View Full Version : Gay boy comes out history very moving.

April 14th, 2012, 12:15
This was apparently posted by travellerjim a few months back. It came to me this morning and I felt it very moving.

We have had publicity re 40+ suicides in the papers and the church, so this was timely and hopefully it gets a wider response.

Well worth a read.

http://www.ottawacitizen.com/sports/joc ... story.html (http://www.ottawacitizen.com/sports/jock+takes+mask/6314056/story.html)

April 14th, 2012, 13:30
Yes thanks for that.

What a performance what a huge bloody jungle-gym of shit just to be yourself and get through school. Welcome the day when gay children wont have to come out as such but just be themselves and be accepted from day one.

I wonder if straight kids adult will ever stop slagging off gays making them so frightened of life that they cant be themselves and do the stuff they want to do.

I find things are with the help of the media changing peoples attitudes a bit but I still hate the way in American the media, TV portray gays in this stereotypical way that for all intensive purposes fuels the stereotypical ideas about our sexuality. Its like all blacks have big dicks rubbish well gays aren't raging comedian queens, like anyone there are bits of everything.

We weren't put on this earth as amusement for straight people.