View Full Version : Morocco Where to go. Friend arriving in 2 weeks

March 21st, 2012, 05:55
I have a friend from Sydney who is seeking somewhere warm before returning home after Easter.

He has decided to go to Morocco with an out of date Lonely Planet.

What he wants to get is info on what gay places are around and where the action is to be found. Any help please?

March 21st, 2012, 08:35
There are absolutely no gay places to be found in Morocco. I used to go there every month and I can report this. The city that I used to go to was Agadir which is right on the beach. If you rent a hotel room do NOT expect to bring any boys back to it as they do not allow Moroccan's of any age into the hotels. In many areas the boys will get hassled if they are walking with a tourist or riding in the same car. If I took a boy in the car with me I always had 50 - 100 dirham in my hand so that if we were pulled over, as I shook the cops hand I transferred the money and off we went.

Now all this being said what I quickly learned is that the boys and the Moroccan's had many "sex apartments. These were rooms that people would give up to tourists for money for a few days or weeks. Best to have sex in those and stay in the hotel. Walk along the boardwalk, go to the squares, or go to the beach in Tagazuit just a short ride up the shore. There were many boys and many would go with you but have little conversation with you out in the public eye. Just a nice hard look to a boy and most would follow you anywhere. Extremely rare that anyone would wal next to you as he could get in trouble or the fact that he is doing this would circulate quickly. Just give a nice stare up and down, walk along, turn around to see if he is looking and then look up and down again if he is and then gradually go to your car or the sex apartment. He will follow.

The word in their tongue is referred to as rendevous and it means to go have sex.
You have to remember that Morocco being a muslim country, the boys are absolutely forbidden to touch a girl unless they are married and no public affection is usually seen so the boys are walking around with blue balls. It is not uncommon for the older boys to fuck the younger boys and then when the younger become older, they in turn get serviced by the younger.

This being said, they are absolutely thrilled to have a tourist that will service them and pay them also. Many times they would return later with a friend or 3. That was one reason I always had the hotel room to go to also. The apartment was usually barren of any type of decency like hot water etc as well as boys might show up at any time of the day or night.

There are many undercover police, so many times if you are at the beach in Tagazuit, and offer the boys something to eat (they are usually very hungry) they will not sit with you at the table. Don't take any of these as strange or rude, they are trying to make sure you and they are safe.

Again, all this worrying, precausions and secrecy would still not keep me away and as I mentioned used to go there for a few years about every other month till I started in Prague. I would not have changed it for the world. The foods and spices are incredible. The boys are insatiable and the terrain magnificent. Get a car and drive and see the shore. Take a few bags of candy and I know this sounds cruel but while you are driving and you see kids walking long distances on the road, toss out the window some candy. The mad dash to grab it is hysterical. We never stopped because the kids always tore the bags from our hands or almost turned the car over trying to get at it. toss it and they get it.

I have not been there in a few years and I don't know prices now. Some told the same stories as here but there was no buffalo, maybe a camel. They were always calling and emailing for money. But they were sweet and great sex for me being a bottom.

March 21st, 2012, 17:52
I cannot disagree with justme as I have only had the 5 day break in Marrakesh.

The fascinating thing was the streets were empty of females from 1600 and males ruled the roost.
I was offered a lot of invitations to the movies but resisted that. The crowd in the souk was restless and a hand on a cock or even out of its pants was offered quickly.

Is bedtime and I will have to put thinking cap on. You have given me a lot to remember!

March 21st, 2012, 18:36
I was in both Marrakesh and Agadir about three or four years ago. Plenty of activity in both. The Spartacus gay guide gives reasonably accurate suggestions of where to go.

March 22nd, 2012, 02:43
Bloody hell --i thought i had lived a pretty lively life up to now !!!

What you just described Neal sounds pretty hairy !! (prob if they were all Arab guys ,excuse the pun ) but a lot of fun im sure --for a couple of years every month :notworthy: :notworthy:

Only last month i commented to a Belgian friend here --its amazing the risks we will take for an orgasm etc !!!!

:tif: :party

March 22nd, 2012, 04:35
Yes, I know. I have always told everyone that when I go, nobody will ever be able to say that I did not have a good time. I have experienced Germany, Morocco, Prague, Romania, Rio de Janerio, Mexico, Israel, Mainland China, Hong Kong and now Thailand 10 years or so. I don't think I have left anything out and I do wish I could fit a few more in before I go! But even I was not as rich as some on this board have purported to be.

March 22nd, 2012, 05:39
Well, DaBoss, you haven't tried the Dublin welcome yet. You're not too old, you know.

March 25th, 2012, 18:32
MA indeed since some years has harsh penalties aganst the socalled ''faux guides''=false guides who used to pester the tourists so much that it got annoying and threatened to ruin tourism. Then this harsh rule was enforced. Agadir, besides Tanger (Tanjah) is most notorious for it- but never was the best attraction for gay anyway. As the others testify-they have found ways around it. Most of what was spartacus is now in gayscout.

Lunchtime O'Booze
April 5th, 2012, 19:53
forget Lonely Planet and burn the Spartacus Guide. These things are not advertised in Arab countries and discretion is the by-word.

All your friend need is to do is just walk down any street and he will receive that 'look' from many Arabs that says it all.

## and they have beautiful soft skin not unlike Thais