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View Full Version : Opinions about Niddy's Nook http://www.niddysnook.com

May 16th, 2006, 09:03
Since there is controversy about the way in which the restaurant/bar is being promoted, perhaps a DEDICATED post, THIS ONE, can be set aside for ALL future comments about this place.

Then, if we want to talk about, read about, we know where to go, and hopefully, it can be restricted to this post only? Sounds good?

So, bring it on. Everyone who visits the famous Nook, please post and tell us ALL about it?

This might be interesting.

May 16th, 2006, 09:17
" ... MONTY usually has his staff line up so i can personally inspect them ... "
Do you by chance use a flashlight? (This question for the enlightenment of "original" Dreaded Ned Board old-timers . . . that is IF one could reasonably suggest that asking BoyGeorge a question could ever be characterised as 'enlightening'. Please indulge this one time.)

Cheers ... :albino:

May 16th, 2006, 09:23
As a life-long Pattaya-avoider I guess I shouldn't comment, but frankly any place whose Web site is so utterly twee as to state "Niddy resides in Pattaya, Thailand with his husband, Christopher Parsons, baby chihuahua, Sebastian and newest pup, Olivia" suggests an establishment to avoid. It puts one in mind of the last gay-friendly Prime Minister of Australia who remarked (in the Year of the Family) "Two gays and a cocker spaniel don't constitute a family". Nor, in this case two gays and a chihuahua

May 16th, 2006, 09:28
Whats happened to the other post Mr Niddy's was mentioned? It seems to have disappeared.
John, just do a Board Search ( http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/search.php ) for "Let Me Tell You" . . . you'll find mention of Niddy's in his every post.

Cheers ...

May 16th, 2006, 10:12

May 16th, 2006, 11:19
The continuing and repetitve attempts to damage Niddy's Nook have had the reverse effect and business is better than ever as many
come just to see and experience what they have heard so much about.. An old , and I mean old promoter and publicist should know
that there is no such thing as bad publicity and keeping the criticisms going just increases the publicity and the business..

I know several farangs who have gone just because they can't stand certain critics and do the opposite of what these characters hope..

One great thing about going to Niddy's Nook , it that is no chance you will run into any idiots or trolls.. That is reason enough to go....

May 16th, 2006, 11:35
My goodness Thaiquila, what's your problem. Why are your being such a nasty and insensitive little man. I log into this forum on a daily basis and for the most part I enjoy the information and the banter that goes on from time to time. BUT you're beyond the pale. Lighten up and get an life! (One that doesn't involve being so mean and nasty for no apparent reason.)

May 16th, 2006, 12:02
You can't make a business run solely based on people who come by once out of curiosity. You need to provide them with good food and service, so that they'll become regular customers. Unfortunatley, I will never find out whether Niddy's provides these, because AT's crass promotions have turned me off the place permanently.

May 16th, 2006, 12:34

American Teacher-old
May 16th, 2006, 12:34
Come if you like! We'd love to see you. Don't come if you don't want to. As for this post -- thanks for the extra publicity -- but I think I'll stick to my own posts for future information.


www.niddysnook.com (http://www.niddysnook.com)
** The Place That Generates All The Hype! **
Come see for yourself and try Pattaya's Tastiest Cheeseburger!

May 16th, 2006, 12:40
Watch out! He won't stop and he won't be contained. Gives me an idea for a new grade C movie:

The Gay Cheeseburger that Ate Pattaya!
Starring Niddy the Thai Boy from Niddy's Nook

May 16th, 2006, 12:42

May 16th, 2006, 12:49
My goodness Thaiquila, what's your problem. Why are your being such a nasty and insensitive little man. I log into this forum on a daily basis and for the most part I enjoy the information and the banter that goes on from time to time. BUT you're beyond the pale. Lighten up and get an life! (One that doesn't involve being so mean and nasty for no apparent reason.)
Well, I accomplished something. You awakened out of your LURKING to post. Don't be a stranger, LURKER.

May 16th, 2006, 13:11
Guess I'll have to come back and try the cheeseburger next time. I usually go for ahan thai instead. Chris, any chance you put grilled chili's (thai bird chili's would work well I think) on those burgers? That's how I make 'em at thome:-)


May 16th, 2006, 13:58
I think I have a new concept that might click big time for Nookies.
Best to change the name to Hamburger Niddys though.
As long as gay cheeseburgers are the theme, GO ALL OUT, and basically copy the HAMBURGER MARYS theme of a very creative menu of different hamburger preparations, with gourmet toppings like bacon, blue cheese, mushrooms, etc.
This is the JUSTIFICATION you need for higher prices for the neighborhood, GOURMET, CREATIVE burgers, and lots of choices. (In fact, for these gourmet burgers, you could raise your prices.)

And yes, you could add Thai style options as well, like a spicy one with bird chilies, even one with red curry paste in the meat, etc. etc. you could really be wildly creative with this and have lots of fun. Gay burgers? Really do it, and you have a winner.

Check out this website for ideas:
http://www.hamburgermarys.com/hamburger ... rs_02.html (http://www.hamburgermarys.com/hamburgermarys_menu_burgers_02.html)

I am serious, I think this would make you a big hit. And with such flippant burgers, people are sure to buy more cocktails, they just go together.

Also, you should do some kind of distintictive, special, only to be found at Hamburger Niddy's french fries, not the standard kind. Another choice to offer would be fries provencal (with fresh garlic and parsley).

Create more value, get more money and success.

Another idea: Just drop the Thai food menu, you can't compete on price with neighboring local places for Thai food.

May 16th, 2006, 14:42

May 16th, 2006, 14:49
I am just an old retired guy but certain things still annoy me as they did in the States. Two of those things that annoy me are big mouth know-it-alls and guys who don't listen.

In reference to NN, I remember a few months ago he was going to cease all the in your face promotions and actually had the webmaster delete some of his posts.

Now it seems that he either has a short memory or believes everyone else does.

In any case I will say once again as I did several months ago, when this guy or the other big mouth randomly promotes in this forum certain businesses, I make a point of not visiting them for at least a month after the fluff subsides.

I guess we all have our silly behavior patterns.

Chris, when you and your friends stop with using this venue for the in your face promotions, I will try your place with a friend or two. Until then.....Good Luck. I hope you make it until Christmas because I really want to try this "tastiest cheezeburger in Pattaya" I hope this isn't just more of your hype.

I sincerely hope you have a good cheezeburger.

May 16th, 2006, 17:17
"Another idea: Just drop the Thai food menu, you can't compete on price with neighboring local places for Thai food."

What would the prostitutes eat, then?

American Teacher-old
May 16th, 2006, 17:48
With all do respect, I didn't even start the last few current threads about Niddy's Nook. In fact, when I do leave a promotional message, the only reason it goes over the top is because of all the "nasty-remarkers" continually adding ridiculous comments.

The down side of all this today, is that I haven't even had time to read the other messages becuase so much time was taken reading all these silly quarrels.

That is a waste of time.


May 16th, 2006, 22:27
I continue to get the impression that this owner isn't very serious about the restaurant business.
And notice the use of Fondly after negative comments. Kind of schizoid.

About my idea before, I do think it is a winning idea, but it would take a dedicated, professional restauranteur to pull it off with quality. I really have my doubts that AT is such a person, so anyone else, feel free to steal it and show how it can be done. It would probably also justify a larger (and less smelly) location. Also, Margaritas and Margarita pitchers (a huge profit item) would go well with the burgers.

May 16th, 2006, 22:42
"Another idea: Just drop the Thai food menu, you can't compete on price with neighboring local places for Thai food."

What would the prostitutes eat, then?
I really think most of them would like a gourmet burger and cocktail.
If not, they can grab some street food before entering.

May 16th, 2006, 23:55
In fact, when I do leave a promotional message, the only reason it goes over the top is because of all the "nasty-remarkers" continually adding ridiculous comments.
If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen.

May 17th, 2006, 02:23
Frankly I sincerely hope all this banter does a great job in promoting your business for you both.

I shall be sure to stop by in September when I am in Pattaya!


May 17th, 2006, 02:46
^-- that's the funny thing about all the haters on here. Strong opinions are great for business


May 17th, 2006, 04:23
^-- that's the funny thing about all the haters on here. Strong opinions are great for business

I agree, he should be comping us and thanking us for all the free publicity.

May 17th, 2006, 09:17

May 17th, 2006, 09:34
I am utterly surprised that Niddy's side-kick hasn't had the politness to reply to the new menu concept kindly donated here.

As I said, if he fails to act he deserves to fail.

Lets see what happens...


In all fairness, what I suggested would imply a complete overall of the entire operation, trashing the existing menu, developing an entire new menu, probably expanding the kitchen, lots of work sourcing the fancy ingredients, in short, another maybe substantial INVESTMENT. So, this is a business decision for the owner. I know I would try it if I were him, but we can't know the details of his internal business operation.
I am really sorry if I come off as too nasty sometimes, my heart is usually in the right place, and I personally do want more choices in dining out in Pattaya (but the current Niddys menu does nothing for me personally).
A great example of success is White Knight which continues to pack them in (at least in the high season). The food there is comfort food for Brits, and a little something different for other nationalities, all at a very good value price.
It is a concept, a gimmick as it were, easy to comprehend, and different from what others are doing in town.

American Teacher-old
May 17th, 2006, 22:34
Thanks so much for the kind-hearted suggestions, Thaiquila. You really do have some good ideas and I would highly encourage you to consider starting your own restaurant in Pattaya! As for Niddy's Nook, we aren't really planning on "reinventing" our restaurant. That being said, we understand that (like every business) there is always more to be learned and changes that need to be made. As such, Niddy's Nook will annually change its menu -- keeping the popular items in place, dropping the less popular ones and adding brand new ones as well! Our changeover will most likely take place in July sometime. At that time, we will also re-evaluate our prices -- taking all of your valuable suggestions into consideration.

Despite some of the more nasty personal attacks, we do honestly appreciate suggestions for improvements -- and though we may not change our ways to suit every member of this board, we do hear what you say and take it under advisement.
Thanks again for all the energy you all put forward on behalf of "The Nook."


www.niddysnook.com (http://www.niddysnook.com)
** Send money to a friend in Thailand fast and cheap! **
(see our online store for details)

May 18th, 2006, 04:42
I think some of the old farts on here are just jealous because they don't have a cute talented thai Boyfriend like Niddy (unless they pay for one! LOL)

May 18th, 2006, 06:26
To At, about your decision not to revamp your business, well, its your funeral (I mean your business).

We are all waiting with baited breath for the many little tweaky changes coming up at The Nook. I can't contain my excitement.
And to AT's suggestion that I open a Pattaya restaurant myself, well, I can certainly understand why you would wish that on me! (But no thanks.)
Bone appetite!

May 18th, 2006, 07:21
When is the dividing line between negative comment and a vendetta.

Some people just wont let go.

May 18th, 2006, 12:21
When is the dividing line between negative comment and a vendetta.

Some people just wont let go.
Vendetta isn't exactly the right word, but I have been a real Beeyitch.
I think it is the happy face marketing spam that just rubbed me the wrong way ...
You are all free to spend all your pink pounds at the Nookie and make the that pig with lipstick the richest piggie in town.
It would give me pleasure to see it.

May 18th, 2006, 12:27
I think Mr Wombat was probably referring to Mr LMTY in regards to a perceived 'vendetta'.
If that is the case, then he would be right on the money.

Cheers ...

May 18th, 2006, 12:59
And to AT's suggestion that I open a Pattaya restaurant myself, well, I can certainly understand why you would wish that on me! (But no thanks.)

Thank Christ for that, having to put up with an owner who obviously has a chip on his shoulder and more than his fair share of bitterness is just what a restaurant can do without.

May 18th, 2006, 13:06
And to AT's suggestion that I open a Pattaya restaurant myself, well, I can certainly understand why you would wish that on me! (But no thanks.)

Thank Christ for that, having to put up with an owner who obviously has a chip on his shoulder and more than his fair share of bitterness is just what a restaurant can do without.

Thank you for your observation!


We at Thaiquila's Tent will be revising our attitude sometime in the next few years, discarding unproductive attitude, and adding new kinds of attitude. :geek:


May 18th, 2006, 16:37
We at Thaiquila's Tent...

since you have the name all picked out.
Sounds like you're planning a place specializing in Mexican cous-cous and nippy Noong Nooch nachos...just what Pattaya needs! :wav:
I hope you will you have Saphire gin Margaritas too!

American Teacher-old
May 19th, 2006, 01:13
To At, about your decision not to revamp your business, well, its your funeral (I mean your business).

Just more of the same nastiness, eh Thaiquila?


www.niddysnook.com (http://www.niddysnook.com)
** Home of Pattaya's Tastiest Cheeseburger! **

May 19th, 2006, 02:26
This topic and the poll is getting very boring. Can no-one scrape up a more interesting topic?

May 19th, 2006, 02:36
Perhaps, but yet ANOTHER opportunity for you to plug your cafe. You did say the check is in the mail, right?


To At, about your decision not to revamp your business, well, its your funeral (I mean your business).

Just more of the same nastiness, eh Thaiquila?


www.niddysnook.com (http://www.niddysnook.com)
** Home of Pattaya's Tastiest Cheeseburger! **

May 19th, 2006, 04:22
Well, this small town mentality from the US can only conjure up the following: Will you shut the fuck up about Niddy's?

A larger town mentality and more polite person would rephrase that as follows: Please, please, please......refrain from
the boring repetitive and snide remarks/repartee about Niddy's. We all know how you feel and we don't need to hear it a thousand times. Or, if your intent was to assist/educate the owner, I would hope you understand by now that he is more in the mold of my small town mentality......

May 19th, 2006, 04:36
Will you shut the fuck up about Niddy's?

Sure ! We must do !

www.niddysnook.com (http://www.niddysnook.com)
www.niddysnook.com (http://www.niddysnook.com)
www.niddysnook.com (http://www.niddysnook.com)
www.niddysnook.com (http://www.niddysnook.com)
www.niddysnook.com (http://www.niddysnook.com)
www.niddysnook.com (http://www.niddysnook.com)
www.niddysnook.com (http://www.niddysnook.com)
www.niddysnook.com (http://www.niddysnook.com)
www.niddysnook.com (http://www.niddysnook.com)
www.niddysnook.com (http://www.niddysnook.com)
www.niddysnook.com (http://www.niddysnook.com)
www.niddysnook.com (http://www.niddysnook.com)
www.niddysnook.com (http://www.niddysnook.com)
www.niddysnook.com (http://www.niddysnook.com)
www.niddysnook.com (http://www.niddysnook.com)
www.niddysnook.com (http://www.niddysnook.com)
www.niddysnook.com (http://www.niddysnook.com)

http://upload4.postimage.org/233110/chris_and_niddy_marriage_a1.jpg (http://upload4.postimage.org/233110/photo_hosting.html)

May 19th, 2006, 06:59
I agree, this free publicity has got to be great for Nookies.
But now it is time to stand and deliver.
If people are not wowed by their first visit, its bye bye business.
And based on the boring menu, I don't see how they can be wowed.
But I digress.
Another unsolicited suggestion to the Nookmaster, FREE!
Yes, FREE.
You should offer a FREE coupon for a FREE 200 baht meal for every NEW customer to return. I have seen this do wonders for other restaurants, but the food STILL has to be damn good, otherwise, many won't even come back for the FREE meal.

May 19th, 2006, 11:10
We are still waiting for real life LIVE REVIEWS of actual people who have tried the Nook. Don't leave out any detail. Those away from Pattaya can live the Nook experience vicarilously.

Or, perhaps, you walked by, and were too scared to walk in.

American Teacher-old
May 19th, 2006, 18:44
I agree, this free publicity has got to be great for Nookies.
But now it is time to stand and deliver.
If people are not wowed by their first visit, its bye bye business.
And based on the boring menu, I don't see how they can be wowed.
But I digress.
Another unsolicited suggestion to the Nookmaster, FREE!
Yes, FREE.
You should offer a FREE coupon for a FREE 200 baht meal for every NEW customer to return. I have seen this do wonders for other restaurants, but the food STILL has to be damn good, otherwise, many won't even come back for the FREE meal.

Yes, Thaiquila,

We all know you like free.


www.niddysnook.com (http://www.niddysnook.com)

PS - Thanks Baziel for the nice postings and the really handsome wedding picture of those two models!!!

May 19th, 2006, 23:01
Why would you assume I would come there even once?
Anyway, more FREE publicity for you, the guy who won't pay for ads.


May 20th, 2006, 10:30
It is low season and there is not a lot to talk about, so if you have nothing to say, then just say nothing......
At least Monty seems to have retired from being a restaurant critic on this forum and it is funny how he
has gone into the same niche "hamburgers" as Niddy and Mr. Put in on my Tab, adores these hamburgers
when he isn't being treated in the 5*****, 500.000.000B restaurant , dining with the "right people" and setting
up his next sucker.. I guess this is rather low too..but it is low season...
Will this thread ever end?? Maybe we need to hear how the free hamburgers taste so much better than the ones
you have to pay for?? :cat:

American Teacher-old
May 26th, 2006, 18:05
Why would you assume I would come there even once?

Mai Pen Rai.


www.niddynook.com (http://www.niddynook.com)
** Come Try Pattaya's Tastiest Cheeseburger! **

May 26th, 2006, 19:44
I doubt MONTY goes to upperclass white shoe wearing restaurants,he only has one set of clothes ,the green singlet and shorts and the pipe.

Monty have you ever been to Symphony. care to give a report of the food, prices,ambience and wine

May 26th, 2006, 23:22
Why would you assume I would come there even once?
Anyway, more FREE publicity for you, the guy who won't pay for ads.

Mai Pen Rai.


www.niddynook.com (http://www.niddynook.com)
** Come Try Pattaya's Tastiest Cheeseburger! **
You edited out the best part.

American Teacher-old
May 26th, 2006, 23:43
[You edited out the best part.

You are so amusing...and predictable. You always need to have the last word, don't you? It's funny really. Not funny -- ha, ha, but funny - pathetic.


May 26th, 2006, 23:52
I think it is BOTH of us that are predictable.
When can we expect some more spam? How is that "fusion" menu coming?

American Teacher-old
May 26th, 2006, 23:54
How is that "fusion" menu coming?

Fabulous, stay tuned.


May 26th, 2006, 23:55
How is that "fusion" menu coming?

Fabulous, stay tuned.

I am waiting.
You do know I eat there all the time. Your mystery guest.

May 27th, 2006, 01:15
We are still waiting for real life LIVE REVIEWS of actual people who have tried the Nook..

Wait no longer :alien:

I visited NN tonight with the b/f on our last night in Pattaya. Being a stranger to the area we did have a bit of difficulty in locating it but once there we were impressed by the cleanliness of the place and the overall decor was pleasant.

Although not a great lover of burgers I had the cheeseburger just to see what all the critical postings were about. B/f ate from the Thai menu. We were served in a reasonable time and thankfully by an unobtrusive waiter . No complaints whatsoever about the quality of the food nor of the quantity of the serving also the drinks are well priced

I guess that Thaiqulia and his little gang have some vested interest in posting as much critical rubbish as they can for NN's is a nice little venue to escape from the drama queens of Pattaya and certainly beats both the food and the ambience of Monty's hands down.

This is a place that can really succeed providing punters go and make up their own minds about the place and not be swayed by some of the garbage that those with a hidden agenda have posted to this board.

We will certainly be suggesting to friends that they try NN's and we will be returning on a future visit to Pattaya and I would suggest that others give it a whirl and draw their own conclusions rather than be influenced by posters who openly admit they have never eaten there.

May 27th, 2006, 01:59
" . . . I guess that Thaiqulia and his little gang have some vested interest in posting as much critical rubbish as they can . . . "
Thanks for the review Naughty, and let me tell you I'm most glad that it has come from a poster who at least seems not to have an ox to gore.
At first I thought Thaiquila was a fairly reasonable guy who had reasonably critical opinions of Niddy's. But as the anti-Niddy/anti-AT crusade carried on it has become pretty obvious that you may be correct in your suspicions above.

Seems to me that in order to maintain one's credibilty when criticising a specific business it's fairly important to state one's opinion as bluntly as possible and then let it rest at that. To keep pounding thoroughly negative points home time after time (as Thaiquila & LMTU do ad nauseum) only raises questions about their motives. Or, certainly by now, answers questions about their motives.

Cheers . . .

May 27th, 2006, 04:05
No complaints whatsoever about the quality of the food nor of the quantity of the serving also the drinks are well priced
What a glowing review! Five stars Michelin.

May 27th, 2006, 08:56
LONELY WOMBAT,you really are a fuckwit,MONTYS been to the sympothony restaurants means what? I have been there too,
You post negatives about NIDDYS NOOK,the young bloke thats running NIDDYS NOOK is a flamin battler .Its ok for you to have a go at NIDDYS NOOK ,but mention another business negatively on here and everyones breathing down your neck.

Once again you have your panty hose in a twist.

I have never ever posted a comment about Niddys Nook, never been there, not even sure where it is.

You have been one of the more destructive posters about this.

May 27th, 2006, 09:38

American Teacher-old
May 27th, 2006, 11:03
We are still waiting for real life LIVE REVIEWS of actual people who have tried the Nook..

Wait no longer :alien:

I visited NN tonight with the b/f on our last night in Pattaya. Being a stranger to the area we did have a bit of difficulty in locating it but once there we were impressed by the cleanliness of the place and the overall decor was pleasant.

Although not a great lover of burgers I had the cheeseburger just to see what all the critical postings were about. B/f ate from the Thai menu. We were served in a reasonable time and thankfully by an unobtrusive waiter . No complaints whatsoever about the quality of the food nor of the quantity of the serving also the drinks are well priced

I guess that Thaiqulia and his little gang have some vested interest in posting as much critical rubbish as they can for NN's is a nice little venue to escape from the drama queens of Pattaya and certainly beats both the food and the ambience of Monty's hands down.

This is a place that can really succeed providing punters go and make up their own minds about the place and not be swayed by some of the garbage that those with a hidden agenda have posted to this board.

We will certainly be suggesting to friends that they try NN's and we will be returning on a future visit to Pattaya and I would suggest that others give it a whirl and draw their own conclusions rather than be influenced by posters who openly admit they have never eaten there.

Thank you so much NBN. Your comments were GREATLY appreciated.


May 27th, 2006, 12:13
No complaints is the same as no compliments.
But, the spam continues ....

May 27th, 2006, 12:28
I'm not seeing any "spam" about Niddy's Nook. I'm seeing some promotion of a gay owned and operated restaurant in Pattaya by one of our contributors. I'm also seeing a lot of spitefulness and nastiness on the part of of few Nook-bashers.

May 27th, 2006, 12:30
No spam?

Drop By Niddy's Nook Bar & Cafe -- Soi Day Night just down the street from the Day Night Hotel!
Free Wireless Internet
Great Food, Specialty Cocktails
Daily Set Bargain Menu
Monthly Coupon Discounts
On-line Store - Send cash transfers fast & cheap!
www.niddysnook.com (http://www.niddysnook.com)

May 27th, 2006, 12:41
Members are allowed to include links and comments promoting their business in their signatures. If it is an on-topic business, all the more better.

For example, I am promoting an affiliate program for a paid software download that helps users to circumvent censorship. It is not particularly relevant to "gay Thailand", but I include it because I think it may be of use or at least interest to some of our members. All members can feel free to do likewise. In American Teacher's case, he is using his signature to promote his Pattaya restaurant. That is even better, as it is of specific interest and relevance to those seeking information about "gay Thailand". All I ask as far as signatures go is just don't make them so they take up more space than five or six lines or so of normal-sized text would.

May 27th, 2006, 13:18
[let me tell you I'm most glad that it has come from a poster who at least seems not to have an ox to gore.
At first I thought Thaiquila was a fairly reasonable guy who had reasonably critical opinions of Niddy's. But as the anti-Niddy/anti-AT crusade carried on it has become pretty obvious that you may be correct in your suspicions above.
You are correct Smiles, I have no interest in promoting either business. I speak as I find and it that meets with the dissaproval of others then so be it.

Had it not been for the furore on these boards over the NN/Monty's saga then we would probably not have ventured to either establishment as we would not have known of them.

AFAIAA I have never met either Monty or AT, so apart from my interest as a customer I have no hidden agenda in commenting on either establishment. It is each to his own and punters have to make up their own minds as to which one they prefer.

It is blatantly obvious that Thaiquila has some agenda that would be achived it NN's were to close, maybe someone else has realised the potential of NN's and would like to move in but would need to get AT out first?

May 27th, 2006, 13:24
I guess you are right, the signatures are OK, and your product sounds interesting.
Chris regularly does his "press releases" and that surely is blatant spam, but if that is OK with you, you are the board owner, and you of course can allow it if you want.

I have no agenda about NN's business except to promote better dining experiences for gays in Pattaya. If I was crazy enough to start a business in Pattaya, I wouldn't touch that smelly pit area where so many other businesses have met their demises.
I give NN another year, MAX.

May 27th, 2006, 13:28
No complaints whatsoever about the quality of the food nor of the quantity of the serving also the drinks are well priced
What a glowing review! Five stars Michelin.

I am pleased you enjoyed it.

Anyone with an iota of intelligence can see that your agenda (with others) is to try and destroy NN's business.

Grow up and stop being a bitter old queen and if you don't like AT's posting use the ignore button. But then that would not suit your agenda would it? Your postings in this thread are perceived as those of a spoilt child who has lost his dummy.

May 27th, 2006, 13:33
When the Nook closes, it will have nothing to do with me. In fact, I have probably done way more good for the promotion of this place than anyone, including AT. I ain't that old either.

May 27th, 2006, 15:53
When the Nook closes, it will have nothing to do with me. In fact, I have probably done way more good for the promotion of this place than anyone, including AT. I ain't that old either.

Collins English Dictionary:

1 [C or U] activities to advertise something.
2 [U] when something is encouraged to happen or develop.

In your comments about Niddy's were you trying to advertise (persuading people to buy the product) or were you encouraging the devlopment of Niddy's? Either way, I am sure Chris is eternallly grateful :geek:

May 27th, 2006, 21:12
Everyone needs to be in a "group" for you?

May 27th, 2006, 21:26
I think its time to give this place a go,and NAUGHTY BUT NICE,I appreciate your comments and im sure everybody else does on establishments you have been to,whether they be negative ,without being nasty /spiteful,and your positive comments.

As you say it is easy to give personal opinions about any establishment without being spiteful or nasty. As for myself I speak as I find and obviously some people will disagree with those opinions which is of course their God given right.

However holding an opposite opinion does not IMHO give someone the right to post spiteful comments which to all and sundry are obviously being made without any personal experience of the establishment or are geared towards trying to destroy the business for one's own personal agenda.

As I posted, I personally much prefer the amibience and food at NN's over that at Monty's but others will of course prefer the more theatrical atmosphere created by some of the overacting inffemminate drama queens and the food at Monty's. Great that is what makes the world go round. If I wish to be entertained I wil go over to Alcazar but when I go for something to eat I personally prefer an atmosphere that is conducive to a relaxing time when I can talk to my companion without the sceeching banshees we encountered at Monty's.

Postings such as those of Thaiquila on the subject do little to convince one that there is any credibilty in his other postings. But if that is the immature way the guy wishes to act then fine, but his bitchy attitude does little to encourage people to read anything genuine into his other diatribe. He obviously feels the need to see his name on the screen even when he has nothing but spite to add to a thread. In my mind that is indicative of a very insecure person who feels the need to be 'seen' at whatever cost whilst contributing little of substance to the boards.

May 27th, 2006, 21:34
You all are free to make your own judgements, and I understand why I am perceived as nasty in regards to the brassy Nookies joint, but if you look at the totality of my posts and come to the conclusion that I haven't contributed good content to this board (versus the almost exclusive SACHARINE spam of AT) then I really question your credibility.

I don't own any competing business, I can assure you of that.

May 27th, 2006, 21:52
I don't own any competing business, I can assure you of that.

We all sure you not able to own any business ! As well i think about running hell !

May 27th, 2006, 21:57
I don't own any competing business, I can assure you of that.

We all sure you not able to own any business ! As well i think about running hell !
Come try our Hamburger/Cheeseburger at Niddy's Nook. An American Original -- plump, juicy & delicious. You won't be sorry!!


May 27th, 2006, 22:04
I don't own any competing business, I can assure you of that.

We all sure you not able to own any business ! As well i think about running hell !
Come try our Hamburger/Cheeseburger at Niddy's Nook. An American Original -- plump, juicy & delicious. You won't be sorry!!


Hey Thaiquila, my name is Chris, same AT, try to ficht me,
You won't be sorry!!

May 27th, 2006, 22:35
I don't care what your name is and as far as fichting you, are you cute?

American Teacher-old
May 28th, 2006, 01:56
I don't care what your name is and as far as fichting you, are you cute?

Yes he is. Go for it.

May 28th, 2006, 04:49
Having just returned from my 7 week adventure in PTY, I ve been too busy to read most of the recent posts here, but this one is hilarious.

I stopped in Niddy's for the first time a few weeks ago as I was drifting around with a little time to kill. Honestly, the only reason I went in was because I spotted this boy bending over cleaning a table and I liked his ass. OK, maybe I was a little hungry, but the main motivating factor that made me walk through those doors WAS HIS ASS.

I wasn't disappointed in the least when he turned to great me. I think his name was Nan or Mam, could be mistaking, but he was cute as hell with that heavenly piercing SMILE that only grows in Thailand.

I was immediately impressed with the cleanliness and decor and decided to try a cheeseburger. The service was a bit too responsive for me as I wanted more time to seduce the waiter, but to my disappointment, my meal was served in a flash. The food was great and I felt very comfortable with the atmosphere...not something I can say for many of the bars and restaurants in the Sunee/Day Night area.

I have no idea what all this bullshit is about on this post, but I look forward to visiting Niddy's again during my next holiday. Maybe Nan or Mam, or whatever his name is, likes to dance.

mai pen rai

May 28th, 2006, 05:48
I have no idea what all this bullshit is about on this post,

Nobody has any idea what all this bullshit is, but it has a name, named : Thaiquila

May 28th, 2006, 06:58
I have no idea what all this bullshit is about on this post,

Nobody has any idea what all this bullshit is, but it has a name, named : Thaiquila
WOW, so it now seems my diabolical plan to SAVE the Nookery has worked! Haven't you ever heard of the "good cop, bad cop" ploy? Bunch of rubes on this board! Enjoy your cheeseburgers! And don't be a cheap steak, Chrisly, buy a COCK TAIL! Give me Five, American Teacher!

REMEMBER: There is no such thing as bad publicity, just make sure you get the name right.

Niddy's Nook: arguably the best known gay restaurant in Pattaya
and arguably the worst.

May 28th, 2006, 08:17
Give me Five, American Teacher!
He did ! Haven't you seen ?

May 28th, 2006, 08:34
Give me Five, American Teacher!
He did ! Haven't you seen ?
I don't catch your meaning?

May 28th, 2006, 16:01
I don't catch your meaning?

You don't ? Try harder Thaiquila !

May 28th, 2006, 22:39
I don't catch your meaning?

You don't ? Try harder Thaiquila !
Maybe you don't understand American slang.

May 29th, 2006, 07:47
Give me Five, American Teacher!
I believe this has to do with "fisting"

May 29th, 2006, 07:55
Give me Five, American Teacher!
I believe this has to do with "fisting"

In particular case I dont believe that is what it means. :)

How about "give me five" clap hands, "great job"


American Teacher-old
May 30th, 2006, 00:45
Give me Five, American Teacher!
Niddy's Nook: the best known gay restaurant in Pattaya

Give you FIVE? FIVE of Pattaya's famous "Tastiest Cheeseburgers?" My Thaiquila, you are becoming a BIG girl!


www.niddysnook.com (http://www.niddysnook.com)

May 30th, 2006, 00:51
All of this is much better than a trashy American soap opera !!


May 30th, 2006, 01:11
Give me Five, American Teacher!
Niddy's Nook: the best known gay restaurant in Pattaya

Give you FIVE? FIVE of Pattaya's famous "Tastiest Cheeseburgers?" My Thaiquila, you are becoming a BIG girl!


www.niddysnook.com (http://www.niddysnook.com)
How could ANYONE stop at just ONE?
Love ya

May 30th, 2006, 18:33
For those getting tired of this thread and even for those who enjoy kicking a dead horse (no horsemeat pun intended), I dined over at
Ole's recently and had a great meal for relatively little money..Ole's is a big elegant French restaurant in Day Night area, very close to
the more famous Niddy's Nook..
I had dinner there in the first week or two Ole was in business and it was a disaster.. The place was busy and the staff was clueless..We waited
forever and the food was nothing special and the dining experience was a torture.. BUT,,, now I am happy to report that thngs have greatly
improved and frankly I was convinced by a close friend to give it another try... I went with one of the specials, priced about 100B. more than
the open air little French places, but well worth it..

That nite, I had superb French onion soup, ..It was lite and very tasty.. every spoonful was a treat...
The main course was BBQ pork and it was divine, served beautifully with great concern to appearance and taste.. I was getting excited about
the deserts and went with a chocolate black and white one that melted in my mouth and was pure pleasure.. The house wine was fine and well priced
and I am happy to report that Ole has got its act together and food, service and the hospitality of the French owners, with free appetizers and
sincere concerns for our dining experience..
It is only fair to applaud a great meal after complaining about a bad one... OLE OLE!!!

May 31st, 2006, 12:15
Ole's sounds great, but really:
Do they have Niddy?
Do they have a gay chihauhua?
Do they have all American cheeseburgers?
I think not.
Lets get back on topic: the fabulous Niddy's Nook, home of the Cheeseburger in Paradise, with the special promotion, if you can eat five cheeseburgers in less than an hour (including the fries, no cheating) the entire feast will be ON THE HOUSE!
If you can't, you must pay DOUBLE (but only if you are a farang).

Please, folks, lets continue to hear all those fabu raves about everyone's favorite hangout, Niddy's Nook, the burger joint that makes life worth living, a culinary revolution about to explode with the new fusion menu, the New York Times food reviewer is boarding the jet as we speak ...

May 31st, 2006, 13:17
Ole's sounds great, but really:
Do they have Niddy?
Do they have a gay chihauhua?
Do they have all American cheeseburgers?
I think not.
Lets get back on topic: the fabulous Niddy's Nook, home of the Cheeseburger in Paradise, with the special promotion, if you can eat five cheeseburgers in less than an hour (including the fries, no cheating) the entire feast will be ON THE HOUSE!
If you can't, you must pay DOUBLE (but only if you are a farang).

Please, folks, lets continue to hear all those fabu raves about everyone's favorite hangout, Niddy's Nook, the burger joint that makes life worth living, a culinary revolution about to explode with the new fusion menu, the New York Times food reviewer is boarding the jet as we speak ...

Is it irony or is it sarcasm - I can never tell. Whatever it is, you are managing to raise a little chuckle these days Thaiquila.

May 31st, 2006, 13:22
Thank you, FM.

Is it irony or is it sarcasm, or could it actually be something else entirely different?

That my friend, is in the eye of the cheeseburger eater, and come to think of it, what better place to enjoy an All American old fashioned cheesburger than Niddy's Nook, in newly tony Soi Day Night?