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March 10th, 2012, 16:57
What's the beef with the Russians? I live in a condo where many Russians have moved in and they seem no less pleasant than any other group. Besides, those younger guys provide plenty of eye candy when sharing an elevator. I suppose the Russians have their share of ill mannered citizens, but from my observations, no more so than any other nationality.Geez, RichLB over the years you have contributed so much good info on the forums and I have always appreciated and respected much of what you say, but on Russians I can't agree. If you are an expat maybe you have 'got used' to their 'ways' but I find they have a way higher 'share' of ill mannered citizens than any other western based nationality. As a visitor I find them obnoxious where ever i come across them. One can only reach a conclusion or give comments based on one's own experiences with Russians and in Thailand mine are mostly negative.

Patong in Phuket is now becoming a Russian enclave as is Pattaya, and the only good thing about them there is that their ignorance and terrible attitude is an advantage to them when dealing with tuktuks and rip-off merchants, they talk to tuktuk drivers bluntly and dont take any shit. (about time these tuktuk bandits met their match!) I had absolutely NO problems whatsoever in Phuket on a recent visit with any Thai rip-off merchants, the only 'incident' being a group of 4 young Russians in a karaoke where as usual they caused trouble, were arrogant and ignorant, and of course challenged the bill at the end of their 'stay'.

BUT in general day-to-day contact with them esp in Pattaya always throws up some kind of problem. The most annoying being their disregard for queing, for barging in whatever the situation, sure there is 'eye candy' but for me who is tired of seeing pasty-white skin as it surrounds me every day back home, i come to Thailand for the darker thai boys skin, now that is eye candy! But Russian bluntness and bad manners are beyond acceptable. Fair enough if a westerner doesn't like gays or is homophobic, as long as he doens't throw it in my face it's not a problem for me, but these arrogant Russians dont think twice about insulting western gay or gay thai to their face or in front of an audience, showing that in general they are nothing more than ignorant ill-mannered oafs. Making fun and a fool of a Thai katoey on a Songtaew in front of other passengers on a trip to Jomtien was disgraceful, even though they talked Russian everybody knew exactly what was going on. I was going to list the instances of Russian ill-manners, but it is far too long for this post.

Still it is refreshing to come across someone who has the opinion that Russians In Pattaya to be no more problematic than any other nationality, maybe their attitude is changing, or maybe you are specifically referring to Russians in View Taley condos who do not reflect the attitude of many of their countrymen in Pattaya and Patong.

March 10th, 2012, 17:20
I think Newalaan also forgot to mention which group of people as a nation are constantly given their bills to pay right way when served at bars or the beach because they hide their bills, try and walk off without paying them and all sorts of things. The question I always find myself asking is, is this type of behavior acceptable in Russia? Can i go there for free hotel rooms, services, drinks and food? :dontknow:

March 10th, 2012, 18:06
Newalaan I was going to quote you but resisted it.

Please give me actual circumstances of Russians in gay bars. Nowhere else.

I know about not paying--what else?

March 10th, 2012, 18:13
First of all, welcome back Lonely as we haven't seen you for about 2 months. I do hope you don't mind me poking my nose into something you asked of another but how about when 2 Russian men and a Russian "lady" came into my bar a year and a half ago, ordered drinks and then found out that the show was over 1 1/2 hours earlier refused to pay for thier drinks. When they were told that they needed to pay for the drinks they had ordered they threw glasses and bottles and broke mirrors in the bar.
PS. This was Christmas Eve night and the bar needed to be closed to clean and fix. Happy F...ing Christmas due to selfish Russians!
Are you saying that just not paying bills everywhere they go and rude incidents here and there are not enough to get a reputation?

March 10th, 2012, 20:03
Although I have personally never experienced in Pattaya or anywhere in Thailand for that matter poor Russian behavior it would not surprise me in the least. My ex of 8 years was a Russian/Ukrainian from Belarus and having experienced him, his family and various things in Belarus and Russia the personalities tend to be a bit ruff and can come off as insulting. Smiling is regarded as what people do that are stupid. They also have a very low opinion of Asians in general. These are not my observations they are directly statements of my ex. My ex is a heavy drinker and simply put, loves to fight and argue...which caused our break-up. However we are still friends and he comes to Thailand twice a year for drinking and whoring.
He has softened and westernized at this point (due to his job in the USA) and he is a blast to be with in a party environment. He hates being around Russians, lol.
My only two bad experiences in Thailand have been in Pattaya with drunk straight Australians on baht buses.

March 10th, 2012, 20:05
Newalaan I was going to quote you but resisted it.Please give me actual circumstances of Russians in gay bars. Nowhere else.I know about not paying--what else? Resisted why? I dont know if you were going to 'quote' me to contradict or agree, but don't worry I'm all grown up I can accept either on this anonymous forum.

Quite a few instances of Russian ill-manners and disrespect. First the stingy/kee-nieow aspect. From the waiters at Panorama, Plaa, Oh and others. The Russian customers will turn up in fours or fives, they will open a bottle or half bottle from the bar, but on the night and subsequent visits with the SAME bottle they will be topping it up from half-bottles bought from friendship/7-11 and STILL expecting FREE mixers to mix with their sneaked-in booze. Then they almost NEVER pay an off from the bar. If they want a boy to go to NAB or somewhere they only get invited if they pay their OWN Bt250 off or go after hours. Sometimes the invited waiters are actually expected to chip-in a share for the final bill at NAB or Dave Man. Then until they find out who to trust, there are the young Russian customers who take a waiter long time and do NOT expect to have to pay a tip in the morning because they consider themselves SO cute, other than Bt50 for Motocy or Bt50 for breakfast. One boy said he was absolutely refused a tip next morning, practically told to 'get out' so has never gone with a Russian again. That is one of their main problems, the Russians have such brass-necks, they simply do not care if they are causing problems.

I will give only my most recent personal experience with them in a Patong, Phuket karaoke bar. I have mentioned in in another thread. But for you Lonely i'll repeat it with details. The bars had closed sharply in Patong due to police orders. so a party of 4 young Russians arrived in our karaoke. Already a Q for songs and all other tables taken, so it was busy. The first annoyance was their loud Russian chatter which drowned out! yes drowned out! the karaoke songs. Then their DEMANDS for service...hey you! come fucking here now! we need served! to a waiter infront of all. Four bacardi breezers! you UNDERSTAND four bacardi breezers QUICK! Lemon! fucking understand LEMON! not anything else! Then they started to make fun of a couple of customers, loudly laughing. Then decided to sing their OWN awful version of an english song OVER the current karaoke song, everybody just looked at them in astonishment. Then they started 'borrowing' ciggs from waiters, us, or anybody who had a packet lying on the table. Now, most other customers were going outside or the waiters to the back for a smoke, ok there were one or two customers having a sneaky smoke inside, but these Russians openly puffed away ignorantly ignoring all around them.

They did however take note of me when i told them if they want to sing there is a Q and have to wait and that it is very bad manners to sing when others are having their turn, they understood THAT alright! They also understood that they ask FIRST if they can have a ciggarette, as they were just helping themseves while saying "this ok is it? it's only one cigarette!" and taking a cigarette from our table, I dont smoke and they were not my ciggs but that of one of my party, so i told them straight. No apology though, just mumbled Russian and a look. Everyone was hoping they would go as they were dampening the atmosphere, but no! yet another round of bacardi breezers. All through their time there it was veiled threats, "this a problem for you ha?" when anyone challenged them along with an 'attitude' which stank to high-heaven. I did answer once that it would be if they didn't shut up. Of course if they HAD pushed it they wouldn't have had a chance against the waiters and customers. But they totally disrupted the whole time of their visit.

And at the end...yes the bill. Only one 'check' in the bin, the other magically appearing when a second waiter remembered they had two rounds and challenged them. Then claims of only 6 bottles not 8, our two friends not have second drink! then "this not how much we were told for one bottle!" Then about another half-hour before they 'collected' twenties, fifties and hundred baht notes from eachother which were crumpled and thrown on the table, and they only paid up because about 6 waiters and customers stood up and surrounded them.

It was close to a confrontation and fight, according to the waiters after the russians had gone, they told me they were giving them 5 minutes more if they had not paid up the money would have been taken from them by force i'm sure. So an evening for about 20-30 people spoiled by four Russians, as well as the face-losing, the ill feeling and the 'almost' fight. This on only my second night in Patong which had been trouble free and great fun up to then. As I said I have a long list of actual instances but too long to post on every situation. I can't believe others have not come across problematic Russians.

March 11th, 2012, 01:23
Tonight 3 young Russian boys and a girl came to the bar and went inside. They all had some beers and laughed and had a great time with us. They said they would be back Sunday night. See! There are some Russians that are nice wonderful people but for some real strange reason, it just does not seem like they are in the majority! :blackeye:

March 11th, 2012, 06:40
Tonight 3 young Russian boys and a girl came to the bar and went inside. They all had some beers and laughed and had a great time with us. They said they would be back Sunday night. See there are some Russians that are nice wonderful people but for some real strange reason, it just does not seem like they are in the majority! :blackeye:

I just watched a show about how the Russians were angry that their best hockey players were in other countries so they offered some of the best players millions to play in their newly formed league.
They were very proud of the league with the best players....it cost them a fortune to aquire them so they cut expenses elsewhere but unfortunately they cut the cost of air travel to the bone and used ancient planes with unproven pilots.
Sure enough their best players were all killed in a crash, with just one of the crew surviving. I think they call the planes yuks. Be careful which airline you use if it's a Russian one.

March 11th, 2012, 08:20
I completely agree with newaly, the Russians are the most vile people I have ever encountered. They are loud, rude, arrogant, cheap, and can be smelly. This is only my personal opinion, but I think the Russians are even more disgusting than deleted. They share the same characteristics in personality, and hygiene and really the only difference is the deleted. I'm sure Bossy would rather have deleted in his bar rather than a Disruptive Russian.

I find it appalling that 4 Russian's spoiled the whole night in a bar for all the patrons who were there to have a good time and a good time only. I think it's wonderful that the whole bar came together as one and circled around them; this will show them that us homosexuals will no longer put up with anymore Russian BS!

I will agree however, that some Russian boys are very handsome, who would want to put up with the anger and cheapness that most seem to possess? Certainly not me. I would rather have a lovely velvety brown-skinned Thai beauty any day of the week. I'm sure there are some lovely Russians and deleted, but as Bossy puts it, some groups of people deserve the reputation they get, it doesn't mean every person of that race is vile, but I understand what many are saying about the reputation they get.

some incidents here and there are not enough to get a reputation?

March 11th, 2012, 08:22
I am in Pattaya at the moment, pleasant to see most Russian charter flights have ended for the season, 1 in 10 farang are Russian instead of usual 7 out of 10, reminds me of the Pattaya,10 years ago. The Russians I know in America donтАЩt like being around other Russians when on holiday, example Costa Rica now has chartered flights from Moscow.

ItтАЩs the rudeness, confrontation and lack of respect of Thai culture/people that is most upsetting for me, although see this from other tourists including Americans. Course, me offing a Thai lad is not much different.

There is an interesting book by Danzig Baldaev, called тАЬDrawings from the GulagтАЭ helped me understand the tragic consequences the Russian people endured during communist rule, somewhat similar to where America is headed under the current socialist, anti capitalist movement under obama.

If you are looking for a Russian free zone, consider Hua Hin, full of northern Europeans, pleasant beaches, good food, but lacks the usual gogo& beer clubs, not allowed in the Kings province.

March 11th, 2012, 08:29
First of all, welcome back Lonely as we haven't seen you for about 2 months. Not to get too far off topic and I do hope you don't mind me poking my nose into something you asked of another but how about when 2 Russian men and a Russian "lady" came into my bar a year and a half ago, ordered drinks and then when they found out that the show was over 1 1/2 hours earlier refused to pay for thier drinks. When they were told that they needed

I posted 20 times in Feb and a handful of times in March, do I have to post every day! I do not always have computer access.

It was interesting to read Crabby the former owner of Corner bar make this comment about Russians on GB's board.

I really liked my Russian customers. They were young, handsome, well educated, and liked to get VERY drunk. Yes they got loud, but it was usually very late at night and having a raucous good time is part of the fun at a bar. When we were at dinner together, they were always polite gentlemen. A few of them even slept with me, for free! Fat old fart getting a free young and hung Russian, put them WAY up on my list. I hate to see any group stereotyped, be they Russian, German, American, Arab, black, Jewish, or gay. Judge the individual.

Thank you for your post Klong. After Americans, Germans, and Brits I now also have to put Russians on my best avoided list when in Thailand. Now I only need to develop a dislike for Thai people and I could spend future trips to Thailand in blissful isolation.

Whenever I read these comments about Russians in Thailand I wonder whether these people have actually ever met any Russian in person. I personally couldn't care less what nationality any tourist in Thailand is. There are good and bad people in every country. As far as Russians are concerned - I still have fond memories of a school trip to Russia about 30 years ago.


March 11th, 2012, 08:34
...but I think the Russians are even more disgusting than deleted people. They share the same characteristics in personality, and hygiene and really the only difference is the skin color. I'm sure Bossy would rather have a deleted in his bar rather than a Disruptive Russian.

Your comment is racist and offensive.

I had to agree and that was why I deleted that comment but as I soon as I did so, I realized, being racist about Russian people who do have control over their behavior have no control over where they were born this just opens the door to more and more prejudices which was what we see happened.

March 11th, 2012, 08:36
im not a great fan of the russians .. but if they are causing that much trouble in a bar that the staff cant handle it.. the customers cant handle it .. then hello ... throw the fuckers out .. dont sit there moaning and giving dirty looks .. simples .. im sure all the agro isnt worth it at the end of the day.

March 11th, 2012, 08:38
OK we have all gone way off topic and so have I.

March 11th, 2012, 09:59
First they came for the Arab's.
Then they came for the Russian's
Now they come for me.

Lucky for me I focus on the wonderful things in life :bis:

When using text or basic outline text of another person, please identify and say it was copied. The general text is as follows:

First they came for the comunists.
I did not speak out because I wasn't a comunist.

Then they came for the trade unionists
and I did not speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews
and I did not speak out because I wasn't a Jew.

Then they came for me
and there was no one left to speak out for me.

Martin Niem├╢ller (1892тАУ1984)

March 11th, 2012, 14:48
The most frequently encountered example of Russian bad manners is their habit of splaying their legs to take up two spaces each on crowded songtaos and refusing to shift up to allow others a seat.

March 11th, 2012, 18:31
The most frequently encountered example of Russian bad manners is their habit of splaying their legs....

If it's a female sitting open-legged at least she will keep the flies off your ice-lolly.


March 11th, 2012, 19:23
The majority of this whole blog is just plain racism and should be deleted, you can't tar and stereotype 139 million with one brush when you are all basing your experience on no doubt a tiny number of a certain type of people who happen to frequent pattaya - that's like saying all the lower working class people who frequent Blackpool or Benidorm or the likes mean that ALL English / UK citizens are of a certain type and that's just not true - its just pure racism - not cool.

March 11th, 2012, 19:33
i think you will find most people on here are relation personal experiance rather than bashing a whole nation ..
tho i think it fair you can only judge a nation on the people you meet from it .
im sure there are some nice russains ... and who knows maybe one day they may visit pattaya .. but for now we will just have to put up with the dregs they send !

March 11th, 2012, 20:27
We were recently in Koh Chiang and the 'Eastern Europeans' were a bunch of low class thugs. Not that Koh Chiang is exactly a gay resort, but they were an ugly pushy addition to what was once a beautiful place. :angry5: :glasses7:

March 11th, 2012, 22:25
First they came for the Arab's.
Then they came for the Russian's
Now they come for me.

Lucky for me I focus on the wonderful things in life :bis:

When using text or basic outline text of another person, please identify and say it was copied. The general text is as follows:

First they came for the comunists.
I did not speak out because I wasn't a comunist.

Then they came for the trade unionists
and I did not speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews
and I did not speak out because I wasn't a Jew.

Then they came for me
and there was no one left to speak out for me.

Martin Niem├╢ller (1892тАУ1984)

I had that passage in mind but didn't quote it fully or exactly because it didn't apply to me fully or exactly. I agree that a direct quote should be give sourced and credited. :hello2:

March 11th, 2012, 22:55
.... all the lower working class people who frequent Blackpool or Benidorm or the likes .......


March 11th, 2012, 23:03
First they came for the Arab's.
Then they came for the Russian's
Now they come for me.

Lucky for me I focus on the wonderful things in life :bis:

When using text or basic outline text of another person, please identify and say it was copied. The general text is as follows:

First they came for the comunists.
I did not speak out because I wasn't a comunist.

Then they came for the trade unionists
and I did not speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews
and I did not speak out because I wasn't a Jew.

Then they came for me
and there was no one left to speak out for me.

Martin Niem├╢ller (1892тАУ1984)

I had that passage in mind but didn't quote it fully or exactly because it didn't apply to me fully or exactly. I agree that a direct quote should be give sourced and credited. :hello2: We arn't going for them,they are coming at us!!

March 12th, 2012, 04:51
The majority of this whole blog is just plain racism and should be deleted, you can't tar and stereotype 139 million with one brush when you are all basing your experience on no doubt a tiny number of a certain type of people who happen to frequent pattaya - that's like saying all the lower working class people who frequent Blackpool or Benidorm or the likes mean that ALL English / UK citizens are of a certain type and that's just not true - its just pure racism - not cool.

Years ago, before Daboss took over the board there was a big kerfuffle going on as related to racism and racist posts on the board. During that time I was even called a N_gger by a certain few board members. It got so bad that some have left the board never to return. I remember one Asian poster in particular who left the board never too return.

I too was tempted to leave but I had my reasons for staying. And yes, I still run into racism and racial hate here form time to time.

When I get mad I remember that the Thai's have to face racism in their own country from those that come here for sex with them, so I am able to shake off my anger, sit back, reach down deep and find pity for them. :ssmile:

March 12th, 2012, 05:39
The most frequently encountered example of Russian bad manners is their habit of splaying their legs....

If it's a female sitting open-legged at least she will keep the flies off your ice-lolly.
An absolutely disgusting and sexist joke! No serious, I like your sense of humor, you made me laugh twice today. (But I don't like smileys - especially animated ones, but the common ones are bad enough - , that's why I always delete them when I quote someone. Upps, I hope you don't start adding smileys when you quote me!)

March 12th, 2012, 08:05
somewhat similar to where America is headed under the current socialist, anti capitalist movement under obama.
I am perplexed at how you reached this illogical conclusion. Perhaps just right-wing gibberish.

March 12th, 2012, 08:20
The majority of this whole blog is just plain racism and should be deleted
Are you trying to call Russians a "race"? I don't think they qualify for that designation.

March 12th, 2012, 08:54
The majority of this whole blog is just plain racism and should be deleted
Are you trying to call Russians a "race"? I don't think they qualify for that designation.

No, of course you are correct that they are not a "race" in the true meaning of word, however they are of course a distinct cultural / ethnic grouping of people and so the term racism as I used was IMHO correct, however I would have thought the intent of my comment would have been more important than any actual individual word used perhaps no?

March 12th, 2012, 08:57
I think Newalaan also forgot to mention which group of people as a nation are constantly given their bills to pay right way when served at bars or the beach because they hide their bills, try and walk off without paying them and all sorts of things. The question I always find myself asking is, is this type of behavior acceptable in Russia? Can i go there for free hotel rooms, services, drinks and food? :dontknow:
No -you cannot.
1: it may amaze a lot of you, (and this will be yet another new cause of misunderstanding and flaming me) but behind that brown/white skin Russky and Thai have much, much more in common in ways to behave and ways they think. Russky are asians in a white skin. Think of"" take any opportunity given to the max for cheating''.
2. I wanted to post some time ago-I think that was also newalaan in his ''defend Phuket post''-but here we go then-<will also answer daBossJustme>
After the victorious red hammer and sickle and all that fell, Russia turned into wild-west capitalism-not quite unlike TH. For the consumer it meant they were DIStrusted from the start of. In niteclubs etc in RU you pay BEFORE-and if you look like you are ''unusually rich with the money to throw'' then you lay down the odd 100/200US$ bills (or Eur-or whatever) beforehand -and will demanded a fresh supply of those if the bills runs higher. NOTHING there is given on credit- you buy a house-you come with a bagfull of neat cash to pay for it. MOst things are sold via kiosks-with just a tiny hole in them (understandable re wheather/frost) and you point in what you eant and put in some note-and most of times the desired thing comes out with the correct change. Cheating with that is very uncommon. it is also comon in crowded buses to just hand over a bill and have it pass via 100+ other pax to someone taking money-and ticket+right change comes back same way.
Thus those Russky in TH are simply doing what any Thai would also do: grab any way out in deceit.
Sorry-I am not specifically defending Russky. I have been there-both before and after the fallofthewall and am close friends with people who come there regularly (from the US embassy). I only want to -hopefully understandable if you are not too prejudiced already- paint the picture of how others look at it. A smart manager adapts his bisnis-style according. Also no time now to read this long topic-maybe it is double up.
And yes-it seems to be a very universal topic among west-europeans. In my country some time ago there was a big cry-out when some tr-tours started to promote ''Russian free'' Hotel stays on the Turkish coast. Also due to popular demand.

March 12th, 2012, 09:15
Are you saying the Thais arent racist I run into racist Thais all the time they particularly dont like Indians and Saudis and many of them think farang are all borderline kissing in public and so on.

March 12th, 2012, 20:14
Regardless of what the Irish gentleman thinks, the actions of the Ruskies we have visiting Thailand are how we form our opinions about them and they are not people who behave in a good manner. In fact, they appear to have awful manners. I think that saying the truth does not make anyone racist or wrong. It's just the truth.

March 13th, 2012, 01:59
Regardless of what the Irish gentleman thinks, the actions of the Ruskies we have visiting Thailand are how we form our opinions about them and they are not people who behave in a good manner. In fact, they appear to have awful manners. I think that saying the truth does not make anyone racist or wrong. It's just the truth.

You've hit the nail on the head there - you can of course most certainly form opinions about the people you meet, but to then enlarge that opinion and paint it on to the other 138.9 million Russian people that you have not met and tar them all with the one brush is of course a whole different matter - and that's the truth :-)

That's like saying you've perhaps met 200 Black / White / Thai / Asian / Gay / Straight / Whatever type of people in your life, so it must then follow that both ALL of those people and also all the millions of other people just like them must all be exactly the same! No one would do that of course as that would be simply ridiculous, but yet we seem to be happy enough to do it here?

I don't doubt that some or even perhaps all of the Russian people we have all met at different times in Pattaya or the like were not as perhaps we would have liked them to be, but can we really state that ALL Russian people are then the same, I think not - at least I should hope not? I mean that would be like saying that all Irish people are shocking eejits, who all drink too much, sing at the drop of a hat when drunk and can't even manage to live on the same island together without wanting to kill each other ........oh hold on......perhaps scrub that last thought ! lol :-) .........see, who SAY'S I don't have a sense of humour Pennyboy ! lol ;-)

March 13th, 2012, 03:21
As a southern Irish guy, I have to support NIguy on this one. I have no experience of Russians in Pattaya (or anywhere else, for that matter), but many of the comments here are racist (using the word in its widest, everyday sense). Reminds me of the "Brits on the piss" tag that many attribute to holidaymakers in certain parts of Spain. A tiny minority may be a problem, but it's wrong to label a whole country based on that.

March 13th, 2012, 04:06
I mean that would be like saying that all Irish people are shocking eejits, who all drink too much, sing at the drop of a hat when drunk and can't even manage to live on the same island together without wanting to kill each other

It is 4 am as I reading thisand was laughing through my blurry eyed vision and was saying..."you mean like NIrish?' and then I looked up and saw who wrote it!! :sign5:

March 13th, 2012, 06:05
To be sure, we wouldn't want to stereotype the Irish:


March 13th, 2012, 09:34
To be sure, we wouldn't want to stereotype the Irish:

Actually I think you'll find that that should be "to be sure TO BE SURE" - I mean if you're going to the bother of racially stereotyping us then do please at least try and get it right !! lol :-)

March 13th, 2012, 13:13
...you can of course most certainly form opinions about the people you meet, but to then enlarge that opinion and paint it on to the other 138.9 million Russian people that you have not met and tar them all with the one brush is of course a whole different matter...

Please refer to the title if the thread. We are specifically discussing "Russian visitors to Thailand" and not the citizens of Russia as a whole. Most of us will never have been to Russia and so cannot express an opinion of how the inhabitants behave there. But we have seen the behaviour of certain Russian visitors to Thailand and are contributing anecdotal evidence to form a bigger collective picture of their behaviour there.

March 15th, 2012, 15:00
Joe and NI -- i Have experienced the behaviour of the many russian visitors to pattaya -- and like most of the replies on here my opinion of them is that In General their behaviour leaves a lot to be desired -- They are In General a very bad mannered group of people

I could give many examples on this from what i have witnessed with my own eyes !!

I have no experience of russians in their home country

March 15th, 2012, 16:25
Joe and NI -- i Have experienced the behaviour of the many russian visitors to pattaya ...........and their behaviour leaves a lot to be desired........ I have no experience of russians in their home country

Yeah Joe I don't disagree with you there, like yourself I have met many people in Pattaya who came from Russia and they were ignorant assholes, to the extent of one of them wanting to punch my lights out for having the cheek to say his wife/girlfriends perfume smelt nice ( note to self - don't comment on Russian guys wives perfume in front of them again as they seem not to like it lol), but ( and I think everyone has realised now) my comment was simply to highlight the fact that its dangerous when any group of people tar 140 other million people with one brush after meeting a miniscule amount of those people in one place and one social situation perhaps.

I should add that like Neal I have also met some lovely people from Russia in Pattaya as well on my travels and I've shared a pleasant beer or two with them so I guess like everything in life and just like on this board there's good people and bad people and nice people and some not so nice people and then just the plain assholes and like everything it's up to each if us to work out who is who and make our own decisions about that and treat those people accordingly :-) lol .....ha ha but don't worry Joe you're definitely in my "nice people" pile lol

March 16th, 2012, 02:03
NIrishguy, I think your last post was actually directed at martin911? don't worry, though, I'm not the jealous kind!

March 16th, 2012, 02:08
NIrishguy, I think your last post was actually directed at martin911?

Yes, you are of course correct, brain not thinking whilst fingers were typing it seems :-)

don't worry, though, I'm not the jealous kind!

Glad to hear it as jealously is SUCH an ugly trait in a man I find ! lol