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View Full Version : Russian Gays in Pattaya

April 25th, 2012, 21:50
If a Westerner has a stereotype of a Russian looking like a thrumpy, plump communist serf farmer, their post WWII stereotype will be erased away when they see the new generation strolling down the streets of Pattaya (ok, there are a few exceptions). The young men and women are healthy looking with a touch of class in their appearance (compared to the casual dressed, doughy fast-food nations of the West..). At Dongtan Beach, Jomtien, one can see the young Russian gay men strutting their stuff and it seems they enjoy the attention of the eyes on them. Some are real masculine looking (my type) while some are a bit on the Twink side. What I have read about Russia, is that being a gay in Moscow, for example, isn't as open as in the other major cities around the world so I imagine they enjoy their freedom in the LOS.

What I was wondering about, do they ever mix with "farangs" from other countries. I never see them with Thais. My one Thai friiend said that some of the 20-ish Russian guys are money boys. For me, my "generalization"is that many ...most cannot speak English, but the younger ones 30 or below know some basic words. Once I ran into a Russian on the beach and he spoke great English and we had a great conversation. Yet, others seem to not be as approachable. Any comments on this? :idea1:

April 26th, 2012, 00:20
Dont know about you but any Russians guys I see in pattaya generally scare the crap out of me !! lol

They nearly all seem to be body builders these days (to the point of seriously abusing steroids - to extremes in some cases) and the ones I see certainly never give off a feeling of "hey come and talk to me" - more like "if you even look at me you fag I'll knock you out" so I tend to leave well enough alone - and that said maybe they are LOVELY guys.....but I'm sort of guessing not lol - but perhaps others here DO have some stories to share of "intimate" moments with a Russian in Pattaya and how that worked out for them ???

April 26th, 2012, 04:32
Call me old fashioned (I've been called worse) but I don't see the attraction of Russian guys in Thailand. I go there to have fun with Thai guys. Admittedly, my taste in Thais is towards the more boyish, so I'm not sure Russians would fit that bill. I wouldn't have a problem having a beer or two with a cute Russian guy (or any other nationality, I'm cheap but I'm not particular). But for sex, I'd go for Thai guys every time.

April 26th, 2012, 09:49
Dont know about you but any Russians guys I see in pattaya generally scare the crap out of me !! lol

Just a heads up on cultural difference. I've been told by those far more traveled than I am, and it seems to be true here in Pattaya, that in Russia social norms dictate that one is to appear aloof and insular Russians are not accustomed to initiating overtures of friendliness, but that doesn't mean they don' respond back.

April 26th, 2012, 20:00
They sure seem to like the sound of thier own voices, cus i seemed to have heard them long before i saw them on the beach..

April 27th, 2012, 08:49
I'll stick with my general feeling. Russians I meet in Thailand are not friendly and are, more than less, low-class assholes!

April 27th, 2012, 10:07
Someone a few months back wrote a very interesting article or maybe it was copied, who the heck remembers?
Anyway it was all about Russian women being mentioned as some of the most beautiful women in the word and the macho-ism of the Russian man. Briefly it stated that in the Russian culture that the Russian men need to be overly macho and not back down to an argument in order to get the best looking women. That this type of machoism is now seen as they travel also as it is their nature.
If anyone can find that thread and copy it up to current it might well explain their unruly behavior and rudeness.

April 27th, 2012, 12:45
As someone who understands Russian and frequently travel to Pattaya, I find many comments here absolutely unfair.
Vast majority of Russians behave as other tourists in Pattaya and not especially rude or unfriendly. On more than one occasion they, in fact were helpful and I always try to reciprocate, especially if they need help in translation. Keep in mind, though that Russian culture is traditionally homophobic (both due to the attitude of Russian Marxists and Orthodox church). As an example the Saint-Petersburg (the native city of Putin) recently passed openly anti-gay law prohibiting so-called "gay propaganda". This attitude is frequently reflected in behavior of Russian tourists in places where the gay presence is "in the face" like in Pattaya.

April 27th, 2012, 14:26
...Russian culture is traditionally homophobic (both due to the attitude of Russian Marxists and Orthodox church)..

Sorry Ikarus - I'm having some difficulty with this:

1. The vast majority of "cultures" are traditionally homophobic - in fact the homophobia of most of the (black) African nations would make Russian attitudes seem positively liberal.
2. Why do you single out "Russian Marxism" as being particularly homophobic? Is Marxism more homophobic that say, fascism? Frankly, I doubt it
3. In the same vein you cite the Russian Orthodox Church as promoting homophobia - well, no shit, Sherlock! Can you point to many othodox Churches who promote homosexuality? The Catholics don't seem too keen for a start (except when it comes to choirboys of course), some of the American fundementalist churches would have stoning re-introduced if they could, and the Official Moslem Gay Pride Day seems rather a long way off.

For somebody who has (rightly) taken other posters to task for their prejudiced comments, and who says they have travelled extensively in Russia (which I don't doubt) you seem to be taking a few liberties in your own comments :dontknow:


April 27th, 2012, 15:03
Sorry don'yt mean to be contradictory but maybe you haven'nt been to Pattaya recently? While I understand their rudeness a little more and their attitude, it does not mean I willingly like it or accept it, especially whe they try to leave without paying all the time! :dontknow: I often wonder if they try to walk off without paying in their Russian hometown or is it that they think they can just go on vacation free?

April 27th, 2012, 19:11
Marx said*

All property is theft

Presumably that applies to your beer too - and as they are all Marxists (according to Ikarus) why should they pay?


*actually he stole the phrase from Pierre-Joseph Proudhon (a French anarchist)

April 27th, 2012, 20:33
*actually he stole the phrase from Pierre-Joseph Proudhon (a French anarchist)

see, this CAN be an educational board as well. good work, scottish-guy :notworthy:

April 28th, 2012, 07:21
They sure seem to like the sound of thier own voices, cus i seemed to have heard them long before i saw them on the beach..
Hear hear
There was a bunch of them in Sansuk last sat evening and they drove people out of every place they visited...
As they progressed upwards from to floor it was noticable how the thai and farang clientele made their way downwards to avoid the shouting (and sneers) from the russian queens...