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View Full Version : Solid gone. New bar in soi twilight Scorpion

March 31st, 2012, 12:37
Friend who has built up a good relationship with an ex guy at Solid, returned last week and found the place closed. He was told that some boys were now at SuperA and others had gone to Scorpion in soi twilight.

He found his boy there, an open air bar next door to Blueman. Apparently the owner of Blueman now owns both bars. My friend enjoyed himself although it might be back with his boy.

good atmosphere lots of asian tourists.

March 31st, 2012, 15:55
Times must be hard for a boy to have moved from Solid to Super A.

Solid was clean - something that Super A has never been.

March 31st, 2012, 17:26
If Solid has gone???? where does the boy go????

March 31st, 2012, 18:57
Lonely, that is what the OP just said.

March 31st, 2012, 19:02
If Solid has gone???? where does the boy go????

Anywhere except Super A, Golden Cock, or Nature Boy, I would have thought.
Working at any of those establishments is scraping the bottom of the barrel in terms of cleanliness and/or number of customers.

April 1st, 2012, 02:02
Speaking of Nature Boy ( and going slightly off topic for a second if I may) during my last trip and after reading a few "interesting" things on here about it and as I'd never been before I nipped in for a drink to quench my curiosity, I should add that I was due to meet someone back at my hotel in about an hour from then so had no intention / wasn't able to offing anyone and "was" simply going in for a drink and to see what the place was like and if what I'd read about was true etc.

So, I walked in to find the place MUCH smaller than I'd expected and I was the only customer ( this was about 9pm or so) so I was almost pulled in and quickly ushered to a seat before I could make my excuses and leave and was immediately and literally surrounded ( and I mean literally) by perhaps 7 or 8 guys all who all instantly got their cocks out and slowed jerked themselves a bit until hard - and continued standing doing this literally in my face almost for the whole time I was there, now I did clearly state both to the boys and the mamasan ( if you could call the barman that) that I "was" only in for a drink etc and they could relax a bit and chill out as one or two of them would be more than enough to entertain me, and I did also buy ALL of the boys and the bar man a drink so they wouldn't think me cheap charlie who was just in for a quick peep at them around the curtain :-) ( ha ha which I guess in a way I actually was almost now that I think of it lol)

So, apart from a bit of random ( awkward) groping etc ( which I could happily have done without actually as it just felt odd) and bare in mind I'd already said I wouldn't be / couldn't off anyone just then my question is "what exactly did they EXPECT me to do !" as apart from my throwing up a load of Baht on the table and calling for a quick jerk off contest or something ( which now that I say it actually wouldn't have been a bad idea :) it didn't feel horny or sexy it just felt plain odd and actually a bit intimidating if truth be told ( and I'm not easily embarrassed nor intimidated usually) so, was it just "me" or is just going into a bar like that, especially if you're the only customer perhaps, just not a great idea unless you DO actually want to off a guy or two perhaps or maybe my mind just wasn't in an adventurous enough mode that night ?? lol

April 1st, 2012, 02:07
Ha ha and I do realise that the answer to my above could be "well if we have to tell you what to do in a place like that then perhaps you shouldn't even bother going to then " lol - but trust me normally I'm never stuck for inspiration or whatever but that was I think the one and only time where I was wishing my drink would lower itself magically just so I could split out of there as it just felt "odd" and sleezy if that makes sense ( and normally sleazy is FINE in my book lol) but not this time. :-(

( but perhaps I should go back for a second run next week just to see "was it just me" lol )

April 1st, 2012, 02:12
NIrish guy - that would make me feel pretty uncomfortable as well, so don't feel too bad. Maybe if you'd had a bit more to drink? :party

Anyway, you should definitely go back just to make sure you didn't enjoy it

April 1st, 2012, 03:53
NIrish guy - that would make me feel pretty uncomfortable as well, so don't feel too bad.

Well I have to admit that even in the middle of being surrounded and up close and personal with all those dangling cocks I nearly burst out loud laughing ( which I'm sure would not have gone down well at all !) as it was Christmas and in the course of trying to keep myself amused all i could think of was the bell ringers that you see on Christmas eve in some church somewhere pulling on their ropes to ring out the good tidings......so there was me sitting in a dive of a bar, pulling on my 8 guys "ropes" and praying for escape ! lol - I think I'm DEFINITELY going to hell !! lol

April 1st, 2012, 04:28
You're definitely going to hell for spending Christmas day in a boy bar. You should have been in a normal ex-pat bar having turkey and ham, and maybe a sweet sherry.

April 1st, 2012, 04:45
You're definitely going to hell for spending Christmas day in a boy bar.

Lol what can I say, that among other things that day was my Christmas present to myself :-) actually if I recall correctly I actually had an Indian on christmas day rather than turkey - and he was great !! Lol :-))

April 1st, 2012, 04:55
You had an Indian guy in Pattaya without getting a suit made? On Christmas day? Sorry, I think your recollection is faulty. I think you had a curry and thought you were being rebellious.

April 1st, 2012, 05:40
Sorry, I think your recollection is faulty.

Ha ha I can assure you Sir that my memory re that particular situation is fine, the only part of that tale that is incorrect was my saying "he was great" - because it was Christmas I was being charitable in that review, he was CRAP ! lol

I met him in Balcony bar, he'd just arrived from India ( literally like three hours ago or something) and he and I and an American guy sat having a nice chat and a cold beer around 3 or 4 pm ( actually when they WERE doing a Christmas dinner thing ( which I didn't bother with) and after short while of this pleasant conversation I noticed the Indian guy getting a bit restless and asked what was the matter and he replied very quietly "so, how does it all work here, how do people hook up then?" to which I asked what he meant as we were simply sitting having a beer and a chat recovering from the night before etc.

He then replied that as India is so repressed (you can thank the bloody British for that) that if guys want to arrange to meet up it was all short and sweet, absolutely no small talk, almost no politeness and just a quick "ok, you want to fuck, lets go" sort of thing, then them going up to a room ( or behind a bush he actually said!) and then away again afterwards with hardly a word spoken the whole time.

So of course not knowing quite what to say to that I said the only thing I could think of which was "ok then, so DO you want to fuck" - which he apparently did so away we went back to my hotel ( where he didn't get in at first as he'd no ID as he didn't realise you needed it in Bkk, so a quick cab trip to his hotel to get it and back he came, only then to follow the rest of his Country's ritual almost to the letter for the rest of the (short) afternoon :-( .......and afterwards all he wanted to know "was he good" so with it being Christmas and all I just didn't have the heart to tell him the truth so said "of course" ! - so you see, maybe I AM getting into heaven after all !!! lol

April 1st, 2012, 09:37
NIrishguy wrote:
what exactly did they EXPECT me to do !

Buy them all a drink.

Haha NIrishguy. It's entirely your own fault that you found yourself surrounded by hard cocks.
You've got noone to blame except your silly self! You should have read my numerous blow by blow descriptions of what goes on in Natureboy. And only then should you have ventured inside!

I now have a regular I sit with (He's the guy with the sweet smile - there's only 1, so he's not hard to find. But I do always find him hard!) Before he started working there I always said to the mamasan as I approached the bar - "just 1 boy. OK? 1 boy." Only after the mamasan said" Ok. I know. Just 1 boy sit with you," did I go inside. I would sit down - usually the only customer - and fend them all off by flaying my arms and legs whilst I made my choice. I would politely tell the others to go back and sit down by the stage and continue their private wanking sessions. They seemed to enjoy that and there was never a problem.

I don't find the guys there attractive (apart from the 1 above) and, from memory have only offed him plus a blonde guy (once).

Blondie was new there and quite nice to chat to (although we never really got past the "Hello," How are you?" Where you from?" and "How long you stay?" routine). He told me he was a bottom but back in the room I got the "Sorry. Jep. Jep. Can not do" bizzo. Whenever a supposed bottom tells me it hurts, I immediately give up on that idea and try something else. So I did, and we had a good time. It was after midnight and I wanted to sleep after the deed. Unfortunately, was wide awake and put the T.V. on . He was wide awake in the morning and was still watching T.V.! Someone later suggested he was probably on speed (yaba??).

What surprises me is that a lot of the boys have been working there for years, although I've hardly ever seen any customers. Maybe I go too early. However, last visit I went to "chat" with Mr Handsome, only to find that there were no boys in the bar. Some guy had come in and offed them all!!!

I hear he is still in therapy.

NIrish guy, you owe it to yourself to go back to NB and try my "1 boy only" method. If it doesn't work, may I suggest you just keep going back until they get the message. Downside? You'll have to fend off hard cocks all night. Still, I guess someone has to do it. :evil4:

April 1st, 2012, 17:16
...What surprises me is that a lot of the boys have been working there for years....

Now that's one of the things that put me off the Golden Cock - I never liked it in the first place (too "hands on") but the last time I went in, one of the 4 boys (who immediately manhandled me of course) eventually came out with a blow by blow account of how I had offed him over 5 years ago, where I had been staying, exactly what happened, and a graphic description of the young farang boy whom I had in tow at that time.

And they say an elephant never forgets - try a Thai hustler!


April 1st, 2012, 17:24
No desire at all to get in betwen the scots and irish-(have even been on a boat between the 2-years ago, to Stranraer), but maybe look at it the other way:
1.Boys ex Solid now at SuperA may relish the fact that its less clean-just like home, no more need to clean up all the mess.
2.SOME boys at SprA have no lack of customers at all-seem to do better as average as Soi Twily boys. Some are there for over 16 yrs-but do not look like it(Psst-little secret- I wont tell who- they still pass on for 21/2 and customers belive it).
The imminent closure of Solid has been reported an all boards-untill the shutters came down (I think this was 1/3). Some of its former employes are also reported now at Golden Cock-not that far way either. Or maybe moved on fromSprA to there-who cares.
3. have also read reports re a newly opened bar below SuperA-name was Twinks?- in that shop that used to have a massage from lao lads for some time-and had a very suspect bar named Khun before that.

April 1st, 2012, 17:27
On leaving Super A one afternoon, I visited the "very suspect" bar downstairs (about 5/6 yrs ago?) and there was fuck all happening.

Story of my life!


April 1st, 2012, 17:36
scottish-guy, when you say "fuck all" how many are we talking about? and how long did it take? :occasion9:

April 1st, 2012, 18:57
Haha NIrishguy. It's entirely your own fault that you found yourself surrounded by hard cocks.
You've got noone to blame except your silly self!

You know it's funny but that's EXACTLY what my 75 year old mother said when I told her too !!! lol

I now have a regular I sit with (He's the guy with the sweet smile - there's only 1, so he's not hard to find.

I know EXACTLY the boy you mean, very cute and SO different from all the rest - I was going to off him actually but now that you've said you've been involved with him in any way I wont bother as I only ever off boys that have never been with another farang, actually I make a point of asking each and every one of them that before I off them and each of them ASSURE me that they have just arrived in Bangkok not two days ago and so have never actually been with a farang yet and that this is their first time actually even having sex at all and that they are strictly 100% gay and do actually find me genuinely stunningly attractive and just the sort of guy that turns them on - so on that basis then and only after getting positive replies to all those questions I do then go ahead and off them as anything other than that just "wouldn't" work for me !

go back to NB and try my "1 boy only" method. If it doesn't work,You'll have to fend off hard cocks all night. Still, I guess someone has to do it.

My god the THINGS I have to do for this board in the name of research ! Well OK if you really INSIST then I guess I could go back and give it just ONE more try !! But just to be clear if it's no better I'll be looking for your address to send you my bar and tips Bill as I think it's the LEAST you can do to make up for your misguided suggestion - and I warn you now it'll not be cheap !! lol

April 2nd, 2012, 04:09
NIrish Guy, I feel similar about Nature Boys. I went twice (as far as I remember) and was in a similar situation. In addition, I don't like the underwear they wear and none of the boys was my type, so the bar is on my black list.

April 2nd, 2012, 04:26
So, there you go, there's 3 of us went in, all felt a but intimidated ( or whatever), didn't really enjoy the experience, I know in my case certainly bought ALL the guys a drink - so perhaps that's their Modus Operandi - get you in, wave their numerous dicks in your face, put the pressure on for the drink and hope you leave quiet soon, perhaps with one of them in tow - damn it, now that I'm onto their cunning master plan I'll have to think ahead and plan my next visit more carefully and ensure I make the buggers work for their tips this time so they don't pull THAT stroke again ! lol

April 2nd, 2012, 04:32
forgive my ignorance, but when is it necessary to buy ALL the boys a drink? I buy a drink for the boy I'm chatting with, and if I decide not to off him, I give him a tip. I can't understand why you'd buy everyone a drink? I'm really beginning to feel like a cheap charlie (though I know in my heart and wallet I'm not).

April 2nd, 2012, 04:47
yes Joe of course it's necessary - and the boys in the bar next door as well ! - you mean you haven't been doing that ! My god man not a bit of wonder the boys in Bangkok are all talking about you and calling you cheap !! lol

ha ha don't worry of course you're right that it's not but that was the whole point of that place that I was surrounded by cocks- just me and 8 or 10 cocks and all doing what they believed was their damnedest to impress me - the truth was at that point I could hardly have cared less and one or three would have been plenty to amuse me, however as they all HAD put in the time (not at my request) and there was no one else there it just felt difficult to say "ok, you stay and the rest of you take off" - as there really was nowhere else for them to go anyway as the place was that bloody small, so i just thought fuck it and just bought everyone a drink hoping they'd relax a bit ( which they didn't as they all then went for the off so to speak ( ha ha that sounds more like the start of a horse race !)

So then when I WAS leaving half an hour later ( if even that) and I did tip the one cute guy who's cock got more attention from my hand than the rest there was an audible moan and groan of noticeable discontentment from the rest of the guys that I hadn't tipped them all as well - but even I have to draw a line somewhere so I'm sure they managed to live with their disappointment in me - until at least their next victim arrived !! lol

April 2nd, 2012, 15:38
I have really enjoyed reading your posts on this thread NIrish Guy especially those relating to your first visit to Nature Boy. I do so envy your relaxed and witty writing style. But you were clearly not paying enough attention to a447тАЩs earlier very descriptive accounts of his visits to this most sleazy of bars! dt├вng-jai nai ├а-naa-k├│t (pay attention in future!) тАУ Only joking!

IтАЩve also enjoyed the interaction between you and joe552, I think you make a very funny double act and both your posts on this thread have been a pleasure to read.

Your account of your visit to Nature Boy reminded me of the last time I visited that bar back in October 2011. I hadnтАЩt been out to the Bangkok bars in the previous 3 months and decided that before returning to the UK I wanted one night out visiting the bars and chose BangkokтАЩs own version of 'Sleaze Alley' as my starting point.

Solid Bar

Solid Bar was the first bar I visited. There were no other customers in the bar when I arrived. I think there were around 8 boys in the bar. After ordering my drink I had a look at the boys, from memory I think there were at least 5 or 6 that I liked, but I chose a guy with a very cute bubble butt and bought him a drink. He was new to the bar and had not had a customer as yet. He had a very pleasant, warm personality and I really enjoyed his company, but I thought it was too early in the evening to off a boy. I told him that I would be happy to see him another time.

Then he said something that made my heart sink. He offered me sex for a mere 300 Baht. I told him as tactfully and pleasantly as I could that he shouldnтАЩt sell himself so short and that he should expect a minimum tip of 1,000 Baht.

I really liked him and we exchanged telephone numbers. The remaining boys were watching us and a couple made the internationally recognised sign for small cock behind his back, hoping I suppose, that I might change my mind and pick one of them.

Well he did seem to have a rather small bulge, but I didnтАЩt care, my attention was focused on his bubble butt. I tipped him 200 Baht because we had a brief kiss and a cuddle and I also felt sorry that this poor boy must have been really desperate to offer me sex for such a small paltry amount of money.

Nature Boy Bar

After leaving Solid Bar I moved on to Nature Bar. IтАЩd been there several times so I knew what to expect. IтАЩd only ever offтАЩd one boy from that bar, probably a year previously. When I arrived there was already one other customer and he was surrounded by 4 or 5 boys. I ordered my drink and looked around to see if the boy I had offтАЩd before was still working in the bar.

Then two boys joined me, then a third. I asked about the guy I had offтАЩd, they remembered him and said he was now working in Phucket. As NIrish Guy described above, the boys then went into their routine of bringing themselves to attention and invited me to feel. I felt like a campanologist тАУ it was sleazy and hilarious at the same time! None of them were my type and my intention was to drink up quickly and make a speedy exit. Then they started to play with my nipples which have the same effect on me as pressing my start button. I thought, oh no, my night will be over before itтАЩs even started! I made my excuses, said I had to go, asked for my check-bin, paid the 3 boys 100 Baht each and headed for Super A Bar.

Incidentally I totally agree with NIrish GuyтАЩs description of feeling more like a тАЬvictimтАЭ than a customer in this bar тАУ ha, ha, ha!

Super A Bar

As I approached the bar I was intercepted by one of the cute doormen. I didnтАЩt remember seeing him before, but he said he recognised me. He invited me to go up to the bar. I said I quite liked him and, quite brazenly for me, asked if he was available to go with the customers. To my delight he said he was and accompanied me up to the bar where we took a seat and ordered two drinks.

Those who know Super A will recall it is one of the dirtiest, sleaziest of bars, although I have a vague memory that it had been spruced up, although my memory may be playing tricks on me.

Anyway, the doorman offered to go with me, he was clearly straight and without any enquiry from me he volunteered that he didnтАЩt like to be f**ked. I told him not to worry; I didnтАЩt want to f**k him anyway. He then visibly relaxed and pressed me to take him. I think some of the other boys, who were only wearing briefs, began to hover near us. I asked the doorman if he ever appeared on the stage. He said he did not, but then, without being asked, unbuttoned himself, brought himself to a very healthy state of attention, which he then invited me to inspect. Oh Lord, that sealed the deal, I paid the bill and I took him home with me.

Back in my apartment after a few preliminaries we both went off to shower. When he entered my bedroom I was really surprised to see he was covered from neck to foot in tattoos! He reminded me of Rod Steiger in the film, тАЬThe Illustrated ManтАЭ!

I am not a great fan of tattoos, I donтАЩt mind a few, but IтАЩd never been with someone so completed covered in tattoos. Funnily enough I didn't find it a turn off, probably because his really cute bum more than made up for the distraction of the tattoos.

But, as I was to find out later, he was nowhere near as passionate as the Solid Bar boy and I was more than a little surprised afterwards when he asked for my telephone number and gave me his. He did call me before I left in October, but unfortunately, I did not have the time to see him again. I would however happily see him again.


As a postscript to this story I did actually call the boy from Solid Bar and I saw him twice before I left. He was a little bit too camp for my taste, but he turned out to be one of the most passionate bar boys I have ever met. And to my absolute delight, he did not have a small cock after all! He was also the first boy to telephone me when I returned to Bangkok in January and the first boy to visit me.

I was sorry to hear of Solid BarтАЩs demise, I have many happy memories of that bar. I wonder if my bubble butt friend now works in Scorpion Bar. Think IтАЩll have to give him a call and find out.

April 2nd, 2012, 15:55
I have really enjoyed reading your posts on this thread NIrish Guy . But you were clearly not paying enough attention to a447тАЩs earlier very descriptive accounts of his visits to this most sleazy of bars! dt├вng-jai nai ├а-naa-k├│t (pay attention in future!) тАУ Only joking!

:-) Thank you for your nice words........but NO, you are quite wrong about me paying attention, it's precisely because I WAS paying attention to A447's posts that I found myself there at all !! lol - as it appears I'm like a moth attracted to a flame, the more somewhere is classed as dirty and sleazy and to be avoided, no matter how much I swear never to darken their door, well BANG I seem to come to only to find myself surrounded by cocks and the baht falling out of my pocket like a stream of confetti and wondering how the hell I got there in the first place !! lol

April 2nd, 2012, 16:40
Thanks for the kind words, Jellybean. I enjoy a bit of banter - you should hear me when I've drink taken!! :alc:

April 3rd, 2012, 03:46
I had to look this up: campanologist. Campanology is the study of bells. (Here used by Jellybean in a wider sense.)

I was not aware that there is an internationally recognised sign for small dicks, but a quick search on the internet gave some plausible answers.

April 3rd, 2012, 04:01
maybe you didn't know the sign because it's always done behind your back, christian? only joking :occasion9:

what are you on about with the campanology? I can't be bothered re-reading the thread, but don't remember any mention of bells. :dontknow:

April 3rd, 2012, 05:34
....what are you on about with the campanology? I can't be bothered re-reading the thread, but don't remember any mention of bells. :dontknow:

I think he was comparing his tugging of the collection of cocks in Nature Boys to pulling bell ropes.

Not that I would ever do such a thing - but it's mild compared to the Sunee Plaza punter with the ludicrous wig who calls each boy down from the stage, gives them a few pulls, sucks their cock, and gives them 20B.


April 6th, 2012, 03:37
jellybean wrote ...
Then he said something that made my heart sink. He offered me sex for a mere 300 Baht. I told him as tactfully and pleasantly as I could that he shouldnтАЩt sell himself so short and that he should expect a minimum tip of 1,000 Baht.

jellybean i think you made the same mistake here as i did in a bar in sunee ... i paid my bill and the guy who took my check bin said to me .. if you give me 300 baht i come with you ... like you i thought how sad someone wanted to sell himself so short ...
it was told to me the next day that the 300 baht was infact the off fee for the bar, and not what the boy wanted for a tip ...

April 6th, 2012, 09:07
I was more than a little surprised afterwards when he asked for my telephone number and gave me his. Why is that do you think? I find the more useless the boy is in bed the more likely it is he'll ask to give me his phone number. Do they have no idea how bad they are?

April 6th, 2012, 20:23
well if you pay him what he has asked for sooty i would imagine he thinks he has a mug on his hands who will do the same thing over and over .... hence the fact its maybe not such a good idea to allways pay the price for an under performer.
before im attacked .. i have never agreed a price with anyone before ive taken them off .. and ive never yet underpaid anyone ... i give what i think is fair .. maybe they dont think its fair .. but i do .. and its my money so fcuk them :)

April 7th, 2012, 11:05
well if you pay him what he has asked for sooty i would imagine he thinks he has a mug on his hands who will do the same thing over and over .... hence the fact its maybe not such a good idea to allways pay the price for an underperformerI don't recall mentioning price or even payment. Not all boys in Bangkok are hookers, although I can't say the same for Pattaya.

April 7th, 2012, 14:50
well thats quite a statement ... all boys in pattaya are whores ?? how would or could you know such a thing ??
have you asked everyboy in pattaya if they would have sex with you for money .. or do they all ask you ?
dont ya just love sweeping statements ... :tongue3:

April 7th, 2012, 15:49
Are you deliberately obtuse or don't you understand plain English? "I can't say the same" means just that "I can't ... " based on my experience. Maybe you can.

April 7th, 2012, 15:52
not all guys are hookers in bangkok . i cant say the same for the guys in pattaya ... so work it out.. if you cant say they are not all hookers... that just leaves you the option of calling them all hookers?? or am i just being obtuse !!!
you work it out dear boy ..

April 8th, 2012, 12:46
There are approximately 500+ boys that work in the bars and say as many that work GayRomeo. Lets leave out the duplications.

It is a pretty small world that focuses on the handful of gay boys working gogo and gayromeo, and blaming all the rest as hookers.

Like to know more about Scorpion bar from those who have visited.

April 8th, 2012, 14:58
Like to know more about Scorpion bar from those who have visited.

Lonely, I've been there the past 3 nights. it's nothing special - just another beer bar, although they seem to have a few customers - more than they did when they were Solid. Wira, the mamasan still has that look of gloom and doom on his face.

April 8th, 2012, 15:32
If Solid has gone???? where does the boy go????

Anywhere except Super A, Golden Cock, or Nature Boy, I would have thought.
Working at any of those establishments is scraping the bottom of the barrel in terms of cleanliness and/or number of customers.

Golden Cock went downhill fast during the past 10 years. Whilst it was always very basic There used to be a rather special boy, Art, working there about 10 years ago, Thai Chinese, from a better than normal family who just wanted a wilder life than at home. I fell for him much to my regret, was the last time I thought a gogo boy had become a friend!

Now I prefer to meet boys who are working normal jobs; shops, restaurants, juice bars [very special, if from Isaan], taxi drivers and those just wandering aimlessly about. Much hotter and more natural for sex.

Now I just go into small gogo bars rarely and usually for a drink and a grope or two [the boys do not mind either the drink or the Baht left inside their jocks afterwards].

April 9th, 2012, 16:58
My apologies to brithai and Sooty for the lateness of my reply. I was up north in the province of Issan for 5 days and had no access to the Internet.

Firstly, brithai, yes a good point well made, but IтАЩm fairly certain that the boy, who was new to the bar and hadnтАЩt had a customer at that point, was actually telling me he would accept 300 Baht for sex. I honestly donтАЩt think he was referring to the bar fine because our subsequent conversation made it clear that he would accept 300 Baht for short time sex.

As I said, I saw him twice that week and he was my first contact when I returned to Thailand in January. I would also add that at our first meeting at my apartment he invited me to go with him to his home town to celebrate wan-loi-gr├а-tong, (the Thai festival in November). I would have happily gone with him had I any time as I found him good company, but I cut my trip short and returned to the UK in October before the festival. He is a very sweet guy but, as I said, just a little bit too camp for my taste, but I would still see him again and maybe sometime within the next 2 weeks because he has continued to keep in touch with me.

Turning now to SootyтАЩs point, I am sorry I did not mean to imply that the Super A boy was a non-performer. Forgive me, what I meant to say was that it was clear from our conversation in the bar that he was only gay-for-pay, but that was of no consequence to me because he said he could do everything except be f**ked. I was fully satisfied with him and he did not appear to have any problems. But the experience lacked any passion, any vim and vigour, it was not one of my best timeтАЩs with a bar boy and I didnтАЩt really think his heart was in it. ThatтАЩs why I was surprised that he actually wanted to see me again. Perhaps he regarded it as easy money given that I wasnтАЩt very demanding? But I would happily see him again as IтАЩve had straight boys from the bars who have relaxed and performed better at subsequent meetings. In fact one straight boy offered to become my boyfriend! тАЬBut how can you? YouтАЩre not gay?тАЭ I asked. тАЬNo problem.тАЭ he replied тАУ ha, ha, ha! One of the delights of Thailand.

April 9th, 2012, 17:02
hope you had a nice time up north jellybean .. thanks for the reply .. it seems his was indeed a cheapy !! can i have his details please :) ... as for straight boys being boyfriends ... do you ever read rush yet again's blog ?

April 9th, 2012, 18:24
Yes, thank you brithai, I had a very good time with my ex-boyfriend and his family. He wants us to be boyfriends again, but itтАЩs been more than 2 years since we split up and now IтАЩm really not so sure. I hadnтАЩt been to his village for about 3 years. I found the 6 hour drive quite stressful, even although we shared the driving. Once I get my thoughts together I plan to write a report on my visit тАУ but go easy on me I know youтАЩve got a razor sharp wit тАУ ha, ha, ha!

As for the Solid Bar boy, remember that was back in October 2011, so heтАЩll be pretty experienced by now and I rather doubt heтАЩll be offering himself for below the market rates now. So I think youтАЩve missed the boat тАУ ha, ha, ha! (I know you were only joking!)

The straight boy offering to become my boyfriend was odd, although not unheard of. I liked him very much, he introduced me to some of his family members and we all had lunch together at one of the shopping malls in Bangkok. I continued to see him over several visits, but have not seen him during my current visit.

Oh, talking of straight go-go boys, it reminds me of a book called тАЬBangkok BoyтАЭ by Chai Pinit, itтАЩs the story of a straight, gay-for-pay bar boy, itтАЩs a sorry tale of prostitution and drug taking in Pattaya and Bangkok. If I remember correctly he was the boyfriend to gay men whilst being married and having children. I found it a very good read with lots of background information on the male go-go bar scene.

And yes, I sometimes check out Rush, Yet AgainтАЩs тАЬDancing with the Devil in the City of AngelsтАЭ blog, (itтАЩs on my computer favourite list) but I havenтАЩt done so recently. Is there something on his site which you would recommend I read?

April 9th, 2012, 21:16
yes jellybean ... my bits :) .... his articals on * i feel in love with a barboy * they are all about his love for noom ... as well as being a great read .. noom is a straight guy .. so its basically about how a straighty can fall for a gay man ..
a very intresting read for sure ..

April 11th, 2012, 16:37
If Solid has gone???? where does the boy go????

Anywhere except Super A, Golden Cock, or Nature Boy, I would have thought.
Working at any of those establishments is scraping the bottom of the barrel [quote]

You may be right but I can add that golden cock now ( since he moved from solid when it closed) has a new captain who seems to be trying to improve things a bit, I spent a lovely evening / night with him after our meeting downstairs at DJ ( no money changed hands by the way lol - not that I care as I happily pay but I don't want to make the guy look bad when we were both just out for fun), he was telling me why solid closed and how the owner was and is being currently well and truely fucked over in the best traditions of Thailand but I'd better not go into it her for half a dozen legal and sensible reasons, all I can say I'd it what I was told is true the poor bugger has my sympathies ;-(

Meanwhile my new "friend" has offered to take me round songkran etc and as he's such a nice guy and we a genuinely fun time together, with no bullshit from either party as we both quickly established we both "knew the score" so no bullshit was required I might just take him up on his offer, although I'll have to work out how to dump the other three guys I've also booked myself in with lol - or maybe just juggle a bit( more) perhaps lol :-)

April 11th, 2012, 16:49
so you're still not enjoying it, NIrish Guy? shame :sign5:

April 11th, 2012, 18:58
Joe552 wrote:
so you're still not enjoying it, NIrish Guy? shame

Yes, come on NIrishguy! You need to try harder. You really are letting down the team! lol

April 11th, 2012, 20:24
No, you're right, I'm so enjoying it as every night some hot Thai guy/s insists on going home with me and leaving me to tired to get up and do all the early morning temple viewings that I'd hoped to squeeze in, I mean have these people NO respect for our wishes to experience their culture instead of just dragging us to bed !

He he - needless to say I am SO enjoying myself this trip :-) I think after my last shitty stressful trip I'm actually both making up for lost time of the last trip, getting my full for this trip AND packing in some future credit just in case I don't make it back again for a while !!! But thankfully the guys I'm meeting up with share my sense of urgency to shagg half of Bangkok in as short as space of time as possible and seem quite keen to help me achieve that goal ! See, just another one of the many thoughtful traits that this guys have for us :-)) so considerate :-)