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April 9th, 2012, 23:38
Yes, there is indeed something to report.

I went to Sunee on the off chance that a beer bar or something would be open, but all was in darkness. So I headed back to Boyztown.

Despite the ruling that all bars should close and no alcohol was to be served, and no music was to be played, I've just come back from Toyboys, X-Boys and Splash. Vassa is also open for business. How can that be? Well, for one, I was told Toyboys is part owned by a policeman. Maybe the same with the other bars.

Toyboys was doing a roaring business - for once here were more customers in a bar that gogo boys! They had about 15 boys on stage - some with rather large packages. Drinks 160 baht.

X-boys had about 10 boys but not many customers. Soft drinks 180, alcohol 200 baht. I had a boy sit with me - I know him from a previous visit - he usually works at Cupidol but knows the owner of X-boys so was allowed to work there tonight. Ive actually written about him before. As soon as he sat down he put the pressure on me to off him. I bought him a drink and he quickly finished it and then asked for another. (In the meantime, he downed half of my beer!)
├П'll give you a tip instead," I said.
├Ц.k. 200 baht,"he replied.
200 baht for just sitting with me?? Don't think so. When he realised he may not get offed, he called over the waiter and handed him the bill!!! In other words, if you are not going to off me, I'll get back on stage and try my luck with the other 2 farangs still in the bar. I left soon after. Had he played his cards right I may have offed him, as he is a great bottom. But I wont have the boys try to make the decision for me.
BTW a few handsome boys to be had, but the rest were not very appealing. One boy with bat-wing ears had his cock out now and then and was fooling around with other boys on stage, pulling down their jocks, but nothing exciting.

I passed by Splash and was kind of dragged inside. Soft drinks 140, alcohol 160 baht. Only a few customers. They had about 10 boys lined up on a very long, narrow stage. No-one stood out as being offable- for me, at least. Numbers 2,4 and 12, I was assured, are 18 years old. Mmmm....will say no more.

Apparently all the bars will be open for business tomorrow - or so the rumour has it.

April 10th, 2012, 10:54
for a change have to concur with a447...shit good thing I'm indoors or lightening might strike me...sunee..totally closed...popped into xboys (n0 8..with red speedy..so cute)...and vassa..please tell me the owner/manager is not Thai...can't place his accent...anyway vassa was a waste of time..all skinny twinkies...would bruise myself if I had to ride one..like fucking a bicycle..

April 10th, 2012, 20:00
Indian gent i believe -- good boss to the skinny twinkies -

- --lol i can imagine your face in that bar -
cant imagine those would be your type at all

did u stay long in that place ??

April 10th, 2012, 20:21
no...had ordered a beer so felt obliged to pay and drink it...but actually spent most of the time outside chatting up the doorman and people watching, there was absolutely nada in there that would even give me half a rise...
Indian you say...well he hardly spoke so I never caught an accent...nice he's good to his stable of boys...they were a funny skinny bunch hopping all over the stage imitating asian boy pop bands....but OMG..such skinny effiminate numbers...bet they gotta jump around in the shower just to get wet...

April 11th, 2012, 12:52
I went to Jomtien beach yesterday to enjoy a massage. It turned out to be the massage from hell! I sat down at the second franchise up from the toilet and watched as a parade of masseurs walked by. I was waiting for a handsome guy. Finally, one turned up and I grabbed him (metaphorically speaking) immediately. As soon as he put his hands on my legs I yelped in pain. "You ok?"he asked. "Yes" I grimaced, trying all the while to smile. His hands were like sandpaper! Must be all the farm work back in Isaan. His thumbs were particulalry rough. I asked him to go easy while trying to think of a way to get out of the situation. Even his smile didn't ease the pain. I wanted him to stop, but didn't want to offend him. He told me, in rather good English, that he had many regular customers. hard to believe, unless they are all masochists. I put up with it for about 15 minutes then had to ask him to stop. I told him I suddenly felt hungry and I needed to go eat somewhere. BTW his name is Sak.
I've now decided that whenever a masseur aproaches me, I will always shake his hand first, just to make sure!
However, all was not lost. After I came back I sat in the same deckchair. I always sit next to the aisle in between the franchises so that I can admire any Thai boys in tight speedos as they walk past. As I sat there daydreaming, I suddenly heard Russian voices right next to me. Shit, not those Ruskies again!
I looked side ways and what did I see? Two hunky spunky Russian guys - one very handsome- about 1 metre away from me. Their crotches were at eye level and I found myself staring straight at 2 humungous bulges in white speedos. Now my mother always said that it was rude to stare, but I don't think she forsaw this particular situation. The outline of their cocks were clearly visible. One of them saw me ogling his bulge, smiled at me and showed me the outline of his cock with his fingers!! Please God, let them be moneyboys! Alas, they weren't and they both walked off down to the beach and left me contemplating what might have been. :(
The bars were open here last night - don't know about Sunee. I did, however, wander down Walking Street to check out G.U.Y.S. and yes, they were also open for business. Some of the girlie bars were still closed.
I wandered over to Happy Place and sat with a boy for an hour. (They have a couple of new boys who are quite good looking and not fem.) He's the guy with the huge cock - he displays it in the show. You can't miss him - he's got the most beautiful smile and is a lovely guy. I was the only customer (it was early) but there were not many farang out and about. Ended up in Cupidol where I offed my guy from my last visit.
One thing I've noticed this visit and last, is that the boys don't have any problem just cumming over the sheets or bedspread when they are on all fours. They don't seem to bother about grabbing some tissues first. Cumming on the sheets in par for the course I guess, but on the bedspread?? I know, it's my fault - I should have taken it off. But in the past, the boys have been very careful about such things.
Just an observation.

April 11th, 2012, 20:35
surprised I didn't spot you...sat in front of Tui's...deleted flaming DaBoss...

Well perhaps if you met him For a beer and said hello like most normal people would do with someone they communicated with every few days over a year then you'd of known what each other looked like and wouldn't have been so close and yet so far apart it seems. I really don't get all the cloak and dagger stuff and the " the last thing I want is to speak to other farang etc" but then sit chatting with all year, all very strange and just a bit wired if you ask me - and lets face it it WOULD put a stop to people questioning your existence and this your credibility.

I'm hitting pattaya in a few days and am happy to ( and actually do ) extend a warm invite to anyone who wishes to grab a beer, kick back, shoot the shit and just simply relax, just like you're meant to do when on holiday :/) so just drop me a pm and we can do that if you wish Latin ( or anyone / everyone else !! ;-) - actually as several of us all seem to be in pattaya for new years / songkran a board beer get together sounds like a great idea to me :-)) anyone else up for it ?

I have met A447 numerous times. He comes to Pattaya many times a year and is a peasure to talk to. I just cant understand why some of you cant get along!

April 11th, 2012, 22:55
i will be there may 17 - june 17
if anybody cares :party


April 12th, 2012, 01:04
I'll be there 6-19 June, so if DaBoss wants to organise something, I'll show up :party

April 12th, 2012, 01:15
How about an orgy?
OK OK we can do something. Remind me about June 1

April 12th, 2012, 01:17
I'm here till the 17th and would love to catch up, Nirishguy. And anyone else. :)

It would be good to put a face and personality to the name and would enable us all to better understand what and why we post as we do .

A group love in at Happy Place. Bring it on! Only hope you can make it too, Neal.

April 12th, 2012, 01:21
is that the 17th of May or June, a447?

April 12th, 2012, 01:47
17 of April. But I'll be back again in June/July, if anyone's here.

April 12th, 2012, 01:53
actually latin, it was a striaghtforward request for information. glad you're managing to avoid each other in real life :occasion9:

April 12th, 2012, 16:17
latinpox wrote:
good one joe...silly creature does get her centuries all mixed up...

Yet another worthwhile and informative post.

yesterday began with a massage from Boyz Sauna next to the Ambience. I'd only previously had one massage from there and iy was crap. The hour I booked eneded in less than half an hour, albeit with a happy ending. But the boy just wanted to get it over and go back to find another customer. This time was much better the guy was very friendly and a fairly competent masseur. He removed his clothes as soon as he was in the room and performed the massage naked. He had a big Isaan cock - a pleasure to behold (and hold). Cream masage 400 baht, plus tip for boy (1000 baht).

i wandered into Funny Boys, but nothing to write home about. A couple of nice ones - e.g. number 42. Tall, slim and handsome and quite a big package. Hand wash, cold towel and small dish of peanuts are a nice touch. Beer 150 baht.

I offed my regular boy and we went to watch the show at Happy Place. Then after a romp in the sack with me, my guy headed off to karaoke. As it is not really my thing, I wandered down to G.U.Y.S in Walking street for a quick look. It was 2am and the street was jumping. As expected from my last visit, most of the boys there are of the fem type and when not pestering customers for a drink or an off, are fooling around with each other - lots of simulated fucking on stage, a bit of hugging, kissing and groping, etc. But I didn't go there for the boys - it was for the entertainment provided by the farangs. A Russian girl with big tits climbed up onto the stage and started pole dancing. One of the boys, more fem that she was, stood beside her as she "danced"grabbing her tits. It was hilarious. A couple of other girls then got up and were "fucked"from behind by the boys.

The cute guy I reported about in January, unfortunately, was not there. But there was one guy who appeared more manly than the others - he's the one in the black t-shirt. Quite offable, I thought. And nice looking, too.

So if you are at a loose end after the bars close, it might be a place to visit for a bit of light entertainment. But beware - the music is a bit loud.

Beer 150 baht. Closes at 3 am. About 10 skinny boys.

April 13th, 2012, 18:53
I began last night's escapades in Sunee Plaza. I went into Eros, sat down and ordered a beer. I was the only customer. They had about 8 boys - 2 raging fems, a few kind of in between and 2 masculine guys. Number 27 (I think) took my fancy - manly,with a great body. He wasn't all that handsome but he attracted my attention as he was stroking his hard-on over his briefs. He looked late 20's, early 30's. So I asked him to sit with me.
"Sawatdee krap"I said.
"Sawatdee Ka"he replied, in a high voice.
Oh, no!!! He's too girly for me!
My mind was racing, thinking of a way to get out of the situation. But a waiter rushed over with the usual "Drink for boy?
I was trapped. No escape. The situation was made even worse, as in the meantime, another handsome manly guy appeared, and I desperately wanted him. Unfortunately, I have not yet mastered the art of swapping guys in the bar. people say these guys get used to it, but I still think they must feel hurt when farangs reject them so coldly for another guy. I wish someone could tell me how to go about it nicely, but I guess there is no nice way. No matter what you do, you are telling the boy that you liked him but now someone better has come along. Ouch!
I solved the problem as I always do - I left the bar.
I offed my regular guy and after a romp in the room we took in the show at Boyzboyzboyz last night - well, actually this morning. The one that starts at 12;15. As has always been the case, the bar was packed but we managed to get a seat on the side. It featured lots of new songs and some new performers. One of the "girls"- my guy said his/her name was man - was particularly beautiful. But the act that, as before, got by far the most applause was Tina Turner (SG - I know, I know...but it is extremely well done.) When TT leaves this planet I know I can always come back to Pattaya and see her. The guy/girl who does the act must have put in a lot of research on TT as he/she has her moves down pat.
And today I wentback to Duo massage in Jpmtien complex. I had a beer in Dick's cafe and eyed off the guys sitting out front of Duo. I spotted a really cute guy. He flashed a stunning smile at me so I finished my drink and quickly sat down at a table in front of Duo and ordered a drink. I got to get a very good look at him. Yep, he was definitaly my type so upstairs we went. As before, they give you a locker to put your things in and then leave you with the key. After taking a shower (not together) we went to a room with just a thin but comfortable matress. He immediately undressed to reveal a scuptured brown body and a beautiful cock. The massage lasted a long time and was very relaxing, but I was beginning to think there was no sex involved. But, thankfully, there was. He came all over his stomach and the matress in huge spurts. His name is On and he speaks reasonable English. Must be early 20"s. Massage about 400 baht (not sure, because it included my drink) and 1000 baht for On. He flashed me another huge smile as I handed over the money.
BTW the massage place facing the entrance to Boyztown has interesting advertising on their menu outside. It shows a guy being jacked off (cock blanked out, of course) - I think they describe it as the Erotic massage. There is another photo of a customer who looks like he's having his balls grabbed by the masseur.
Might give it a go tomorrow.

April 13th, 2012, 20:21
How about an orgy?
OK OK we can do something. Remind me about June 1
ok put me down for that will be there on the 14th June for three weeks

April 13th, 2012, 20:51
after one look at deboss im sure you will deffo want to be put down !!
thats an orgy i shall gladly give a miss ... no offence neal :laughing3:

April 14th, 2012, 03:14
loll you must know him better than me hahahah

April 14th, 2012, 04:22
He sure does! LoL!

April 14th, 2012, 04:26
surely not in the biblical sense?

April 14th, 2012, 15:29
im a born again atheist joe .. so fortunatly that term means nothing to me .. which saves me having to go get a bucket..
daboss is a lovely man .. but i dont go to thailand to gangbang fellow farang .. i could stay home and do that ..
and use the flight money i save to buy wool to knit a nice pair of mittens for the onset of winter,

April 14th, 2012, 17:32
reminds me of an old joke: first guy - my mother made me a homosexual. second guy - if I give her the wool, will she make me one too?

I'm hoping for a sedate evening at Neal's - maybe a sweet sherry with some canapes?

April 14th, 2012, 18:24
I began last night at Wild West Boys. I arrived around 8:45 and there wre just 4 totally bored guys on stage just standing still staring into space. Only action on stage was a boy texting. One other customer was lurking in the shadows. As I was about to leave a couple more boys appeared but nothing special. Then number 12appeared on stage and flashed a smile at me, so I got him to sit with me for a drink. Nice friendly guy, but he started with the "├П go put shirt on" routine. "Why?"I asked. ├Дre you cold?" "├П go with you tonight...yada yada" so I got up and left. All in all, the boys are a bit too fem for me.
Feeling like a dose of sleaze (and something else, if you are not careful!) I headed off to Goodboys in Sunee. My jaw dropped as I walked in - the place was packed with customers - first time I've seen this. One whole side of the bar, on both tiers, was full. A couple of farangs had a boy jacking off beside them and there was more action on the other side of the bar. I got a boy to come sit with me. As he sat down I saw the bulge in his boxer shorts. Oh, no! Must be a silicone cock! Is it too late to change my mind? When he pulled down his boxers, out popped this humongous cock - fuck, it was HUGE. And it was real! Not only was it around 10/11 inches but very thick as well. Lucky bastard, I thought. (Although, it may be a bit too big to be useful. Couldn't really sa-moke it - not that i would put any Goodboys cock near my mouth - and I can't imagine anyone bottoming for him. They'd end up choking) Anyway, he grabbed his mobile, started watching the hetero porn (as usual) and furiously jacked off until he came in torrents all over his stomach and splattered the seat and my leg. He called for some tissues - a mop would have been more appropriate - and I watched as he lost his erection whilst cleaning up the mess. He then picked up his mobile, started watching porn and I looked on in awe as he quickly got another hard-on! He'd only rested for about a minute during clean up duty, and he was ready to go again! As I left the bar, the boy I saw earlier jacking off as I walked in was back in action with another customer. I wish I knew what was in the water they are drinking. I know they are young but still I find it pretty amazing. Drinks 150 baht, tip for boy 200. BTW they tried to charge me for one extra drink.
I headed back to off my regular and as we were about to enter my hotel we saw a Chinese tour group of 9 guys walk straight into Boyz Sauna massage next to the Ambiance. Needless to say, the masseurs were over the moon at this sudden windfall, so much so that I didn't see them sitting outside today. Must have made enough to keep them going for a while.
After the deed, we went back to Wild West for their show. Although the dance routines were quite good - tons of energy and great synchronised moves - it was, otherwise, nothing special. The bar was half full. Coke was 160 baht.
Yet more straights checked into the Ambiance Hotel today. Apparently they are booked out. No problems so far encountered. The majority of guests is still gay.

April 15th, 2012, 17:57
I had to decide whether to stay in Boyztown or walk over to Sunee to enjoy the cock of the boy from last night - and get soaked in the process. A no-brainer, really.
I started at All of Me bar - the one in the soi behind Krazy Dragon. Beer 75 baht, if I remember. Some cute guys there but they left us farang sitting all by ourselves while they chatted with each other. I know in my case that if one had come and sat with me, I would have bought him a drink and probably stayed for a few more myself. A bit more business acumen required perhaps.

I wandered over to Goodboys looking for Mr 10 inches. Unfortunately, he was not there. I had to settle for mr 9 inches....hehe. I was surprised as I was the only farang in the bar. After the guy had finished - no mobile porn required - he sat with me for a while. His cock remained semi-erect throughout! A boy on the stage then lay down on his back and started playing with himself over his shorts. Another boy started rubbing him and then took his cock out and began furiously wanking him. Strange, as these guys are 100% gay. Then another guy took over while the first boy helped procedings by playing with the guy's balls. The guy then took over himself and another boy videod him cumming. A horny boy just enjoying a wank, oblivious to all around him - and for no money!

I then moved on to MicMy bar. I know from previous experience that the guys there can be quite young - not my type - but I was assured by the mamasan that they had older boys now. Not true. One boy had his cock out and was playing with it in front of me. He looked far too young for me so I gestured to him that I wasn't interested. mamasan then said:"He can go with you but can not go to hotel. If he go with you, can use my room." With that I got up and left.

I went bak to Eros to check on the boy Id seen there the other night. Sure enough, there he was! He smiled at me and I had him sit with me. As my regular has gone home for Songkran for 2 nights I was on the prowl. This guy is really friendly and loved to chat. His package seemed rather small so I wasn't really interested in offing him. But he was such a nice lad that I decided to take him - after he told me '├П do everything." Beer 100 baht. 4 other customers.

He held my hand as we walked back to the hotel. I commented on how nice it was to be able to walk down the street hand in hand and not get any strange looks.

Back I the room he removed his jocks to reveal a truly magnificent cock. And big low hangers. "Where did all this come from?" I wondered. What a bonus. And he did indeed "do everything."

After he left I took in the Boyzboyzboyz show again. It was a full house. Unfortunately, it turned out to be the Madame Jim drag show - he featured in song after song. Now to give him his due, he performed very well - quite a polished act - and got huge applause after each item. And he scrubbed up well, too. But it was hard going trying to compete with the lovely ladyboys. The highlight was when one of the lovelies appeared on stage bare- breasted. The applause was deafening and she received heaps of tips. BTW Coke is 180 baht, not 250 as I reported before.

April 15th, 2012, 21:11
Thanks A447. I'm planning a trip to Burma in a couple of months - having read your very entertaining and informative reports on Pattaya I think I might treat myself to a couple of nights in Sunee on the way. Keep up the good work. Cheers.

April 16th, 2012, 16:08
I had a beer (75 baht) last night in the beer bar next to All of Me (just up from Krazy). A very dark-skinned boy sat with me. He told me he was from the Phi Phi Islands but the roughness of his hands on my thigh gave me the feeling he was a farmer from isaan. I was sitting at a table on the soi itself. Suddenly he asked to go with me and put his hand up my shorts and grabbed my cock! There were people sitting at the bar opposite and it was all very embarrassing. I'm extremely happy when someone grabs my cock, but not out in the street in full view! So I left and headed back to the Boyztown area.

I wandered past David bar - I think it used to be called Powerboys or something like that. I didn't actually walk in - I was dragged up to the door. As I didn't see any customers and the boys didn't look to be anything special, I declined their ├пnvitation. "├Ц.k. For you beer 100 baht," so I decided to go in for a quick look. Thee were about 8 boys and, on closer inspection, a couple of them seemed quite offable. I setteld on a tall, handsome young man - number 28 or 29 (not sure) - and he came and sat with me. His English was reasonable and we were able to converse quite a bit. He had a beautiful, slim Thai body but his package seemed disappointing. "├П number 1 big cock in the bar,"he said. Shit! The other guys must be really small! "I have 9." He spread his fingers out to demonstrate. "9 inches?" I gulped. "yeah, sure." The mamsan came over and told me the usual - "He very good boy. Can do everything ..yada yada.." The boy also told me he could do everything but a bit later he told me he was a top and that he got guys from Camfrog and Gayromeo to fuck. "So, I can't fuck you?" "Yes. can do. No problem." Although I was skeptical, I offed him.

Back in the room he removed his jocks to reveal a truly beautiful cock. It must have been severely restricted in those tight briefs. After he got into bed, he got it up and, yes, it really was huge. Quite a handful - and mouthful. "Can I fuck you?" "Ok. But slowly, slowly. Oh, you have big cock (I don't) and this part (the head) very big (it isn't)." So I kind of knew he wasn't keen on bottoming. But, he got it in ok and off we went. Not long after the action had started, I saw he had a look of either ecstacy or pain on his face. "Jep mai?" I asked. "Nit noy, but it's ok. You can do if you want." came the reply.
I stopped, as he was obviously not enjoying the experience. Doesn't matter, we can still have a good time. And we did. He finished by jacking off and cumming all over his chest and my arm. I experienced a new kind of songkran, but with cum instead of water.
I had to admire the guy. Even though we couldn't complete the deed, at least he stuck to his word and did his best to accede to my wishes. You've got to love that. I showed my appreciation with an extra tip.

I've only just returned from a massage at Narcissus with a boy called B-chan. The "chan" bit is Japanese and was added to his name by a Japanese customer and it kind of stuck. He was desperate to know the various parts of the body (below the waist) in Japanese and I am happy to report that I added considerably to his vocabulary...hehe.

His massage was awesome - it was, in fact, a real massage, not the perfunctory slap and squeeze. The most relaxing massage I've ever had. He turned me over and gave me a cock massage - not chuck wow but a slow, sensuous massage. This guy really knows his stuff. His cock was average, but I didn't care. He then bottomed for me and then finished himself off with a chuck wow and a tremendous torrent of cum over both of us. "Sorry, but I not cum today," he said sheepishly. "Mai pen rai!" We then showerd together and he kissed me goodbye at the door.
The menu I was shown when I walked in said 450 baht for cream massage and 500 baht tip for the boy. I gave him 1000 - which i thought was the going rate anyway - and he was very happy.
I can thoroughly recommend him.

April 16th, 2012, 16:41
That 500 baht tip at Narcissus is meant as a minimum so some cheap Charley doesn't just give a 100 baht tip for a massage with a happy ending. That actually happened to a someone I know who works at a massage place in Boyztown. The poor massage boy had to get the head staff to intervene and show him the sign stating that 500 was the minimum tip.

April 16th, 2012, 17:34
"I have 9." He spread his fingers out to demonstrate. "9 inches?" I gulped. "yeah, sure." The mamsan came over and told me the usual - "He very good boy. Can do everything ..yada yada.." The boy also told me he could do everything but a bit later he told me he was a top and that he got guys from Camfrog and Gayromeo to fuck. "So, I can't fuck you?" "Yes. can do. No problem." Although I was skeptical, I offed him.

THink i know exactly who you are referring to...
He has quite a good porn career going on too.... is called Yai (Big) on quite a few portn sites!

April 16th, 2012, 19:06

Lots of detail there A447 -- LOTS --

Its dinner time somewhere in the world every hour !!

April 16th, 2012, 19:24
Colmx wrote:
THink i know exactly who you are referring to...
He has quite a good porn career going on too.... is called Yai (Big) on quite a few portn sites!

hehe...trust you Colmx!
He's the guy with the small moustache. He never told me about his porn career, but then, I think they keep it quiet so they can use the "I save myself for you" line.
I saw a boy I have offed many times in the past from Happy Boys in a porn movie. Of course, I saw it by chance as I actually googled Asian PAWN. I'm a notoriously bad speller! :sign5: Although it was definitely him, he swore black and blue that it wasn't.

Martin wrote:

Lots of detail there A447 -- LOTS --

Detail? Hey, I haven't given you half the story! But in deference to those eating.....

This afternoon, as I was sitting on the verandah of the Ambiance, the dark guy from the bar I went to last night sauntered by. He told me last night that he rented a room in the Boyztown area. He came and sat with me and talked, talked, talked. A farang wandered over from Copa and started talking to him. "Long time no see" kind of stuff. He told me he had known the boy for 7 years and that he was jai dee. He is certainly Mr personality. The poor fuck (the boy, I mean) doesn't have a baht to his name - he only works freelance in the bar. He was desperate to have sex with me (must be lusting after my body..hehe) but I told him I wasn't feeling horny and didn't want a massage. "Ok. You can chuck wow me - 200 baht." So I did. Wow, his cock is beautiful. He told me he hadn't eaten all day so I added a bit extra. Nothing nicer than to see a boy leave your room with a smile on his face!

April 17th, 2012, 00:32
Thank you, a447. That's the kind of report I like to read!

April 17th, 2012, 01:47
Just got in from the show at Copa, after we saw the Boyzboyzboyz show. Good timing - one finishes and another starts.
The first act featured a very handsome boy doing some kind of bollywood routine. Unlike BBB, the Copa show features lots of boys - some really hot- and lots and lots of bare skin. Of course, there are also the obligatory ladyboys, including one hideously fat one who did...a belly dance! The best act was a guy who came out with 4 others who were wearing monkey masks (why?) and he "sang" the Bruno Mars song called "The Lazy Song." He did a sort of hip hop dance. It was soooo cool. Lots of great moves and a very sexy body and a great smile - shame about the braces.
Considering the quality of the show I was surprised there weren't many customers. Might be too cold for them - my boy was freezing and we had to ask them to turn the air-conditioning down. Which they promtly did. Drinks (Coke) 180 baht.

April 17th, 2012, 02:37
a447, please tell me you're starting to get tired? you sure have a hectic schedule.

April 17th, 2012, 02:50
He's bought up all the Pro-Plus, Red Bull, and Viagra, in Pattaya.

As long as he doesn't need those fucking aspirins we have heard so much about, he'll be just dandy!


April 17th, 2012, 03:00
I thought it was the Coke, which he seems to have wherever he goes. I hadn't realised drugs were so readily available. Now I know what I'm doing wrong, I tend to have a beer or two (ahem).

April 17th, 2012, 08:01
I agree. a447.... Great reports.
Sounding like a perfect holiday and great updates for my arrival next week.

Try not to wear everyone out before I get there.... :occasion9:

April 17th, 2012, 10:45
a447 is my favorite poster right now. He knows how to have a fun time and treats his bois well.

Did you go back to Guys Guys Guys on Walking street?

April 17th, 2012, 17:07
Joe552 wrote:
a447, please tell me you're starting to get tired?

Getting tired?? Who, me?? Hey, I'm just getting started!

anonone wrote:
Try not to wear everyone out before I get there..

Now that's a big ask!

No, Rocket, I didn't go back to GUYS. a) because by the time I've finished frolicking with my boy, added to the stuff I get up to during the day, I've kind of had enough, and b) the music is far too loud for me.

I went downstairs around 2pm and sat out on the verandah for a coffee. I caught a glimpse of a very handsome boy from Boyz Sauna next door, so gulped down my coffee, ran upstairs for yet another shower and rushed back down. Just as I was stepping onto the verandah a farang pulled up on his motorcycle and started chating with the masseur. I was literally 2 seconds too late. I was eyeing off the boys at the Copa massage place when another good looking guy stepped out of the gym at Boyz Sauna. I grabbed him and we went upstairs. He doesn't speak any English, but that was ok. He did the massage with a hard-on all the way through. Amazing. He is very handsome and has a body to die for. And a beautiful bubble butt. But to my shock and horror, he had a mook in his substantial member! Never mind. Can't do anything about it now, I thought. His massage was quite good and he is an excellent sa-moker. He finished off by chuck wowing for me. Watching him writhe around on the bed in ecstacy as he worked his cock was a pleasure to behold.

I forget his name, but I can thoroughly recommend him He has TRON tatooed on his inner right leg just above the ankle. As before, 400 baht massage, 1000 baht ├лxtras.

April 17th, 2012, 18:06
a447, forgive my ignorance, but is a "mook" a silicone implant? I've heard of them but never seen one :dontknow:

April 17th, 2012, 18:27
Some kind of bead implanted in/under the foreskin I believe - I've never seen one either.

April 17th, 2012, 18:56
Yes, it's a bead - probably silicone or plastic - not necessarily under the foreskin but towards the top of the shaft. (I guess that is under the foreskin, come to think of it.) I've come across (literally and figuratively) quite a few in my time. Some guys have more than 1. It's always a good idea to ask before you off a guy. Straight guys have them on top, so as to stimulate the clitoris; gay guys have them under the head or about one quarter way down the shaft to stimulate who knows what. A bit like beaded condoms. They tend to move around under ths skin and that is a bit disconcerting. Some guys tell me it is a bit difficult when they chuck wow.
I would have thought the typical large, thick Thai cock would do enough damage on its own and there would be no need for any further stimulation!
To each his own, I guess.

April 17th, 2012, 19:23
eeewwww :pukeleft:

April 17th, 2012, 20:36
Pattaya now water water and more water dont you just love Songkran - have to go change again soaked lol :party

April 17th, 2012, 22:49
..I would have thought the typical large, thick Thai cock would do enough damage on its own and there would be no need for any further stimulation!

You have to remember that a fair number of Pattaya queens will be so well-worn that their hole resembles a horse's collar.
Thus, the boys will use anything that provides a bit of grip!
In fact, in some cases, I'm surprised the boys don't tie a rope round their waist and fasten it to the hotel room door, to prevent being sucked in completely!


April 17th, 2012, 23:11
I wondered what that rope was for :bounce:

April 18th, 2012, 02:19
Scottish-Guy, you crack me up. You really do! Every time!

Tonight I began at Splash bar. It's quite a beautiful bar - seems all shiny and new. You sit very close to the long stage - 5 boys "dancing" at a time. Check ou number 19. He's tall and has a great body . Keep the tissues handy in case he smiles at you. He'll give you an instant hard-on. If I weren't on a promise I'd off him.
I then wandered over to Funny Boys. i spotted a handsome guy on stage. Mmm...looks familiar. But then again, every time I wander into a bar I seem to recognise someone. So I called him over. Lo and behold, it was the guy with the mook who had massaged me earlier in the day!!! I think I might be losing the plot - or is it the onset of Old Timers'Disease?? A whisky for him and a Coke for me was 360 baht, from (my now faltering) memory.

I then headed off to Happy place and had number 2 sit with me. He has the most beautiful smile (and huge cock)- I love him. But he's a top. :(
BTW some big cocks to be had at HP, judging from the bulges in their jocks. One guy had a constant hard-on (well, 2 guys if you include me) and there's another guy with lots of tatoos and strange short haircut - looks like a wig - who just can't keep his hand off it. He is forever playing with it. Great entertainment.

I then collected my regular and we went to the show at The Show Bar (or something like that) next to Splash. It featured energetic dancing by a bevvy of boys - lots of bare chests to admire. It was worth watching, but the bar was virtually empty. Coke about 150 baht.

After our usual bedtime exercise routine we went to see the Copa show again. I was hanging out to see the handsome boy in the first act, and the hip hop guy who sang "The Lazy Song." I wasn't disappointed. Fantastic. The rest of the show had different acts to last night but featured lots of guys and some really good dancing.

I had to bid a fond farewell to my guy as I'm leaving for Bangkok tomorrow. (Yes, the streets of Pattaya will now be safe.) He is the sweetest guy I have ever met in my life. I could just gobble him up! He's cute/handsome, friendly, jai dee, very touchy feely, extremely funny (we often giggled in bed like schoolboys at something he had said), has a great body and cock...and he's a fantastic bottom. He's also very shy - won't remove his jocks until the bathroom door is closed, was embarrassed when I tried to pull down his jocks to peek at his cock before he went off to shower and arrives in bed with the towel still wrapped around him. But when the towel comes off, he's dynamite! He also looks after his body and doesn't drink or smoke.

He told me something very intersting. He used to have very dark skin but now he's paler than me. He said he took some kind of medicine for 7 months and used whitening creams, a la Micheal Jackson. He pointed to his butt which is dark coloured and said he hadn't put any cream there. Well, if he is telling the truth - and I have no reason to doubt him - these treatments really work! Incredible.

I actually began to feel myself falling head over heals for him and I had to stop myself going too far down that track. I'm an out and out realist and, of course, a relationship would be impossible, but at least I could enjoy the fantasy. But the experience has given me a better understanding of how guys on this forum can have a relationship with a bar boy. Who on earth would fall for a prostitute, I thought. Then I looked in the mirror.

Throughout our time together, both in January and this holiday he has never asked for anything so I gave him a bonus tonight after I had paid him. I called it a Songkran bonus so he can enjoy tomorrow. He's the first boy ever for who I toyed with the idea of buying an iPhone!

He has told me that he will leave the bar scene and move back to Bangkok where is his going to open a juice bar franchise. I suggested it was a good idea, as he isn't really suited for work as a gogo boy. He's too shy. But he gave me his phone number so that when I come back in a couple of months time, we can meet up every night at my hotel. Can't ask more than that.

April 18th, 2012, 02:32
A really nice post, a447 - he sounds like a lovely guy. Can't wait to read about your adventures in Bangkok.

April 18th, 2012, 07:28
A great series of Pattaya reports. Your impressions of the various bars track right along with mine....you must be brilliant. :evil4:

And I am one of those who wondered who could fall for a Thai BF, then fell for one.

Have fun in Bangkok. Hopefully you will post a bit about your experiences there as well. I have not spent much time in Bangkok for a couple of years, so I wonder if I am missing much.

Cheers and happy hunting.

April 18th, 2012, 10:47
A447 -- it sounds like you had a great time in Pattaya and treated the guy you spent most of your time with really well !!!! (an Iphone ?? )

April 18th, 2012, 17:56
As with several others members here, I have really enjoyed reading your posts recounting your adventures in Pattaya a447. I am glad you have reverted back to your former style and practice of detailed, mooks an' all, comprehensive reports. The devil is in the detail, as they say.

Now I wish I had spared at least a few days to pop down to Pattaya. Ah well , maybe next time.

April 18th, 2012, 18:12
A447 - now if I didn't know you better I would be calling fowl as I happened to be in happy place ( you did say happy PLACE and not boys i hope as i didnt go back to check as I can't be arsed lol??) however as last night i too offed no 2 ( oh god let's hope this was on different nights as that would be just to wierd ! Lol) - however unless they switch the numbers ( which I believe they do actually) MY number two also has a lovely smile, but just an average cock ( unless im using imperial measurements and you metric perhaps lol) and is most definitely a 100% bottom !! - so, either the wee buggers lying to one of us or your complete report is a sham and you've never actually even been to Thailand !! ( ha ha I'm joking :-)) I'm sure its just numbers switched or me being to drunk to remember what number/s I had lol

Anyway, glad we're both doing our bit in practical terms to support Neal in his hour of need, I'm wondering is their any sort of government carers grant we can maybe apply for while Neal is sick to financially assist us in offing boys to support his business in his absence ? - do let me know if you come up with anything won't you !! Lol :-)

April 20th, 2012, 12:59
Yes, they do in fact switch numbers. Before he had 3 numerals (777 or 000 or something) to indicate he had a big cock. Average size guys only get 1 number, apparently.

Average guys get one or two digit numbers. X large get three digit numbers. Thanks A447 DaBoss