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View Full Version : Bad GayRomeo Experience..Sort of Avoided

May 17th, 2012, 08:59
I have been in Pattaya for a few days and thanks for the advice on my straight friend. He found walking street to be what he needed.

Anyway, while he was up on walking street I was cruising GayRomeo.
I do not like having a cell phone here in thailand because well I don't like having a cell phone..so I generally do not buy a SIM card. I had been chatting a guy off and on for a couple of weeks and decided to meet him so from GayRomeo I sent him directions and the hotel in Sunee plaza plus the hotel phone number.

The guy was older with a lean muscular body..Just my type. He could not figure out how to get to the hotel as he was from BKK. He made it to sunee but could not find the Marina Inn. Hot body but a bit slow above the pectorial region. He went back to his hotel in jomtien and we started sending messages back and forth again on GayRomeo.

Anyway, I thought he was hot and decided to get a SIM card from 7-11 in order to facilitate the meeting. I called him and he immediately started complaining about Sunee plaza. It was low class, the boys were all low class, the hotels were not good, only old men with no money stay there....why do I stay there? This went on for about 2 minutes and I thought (after about 15 seconds) OK this is not going to work. So I told him..ah..sorry we can not meet I will go out with my friend tonight. He started saying why do I go out with my friend..it is raining..are you stupid old man you go out in the rain..why you not give me name of hotel...etc.

At this point I started talking over him on the phone. Did you just call me a stupid old man? His response "You are stupid old man you not give me"..At this point I cut him off and told him that he was rude and that is about as far as I got and he hung up. Then I start getting crude and rude text messages from him and GayRomeo messages.

I am glad I did not meet up with him as he seems...sort of mentally unstable. Obviously much of the detail and nuance is missing in this account. I suspect that had he arrived in the hotel I would have asked him to leave as I can not stand whiny whinging behavior which probably would have led to a scene. I am a big guy and probably would not have felt threatened by the guy if things had gotten out of control.

But I am curious..what are most people's experiences on GayRomeo.
Mine has been positive until this one. That night I spent more time on GayRomeo and met another guy I had been chatting up with before. He was a real fun guy.

May 17th, 2012, 09:52
I could have this all wrong, of course, but I think you might be a little hard on the guy. I assume he was geared up for meeting and frustrated as hell that he couldn't find you. And, if he was in a hotel he had to spend some money to stay there and pay for the internet service. This was a costly adventure for him in both time and money.

This doesn't excuse rudeness although recognize that he most probably has limited words with which to express his frustration. He undoubtedly chose the ones he's heard and might not have a real understanding of their meaning. I'm not excusing him, but hope you can see the situation from his side - he felt cheated, frustrated, and deceived.

May 17th, 2012, 10:39
I can't stand pretentiousness. When someone I've never met before starts questioning my choice of hotel or area I like to stay in, I definitely lost interest. Calling you stupid and old... :pottytrain1:

Rich, you sound very understanding. I'd like to have your cool :-)

May 17th, 2012, 11:27
I could have this all wrong, of course, but I think you might be a little hard on the guy. I assume he was geared up for meeting and frustrated as hell that he couldn't find you. And, if he was in a hotel he had to spend some money to stay there and pay for the internet service. This was a costly adventure for him in both time and money.

He was from BKK and staying in pattaya for a few days on his own personal holiday. I agree that he was probably frustrated and angry. He also seemed to be lacking a sense of humor and was very aggressive and hostile. In retrospect his comments section on his GayRomeo account was disabled which I may be reading too much into but he may have had negative comments posted from past encounters and decided to avoid bad publicity by disabling that GayRomeo feature.
Had he been pleasant I would have been happy to meet him and give him money for his time and any hassles he felt he incurred.

It was interesting to have him call me a fat, old, stupid man with no money. Hmmm..fat yes, old? middle aged is not old..stupid, maybe, not poor by most definitions. I suspect he was not a world jet setter with a fat Baht bank account. Stick to the facts mister.
Anyway, maybe I should chat them up on the phone before I invite them over to get a better sense of personality.

May 17th, 2012, 12:11
Anyway, I thought he was hot and decided to get a SIM card from 7-11 in order to facilitate the meeting. I called him and he immediately started complaining about Sunee plaza. It was low class, the boys were all low class, the hotels were not good, only old men with no money stay there....why do I stay there? This went on for about 2 minutes and I thought (after about 15 seconds) OK this is not going to work. So I told him..ah..sorry we can not meet I will go out with my friend tonight. He started saying why do I go out with my friend..it is raining..are you stupid old man you go out in the rain..why you not give me name of hotel...etc. (quote)kittyboy

Well, at least he was honest!

May 17th, 2012, 16:00
It sounds like the guy was just blowing off steam after going to the bother of going to meet you and the frustration of not being able to find you --

Although it sounds like a little over the top for somebody that is not a young barboy (hol from bkk etc )

The Thais(in general from what ive seen both in my home or out ) when annoyed can turn from a sweet little lad to somewhat aggressive in a very short time --"handle with care"

I cant stand whingers/moaners myself and if he had arrived to me and started down that path of complaining he would have been shown the door and told to close it from the outside in a very short space of time !!

It would have been easier all round to have had a phone tho (6/700 can get you a cheapo in tukom )

May 17th, 2012, 20:49
He was an older guy 32..as I said I like older more mature guys..I generally find less drama and more fun but this was the exception.

I guess he was honest with his opinions and feelings but at some point I was not interested in him telling me how low class sunee plaza is and I was low class by association.

Anyway, I generally do not want to have a mobile when I am on vacation but in retrospect a quick interview on the phone may help avoid future problems.

I do understand his frustration but at one point he was getting abusive on the phone and I will not put up with anything close to that..to me it is an indication of an underlying abusive personality.

May 18th, 2012, 00:51
I do not like having a cell phone here in thailand because well I don't like having a cell phone..so I generally do not buy a SIM card.
I am more or less indifferent towards mobile phones and don't carry one in Europe (unless I want to meet someone and gave out my phone number) because I don't need it in daily life. But in Thailand it's an absolute must for me! I can make an appointment at (time) in (place), but most of my Thai friends can't. On average, a meeting on appointment takes five phone calls. Your mutual misunderstanding could have been avoided by one phone call.

I tried to tour Laos for five days without a SIM-card for Laos, after one day I gave up and bought one.