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View Full Version : POLL: Gay Romeo Attempt 2

May 17th, 2012, 22:19
OK so it seems that the first poll was not worded well enough. How bout we give it a second try and if you still don't like it, try wording it your way.

Gay Romeo:
This poll will be graded 1 - 10 with 10 being excellent and 1 being poor. If you tried to use it but the boy never showed, well then it should be poor. If you thought it was great, well then say great. If you tried it and it was good then it would be 5 and a little either way, well then grade it that way. If the picture was photoshooped or old or you felt the descriptions were decieving then grade it that way and if they were right on what he said then do it that way.
I am trying to give everyone including me, the best results.

May 17th, 2012, 22:27
Are you wishing for replies to relate to the use and benefit ( or otherwise) of Gay Romeo solely realting to when being used in Thailand or when being in all other countries too as I'm guessing that the answers generated may be totally different dependant on the Country being discussed ? And likeswise for clarity then are we having a poll relating to go go bars and the usefulness / happiness of our experiences when offing boys from there as it seems people are intent on directly comparing what seem to me anyway, to be two totally diffrerent methods of meeting guys and trying to see which is better, which as they are both subjective is never going to generate an accurate and fair result to either of the methods being discussed.

May 17th, 2012, 22:33
I think we need a poll to discover if we really want another GR poll :dontknow:

May 17th, 2012, 22:37
I try to do a fair poll but seems unfortunately that I am being called unfair. I think the term "rigging the poll" is a bit over the top.
I think since we are talking about using Gay Romeo rather than the bars, we would be talking about everything about using Gay Romeo here in Thailand, their pictures as to who shows up, the experience, if they showed up when they were supposed to...... everything that you felt. Were you very happy or did you not like it or where in-between.
I don't think it is fair to grade it on communicating with a friend once you are home. I would say your use and the purpose you use it for when you are in Thailand or am I still "rigging it?" :dontknow:

That's a good one Joe. I promise not to do another. It is just that for some this seems to be such a personal issue that I want to know. Seems like every 2 - 3 months we have someone telling us that Gay Romeo is going to close the go go bars and owne=ing one, I want to know how many use GR and if they think it is the new thing that will put bars out of business.

May 17th, 2012, 23:25
It is just that for some this seems to be such a personal issue that I want to know. Seems like every 2 - 3 months we have someone telling us that Gay Romeo is going to close the go go bars and owne=ing one, I want to know how many use GR and if they think it is the new thing that will put bars out of business.

For what it's worth I don't believe you'll ever find the simple answer that you're perhaps looking for i.e. will GR close go go bars either from this or any other survey as to me the two methods of meeting people are in my opinion both ENTIRELY different and subjective - some people will like one way, some others and I'm guessing the vast majority are quite happy using neither, either or just one but I don't think for a second that GR is suddenly going to close all or ANY go go bar in Thailand or anywhere else for that matter as there'll always be people thaty like a nigtht out, a few beers, a go go boy on their lap and perhaps physically inspecting the goods before purchase andI doubnt that wil EVER change - thank goodness ! :-) - And this is from a guy who quite happily uses GR and go bars by the way and sees no contradiction or competition between the two as it solely boils down to the mood I'm in on any given day.

May 18th, 2012, 01:13
I want to know how many use GR and if they think it is the new thing that will put bars out of business.

This would require a further poll: do you use gayromeo, did you use gayromeo in the past but don't use it any more, if yes did you have negative experiences, do you use gayromeo just for browsing...

May 18th, 2012, 03:28
I forgot to put down for how many days to run it so I give up.