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View Full Version : Penis sizes worldwide

May 10th, 2012, 08:24
Because I started a hijack of the "is it true" thread, I wanted to dedicate a new thread to this topic.

Let me start by making it a Thai topic. They seem to compare the Thais with all other Asians. Something I really disagree with. But again, personal experiences are hardly scientific.

There are some interesting websites about the topic out there but I seem to like this one best: http://thebiggerpenisguide.blogspot.com ... untry.html (http://thebiggerpenisguide.blogspot.com/2008/09/average-penis-size-by-country.html)

Probably because this quote
What is intersting is that people assume all Asians have the smallest penis's, but if you look closely you will see that Japanese men actually tend to have larger penis's and erections than Americans, as does indonesia.
I couldn't get that bold enough :sign5:

May 10th, 2012, 18:25
well, I'm very well-endowed but most of the boys I've been with are small to medium - or just the right mouthful. :happy7:

May 10th, 2012, 19:23
So the good old UK, is still good at something .. lol

May 10th, 2012, 20:22
"Africa- Erect 18.3 cm 7.2 in Flacid 16.3 cm 6.4 in."

i must have been an ignorant all my life, but I did not know that Africa was one country. :evil4:

May 10th, 2012, 22:34
Hmmm, I find this list a bit suspect. Brazil at 4.8in? I mean come on.

I have had some pleasant recent experiences in Indonesia and can validate it's worth a trip to Jakarta. Like so many who discovered Thailand early on and just kept coming back, I've really ignored the other SE Asian countries until recently. Indonesia has been a pleasant surprise! Just turn on the Gay Romeo machine and take a look.

:happy7: :happy7: :happy7:

May 11th, 2012, 02:25
Something maybe I am not getting...

As a Top, I really don't care much about the penis size of my partner. Some of my best experiences have been with guys that are on the smaller size. One in particular had a beautiful, small cock that was incredibly sensitive and it was a lot of fun to drive him crazy.

Unless you are looking to bottom, is it really such a turn on to have your partner be hung like a horse?

Of course, every Thai I have been with has exclaimed how big my dick is...so maybe I have a slanted take on the subject? :sign5:

May 11th, 2012, 02:40
I'm sure they say that to all of us, anonone, but I'd be concerned about that slanted thing - doesn't sound right to me :dontknow:

May 11th, 2012, 05:32
Since this is about worldwide penis size I'll add Madagascar to the mix, where I've done a highly scientific (not) study of cock size.

The people of Madagascar came from Asia, most likely from Borneo, around 1,500 years ago. The stronghold of these early settlers, the Merina people, is the central highlands of Madagascar, but the north, south and west coasts were later settled by Africans and Arabs, who mixed it up with the Asian first settlers. In the highlands, where the people have a really Asian look (straight black hair, paler skin, shorter in stature) the cocks are small to average, and like anywhere else, with the occasional huge surprise thrown in. This is where the main gay scene is based, with several thousand people identifying themselves as gay on Facebook alone (although there is no "scene").

The west coast from Diego Suarez & Nosy Be in the north to Tulear in the south and across the south coast to Amboasary is where the party is if you're a size person. The stature of the people tends to be much taller, they have curly "Afro" hair, much darker skin, and MUCH bigger dicks, verging on huge, with the occasional sneaky small one.

All are cut. Circumcision is done on all male children before they turn 7 years old.

My info is from viewing first hand a sample of probably 300 cocks over a decade :-) and from chatting to (and seeing pics of) some of my 600 Malagasy friends on my Malagasy Facebook account.

For anyone interested, Madagascar is one of the few "African" nations where homosexuality has never been illegal, and the rights of individuals to freedom of choice is protected in the constitution. The people were animists & ancestor worshipers and although Christianity has been there for hundreds of years too, the people remain laid back about such matters, albeit very discreetly (there are no gogo bars). The age of consent is 21 for same sex relations and 18 for hetero.

Anyone got any first hand experience of any other African nation?

May 11th, 2012, 08:27
Timely aside. See Thursday post at http://bangkokbois.wordpress.com/ "Dancing with the devil in Thailand"... I live in Oregon, home of the well endowed.

May 12th, 2012, 06:15
Morse, There was another link on the website: http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0079/4 ... 1.pdf?9844 (http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0079/4932/files/Fit.Kit.08.11.pdf?9844)

I think that especially Joe should pay attention. Somehow, I always think he starts from the Anus. :8(

May 12th, 2012, 15:53
Unless you are looking to bottom, is it really such a turn on to have your partner be hung like a horse?

It is something to hang on to!

May 12th, 2012, 16:01

I have had some pleasant recent experiences in Indonesia and can validate it's worth a trip to Jakarta.

The Malay race mostly seem to be well endowed, whether you find them in Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore or Indonesia. As are boys from Isan in Thailand and Karang-Asem in Bali.

Talking about size and I am always reminded of a quote from Zavier Hollander's famous book, The Happy Hooker where as New Yorks most expensive hooker for the rich and famous for many years she had some knowledge:

The erect penis increases in size anywhere from 1.1 to 8.6 its flaccid size. Some just harden up whilst other grow like the beanstalk!
..she went on to say, referring to black men in USA and their reputed size.... what is the envy of other men in the locker room is often a disappointment to women in the bedroom!

May 27th, 2012, 05:14
My experience has been that Russians in General are well hung, but Black people in general are usually large as well.. Some Filipino's have had a range of smallest I have ever seen to largest for Asians.

May 27th, 2012, 07:56
the reason for the wide rage for philipinos is because they are a mixed race. you can't really say they are malay race because of a lot of interracial marriages. the chinese has been with in the islands for more than a few centuries, before the spaniards and americans came in.

June 5th, 2012, 15:14
Some Filipino's have had a range of smallest I have ever seen to largest for Asians.

Not surprising as they are basically Malay with an infusion of Pacific Islanders [hence the wonderful singing voices] mixed witrh Spanish and Chinese and a liberal dose of American....what a mixture, what a range!