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May 15th, 2006, 03:42
Residents of Thailand should be grateful that the entire mobile network is almost totally unusable at the moment. Americans should be so lucky. News broke this week that the NSA has been tapping almost everyone's phone, in an attempt to use profiles of possible terrorists in order to find even more. Momentum is now building for a Democrat landslide in November, comparable to the one Newt Gingrich led for the Republicans a few years ago. Then the impeachment fun will start.

May 15th, 2006, 08:34
If you mean by "tapping the phones" that NSA or anyone is allegedly listening to domestic phone calls, your information is incorrect. The hullabaloo was over the NSA receiving phone numbers and the phone numbers to which those numbers called. Bad enough but hardly listening in on conversations. Allegedly and legally, nobody can listen to a domestic conversation without a warrant.

As to a "landslide" against the Republicans this fall, I'm all for it although you're the first person I've heard use that phrase. Don't think we've had a landslide around here since McGovern.

Impeachment proceedings? Not likely in my opinion.

May 15th, 2006, 08:40
Ignore her.

May 15th, 2006, 12:16
you are right Hedda, re: the landslide, but it rarely happens.

In the UK we had a massive landslide to Labour under Tony Blair in 1997 winning 419 seats (Members of Parliament) - the largest the party has ever taken. The Conservatives took just 165, their worst performance since 1906 and the Liberals had something around 49 seats - all this and labour had only 43% of the election votes.

Tony Blair may now be heading the same way as George Dubya Bush, only sooner, as he will probably resign as Prime Minister in the next twelve months and give the job over to Gordon Brown, who will come as a welcome relief. However, I wouldn't feel sorry for Tony Blair, he will be selling his house in the North of England, moving into his new $7 million home in London, moving to the house of Lords, becoming a Knight (Sir Tony) and will become a member of the board on several top Uk and International businesses, claiming a multi million dollar income for himself. My point is that like Tony, George Dubya will not be impeached, people like them have too many friends, too much money and too much influence.

re: tapping phones, they may only have been recording which telephone numbers have been called but can you honestly say, hand on heart, that you are absolutely convinced that your, or any other government (or security agency), does not tap phones illegally?

May 15th, 2006, 15:16
Tony Blair may now be heading the same way as George Dubya Bush

That's inevitable given the relative position of their nose and posteriors. Seldom has the "special relationship" been so harmful.

May 15th, 2006, 15:44
"Impeachment proceedings? Not likely in my opinion.".....true, as Nancy Pelosi the Democratic House Minority leader has stated there would be no impeachment proceedings assuming the Democrats win the House. Investigations yes, but impeachment no.

May 15th, 2006, 21:03
listening to all those phone calls :geek:

wonder what will happen when everyone starts using voip ?