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View Full Version : Message to The Enchanted Hut, Jomtien

May 18th, 2006, 06:10
Please turn down the volume of your music in the afternoon.
I go to Jomtien most weekends and I like to sit at Bondi having a sundowner beer or two but I cannot relax because I am usually blasted out of my reverie by the racket coming from your empty shop.
You don't open for business until 6.00pm so why do you need to treat the rest of Jomtien Complex to that cacophany for most of the afternoon?
A few weekends ago I was in the Internet shop next door to you and the noise was so extreme that the glass of water on my desk was vibrating across the table top.
I would have liked to tell you this in person but last few times I went in to ask someone politely to turn it down the shop was empty - yes, completely empty - but the music still blared on!


May 18th, 2006, 08:27
That place is still open?

May 18th, 2006, 12:33
We were in Pattaya/Jomtien for 5 days (my limit!) in April staying at the very welcoming Bondi Hotel.
Across the Soi was an Enchanted Hut, which in fact looked rather more like the Abandoned Hut. It seemed never to actually be open for business (and we stayed over a weekend) and peering into the place it was a dusty jumble of chairs-on-tables and bedraggled fake palm trees. I heard no music loud or otherwise (as the poster above apparently did) . . . in fact I heard precisely nothing, and saw the same.

But that was April, this is May . . .

Cheers ...

May 18th, 2006, 13:11
I'm sorry to hear that. This place -- and its owner -- would have been the perfect targets to run into the ground. I, for one, hope they bounce back so we can have a bit of fun at their (richly deserved) expense.

May 19th, 2006, 10:00
It's in Jomthien Complex, across and just down a bit from the Poseidon.

May 19th, 2006, 12:17
I have been to the Enchanted Hut but I have never heard the music blaring out and I have been in Jomtien for some time now. There is, as some have said, a distinct lack of customers, but then again, many places in Jomtien seem to have few patrons. The food I had was of a decent standard but the menu was limited (understandable considering that such a small place cannot keep masses of different fresh foods in stock). I believe that there is also a 'traditional' Thai dance routine involving the highly decorative costumed waiters but I must have missed this on my visit. The owner is enthusiastic about his food and I believe trains his staff in food prep and culinary skills. As with many places in Thailand, I wonder how they can keep in business with so few obvious customers, however, I wish them good luck.