View Full Version : Birthday party Krazy Dragon

May 1st, 2012, 17:46
Morning Krazy Dragon Fans,
Krazy Dragon, [Haters move onto the next thread ] you will get no response on this one to sarcastic comments.

It will be John's birthday on the 4th June the Big 60. Unfortunately the bar will be closed on that day for Buddhist holiday.
So you get to help choose the date we have the party, we are looking at the 3rd. June or 5th June.
I know some of you are coming from overseas so there is a possibility of the dates being between 10th to 15th June.
Can you guys that are interested contact me by private message, or through https://www.facebook.com/groups/KrazyDragon/
Please give me your thoughts on the days that best suit you, so we can try to accommodate as many as possible.

John wants 2 parties, one on the 5th June the other on the 15th June, he thinks he will get two gifts from me (NO CHANCE). lol.
Waiting your replies, I will get back to you with a fixed date for the party A.S.A.P.

Best regards

May 1st, 2012, 20:30
[Haters move onto the next thread ] you will get no response on this one to sarcastic comments.
It is sad reflection on the forum that a poster has to add a note to discourage 'haters' or in this forum's case the 'snipers/flooders' who lately seem to be hijacking just about every other thread for their jibes and personal in-jokes while adding NOTHING of any value to the many, many threads they now litter accross the forum.

While not everybody is a fan of Krazy Dragon i'm sure, (the only real negative about Krazy Dragon for me is because it is such a large bar when there are very few customers and boys it lacks a bit of atmosphere and therefore has little energy and fun) but when it has a larger crowd and the boys 'perked up' it can be a great fun place which I imagine would be the case of a birthday celebration. It can accomodate a large crowd so it should be a good fun night.

So I would probably make the effort to visit Krazy Dragon for this if I'm in Pattaya for the 15th June as it's ages since I've been to a birthday celebration in one of the gogo bars. I will be in Thailand then ok, but my itinery is not yet finalised. I would expect that fans of the place will definitely be there though.

May 1st, 2012, 22:02
I would attend on 15th June - I arrive in Pattaya 7 June for my next visit.

May 1st, 2012, 22:43
I would attend on 15th June - I arrive in Pattaya 7 June for my next visit.

I would attend on the 15th June arrive pataya 14th june

May 1st, 2012, 23:12
you couldnt make it up ..... even after asking haters to move on ... you still get snide remarks ... i apologise for the rest of the forum Mark ... .

oldalan wrote...
(the only real negative about Krazy Dragon for me is because it is such a large bar when there are very few customers and boys it lacks a bit of atmosphere and therefore has little energy and fun)..

i hope john has a great party ... and like our wonderful queen in england .. im sure hes entitles to two birthdays a year ...

May 1st, 2012, 23:58
Oh dear, I see you called her Oldalan.

You'll be accused of being me now.

Even though I call her OldAlanna.


May 2nd, 2012, 04:48

John and I are out on the 4th. So the 5th would be great. Tell John he's got a bottle of the red on me.

May 2nd, 2012, 05:49
you couldn't make it up......you still get snide remarks ...
Well you're right for once brithai...you really couldn't make it up......a post containing snide remarks complaining about 'snide remarks' how thick can you be? Seems the request from the OP for you haters to avoid this thread has fallen on deaf ears, or rather in brithai's case possibly functioning ears but nothing working between them. Sad they can't leave even one thread alone free of the trolling litter they drag around the forum threads. Seems they may have taken the haters/snipers/flooders comment personally and applied it to themselves which is as good as an admission......if the caps fit brithai. You are one dreary, bitter old grump.

But nothing 'snide' from me, just the facts. When Krazy Dragon is quiet it isn't that enjoyable i'm afraid, I'm sure even some Krazy Dragon fans will agree it's just too a big place to create a fun atmosphere when empty. When it's a bit busier it's great...what would be snide about that honest truth. This thread is about the Krazy Dragon birthday party. I hope to be there for it. I assume neither you or scat-guy will be, so why are you even here? A faint excuse to wish a happy birthday just to get a pathetic dig in against the wishes of the OP. As i said....sad that the OP has to even warn haters to move on, sadder still that it is ignored by the very type of trouble-maker he tried to put off.

even after you asked the haters to move on .....
You'll be accused of being me me me me its all about me! now.
So why didn't you heed the hint brithai? Yet another thread dragged off topic by the self-obsessed attention seekers.....what a pair of dull old codgers.

May 2nd, 2012, 09:21
i hope john has a great party ... and like our wonderful queen in england .. im sure hes entitles to two birthdays a year ...

Omg Thank god John does not do forums HE WOULD SO AGREE WITH YOU. :occasion6: :occasion6:

May 2nd, 2012, 14:35
Well, i actualy liked the place more when there were only a couple of other customers in there, ( during songkran).
Got to shake HANDS with all the boys, with no competition ... lol.
I really wish i could be there for the party, but alas, am stuck in the freezeer for another year...
But best wishes, and have a great night.. ( or two)

May 2nd, 2012, 14:45
Hi Mark.
It was great meeting you and John this past week. Unfortunately, I will probably not be back to Thailand again so quickly as to cerebrate with the both of you. Please tell John best wishes from me.

As for the size of KD during the slower periods, I didn't find it to be a problem at all. I actually preferred the setup at KD, with the roaming dancers instead of everyone on stage.
With few customers in the bar, as is likely to happen during low season, it can seem awkward to me to be the only customer with 10 boys on stage staring at you. Especially earlier in the night before all the alcohol has taken effect.

May 2nd, 2012, 14:49
Please pass on the best of best wishes to John for his birthday! Don't think I will be out and about but whatever date you pick, I am sure it will be a huge success!