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View Full Version : anyone have any loyalty boy stories

April 12th, 2012, 11:56
I have one, The reason I am in the USA and likely the reason I am alive. He is a Nurse, His father the Doctor and head doctor at the best hospital in Manila. His mother owns her own pharmacy . Last year I got what I thought was food poisoning, usually I get it every year. So, I bring medicine with me that is supposed to take care of anything in that order. However, what was thought food poisoning turned out to be Cholera , For 5 days and nights he stayed with me, lost work, cried while he sat up against the door in my Condo. Assumed I was going to die and ask me if I was afraid to die. If you know anything about Cholera, its terrible stuff every orifice you have leaks something, when I would not make it to the toilet he would clean it, When I could no longer stand to go he would clean me. When all was lost he carried me to a clinic and they found out my problem. He set up a drip, fed me with soup and went out several times in the middle of the night for medicine. well needless to say thanks to him. I am still here to live another day. A 25 year Chinese from a well to do family, caring for and old worn out old man like me. I think you don't make them like that much any more, which would take on himself freely the love to keep me alive, when surely the odds were against me since I had made him wiat so long to get help. I'm 61 almost and he said I was way too young to die and would have stayed until God forcibly took me. Looks like my State is going to pass gay marriage in May. Mayybe its a good time for me to settle down. what do you think guys.

April 12th, 2012, 14:53
Great story....its good to hear the loyalty and love 2 people can have for each other
go with your feelings and good luck with what ever you decide to do