View Full Version : Do Mountain Boys Turn You On?

February 26th, 2012, 15:57
After 4 years I have called it quits with one mountain boy that I have fed, sheltered, and taken care of but his refusal to do work of any kind or clean his dishes etc makes me crazy! If he cooks, the pans go in the sink and he makes sure that he leaves one or two bites on the plates so as to be able to put them in the refrigerator rather than cleaning them.

Now that I am on the prowl, well they call me a butterfly so I guess I was always on the prowl but I always had a main squeeze, it seems that everywhere I turn a stunning mountain boy is there!

Had a boy I have been eyeing for a few years. He would not put out but patience is a virtue. I finally got him and after a few months, low and behold it was time to go back to Chaing Rai.

Today at the beach, I was there for about 5 hours and just about when I was ready to leave, this stunning young man (and I mean man) looks around sits in a chair and orders a beer. I was talking with several people and all turned and looked at him and made the same observation, STUNNING!
Well since I realized I could lose quick, I sent him another beer. Well his broad smile told me he was mine for the picking! Well he kept looking at me and then came over and we talked through an interpreter.
Where are you from? USA.
Where are YOU from? Chaing Rai.

What the hell is this!! Well I took him home and we romped and played and seriously he smiled he was having fun. Got off 2 times! He said he works some place where he does menial work in exchange for food and room. I am sure my little man will be back for seconds but I am just amazed as to how many are turning up here and how absolutely stunning many are.

Do you like mountain boys? Tell us your experiences with them. :snorting: :snorting: :snorting:

February 26th, 2012, 17:20
--- that is because they are not the usual "Pattaya fem, skinny boy"type. Any gay who looks fit and masculine stands out in Pattaya; meanwhile, it is the norm in Bangkok or in North Thailand. Sounds like you like the fit, manly type. I(me too)

February 26th, 2012, 17:30
Justme you are in the wrong town for "Mountain Boys". The Go Go bars of Chiang Mai are full of them, they are hill tribe, most common Shan......They are for the most part nothing like the Thai "Boys" of Pattaya, and are not likely to come here as they rarely have Thai I.D. cards but have little problem in Chang Mai or Chiang Rai.

February 26th, 2012, 18:45
U just reminded me about the beach Justme. Is it busy with guys right now? Have the Russian tribes petered out????? Must get myself there tomorrow
Thanks for the reminder! :happy7:

February 26th, 2012, 20:10
I suspect it's actually mounting Boys that Neal is looking for, not mountain boys at all.


February 26th, 2012, 22:12
Oh Scottish, there ya go spreading my bizness again! :sign5: :sign5: But so true!

Lexusgs, there seems to be a lot less Russians but now we seem to have the old geezers (not you Geezer) that like to talk on their phones to different places around the world and I have no idea why they need the phone as you can hear them clearly without them!!

Of course I don't hold back.......EXCUSE ME!!! EXCUSE ME!!! They can hear you without the phone you are talking so loud!! :evil4:
We also deal with the expats who bring their own lunches and order water. Ya know those real big spenders. If it isn't one thing it's another but I guess the geezers are better than the Russians I usually run into. I have been seeing a lot more young Russians. Some very hot gay Russians and some even pedling their wares in competition to the Thai Boys. There were 3 in our section on the beach and I think they were charging 5,000 baht and one adonis may have been more.

Anyhow, anyone own a bar in Chiang Mei that wants to trade bars? Or how about you come down and run mine and I will run yours for a week a month??? Pleeez??!!

February 26th, 2012, 23:06
Well are we to see a Happy Place 2 in Chiang Mai ? Could be interesting....Happy Place 3 Chiang Rai ?? i can see the start of an empire! :party

February 27th, 2012, 01:30
Too old, too ill but I wish I had known all this when I was young and had the strength and ambition to! Nope, go in for heart operation on Tuesday the 28th and now just am happy coasting. But I surely can visit Chaing Rai and Mei more often!!!

February 27th, 2012, 01:32
Best wishes for the 28th :alc:

February 27th, 2012, 01:35
Thanks sweetie. Butterflyforever will be taking over the helm until I return which hopefully will be only 3 or 4 days and then a recoupe period.
Try and all behave! :salute:

February 27th, 2012, 01:49
It's a bit much asking for a sea-change!


February 27th, 2012, 02:07
Wishing you a speedy recovery !

February 27th, 2012, 02:23
Russians on sale ......hmmmmm gotta take a quick peek then. Where u normally placed I might say hello tomorrow then. There again u might be busy with pre op prep?
Good luck on your hozzy visit!

February 27th, 2012, 08:07
After 4 years I have called it quits with one mountain boy that I have fed, sheltered, and taken care of but his refusal to do work of any kind or clean his dishes etc makes me crazy!

Be careful, a good friend of ours, David Crisp, was murdered in Chiang Mai for telling his mountain boys to clean the dishes. Story here (http://www.gayinchiangmai.com/News/2012/david-crisp/)

Justme you are in the wrong town for "Mountain Boys". The Go Go bars of Chiang Mai are full of them, they are hill tribe, most common Shan......They are for the most part nothing like the Thai "Boys" of Pattaya, and are not likely to come here as they rarely have Thai I.D. cards but have little problem in Chang Mai or Chiang Rai.

Indeed, Chiang Mai Go-Go bars are about 90% Shan :bounce: However, the situation is changing fast. Before they only had work permit papers (if they even had that) in lieu of ID and were not allowed to leave the province they were registered in. Many are now getting Myanmar passports which allow them to travel more freely; I know several who've headed south to Bangkok recently, allegedly to work in construction but I'm sure some soon get up to their old tricks. Increasing numbers also talk about returning home to the Shan State, though most are still playing a waiting game on that.

Less mobile are the hilltribe guys born in Thailand, they are not from Burma yet don't have any ID. Plenty of these guys, particularly Akha and Muser freelance in Chiang Mai.

N.B. the Shan are not a hilltribe but an ethnic group - Tai or Tai Yai (Meaning greater or big Tai) read more Here (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shan_people)

Do you like mountain boys? Tell us your experiences with them. :snorting: :snorting: :snorting:

Here's a few I prepared earlier....




You can see more here (http://www.gayinchiangmai.com/News/2012/pictures-from-2011/) :love4:

February 27th, 2012, 08:15
You are Cruel Bong Tong absolutely cruel! Just for that, no spanking at christmas for you! :sign5:
:snorting: :snorting: :snorting: :snorting:

February 27th, 2012, 08:26
Let them start with a decent haircut then-that is not the tipical hilltribe/Shan outfit. Right now might jst as well be the average bunch of Isany lads.
No-they do not turn me on any more or less as other Thai boys. I got a little bit too weary of them, plus after while you get to learn that looks alone say very little.
Now BKK is a big city, but I am pretty sure there are more Burmese/Karen/Shan etc. living here as in the whole of ChiangMai. Some areas of this town are among those who know famous for them-Lard prao and funny enough that high-rise skyscraper area of Muang Thong Thanee.
My encounters while in ChMai last nov were also not that favorable with the tribeys, sad to say.
Now I have that mind that tells me that if I only get to read/see those sorry tales of how exploited, chased after etc those poor Karen/Shan, be them red or white, are by the cruel Burmese governers- I start to ask: so what did YOU then? Just like the teacher in kindergarten used to do when Johnny came crying ''Markey hit me''. I know I get buckets full of ''how bad of you.. but that Burmese govmt is about the same as the former Indonesian govmt under Sukarno/Suharto-also cruel and chasing after various tribes wanting to escape central govmt. But stable, keeping the tribes apart and not have them quarrel too much. There will be Iraqi-style vengeance everywhere in Burma when they start freeing up. The KarenShan have a wonderful PR-machine and the Burmese do not. Be as suspicious of what they tell you as anywhere else.
And yes-those men are nitfits. Only the ladies do the work- so tell them to have equality too.

February 27th, 2012, 09:33
Bon Tong

Little did I know when I clicked on your link to the story about the British man murdered in Chiang Mai for telling his mountain boys to clean the dishes it would have such a distressing affect on me. I had not previously been aware of the story.

David and me were boyfriends for a short period many years ago before I moved to London. I lost touch with David and I never knew that he had moved to Thailand тАУ a year after my own move out here. IтАЩve been to Chiang Mai three times and it would have been a great pleasure to have met up with David after all these years. I wish I had known he was living in Chiang Mai.

It seems that David went on to have a truly impressive career in the field of music. I have no bad memories of David; he was a lovely, affectionate, caring and intelligent guy.

The account of his brutal murder was really disturbing and upsetting. What a tragic waste of a life. My belated condolences go out to all his friends and family.

Your story also reminds us that there can be a dark and dangerous side to meeting Thai or Burmese boys; especially those who take yaa-baa or those found working on the streets. I think itтАЩs been said many times on this forum, that if you want to meet тАШworking boysтАЩ it is recommended, for your own safety, that you choose a go-go or host bar where, presumably, the management of those bars have vetted the boys and keep details of their ID etc.

Rest in peace David.

February 28th, 2012, 10:14
Little did I know when I clicked on your link to the story about the British man murdered in Chiang Mai for telling his mountain boys to clean the dishes it would have such a distressing affect on me. I had not previously been aware of the story.
I'm sorry you had to find out this way, it must have been quite a shock. David was a real nice guy and had so many friends here in Chiang Mai. His death shocked everyone and there was a huge outpouring of grief and much soul searching at the time. His story in Thailand was a real tragedy.