View Full Version : A Thai Boys Self-Image

March 12th, 2012, 01:51
This 'saving face"phenomenon is not reserved for Thais only, can also find it in any "poor"country where straight young uneducated white males are plentiful but have few opportunities...and I put poor in inverted commas on purpose because I've just come back from Evansville Indiana where one can cruise past a trailer park and buy one for almost nothing....
A female can always marry up...no such luck for a male...what else must some country boy from Isaan do if he wants to escape hot hard work in the rice paddies...or construction site...can't even get a job at a convenoence store because he probably can't even read and write well enough...so ut's straight to plan C...
Dear leader you are now most welcome to ban me for another 30 days....

March 12th, 2012, 02:12
so this trailor park ... does it have a sign outside.. with a picture of a boy for sale ??? or do you just wander in with a few dollars in your hand shouting out .. who wants to earn some money by being my slave for a few hours ??
maybe there is a trailor park trash website where you can buy a boy before you go there .... do tell !!

March 12th, 2012, 03:31
Latintopxxx Wrote:

I've just come back from Evansville Indiana where one can cruise past a trailer park and buy one for almost nothing....

I don't ever respond to any of your comments because frankly, I think you're an idiot, but just this once I will.

I conduct frequent business trips to Evansville - know the town like the back of my hand - and can assure the readers here that you are (as always) full of shit. I believe if you were cruising those areas looking for sex-for-pay you would probably have been shot.

I think DaBoss should ban you for 90 days just for the hell of it.

March 12th, 2012, 21:03
This was my 1st visit, 6 days in total, picked up a boy (18+) in a walmart picking lot (looking for work??) and another at "some place else"...both lived in the same trailor park, I dropped them off at the same place after the deed...only the walmart boy was looking for payment..

March 13th, 2012, 05:56
Latin, we don't need or want to listen to your masturbation fantasies.

Don't worry darling, masturbation fantasies are ok. They're healthy! But let's make sure we use our "inner voice" to express them, not our "outer voice", ok? :-)