and I'm fucking annoyed :angryfire:

The only comments I got were that the tennis skirt did nothing for me, the wig wasn't my colour, and I ought to have left the walking-stick in my loom.

It's the last time I take your advice.


May 22nd, 2012, 16:55
scotty, it's all in that "easy-go-lucky smile" that you missed. but yes, that tennis skirt with your knees? I don't think so :occasion9:

May 22nd, 2012, 16:56
I'm easy - I'm just not lucky


May 22nd, 2012, 16:58
scotty, it's all in that "easy-go-lucky smile"

I don't even bother with the easy go lucky smile anymore - I just wear a tee shirt that says "UK lottery winner and just off the plane" on the front of it and it works every time !!! lol :-)

May 22nd, 2012, 17:07
some of us have to rely on our good lucks and innate charm. :occasion9:

May 22nd, 2012, 17:11
some of us have to rely on our good lucks and innate charm. :occasion9:

yes, which is why I have to revert to the above tactics as I have neither !! lol

May 22nd, 2012, 17:12
really? I hadn't noticed :occasion9:

May 23rd, 2012, 08:22
just ran across this
didn't have time to actually READ it

http://gaymassagenow.blogspot.com/2011/ ... b25fc0124b (http://gaymassagenow.blogspot.com/2011/03/gay-sex-tours-thailand.html?zx=76290eb25fc0124b)