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March 27th, 2012, 08:54
A bar on Walking Street, a nightclub, a restaurant I visit regularly, a 7/11 shop and a couple of beer bars. All of these places tried in some way or another to short change me. This was a new experience for me, it's never happened before. Is this due to the ending of high season or the general economic decline?

March 27th, 2012, 09:48
I am not sure if it is my imagination but it seems I am hearing stories like this a bit more often. Waiters and staff feeling they need to cheat their customers when they think they can and bars charging for extra drinls and incorrect prices. They don't seem to understand that it hurts them in the short run, not the long run.

Come by the bar and I will treat you to a drink and help make up for it. :occasion5:

March 27th, 2012, 10:11
Neal: It certainly wasn't your bar, I can promise you that. I think I should clarify. None of these places got away with it. I always count my change and told them to give me the correct amount of money.
The bar on walking street. The change was actually correct but the coins had been rammed so far into the corner pocket of the wallet they use it took two waiters to get them out.

March 27th, 2012, 10:23
Oh sorry that you thought I meant my bar. You did make it clear that it was on Walking Street so I did not think so. Just though I would treat you to a drink anyhoooooo.

March 27th, 2012, 18:35
. Just though I would treat you to a drink anyhoooooo.

Damn and there I was going to claim that your bar HAD in fact short changed me just to get the free drink......but then I remembered that damned video camera you have so bang goes THAT idea ! lol.........so, ok, so you didn't short change me, fine " whatever" ..... but can I have my free drink anyway !!?? lol :-)

Don't worry you don't even need to answer that as I'm guessing I already know the reply ! lol

March 27th, 2012, 18:46
NIrish, I gave my staff instructions to overcharge you several times but don't get upset that's so I can give away all the free drinks to your friends!
We will think of you when we are drinking and wait for you to say thank you. Tee hee, like hell we will think of you. :occasion9:

March 28th, 2012, 07:04
A bar on Walking Street, a nightclub, a restaurant I visit regularly, a 7/11 shop and a couple of beer bars. All of these places tried in some way or another to short change me.

And on another recent post you described how a boy tried to short change you regarding the service he provided, although in reality, it was you who short changed him.

What goes around comes around.

March 28th, 2012, 08:16
We will think of you when we are drinking and wait for you to say thank you. Tee hee, like hell we will think of you.
Hey Boss, How often does a customer ring that bell to buy all the staff drinks? I was tempted,but needed a couple more drinks in me. I might have been washing dishes afterwards though. :party

March 28th, 2012, 08:30
They used to ring the bell about once or twice a week. There are two bells, one buys the boys a drink and one buys the boys and staff a drink.
Do it between 8 - 9 pm and its Happy Hour prices at 99 baht would be best time. I would think that during Happy Hour you might spend a total of 2,500 give or take a few if you rang for everyone and 2,000 if just boys. That's a guess because some boys don't come in til 9 - 9:30. As always they drag themselves in when they get good and ready!

My recollection? Now that you mentioned it, I can't remember the last time it was rung. I rang it two times a few weeks or a month ago. I will have to ask.

March 28th, 2012, 08:39
I like your happy Hour time, 8-9. I don't usually get going until then, and miss most happy hours.

March 28th, 2012, 09:05
Dodger: Read the post properly. We short changed each other.

March 28th, 2012, 09:58
All of these places tried in some way or another to short change me. This was a new experience for me, it's never happened before
You have either been extremely lucky or extremely unobservant. Probably the latter. TIT

March 28th, 2012, 10:04
Gerefan2: I have had money blatently stolen, that's another matter but short changed...mmm I can't remember a time.

March 28th, 2012, 19:44
A favourite dodge in my local 7/11 is, if you buy a few items, to add a cup of coffee to the bill. Just a small amount but I guess it adds up it there are enough farangs.