View Full Version : Gay Asian in Oz speaks out

March 26th, 2012, 09:20
Not veryones a rice queen apparently http://www.dailylife.com.au/life-and-lo ... 1vta1.html (http://www.dailylife.com.au/life-and-love/love,-sex-and-realtionships/racebased-attraction-20120326-1vta1.html)

March 31st, 2012, 17:05
Ya there are Asians and there are Asians I dont see why they are all lumped together. Same as "Europeans". Europeans have very different temperaments and cultures etc etc. Same as Asians. Some Asians or Europeans are easier to have a relationship with than others depending on the two cultures involved.

I think it is very suspicious when someone says "I just dont like Asians, a preference thing". It's extremely shallow and more than likely racist bullocks

Having said that I dont think I could have a relationship with someone who calls Cheese Chayze, just a preference thing.

Lunchtime O'Booze
April 5th, 2012, 19:48
are you a gay Asian in Oz??

I find that of all countries..Australia is where any nationality seems to just fit in and adopt the local lingo/culture etc.

of course they are all different..

April 12th, 2012, 12:40
I like Asians dark ones light ones , I just like Asians, I have had most every color, I find they are all different in some small way. but, you will find there are good and bad people in every culture. Gosh, by now I ought to know. I have my favorites, Russians generally aren't one of them, but my best friend is Russian, he was my lawyer and went to work for freedom foundation , we became friends, never slept with him, it wasn't like that , but he was a good friend and remains so to this day. His best friend an Asian became my lover. I met him when he was 16, at 18 I made the move on him, he had been making goo goo eyes for two years. Gosh was it good when we finally found each other in bed. remained so until he was killed. Now Kirghiz guys are to me hot, just not on the list.

April 12th, 2012, 16:59
are you a gay Asian in Oz??

I find that of all countries..Australia is where any nationality seems to just fit in and adopt the local lingo/culture etc.

of course they are all different..

No LTOB Im not either of those things.

Interesting you should say this about Australia though because for a lot of minorities there it makes no difference if they use fuck instead of English, inhale beer instead of oxygen and wear a lot of corks on hats they are still seen as immigrants. Racial tensions seem to simmer just beneath the surface erupting every so often into slinging matches and accusations of intolerance and discrimination.

Its all rather idiotic of course as everyone is an immigrant to that country except maybe the Aboriginals the only true Australian natives.

This reminds me very much of this popular UTUBE vid, The thrust of her point is she as a "white Anglo Saxon something" feels she is American and Asian Americans are nothing of the sort, its well worth the laugh to watch it.

"Asians in the Library" by a UCLA student http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FNuyDZevKrU

August 20th, 2012, 20:16
Heh... I remember reading this article a few months ago. I could've sworn it was in my local gay newspaper or something.

When I read it, I thought WTF... In my experience, being Asian has never been a disadvantage in the gay scene here. I've had tonnes of unwanted advances. But then again, I tend to be attracted to other Asians and have little to no attraction for Caucasians. That's probably why my perspective is different.

I think it is very suspicious when someone says "I just dont like Asians, a preference thing". It's extremely shallow and more than likely racist bullocks.
Mmmm... in my opinion, when it comes to dating and partners, it's ok to express what your "type" is. Most of my closest friends are Caucasian but I'm not attracted to Caucasians. It's not a racist thing, just a biological preference.

August 21st, 2012, 02:06
I think it is very suspicious when someone says "I just dont like Asians, a preference thing". It's extremely shallow and more than likely racist bullocks.

I have no problem if someone has a sexual preference. I don't like raisins, but I love mangosteen. I don't have to justify or defend this preference. Why do other have to justify or defend not liking sex with Asians?