View Full Version : Dress Code for DJ Station and GOD

February 24th, 2012, 18:22
Hi guys

I will be arriving tomorrow to Bangkok. Decided to go clubbing in the night. Heard about DJ station. What is the dress code for DJ? Is berms and tee with covered shoes ok? In Singapore, it is a no no dress code to wear berms. What about Bangkok? How much are the drinks in the club? Any entry charge?

February 24th, 2012, 19:20
what is a berm and what is a tee?
I have tried to google translate but had no succeed.

At DJ: weekdays 100 TBH incl. 1 drink, weekends 200 TBH inc. 2 drinks. Drinks after: 100 TBH for a drink, sodawater, Heineken, Singha, gin/tonic or whatever you want, same same price.

I don't think they have an official dress code, but a couple of jeans, a decent t-shirt and shoes will do. Most people are infact dressed decently.
Sandals, even wih socks, is a no no, for your own safety, and you could be rejected.

February 24th, 2012, 19:49
The official dress code is posted at the entry, No Flip Flops - for homo's that translates into 'nothing with an open toe'.

DJ is a dance bar so you'll find people wearing what is typically wearing in a dance bar setting; casual, smart, trendy clothes. Yes there some who wear shorts. I will wear them sometimes but feel out of place when I do so I usually wear jeans. I've seen other people in shorts, my Thai friend will wear shorts...go figure.

February 24th, 2012, 20:06
Berm = Bermuda shorts and a Tee = t-shirt

http://www.google.ca/search?tbm=isch&hl ... l13.6l19l0 (http://www.google.ca/search?tbm=isch&hl=en&source=hp&biw=1429&bih=721&q=bermuda+shorts+for+men&gbv=2&oq=bermuda+shorts+for+men&aq=f&aqi=g1g-mS2&aql=&gs_sm=3&gs_upl=2013l7238l0l7414l24l24l1l4l4l0l153l1545l13. 6l19l0)" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

February 24th, 2012, 20:08
Just throwing a guess out, maybe he means berms as in Bermuda shorts and Ts as in T shirts. Just a wild guess.

February 24th, 2012, 20:34
You can get away with wearing anything in DJ Station, and a lot of the foreigners in that place look like hell. Fut. Ugly. Old. A big ol' belly stuffed into a T-shirt that must've been picked up at a swap meet.

And these days, slimy white guys who obviously don't go to clubs back home outnumber real clubbers in DJ.

The place used to be fun. It had a euphoric vibe. But it hasn't been worth a visit since 2008 or so.

If you really want a clubbing experience, you will be disappointed.

February 24th, 2012, 21:02
Bermudas and tee shirts yes!! :rolling:

Aww thanks for the replies guys! The drinks are really affordable and cheap! COOLNESS!! And ouh? DJ is no more happening now? I guess I just want to spend a night dancing away. Hope the music is good. No intention to meet anyone there...
Ok so generally, there is no formal dress code. I love travelling light. So i always do not pack jeans or long pants with me. Too bulky :)

February 24th, 2012, 22:05
Well I don't agree, it cant still be quite funny and it still have some vibe, at least when I was there several times last May.

Yes there are some old foreigners not looking to good, but that is a minority compared to hot white, asians from other contries coming to BKK for fun and thais.

If you are fit and young go to the stage and dance after the show or else you can dance and shake your ass on the dance floor. Well in fact people are dancing on all the floors.

The only thing that can annoy me is when farangs use their arms and legs like a windmill when they try to dance, while they are too drunk, there is no space for that :laughing3:

In weekends it can also be to crowded for me sometimes

But other than that, put the smile on your face, just dance and enjoy.

February 24th, 2012, 22:17
It's bet it's never been the same since the middle aged skinny farang whore with the mullet wig stopped posing in front of the upstairs bar every other night.


February 24th, 2012, 23:07
No silly, that was beachy during one of the evenings while checking out the new "Top Tiered St. Regis .

February 24th, 2012, 23:24
I bet Combat was nowhere to be seen.


February 25th, 2012, 00:48
I agree with you there --hardly worth going too -- Full of MBs (which are fine in their own right ,but not when they cont hassle you ) and farang.
Place looking old and dirty now !!! Compared to other gay clubs in Asia this place is a kip !!!!!

February 25th, 2012, 01:18
Motel and Martin

You must both have gone old at heart.

Of course it is not a place to go, especially when it is crowded almost every night around 1 am and people are dancing like crazy on the dance floor. :8(

February 25th, 2012, 03:46
But you still gotta give it up for the (crazy) old Thia / Chinese ?? guy who gets up on the stage and dances like it's his last night on earth and doesn't give a flying shit what anyone thinks of him - although I do believe that a) he actually secretly loves the attention and b) is either off his face or as mad as a bag of frogs :-) Anyone else know who I mean or even better what the guys story is perhaps ??

February 25th, 2012, 04:01
Shorts and T-shirt is acceptable. There are boys who take off their T-shirts for dancing. The pricing is the following: the night from Friday to Saturday and the night from Saturday to Sunday 200 Baht including two drinks, all other nights 100 Baht including one drink. On Friday and Saturday night it gets so crowded that I have difficulties to move (as I am there for cruising I walk the entire premises a several times per hour until I hook up), therefore I avoid going on these days. There is a show 23:30-24:00, which I avoid by going after midnight.

February 25th, 2012, 05:55
But you still gotta give it up for the (crazy) old Thia / Chinese ?? guy who gets up on the stage and dances like it's his last night on earth and doesn't give a flying shit what anyone thinks of him - although I do believe that a) he actually secretly loves the attention and b) is either off his face or as mad as a bag of frogs :-) Anyone else know who I mean or even better what the guys story is perhaps ??

I think I have seen this guy, even spoke to him, but I don't know his story.
I also think he just doesn't give a shit, and enjoy the time of his life, when he moves his legs to the music. :bounce:

I also don't care if some of the boys in DJ are money boys or not, some are nice and polite and some are not, as all other people in different positions.
I go there to have fun, drink, dance and interact with people, without thinking about their social status, and not to cruise. Then I have a free feeling and then something might happen.

What is funny is that some rather hi-so BKK people I have known for 15 years, still go to DJ from time to time, when they feel that the bed s. club et al. is to boring and snobbish.

February 25th, 2012, 06:22
one more question... where is it located? lol

I am staying at tawana hotel (again)...

It is near sala daeng bts?

February 25th, 2012, 06:29
one more question... where is it located? lol

I am staying at tawana hotel (again)...

It is near sala daeng bts?

Yes, Silom Soi 2
http://www.dj-station.com/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

The Soi is quite small at the entrance, enjoy :party

February 25th, 2012, 06:49
Camperboy... t-shirts and shorts are fine for DJ Station... lots of guys just wear that there.

Entry is a little alley below Saladaeng BTS. You'll know because on the left side of the alleyway you see a counter (that is the cloakroom service) and ahead of you in the alley you'll see a metal detector checkpoint.

And ouh? DJ is no more happening now?
No... don't listen to the others. That's a load of crap. DJ is still happening, still heaps of fun and still the cruisiest gay nightclub I've been to! Have fun!


And these days, slimy white guys who obviously don't go to clubs back home outnumber real clubbers in DJ.

The place used to be fun. It had a euphoric vibe. But it hasn't been worth a visit since 2008 or so.

If you really want a clubbing experience, you will be disappointed.
I think 2008 was the first time I went there so don't know what it was like prior to that but...

The white guys who stand out (nothing against them... think it's great there's a place they feel comfortable coming out to) are all on the second and third levels, which I generally avoid. You get none of that on the ground floor, which is where the dance floor and all the (non-moneyboy) Thais are.

I agree with Gaymandenmark... As for being a "clubbing experience"... It ain't Zouk (Singapore), Propaganda (Hong Kong) or Arq (Sydney) but DJ Station is still mad fun. The music's great, the people are down to Earth and friendly and it's still the cruisiest gay nightclub I've been to anywhere. You can't walk five steps without being hit on or eyed up by someone.

Plus, Camperboy just reminded me how CHEAP the drinks are compared to anywhere else!

The only thing that can annoy me is when farangs use their arms and legs like a windmill when they try to dance, while they are too drunk, there is no space for that :laughing3:

I agree with you there --hardly worth going too -- Full of MBs (which are fine in their own right ,but not when they cont hassle you ) and farang.
Load of crap... the MBs only hassle you on the second and third levels. Fine on the ground floor. Most or all of the guys downstairs are genuine.

But you still gotta give it up for the (crazy) old Thia / Chinese ?? guy who gets up on the stage and dances like it's his last night on earth and doesn't give a flying shit what anyone thinks of him - although I do believe that a) he actually secretly loves the attention and b) is either off his face or as mad as a bag of frogs :-) Anyone else know who I mean or even better what the guys story is perhaps ??
Hmmm... that might've been the guy my friends pointed to and said, "cannot stop" LOL. There was also a crazy white guy doing the same so could've been him too.

What is funny is that some rather hi-so BKK people I have known for 15 years, still go to DJ from time to time, when they feel that the bed s. club et al. is to boring and snobbish.
So true!

February 25th, 2012, 07:22
Camperboy... t-shirts and shorts are fine for DJ Station... lots of guys just wear that there.

I disagree...

T shirt is fine - but not shorts...

Some toot Thai boys may wear Shorts - but the shorts are usually of a fitted knee length type with a turn up and are usually quite fashionable (in a Thai sense!)
Some of the less camp may guys may wear cut off combats t go with their buffed up bodies...

But wearing beachwear type bermudas is something that is tolerated... (after all you are a visitor and most likely clueless) but not something that is likely to score you many points with any potential bedmates...

February 25th, 2012, 07:40
Motel and Martin

You must both have gone old at heart.

Of course it is not a place to go, especially when it is crowded almost every night around 1 am and people are dancing like crazy on the dance floor. :8(

Gosh no --anybody that knows me in person (as in real life ,not the LP type ! ) will tell you that i am far far from old at heart -- its just that there are much more "better " places than the old tired place that is the DJ Station of today INMO and i think ive put a lof (as my BF says ) of time into it before coming up with that conclusion !!

Im not putting DJ down --I distincly rem my first DJ visit -- i remember thinking that i had never ever seen anywhere like this !!!! (and what the fuck my business partner of that time would think if he saw me now) LOL

-- and i concluded that i didnt give a contential FxxK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and that was true for a long while ,until you realise what Dj Station what act is --its just a extended version of Soi Twilight -- pure and simple !

Its NOt a proper gay guys niteclub --its tarnished with the Thai Gay for pay system that we all have accepted as the norm that is Thailand /Silom /Bkk--
not like Zouk (velvet underground)Singa or Bed Bar ( Manila) that would be the main gay places in those cities -it is more of a late nite MBs bar !!!!!

It is what it is and it serves a purpose for sure (one that i have availed upon many times :bounce: )-- but it is now tired looking for a long time

And there are much better places in Gay BKK to go clubbing than the tired old place that is DJ today ---- take a little time in this to find out and i think you will be very happy that you did so !!

Good luck hunting !!!!

February 25th, 2012, 07:52
Camperboy... t-shirts and shorts are fine for DJ Station... lots of guys just wear that there.

I disagree...

T shirt is fine - but not shorts...

Some toot Thai boys may wear Shorts - but the shorts are usually of a fitted knee length type with a turn up and are usually quite fashionable (in a Thai sense!)
Some of the less camp may guys may wear cut off combats t go with their buffed up bodies...

But wearing beachwear type bermudas is something that is tolerated... (after all you are a visitor and most likely clueless) but not something that is likely to score you many points with any potential bedmates...

But many guys ARE clueless in this Dept --same same as last nite in (Dave by Triangle /cough Dave2 :hello2: ) 1 farang (80kg + ) took off his shirt and danced on the main runway for a lot of time !!
Both of the guys (Thai ) that were with him looked liked like they wished they were anywhere but there !!

My sweet little peppermint (thats a joke anyway ) of a BF , was amazed that a farang (as ugly ,and i didnt even know that he knew the word ! ) as that --WHY he wanted to dance with his shirt off ??

I was unable to tell him !!

Why do farang do these things ????

February 25th, 2012, 08:15
B/L now you Are showing your ignorance about DJ Station- OMG dear or dear :laughing3: :laughing3:

" t-shirts and shorts are fine,lots of guys wear just that !!!(for DJ ) " ---what an abs load of crap that is --- and any long time visitor of Dj will say that ---- shorts ????--
How many of the guys from Soi Twi wear shorts ???? mabye in the LaLa land that beachy has been too --not bkk twilight for sure !!!!!!!!

what was your other one " only on the second and third floor will the MBs hassle you !! " =like there is a sign at the entrance that says ALL moneyboys please go to the second and third floors !! --- Hahaha -- beachy stop now before you did look silly !! soft lad

Simple if your were to believe that tripe !!!!!---

February 25th, 2012, 15:47
I disagree...

T shirt is fine - but not shorts...

...But wearing beachwear type bermudas is something that is tolerated... (after all you are a visitor and most likely clueless) but not something that is likely to score you many points with any potential bedmates...
Ok, firstly... I don't know what bermudas are specifically, but I know shorts are fine. I've seen tonnes of guys, both Thais and foreigners wear shorts in DJ Station.

Maybe shorts aren't so suitable for older white guys (debatable?). But the OP, Camperboy is not a a farang. He's a young mid-late twenties guy from Singapore. I don't see any major issue with him wearing shorts at DJ Station! Personally though, I prefer jeans.

i think ive put a lof (as my BF says ) of time into it before coming up with that conclusion !!
That might be the reason you came to that conclusion... it's not a huge club and I would get bored of it too if I spent a lot of time there!

Camperboy, on the other hand, has likely never been and will probably have an awesome time. Thai guys will be all over him.... Woooooo!

until you realise what Dj Station what act is --its just a extended version of Soi Twilight -- pure and simple !

Its NOt a proper gay guys niteclub --its tarnished with the Thai Gay for pay system that we all have accepted as the norm that is Thailand /Silom /Bkk--
Martin... I'm starting to think you've either not been for many years or aren't very observant when you go!

I agree the moneyboys tarnish the place but it's definitely not an extended version of Soi Twilight unless you want it to be!

If you hang around upstairs, on the second and third levels, I can see how you might come to that conclusion. But LOTS and LOTS of normal Thais go there to party and mainly hang around on the ground floor. The dance floor is packed with them. And they're very cruisy and friendly!

I've noticed, most of the foreigners go straight up to the second and third levels where it seems to be 70-80% foreigners (many of which will try to eye or chat you up desperately when you walk past!) while on the ground floor it's 70-80% Thais.

February 25th, 2012, 20:07
There are also many guys sitting in Coffee Society and other coffee shops around the area waiting that it is time to move to DJ or the other bars in the Soi 2. Many of this guys are a littlebit more mature, (university) students, hairdressers, clerks in offices or shops or have their own shop, and they are not going to DJ to cruise up a fat, stinky, old farang (as some of you call the farang clientel at DJ) for money, but just to have fun.

They are not coming from Soi Twilight or Silom Soi 4, because they don't want to be seen there and don't like this places at all.

Okay I will admit I have been together with mb's met in DJ (I feel nothing wrong with that, most of them have been really nice guys, and some of them I will call my friends today), but the majority have not been mb's. As I told before, I am not going to DJ, just to find a bed partner for the night, but if I get in the mood, sure things can happen.

I think the moral is: you see and find what you are looking for.

February 25th, 2012, 20:27
Is this a gay only night club ?

February 25th, 2012, 21:48
Is this a gay only night club ?

Not in the sense of you MUST be gay to get in, nor in the sense of it being a gay club where "gay stuff" happens in the toilets or some dark room or that people are having sex in the corners like some gay clubs ( so I'm told, personally I've never go to "those" places of course :-), I'm guessing that the clientele are probably about 85-90% gay or bi whatever , although annoyingly I did see some quite obviously str8 women the last time I was there going round pointing and leering at the "gay guys" which was a bit disturbing :-(( But as you've stated you're gay friendly or whatever yeah go I'm sure you'll enjoy it for what it is and have a good enough time - hell who knows you just might even pick up a friend or two for the evening ! lol :-)

February 26th, 2012, 05:08
I never realise there is a dress code there I dont wear flipflops coz my feet aint that good but shorts and one of those singha beer tank tops they dont have any problems letting me in.

February 26th, 2012, 05:58
I never realise there is a dress code there I dont wear flipflops coz my feet aint that good but shorts and one of those singha beer tank tops they dont have any problems letting me in.

Of course they have let you in, and smiled at you, but have they let you out, with your singha beer tank top, as the most handsome guy. asking you: let us have the last dance :-) :tongue3:

February 26th, 2012, 06:10
Is this a gay only night club ?

Not in the sense of you MUST be gay to get in, nor in the sense of it being a gay club where "gay stuff" happens in the toilets or some dark room or that people are having sex in the corners like some gay clubs ( so I'm told, personally I've never go to "those" places of course :-), I'm guessing that the clientele are probably about 85-90% gay or bi whatever , although annoyingly I did see some quite obviously str8 women the last time I was there going round pointing and leering at the "gay guys" which was a bit disturbing :-(( But as you've stated you're gay friendly or whatever yeah go I'm sure you'll enjoy it for what it is and have a good enough time - hell who knows you just might even pick up a friend or two for the evening ! lol :-)
I had two D-J friends in the UK ,both straight but the house music in the gay clubs was better so they went to them instead I went with them a couple of time ,hey it was great , in one club in Liverpool - http://www.facebook.com/pages/Garlands- ... 5169813362 (http://www.facebook.com/pages/Garlands-Nightclub/35169813362)
,they stopped my mates and said hey you guys sure your gay, they both said yes ,and the bouncer made them kiss each other to prove it lol lol ...

February 26th, 2012, 07:58
related to this-from a non-english native:
Is there a gay-slang word for those DJ-types: young males, late 20ies, tanktops (tee's?) a size too small, trained in the gym or sportsschools, but not over the top steroid Tawan style musclemen, always groomed to the 90ies, often a voice a pitch too high, but white westerner-for the Singy or Asian it would be just fine-in my eyes it looks a bit too clumsy dumb copying. But then again: sorry for those of you who do any effort to belong to that group. This as there are so many gay slang words for other types-beardies, chinese uncles, twinkies, GFP, etc.
This as I just happened to pass crowds of them just before DJ would open around Silom last week.

February 26th, 2012, 08:05
Two words popped into my freshly lubricated brain - Twinks and Clones. Oh God, new porn title. Arse Wars: Attack of the Clones.

February 26th, 2012, 16:24
I went to DJ once during my last holiday whilst visiting my BF's sister who works and lives in BKK. The place hadn't changed much since my last visit many years ago...still crammed with people...too crowded at the bar for my liking...a mix of STR8 and gay...no one wearing shorts, probably because they know how to dress when clubbing, and very friendly boys.

I was there for one reason - and one reason only...and it had nothing to do with spinning around in circles on a crowded dance floor. I spotted the one I liked almost immediately upon entering the place...waited patiently for him at the bar...got him drunk...took him back to Pinnackle...laid 2,000 baht on his trousers in the morning...gave him someone else's e:mail address...and told my BF's sister I stayed home watching TV all night.

February 26th, 2012, 16:36
You can get away with wearing anything in DJ Station, and a lot of the foreigners in that place look like hell. Fut. Ugly. Old. A big ol' belly stuffed into a T-shirt that must've been picked up at a swap meet.

And these days, slimy white guys who obviously don't go to clubs back home outnumber real clubbers in DJ.

The place used to be fun. It had a euphoric vibe. But it hasn't been worth a visit since 2008 or so.

If you really want a clubbing experience, you will be disappointed.
please ignore this guy's personal comments. Sounds like he didnt' get lucky at DJ. Dj is full of handsome, well dressed (casual) Thais who are there to be with their buddies or meet farangs (they're up stairs). True, there are a FEW "old farangs" who look a bit out of place - but it doesn't bother me. (Yes, I am a farang but my T-shirt is fitted to my muscular body unlike Motel69) If you are confident of yourself, you don't care what other people look like. DJ is fun and will vary night to night with the "eye candy". My favorite place for a Saturday night is GOD...where the older fit Thais go to to show off their muscular bodies. By 3am it reminds me of a club in Chicago where we all take off our shirts and shake our booties.

February 26th, 2012, 16:56
related to this-from a non-english native:
Is there a gay-slang word for those DJ-types: young males, late 20ies, tanktops (tee's?) a size too small, trained in the gym or sportsschools, but not over the top steroid Tawan style musclemen, always groomed to the 90ies, often a voice a pitch too high, but white westerner-for the Singy or Asian it would be just fine-in my eyes it looks a bit too clumsy dumb copying. But then again: sorry for those of you who do any effort to belong to that group. This as there are so many gay slang words for other types-beardies, chinese uncles, twinkies, GFP, etc.
This as I just happened to pass crowds of them just before DJ would open around Silom last week.
My Thai bf and I call them "Singaporean Posers"- they're the ones in groups usually standing near the doorway. They also look like clones when strolling down Silom with their Ajaxx or Daigo T shirts, cargo shorts, white flip flops, and sunglasses. (sorry, we don't receive much gay hospitality from them when we hit the gay clubs in Singapore so we are a bit critical.)

February 26th, 2012, 17:10
got him drunk...took him back to Pinnackle...laid 2,000 baht on his trousers in the morning...gave him someone else's e:mail address...and told my BF's sister I stayed home watching TV all night.

And who SAY'S that romance is dead eh !!!! lol :-)))

February 26th, 2012, 22:37
There are also many guys sitting in Coffee Society and other coffee shops around the area waiting that it is time to move to DJ or the other bars in the Soi 2. Many of this guys are a littlebit more mature, (university) students, hairdressers, clerks in offices or shops or have their own shop, and they are not going to DJ to cruise up a fat, stinky, old farang (as some of you call the farang clientel at DJ) for money, but just to have fun.

They are not coming from Soi Twilight or Silom Soi 4, because they don't want to be seen there and don't like this places at all.
Totally agree... DJ Station is probably the easiest place for a foreigner to chat up normal Thai guys in Bangkok if you stay clear of the second and third levels. There are moneyboys on the ground floor two but it's rare and they're fairly easy to spot.

I think the moral is: you see and find what you are looking for.
Yep... true for DJ Station. You'll definitely get the "extension of Soi Twilight" perception if you just hang out on the second and third levels and only look at the moneyboys.

I think the ground floor can be a bit more intimidating because it's just a jam packed sea of guys dancing but this is where the most fun is to be had. Now when I walk around the second and third levels I wonder why I ever bothered spending time there in the past. It's 95% moneyboys and foreigners. Only occasionally do I see exceptions.

Is there a gay-slang word for those DJ-types: young males, late 20ies, tanktops (tee's?) a size too small, trained in the gym or sportsschools, but not over the top steroid Tawan style musclemen, always groomed to the 90ies, often a voice a pitch too high, but white westerner-for the Singy or Asian it would be just fine-in my eyes it looks a bit too clumsy dumb copying.
Dunno.... muscleboys?

My Thai bf and I call them "Singaporean Posers"- they're the ones in groups usually standing near the doorway. They also look like clones when strolling down Silom with their Ajaxx or Daigo T shirts, cargo shorts, white flip flops, and sunglasses. (sorry, we don't receive much gay hospitality from them when we hit the gay clubs in Singapore so we are a bit critical.)
Yep... can be found on the Taboo (Singapore) dancefloor on Saturday nights! Spend most of their time admiring and removing each other's shirts!

I had one hit on me once when he was away from the dance floor but I'm not attracted to overly muscled types (I like lean/fit bodies) so didn't reciprocate.

February 27th, 2012, 00:21
Beachlover I agree with you in most of your views on DJ, but I think you are a little "narrowminded" when you talk about the second and third floor of DJ.
I know many of my thai friends thinks like me. Yes there are more moneyboys on these floors, but sometimes the first floor can be to crowded, and if you have been dancing there you maybe need a little more quiet area to breath and relax. Of course you can also go outside, but that can be a struggle.

One of my friends, he is in his mid/late thirties, does not like the dance floor at all, when I meet him in DJ he mostly drink with his friends at the bar at second floor. And no he is and has never been a money boy, he does not have to be, because he is from a very rich family in Bangkok. Sometimes I tells him, when we are more private, that he sometimes, to my taste, can be to snobbish and arrogant, in his views of other people, who is not born with a gold spoon. We can talk to eachother this way, because we have always been very honest to eachother and I have known him since he was 18.

When I walk over the "bridge" to that bar, I sometimes meet the staffs from hotels and questhouses, where I often stay. They are absolutly not at work when they are at DJ, even if they like to be together with a handsome farang. They earn their own money, not much, so they like to be invited to drinks and maybe some food by that handsome farang :happy7:
and who would not in their situation.

That was just some of my experiences with the other floors.

February 27th, 2012, 03:33
1st floor - 2nd floor - 3rd floor...who cares!

In Thailand, the only difference between a "Money Boy" and a "Non-Money Boy" is that the Money Boy chatters about himself less...is better in bed...and always cheaper in the long run.

One would categorize the boy I left DJ with that night as a Non-Money Boy as he claimed to work as a professional adverising agent...dressed the part...owned is own late model honda...and babbled several times when he was drunk that he loved his freestyle life. Translated; means he probably likes sucking on a different dick every night of the week. Rip off his tie and stiff-collared shirt and pin a number to his undies and you wouldn't recognize him.

February 27th, 2012, 03:50
Dodger --As a matter of interest what did he do with the 2000 b you left out for him the next morning ???( put it in his pocket possibly ?)

Thats why i happen to think Dj is an extentsion of soi Twilight --the place is full of mbs --NO matter what floor you are on B/L !!!

Last time i was there was in Nov (2011 !! despite what you mite think BL :pukeleft: ) ,) and i spent all my time on the ground
floor ,2 mbs tried to hook on in the first 10/15 min - and in the end i was rescued by a Thai guy i hadnt seen for 4 odd years coming over and saying hello,-and then i was left alone while he stayed in my company.
Normally i go to Dj with a waiter friend of mine (Balcony Bar ) as i detest going there alone for the hassle you get from fake guys/MBs !!

And for some reason i dont find GOD to be as full of Mbs as DJ --
ThrillBill -you would be a frequent visitor to GOD --what do you think on that ??

February 27th, 2012, 17:20
Dodger --As a matter of interest what did he do with the 2000 b you left out for him the next morning ???( put it in his pocket possibly ?)

First he looked shocked...asked me why the money was there...and I told him it would cover the gas money he blew driving around drunk for an hour trying to locate my hotel. He attempted to hand it back...I refused and pulled him back in bed.

The reason for my comments weren't to suggest that non-money boys don't frequent these clubs - because of course they do. My intent was to reflect the fact that one shouldn't be so quick to discriminate against any boy because of his line of work, as they are all (mb's and non-mb's) totally unique in the characters and qualities they have as human beings. Interestingly enough, a person never classifies another person as being lower on the scale because he actually believes he's lower on the scale - he views him as being lower on the scale because he views himself as being on the higher scale, and that's the hypocrisy that anoys me the most.

DJ's and GOD aern't any different from any other dance club in Thailand where people just want to go for a good time...get high on a few drinks...mingle...flirt...and possibly get hooked up for the night. The last thing you will see in any of these places is a Thai discriminating against (or looking down on) another Thai because of their line-of-work, the clothes they wear or the color they decide to shade their hair that night. It just doesn't happen.

February 28th, 2012, 21:11
Beachlover I agree with you in most of your views on DJ, but I think you are a little "narrowminded" when you talk about the second and third floor of DJ.
You have a good point and I don't disagree with you... but I never said that the 2nd/3rd floors are 100% moneyboy. It's just that they make up an overwhelming proportion there.

Over the years, I have met a number of interesting guys - both Thais and other Asian nationalities - up there as you also describe doing. But for the most part now, since 2009, I have stuck to the ground floor. I noticed the area on the second floor between the stairs (going to the ground floor dance floor) and the bar is the most packed with moneyboys! The third floor and the section across the bridge might have a bit less.

In Thailand, the only difference between a "Money Boy" and a "Non-Money Boy" is that the Money Boy chatters about himself less...is better in bed...and always cheaper in the long run.
Complete load of crap, in my opinion. There's a certain level of integrity missing from guys who are willing to accept cash or other tangible favours for sex. Not saying they're bad people or "lower forms" or anything else you might imply... they just lack in that area of integrity and self respect.

The subject came up amongst Thai friends recently and it seems Thai guys get offered cash for sex quite often... just because they are Thai and because Thais have a reputation for being open to such advances. I observed their attitude as being.. they seem to be more understanding and accepting of it and not shocked and dismissive like a typical Westerner might be. They say understanding things like... it's only human, they need money, he want sex etc. But at the end of the day, they are still quite insulted and see it as quite a weak and low class thing to do.


I think Thais are generally have a more understanding attitude towards human weaknesses like the people's potential/need to steal, cheat, lie, pay or accept pay for sex and such but that doesn't mean they don't look down on such practices. They're just not as dismissive of those who they see as simply being weak in a human way. They will also do the Thai thing and try to laugh or smile it off (despite what they are feeling on the inside), rather than tell a guy to piss off (which is what I would do).

My BF often tells me about customers, staff and business partners who have cheated or lied to him and I notice that he takes a very cool, harmonious and mai pen rai attitude to this sort of thing. He won't blow up, pursue or get angry at them but he will still make a decision not to trust or interact with that staff/customer/associate again.

You need to re-calibrate your gauge when trying to determine what Thai people are thinking and feeling... Just because they don't dismiss or talk something down, doesn't mean they don't think poorly of it.

The last thing you will see in any of these places is a Thai discriminating against (or looking down on) another Thai because of their line-of-work, the clothes they wear or the color they decide to shade their hair that night. It just doesn't happen.
I'm sorry, but that's just so blatantly untrue... I don't even know where to begin. I almost want to accuse you of never having spent time with Thais. :scratch:

Thais judge others and discriminate ALL the time! They just rarely do it to someone's face and tend to keep negative views to themselves more.

Dodger - I wasn't there but if the 2,000 baht guy you refer to wasn't expecting cash for sex from you, then all you probably achieved by offering/forcing it on him is to make him feel dirty.

February 29th, 2012, 04:07
Beachlover Wrote:

Dodger wrote:
The last thing you will see in any of these places is a Thai discriminating against (or looking down on) another Thai because of their line-of-work, the clothes they wear or the color they decide to shade their hair that night. It just doesn't happen.

Beachlover Wrote:
I'm sorry, but that's just so blatantly untrue... I don't even know where to begin. I almost want to accuse you of never having spent time with Thais.

All I'm saying is that is in the 12 years I've been spending in Thailand I have never once heard a Thai discriminating against (or looking down on) another Thai because of their line of work, the clothes they wear or the color they decide to shade their hair that night.

If you view this as being blatently untrue as you have stated - then I suggest you quit hanging around with pretentious snobs (like yourself) and try hanging around with REAL people.

Just a thought!

February 29th, 2012, 15:00
I increasingly wonder why The Great One - or Beachlover as he is known here - deigns (from atop Mount Olympus presumably) to proselytise to the old, unattractive, weak, perverted, prostitute-using, alcohol-soaked, and generally unworthy collection of oddballs and misfits whom he clearly believes populate this board.

I'm sure I'm not alone in thinking that we really don't deserve him.


March 1st, 2012, 11:58
I increasingly wonder why The Great One - or Beachlover as he is known here - deigns (from atop Mount Olympus presumably) to proselytise to the old, unattractive, weak, perverted, prostitute-using, alcohol-soaked, and generally unworthy collection of oddballs and misfits whom he clearly believes populate this board.

I'm sure I'm not alone in thinking that we really don't deserve him.


Have not been on line for 2 days or so - sanook time :laughing3: --but i notice the "grate one " lol still has not responded to my innocent questions regarding the Tripadvisor cough Beachlovers reviews on some of Bkks finest hotels -- :pukeleft: :pukeleft: --
Not like him to be shy in posting !!
I guess one could say the same about myself re posting -- -But i dont do Fake -

BUT i see he is able to pontificate to Dodger (whom i dont know/never met -but Colmx(35 odd days to Bee time G :bounce: ) (and SAB !! :notworthy: assures me is a Genuine person -with a pretty good insight of Thailand judging from any posts ive read from him in the past many years !!

Yes the grate one indeed !!

Any reply to my offer BL ??

This would be the offer i made last week that i would put 5000 b behind Neals bar(for swatadee members to drink) if he could point out to me the posts he claimed i prev posted here in swatadee forum !! Thats what i asked him to do -

He claimed that i Would not like any post that Didnt involve me talking about what gogo bars i had fondled boys in or Didnt talk i about the size of ladyboys cocks or didnt mention the latest raided Clubs i had been in !!(in seedy shitsville was the phrase you act used BL !! --

Oh And that this was the reason i was poking fun at his very interesting post on Bkk Malls -

But his post on this was deleted after i made my very serious offer for him to stand by what he claimed i posted --

I dont like that type of crap BL - i dont fondle boys in the bars - (i fondle them in the privacy of whatever room/hotel/house im in :laughing3: -and most of them like it i think/hope -- i got told" Martin Ciao good " a few hours ago :happy7: -so some like it lol :tongue3:

-i happen to have a LOT of respect to the guys working here !! -and i deeply resent some pompous creep like you Beachlover claiming something like that about me !!

Post fake photos of hotel rooms all you like -- but watch yourself my lad if i ever meet you in Thailand !!!

March 1st, 2012, 14:35
One of my friends, he is in his mid/late thirties, does not like the dance floor at all, when I meet him in DJ he mostly drink with his friends at the bar at second floor. And no he is and has never been a money boy, he does not have to be, because he is from a very rich family in Bangkok. Sometimes I tells him, when we are more private, that he sometimes, to my taste, can be to snobbish and arrogant, .
As dodger responded: THOSE are the REAL f..king moneymen-corrupt, thinking baht every second, treat you like slaves becse they have more dough as you, and I could go on. If TH could just get rid of those and have them all sent back to China-pre cultural revolution and have them mingle with the red masses-now that would clean up this city.

March 2nd, 2012, 21:07
One of my friends, he is in his mid/late thirties, does not like the dance floor at all, when I meet him in DJ he mostly drink with his friends at the bar at second floor. And no he is and has never been a money boy, he does not have to be, because he is from a very rich family in Bangkok. Sometimes I tells him, when we are more private, that he sometimes, to my taste, can be to snobbish and arrogant, .
As dodger responded: THOSE are the REAL f..king moneymen-corrupt, thinking baht every second, treat you like slaves becse they have more dough as you, and I could go on. If TH could just get rid of those and have them all sent back to China-pre cultural revolution and have them mingle with the red masses-now that would clean up this city.

Oh I suppose you also support the regime of Khmer Rouge?