View Full Version : nice days here

May 14th, 2006, 23:20
After a recent trip to my beloved LOS im back home now on a lovely peacefull day cruising on my narrow boat down the East broads. Its about 17c and a light breeze. only sound is the birds and the splosh of the water from the small bow wave. This type of day makes me think that although i love Thailand lots i could never give up my little piece of this England i love so much.

May 14th, 2006, 23:45
Lucky you Lofty!!
Two of the most inspiring sights in this world (IMHO) are those of approaching two great Cathedrals located in flat countryside . . . sent a shivers up my back as we drove through the low country of East Anglia with the massive outline of Ely Cathedral all one can see on the horizon for a very long time (that's how big it is).

A very similar experience can be had in France, approaching Chartres Cathedral driving in from Paris . . . the spires are visible for miles before one can see the town itself.

Cheers ...

May 14th, 2006, 23:55
...and when you drive down the M11, Capitalism's shrines, Canary Wharf and the Swiss Re Dildo are visible from about 30 miles.

But we have had some lovely days recently, though it's a little chillier today. Regretably, London's Plane tree pollen is in evidence and I gather the blessed Danes have been sending over Birch tree stuff...first it's cartoons, next it's pollen, they'll be wanting the Danegelt next!

May 15th, 2006, 12:52

May 15th, 2006, 21:16
Actualy John its the such diversity of the climate i like about the UK so much, unlike Thailand that is hot 12 months a year even when raining.
Ok everybody at sometime says how they wish it was hot all the time but i just like the changes here. But on my holidays i then can have the tropical heat.

May 20th, 2006, 02:06
How terribly British we are - talking about the weather!!

But so true. I do love Thailand, and I still hope that I shall be able to spend my winter months after retirement in Thailand.

But I just know that I could never give up my home in London either.

The long term plan is to share a house with my best friend when we retire. Then she gets the place to herself for at least half the year, and us there to care for the animals and plants in the summer when she takes her hols. Plus it releases capital for each of us to spend on retirement trips etc.

Only twelve years and three months to go!!!

May 20th, 2006, 10:00
.....and my mother leaves me her house in the will ....

May your mother live 1,000 years!

May 20th, 2006, 16:25
I just need a business to run to stop getting bored.... Really I could retire tomorow to Thailand but I want my own flat there, a rental income coming in plus a business income plus some emergency cash.

Open a bordello in your very own apartment.
Run it by hand.

I'm sure Aunty Acid would be happy to...do the floors.

Mama-you, could sell tickets--Or operate the glory-hole...in a pinch.

May 20th, 2006, 17:34
Hey Sing i agree with you matey. Wouldnt give the old country up for any other place.