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View Full Version : Americans vs Other Nationalities

April 14th, 2012, 11:36
Do you have any reason for believing that Americans are less popular with Thais than other nationalities?

April 14th, 2012, 12:31
This thread has the potential to deteriorate and offend us all. For my part, I believe there are good and bad from every nation, and we should probably leave it like that! Apart from Russians of course, many handsome ones but we al know their traits :sign5:

April 14th, 2012, 13:42
I can only comment on what Thai working boys have told me over the years - I've heard none complain about Americans but I have heard them say that they don't like Arab customers (treating them like a piece of meat) or Pakistani/Indian customers (body odour).

I would not claim that the complaints are representative of the races/nationalities concerned, merely what I have been told over the years by a small, specific group of Thais.


April 14th, 2012, 14:43
I never heard Thai boys talking anything against Yanks -- mabye a bit pom poui -but the guys dont mind that so much if the farang is "jai dee " --- not in the sense that the farang has to buy an iphone to qualify --just be nice to them

What i have heard most of them complaining about if anything is if farang is not clean -so arabs/indians fall into that dept i believe

And they dont seem to like all the toot russians neither !!!

April 14th, 2012, 15:05
I never heard Thai boys talking anything against Yanks -- mabye a bit pom poui -but the guys dont mind that so much if the farang is "jai dee " --- not in the sense that the farang has to buy an iphone to qualify --just be nice to them

What i have heard most of them complaining about if anything is if farang is not clean -so arabs/indians fall into that dept i believe

And they dont seem to like all the toot russians neither !!!

Russians pay no good. :laughing3:

Although I have found one or two cute guys who will do a hot Russian for free. Last time I went to Sansuk, around 6 months ago there was a hot young Russian thing who had 3 real cute
Thai guys follow him into one the rooms. I was n't at all jealous :tongue3: Not that I have a thing for more than one Thai guy at a time-lol :tongue3:

April 14th, 2012, 16:40
Da Boss is American and i like him so i think do his staff. Neal is only one of a couple of Americans i know so my impressions are good.
But as its been said before there are good and bad in every country even Russia.

April 14th, 2012, 16:54
The american guys i've met in Thai have been very nice..i think everyone has their own experience of different races
i live in hulme ..manchester so am used to mixing with many different races..its like the united nations here but no problems

April 14th, 2012, 18:59
many Thais think highly of the USA in general. they know that a lot of the pop
culture they like comes from America, and some major brands and labels, and
western fast food like McDonald's and Starbucks etc. most Thais know their
King studied in the USA and many would love the chance to do the same. All
the guys I've told i'm from America have nothing but positive impressions of
the country or are at least nice enough not to say anything negative.

April 14th, 2012, 19:34
Don't know who Rob33 is but it appears to me that he just has a hard-on for Americans.

Im always open. Dont know about a hard on but I love the country and been many many times.

I had a very nice American friend once, he came from Tallahassee. It was good.

When we met he assumed I was some kind of visiting lecturer in English literature, he kept asking me questions about Jane Austin???

We spent some of the summer together in an alligator pond, luckily alligators dont seem to have any interest in eating humans at all.

He was a student working part time as a waiter in the lodge and would come up to my room after all the lights were down in the evening (very old lovely plantation house) knocking on my door asking "sir sir would you like to discuss Persuasion tonight". He would drop hints and quotes from Austin at dinner while serving me cream soup and pheasant stew, this was foreplay and very ammusing.

Tall lovely boy very thoughtful.

He would look carefully through all my things with his pants down afterwards nodding his thick head of dark hair "thought so thought so" lovely skin white as snow and big hooded violet eyes.

Complete nut job but a very nice one :nud:

April 14th, 2012, 19:46
Presumably the fact that you can't spell Jane Austen's name correctly might have given him a clue that he was barking up the wrong tree. :rolling:

April 14th, 2012, 20:38
I am not sure if Thais know the difference between an American and any other native English speaker. When I ask the nationalities of some farang they only say he speaks English. I also doubt they can tell the difference between an non-native English speaker and an American. And yes, Arabs are not their favs.

April 15th, 2012, 05:28
And yes, Arabs are not their favs.

And, not the favorites of many people! :happy7:

April 15th, 2012, 06:03
Maybe each individual Thai person will have their own personal likes and dislikes built up over time from their own personal experiences.

April 15th, 2012, 06:24
not the favorites of many people! :happy7:

This is an insane assertion. I think Arab fantasies must figure quite high up there on most gay imaginations.

How one could even know that Arabs are not the favourite of many people??? Its not like there are Arab boys hanging off poles in Pattaya.

I think this could be an uneducated extremist wannabe American type assertion. What with the ( :happy7: ) included.

Complete nonsense of course as arguably Americas closest ally in the Islamic world is non other than the United Arab Emirates.

April 15th, 2012, 06:29
Presumably the fact that you can't spell Jane Austen's name correctly might have given him a clue that he was barking up the wrong tree. :rolling:

Not even but as it was all oral how could he have known :ssmile:

April 15th, 2012, 07:26
I am an american and like to think I'm a nice guy. I am aware that there can be found in any race guys that are less than nice.

April 15th, 2012, 07:58
I am an american and like to think I'm a nice guy. I am aware that there can be found in any race guys that are less than nice.

I completely agree.

This is a dumb post. It has nothing to do with Thailand and should be moved.

ps- Are you a recent immigrant to that country? Its just that I wouldn't consider the Americans a "race" as such. America has never been a homogeneous society like lets say for example Japan is or in degrees even Thailand is?

April 15th, 2012, 09:12
It will not be moved as you turned this and almost every topic into an antiAmerican rant. May I suggest that in order to keep posting, you relax on these rants? Just a suggestion as well as activating old threads from years ago. After 6 months to a year you don't do it.

Khor tose
April 15th, 2012, 09:22
It will not be moved as you turned this and almost every topic into an antiAmerican rant. May I suggest that in order to keep posting, you relax on these rants? Just a suggestion as well as activating old threads from years ago. After 6 months to a year you don't do it.

Yes, but look at the bright side. At least in this reincarnation he is keeping his post down to a minimum and he has yet to mention anything about being self-aware.

April 15th, 2012, 09:25
I have a very funny feeling his reincarnation will be short lived!

April 15th, 2012, 09:50
This is completely insane. "After six months" what does that mean I havent been here one month far as know. Reincarnation??? From who??? I made a sarcastic joke about my having amnesia but this is ridiculous.

Don't you want any new members? This is usually the case only when a forum is in the throws of closing. No one has indicated that to me so far.

In case you didn't read the post it's entitled "Americans VS Other Nationalities"? What has that got to do with Thailand??? And why should I be taken to task for keeping to topic???

Also my "every post is an anti American rant", would you please substantiate that because it's simply unfounded nonsense? :dontknow:

April 15th, 2012, 10:11
This is completely insane. "After six months" what does that mean I havent been here one month far as know. Reincarnation??? From who??? I made a sarcastic joke about my having amnesia but this is ridiculous.

Don't you want any new members? This is usually the case only when a forum is in the throws of closing. No one has indicated that to me so far.

In case you didn't read the post it's entitled "Americans VS Other Nationalities"? What has that got to do with Thailand??? And why should I be taken to task for keeping to topic???

Also my "every post is an anti American rant", would you please substantiate that because it's simply unfounded nonsense? :dontknow:

Yes you read threads that are very old and they have not been active in years and then make comments which reactivates them.
Yes this forum is nowhere near closing but in case you think it will you are welcome to JOIN a NEW FORUM.
In case you have not read many of your posts,many are anti-American this and that, just issued a warning on this one cause you had so many on many threads. I suggest you read them for yourself but several members as well as both moderators have discussed this. your taking us to task on this will get you nowhere except.......

April 15th, 2012, 10:33
It's not that hard to find posts from years gone by. They appear at the bottom of every page once you're in a thread, under the heading "Related Topics". If you don't like people accessing those threads, Bossy Boots, I suggest you take away the functionality and solve the problem.

April 15th, 2012, 11:02
It's not that hard to find posts from years gone by. They appear at the bottom of every page once you're in a thread, under the heading "Related Topics". If you don't like people accessing those threads, Bossy Boots, I suggest you take away the functionality and solve the problem.

Exactly Sooty.

Im not passing judjment about current threads, but those prompt threads are in fact very interesting and often very well written arguments, we are invited to read them.

That they correspond to the subject in hand is no coincidence its hard wired into the site , its not like I went digging for threads on any issues like "Americans", one is prompted by the site itself????

Im off for a swim its very hot even the wind is hot today.

April 15th, 2012, 11:13
When the site was sold it was sold with that feature added in so that people could find other related threads. It mskes no sense at all to re-activate an OLD thread that the posts are very old. If you wat to continue the subject rather than re-activating an old thread with out dated posts and probably members that hve gone to sawan open a NEW THREAD with a similar topic title. Then you get fresh conversation.
Your constant ranting about Americans and they deserve this and that because of the Bushes were nowhere in an old post even and there are many other Nation bashing posts you have made and are unnecessary and will stop.

April 21st, 2012, 22:04
I use to tire greatly of defending the US on a range is Subjects, at that time we were so out numbered anyone who tried were clobbered. I always felt is was mostly jealousy. If you travel the states at all you will find special and unique things about them all. The people tend to vary almost as much as the states do. I love it here an often after being gone a long time it feels good to hear the words welcome to America. I love my country like most of you love your own, How could one not be offended to a point when some one is constantly bashing us. This is a really civil thread compared to the stuff we used to get and the moderators would allow. We are all Humans. In that sense we are all brothers. Crossing an ocean did not change thqt fact the Brits and Spaniards are our ancestors, talking about us is generally talking about many reaches from almost any nation. However , no matter our color we are all Americans. I have listened to several different races when there. I have yet to find one yet that is not loud and hard to ignore at times. He who stands in a race that has never done anything stupid when traveling then they may stand up and defend their actions. If that be the case I suspect we all have had moments at the end of 30 hour flights when looking for a smile was hard to fine and producing one of your own was even harder. Travelers are like that. Many like the dude that treated the guys so bad at a hospital , if he had not contacted his credit card people he was out of town then he was a new traveler and likely had no idea how to act and likely was acting out of fear more than anything else. Of course we all from every country think we are special. Unique maybe, special not so much. Its refreshing to see things open enough anyone can post, and if you Don't like it, Well, people have finally discovered the ignore function.

April 24th, 2012, 09:07
And don't forget that the King is actually an American.