View Full Version : Looking For Two Moderators

March 27th, 2012, 08:03
SGF is looking for at least TWO moderators.
Moderators are volunteers and need to put in a few hours per week. The system is pretty easy and tasks and all you need to learn is to just read what you are doing and don't be too quick to hit enter.

Until there are more paid members or advertisers on board, volunteer basis only. Your reward will be to see SGF continue to grow and be an enjoyable place to come, have a discussions and ask questions.

Previous posts will be reviewed and constant cranky, vicious, flamers need not apply . Appliacants will be reviewed by all current moderators.

Moderatrs can be located anywhere in the world but must read and speak English.

Please apply by PM to ANY current moderator/administrator.

Thank you

March 27th, 2012, 09:20
Frankly, it's hardly encouraging for the Board's inner soul that Da Boss advertises for a new Mod with a come-on line which almost worships blandness: " ... PS Looking for some new uncontroversial moderators like Butterflyforever. Please PM DaBoss ... "

If you would like to see and experience a non-controversial board that promotes blandness, maybe you should look at Gay Button's site. Oh that's right, you are over there and I am sure it is run in the manner in which you approve. I try my best at finding a happy medium between the old out of control SGT and Gay Button. That really is what you want to see, your old out of control board where new members are chased away and made to feel unwanted and uncomfortable, where the membership never grows. My vision is a much larger membership and the current figures already show a 100% increase have already proven it's working.

Its too bad that jinksie has decided to leave the baord but that was 100% his decision. For 8 years you have yelled at ranted and raged over jinksie's moderation policies (see Smiles past posts).

Smiles, we all appreciate what you "created". It is a wonderfully functioning board but as time goes on, things change and are tweaked. Sometimes change is good and sometimes it doesn't work out Time tells as you put it and I agree. I have a freind who recently sold his home. When I go to the beach all I hear is what changes the new owner made to his old house. "Oh I think that's awful! Oh why the hell did he do that?" Well the bottom line that I try to get him to see is that it doesn't matter what he thinks, he doesn't own the house!

In time, and not too far off in the future, yet another person will take over the board and he also willl want to tweak to his ideals and who knows, that may piss you off also. Hey, I have an idea.... how about if it bothers you so much, you buy it back and do what you wish to restore? I will sell it to you.

Well that's all I have to say and I feel that I am so fortunate to have a few people that come over one time in months to give advice on how to run the board or how they don't like the change. For this I feel I am fortunate. :3some:

PS Isn't it interesting that when Butterflyforever has only been a modertor for about 2 months and made no public moderation policies that you can point out, you are now quick to ridicule him sice you don't have jinksie anymore?

PPSS: BTW I have explained more tha once why I assumed the username DaBoss from someone else as well as telling you personally. Sorry you choose to ignore it and try to make it look bad.

March 28th, 2012, 10:11
" ... the less moderating on a forum of anonymous handles in a cyberspace world where only 'words' are exchanged the better and more interesting it makes ... "
My sentiments exactly.
But I'm afraid that is precisely not what I think will be the future here.

March 28th, 2012, 10:28
hank you again, Smiles for your kind crystal ball predictions, but unfortunately that has not been the case during my 6 month administration and just because one moderator left that you never liked or got along with anyway (see all your posts of the years) nothing WILL change.
As said from the first days of sucseeding Elephantspike, our goal is the least amount of moderation, the better and the only excess moderation we have made is getting the fighting under control so that people can get informative information and have good conversation without being ridiculed, run off and being called all sorts of things. Again, look at the figures and see a 100% increase in both users online at one time and flooders and flamers tamed.

As I mentioned before which you ignored, the site is always available for you to buy back and return it to its previous condition and reputation.

March 29th, 2012, 16:30
I tried not to... I really did try.... but I can't resist......

TWO mods to replace little old me 55555

March 29th, 2012, 19:20
Different time zones. Don't get a swell head my dear :sign5:

March 29th, 2012, 21:58
I'm not dear.... I'm expensive.