View Full Version : Fan Club Indigo Dispute

April 9th, 2012, 15:21
Some of you may be really upset that I moved this thread but I would like to try and explain why.
The OP started this entire thread with an accusation. An accusation that made me fear of being sued. There are no newspaper articles although the OP stated to me that there was, but I have not recvd any and no police reports to say, yes there are official complaints rather than surmizing that it started as nothing more than a possible neighbor to neighbor problem and then mushroomed into someone having a dispute with many gay people. I don't know when and where it originally started and you don't either but it is obvious that there is a problem.

PMs as to mental instability and criminal acts, being banned from Thailand have been given to me but nothing supporting it. PMs from the OP signed "Legal Partners LTD" were sent to me and then when asked for proof that he was a lawyer, it was said that he was not. Well why do you sign your PM that way?

No I don't like this and I am not going to be a co-defendant in a libel suit. For those of you that enjoy the place and frequent the place, well you should. For those of you that would like to "respectfully" try the place and report on what experiences you had, that would be welcome also. I know NIrish and I trust him. Why and how this all happened I just don't know but this thread is way out of hand. When I feel better (fingers crossed) I would love to go up there and sit down with the restaurant owner in a calm non threatening atmosphere and see what he has to say.

I have always tried not to delete or lock threads and I think I have done quite well. Give us a few weeks to get some more answers and we will report back to you. The thread is not gone it is being hosted in an invisible forum where it can return or deleted when the proper time is spent on this. Thank you.

April 9th, 2012, 15:37
Fair enough as far as I'm Concerned, personally I think you should be focusing on getting well right now and not even have to think or worry about these sorts of issues right now ! so no probs from me, close it or move it actually I think you said as no doubt like all things in life it'll all resolve it'self one way or the other in the fullness of time.

April 9th, 2012, 16:24
I am very upset by this.

I have given my phone number and offered to meet "DABOSS" and go over to Indigo with him and show him whats going on. We are on speaking terms with one of the owners. I receive an angry PM from him saying he does not want to meet me at all and feels I'm not to be believed.

So now I am told I'm a lier and defamed as a person not to be believed on this site despite others reporting the same experience.

I am the Director and CEO of a Law Firm in Australia and you dont need to be a lawyer to be an investor and Director of a Legal Firm in Australia. I cant post the website and details as that's "against the rules of this site" but needless to say rather then support somebody and give advice and support on using his site he flames me and takes down this topic. The only reason I mentioned to him my involvement with a Law Firm was to assure him that I am able to legally defend myself from Indigo should I need. We have partner firms here in Thailand and that was my only point. I NEVER said I was a lawyer and or indicated I was.

Gay Bangkok is just too small a place to do this and I am upset and shocked that I can be now the subject of a credibility attack after already being abused enough by my neighbor.

Thanks to the Irish Man who came to visit yesterday and share his story. It is good to see I am not alone and not the only person on the receiving end of this abuse. I had never meet him before yesterday and I thank him again for his reports.

April 9th, 2012, 16:32
I never said you were not to be believed and were lying about your problems. I said I heard enough of your accusations and wanted to try and get some details from the other party in the next several weeks. I also would not sign my PMs Legal Partners LTD if I were not a lawyer as you knew fully well what that would insinuate. Finally, if you have the means and money to defend yourself then I suggest you put 5 million or so in trust to cover MY ASS! And since I don't believe you have any intention on doing that, then I suggest you call the police, file a police report, and sue him. Don't make ME or this BOARD or the MEMBERS your scape goat. Do not try to destroy hs business through this forum. You have a law firm? Go after him!

April 9th, 2012, 16:44
So you have an online forum for Gay people to communicate and you don't want us to talk about our experiences if they are negative towards another business.

I see now your support for the Gay Community comes with Conditions....

Its your website do what you like but I doubt you would ever get sued by a French Restaurant due to members having bad things to say. What about all the other negative posts on Trip Adviser etc?

What you have don't to me and other victims of this mans abuse and hatred here today is shameful and you don't even want to hear from us.

How can you have a Gay Online Forum and not support the gay community when they ask for help and advice?

You don't even have the guts to call me and talk about it!

April 9th, 2012, 16:59

Do you not have the sense to read the board? The owner is currently undergoing treatment for a serious illness. Do you have no compassion man???? You are presenting yourself in a very poor light my friend. DaBoss is on his sick bed with a serious illness and you want to drag him into your own personal battles? You have the front to state ' that he does n't have the balls to call you'
The guys seriously ill man!!! Get a grip on your life mate. Remember all that bad karma you're spewing will come back to haunt you. Just my thought for today :salute:

April 9th, 2012, 17:01
ozcamo, why are you attacking DaBoss for protecting his interests. His opening post here seems reasonable to me. Given his current health situation, you're in danger losing any sympathy you may have had from board members - or at least from me.

Maybe you'd like to tell us what you're planning to do about your own problem, aside from whining on an internet forum? :dontknow:

I urge you to drop your attacks here - they're doing you no favours.

April 9th, 2012, 17:13
.... You don't even have the guts...

Now come on Ozcamo, guts are one thing DaBoss has in abundance!!

Sorry, Neal - couldn't resist it!

:evil4: :evil4:

You actually made me laugh! You know I love ya Scottish and understand you. DaBoss your freind!

April 9th, 2012, 17:14
Got to say I agree with the above C, neals not your enemy here and is just trying to cover his / the boards back, also as others have mentioned as he's I'll perhaps now isn't the best time to address this whole thing with him, I do however share your frustration as it must be hard to sit there every day with that asshole on your doorstep, but I do believe time is your friend and you'll catch him in the long grass eventually and be able to get him prosecuted ( or something) eventually.

You seem like a really nice guy and from talking to you and several other people who know you you definitely came across as a well respected, well liked person and I think when neals feeling up to it I've no doubt you'll work things out but as I said above while I can see its frustrating for you neals definitely not your enemy here so keep your chin up and don't let that other dick across the road from you get you down.

April 9th, 2012, 17:36
Looking for support from the "Gay Community" is futile.
I don't believe there is any such thing, and certainly not amongst the disparite collection of mostly self-centred, stuck-in-their-ways, farangs you are likely to find in BKK or Pattaya for that matter.
Generally, they would rather complain about somebody lighting up a cigarette in a bar than do anything positive to contribute to this mythical "gay community".
Yes, you will find one or two motivated individuals like NIrish who will go along and kick up shit if they are discriminated against - but people like that are very much the minority.
For every person like NIrish who stood up to the Indigo owner, there will be 20 who just allowed themselves to be insulted, walked out quietly, and kept it to themselves.
I'm afraid, like most things in life, you have to take matters into your own hands and not count on others.
Maybe the BKK queens will prove me wrong and will actually do something positive for once, but don't hold your breath.
Good luck Ozcamo, I hope you manage to get something sorted out.

April 9th, 2012, 17:38
I kind of forget the exact accusations being made against the owner of the restaurant, but I think one of them was that he didn't like the Fanclub opposite his bar. Is that correct? If so, it seems a bit strange. I took a walk down the soi yesterday to have a look. On the way to the entrace of the restuarant, there is a small soi leading off to the left, about 10 metres from the restaurant entrance. The entrance to the Fanclub is actually in this small soi away from the restaurant. Right opposite the restaurant, looking out from within, all you can see is a French run shop selling French knick-knacks.

I do also recall accusations about the rude owner. If NIrishguy has met with the accuser and believed him, then given NIrishguy's reputation on this board, that's good enogh for me.

Sorry if I got it all ballsed up, but thought I'd post seeing that I made the effort to go see for myself.

BTW the place was pretty full (it was 2:30ish) and the menu did certainly look appetizing!

April 9th, 2012, 18:06
I'm sorry I have no evidence to know he is sick in bed. He did make comments that he did not want to chat on the phone and he would rather go to Indigo and chat to them.

if he is sick I hope he is getting the help he needs. If he is sick I suggest he logs off this forum and gets better! Last year when i was sick i had my friends take my Facebook and internet away so I would focus on getting better. That I did and it worked very well.

April 9th, 2012, 18:10
Looking for support from the "Gay Community" is futile.
I don't believe there is any such thing, and certainly not amongst the disparite collection of mostly self-centred, stuck-in-their-ways, farangs you are likely to find in BKK or Pattaya for that matter.
Generally, they would rather complain about somebody lighting up a cigarette in a bar than do anything positive to contribute to this mythical "gay community".
Yes, you will find one or two motivated individuals like NIrish who will go along and kick up shit if they are discriminated against - but people like that are very much the minority.
For every person like NIrish who stood up to the Indigo owner, there will be 20 who just allowed themselves to be insulted, walked out quietly, and kept it to themselves.
I'm afraid, like most things in life, you have to take matters into your own hands and not count on others.
Maybe the BKK queens will prove me wrong and will actually do something positive for once, but don't hold your breath.
Good luck Ozcamo, I hope you manage to get something sorted out.

Thanks Mate I think you could be very correct.

Khor tose
April 9th, 2012, 18:11
BTW the place was pretty full (it was 2:30ish) and the menu did certainly look appetizing!
The menu is great. I do not post here often enough. I have never met NIrish guy, but after corresponding with him I too have come to appreciate that his report must be true. I do not understand how I and my young BF did not get hassled but he did, but I now believe his story and offer him a public apology. Heck, I've even invited him to visit us in Chiang Mai. This whole thing sounds like a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde story. I mean it is crazy that so many gays go there and yet some are attacked. I am not offering the owner of Fan club an apology yet, for many of the reasons listed above. In spite of Scottish guys firm held belief that all gays are silly queens that will run at the first sign of trouble, I can't believe this man has acted this way so long and got away with it, nor do I understand how the Fan club and the boys there allow him to run amok. This is Thailand, if the courts do not work, there are other ways of dealing with situations like this, so I still do not buy the Fan club story. There is something else going on. What? I do not know, but applaud Neal's decision to let it rest until we have more information.

April 9th, 2012, 18:14
Yes we gave out balcony on that side of the street to the French Owner of the Art Shop. This was after being told Indigo did not want us to sit there and eat food anymore. We are all now happily locked inside in Air-Conditioning. The local french in this area are not all bad in fact many I would call friends.

April 9th, 2012, 18:16
Thanks for that vote of support A447, much appreciated ( and everyone else too for that matter who has commented and sent PMs) but I add that we all ( myself included) are ( or was in my case) trying to look for the logic or reasoning or reason why these two business owners may have fallen out, because that's what reasonable same people do / the trouble with the evil teat in indigo is short of an unhinged HATRED of all gay people there is no other issue and everything derives from that issue, I believe he may several other serious character flaws as well but as it was only the vicious and could have been violent if I'd have been smaller / weaker / softer etc homophobia that I witnessed I'll stick to that.

And to recap the ONLY reason - and I can't stress that enough - the ONLY reason we were chucked out was that after the owner spotted us and made the assumption that we were gay and my BF was "obviously" a money boy ( he wasn't wrong there actually but my bf was dressed very well and actually we'd just left the banyan tree which has a strict dress code etc so there was no question of us looking out of place ) but on Hom deciding we were not wanted he had his manager go through a whole charade about we stole someone's table ( there weren't even any other customers waiting for tables) and even after his own staff backing US up and saying we hadn't etc he simply gave up the charade and said "just get out we don't want "your sorts" in here and when I pulled him in that and said what do you mean your sorts what you have a problem with me because I'm gay" to which he then gave up all pretence and went off on one calling us faggots and saying get out, just get out, and repeated the whole not wanting your sorts thing several times / plus pointing at me whilst saying it all like I was some piece of shit on his shoe and when we did leave and went outside into the soi where he thought his customers couldn't hear he really let fly with lots of FUCK OFFs, DON'T COME BACK, FUCKING FAGGOTS - and lots more - which I happily admit to matching him swear word for swear word on by that point !!

So, I don't think there will be a natural conclusion to this, he is what he is, an ( in my view mentally unstable) bitter deeply unhinged homophobe - and I think the crazy thing is if any one asks him he'll happily confirm this for you - which is why I think it's hilarious some of his customers are defending him without simply asking him "is he" and did this all happen or not - and if he says no then I'm
Happy to leave it up to people to make up their own minds but I'm fairly sure he'll happily back up my report and if you tell him your gay and that's why you're ringing will call you a sick faggot and hang up on you! Lol

April 9th, 2012, 18:36
The post is very confusing. What balcony, how could a restaurant srores away tell you you could not east outside on your balcont=y. Try it again.

April 9th, 2012, 19:05
The post is very confusing. What balcony, how could a restaurant srores away tell you you could not east outside on your balcont=y. Try it again.

Perhaps I can explain - the massage place has a small raised area ( more like a step up rather than a "balcony" I guess which runs directly along the soi and faces the restaurant entrance but is also the most visible place for the boys to be seen from the street perhaps and would be a locical place for them to stand, the door however to the massage place is on the return of their building so is just ( like 2ms) round the corner from the "balcony" area and I "think" ( correct me if I'm wrong here C that the massage place as a gesture if goodwill - and also more likely for the safety of the guys working there moved their guys round the corner away from and totally out of view of the restaurant and that STILL wasn't enough for me homophobe who stormed in to the massage place and demanded the boys were kept inside at all times and made various threats which I'll not repeat as I can't substantiate. I'm aware the same could be said about the bursting in thing but I talked to enough of the massage guys out of ear shot of the boss there to hear all true stories of him bad man He ting tong, he do this that and the other and you just know when people aren't bullshitting sometimes - not to mention my own experience of course lol

So hopefully that clears up the balcony thing - c feel free to correct me if I'm wrong if course!

April 9th, 2012, 21:08
seems to me that once you gave up the balcony you allowed this french person to start to bully you and your staff ..
if i was you i'd get the boys back out there a.s.a.p. and to hell with what the french man thinks about it ..
scotty may well be right about the queens fleeing at the first sign of trouble ... and yet isnt that exactly what you have done ?

Khor tose
April 9th, 2012, 21:47
Right on, my message to Ozcomo posted on another web site where he is doing the same thing.

Also, you might add if you own a business in Thailand and things are not going your way you can go on the msg boards and do a bunch of wining rather then dealing with the problem yourself. I mean really, what is the matter with you. Get a camera, a muay Thai fighter and hold a loud party outside you club. If he comes over, teach him a lesson. You sound more like some kind of crybaby then a man with a real problem.

April 10th, 2012, 04:27
So to sum it up in a nutshell --

If you and your BF were in the Soi Convent area and feeling a little hungry (but kine -aou) / stressed and horny that this is the best restaurant to go too to relieve all frustrations in one fell swoop ( Indigio )

1st order something divine and expensive from the menu
2nd wait until you have Almost finished your food and then start kissing said BF on the Lips
3rd slip on a pair of knuckledusters while waiting for the angry frenchman to come over to kick you out
4th -- let all your pentup agression out on the said frenchman as he escorts to the door without having to pay for said divine food
5th --cross the small soi and have a relaxing sexy massage in Fan Club
6th go home with said BF after having all needs taken care off !!

What a lovely way to spend an evening !!

April 10th, 2012, 04:37
I love it!

April 10th, 2012, 04:58
I agree with you 100% re not letting him nor his staff be bullied BUT --

the Thai boy staff will not like such confrontation (like most Thai they will hate to be put in such a position )

So its hard to know what to do with this ignorant little frenchman --

Khor tose
April 10th, 2012, 09:51
I agree with you 100% re not letting him nor his staff be bullied BUT --

the Thai boy staff will not like such confrontation (like most Thai they will hate to be put in such a position )

So its hard to know what to do with this ignorant little frenchman --

I do like your idea on stiffing him on the meal. As Justme said, "I love it." However, take my idea to its logical conclusion and the problem would be solved. To the owner of Fan club:

You have a camera going, you are in front of your own property, he comes into your group, then you have a Thai boy get in his way. When he pushes or shoves the Thai boy have the fighter protect the Thai boy from harm by attacking the attacker. Then you call the police and I don't care how much money he has he will go to jail. Thai police will not like seeing a Farang go out of his way to attack a small Thai, and if the Muay Thai fighter does a good job protecting the boy, the Frenchman will still be there when the police arrive. File charges and sue the hell out of the guy. If all that you say is true---I still have my doubts---this is how it should go down. Oh, the camera is explained as you were filming a party.

April 10th, 2012, 11:25
Looking for support from the "Gay Community" is futile. I don't believe there is any such thing
I find myself agreeing with you again. Maybe I will have to take back all the bad things I have said to you. :love4:

April 10th, 2012, 12:31
Khor tose has nailed it. The Thai police will not allow Thais to be bullied or humiliated by a farang, esp one they see as being rich. Dob the French peasant in!

But please dont call in cops yet. I want to try thr creme brulee!

April 10th, 2012, 17:50
Ha ha !!! :-))))). So, as always with strong homophobes there's always usually a reason lurking somewhere in the background and last night a good well known source who I email Neal to identify rather than on here publicly if thats ok was able to tell me as a fact of FACT - both in the sense that it is simply a 'fact' and no big deal as a lot of people are aware of it and it's an unspoken truth and also fact as in it's just simply true - that one of the french guys close family members is lets just say MORE than interested in the gay lifestyle and drinks in telephone bar etc REGULARLY and would be known to keep company with a ladyboys and some other gay guys in bkk - and father whilst knowing this as FACT - as he drinks with one of persons involved and they have discussed it - and this information was passed on to me in a public way do I'm not breaking any confidences by saying it here - but the french guy is of course in TOTAL DENIAL about all of this and so his hatered of "faggots" - which the person also confirmed to me and said it was no secret and he is a grumpy old bastard at the bast of times ( quote) but when the two subjects mix he then goes nuclear so to speak. - so, ha ha the plot thickens :-)