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View Full Version : Terminal 21 - BangkokтАЩs coolest new fashion shopping mall

February 22nd, 2012, 23:27
Dating guys in various countries over the years, IтАЩve found going to malls and casually wondering through shops is a great way to get to know a guy and spend some time with him. Especially as Asian cities usually have interesting and vibrant malls.

ItтАЩs better than the standard тАЬsee a movieтАЭ thing because you get to talk and interact for a few hours. Window shopping is such a casual and easy going thing to do together. ThereтАЩs lots of good conversation fodder and opportunities to learn about each other. You can find out what clothes he likes, what food he enjoysтАж all kinds of stuff

Anyone else find this to be the case?


So with thatтАж Has anyone been to Terminal 21 in Bangkok yet? ItтАЩs an awesome new mall, opened in October 2011.

Looks like theyтАЩve gone all out to differentiate it from all the other malls and make it interestingтАж The place is designed with the theme of an airport and with different parts of the mall representing different parts of the world.

The thing I liked best was on level 2 (from memory) you get lots and lots of little shops with local Thai designers for male clothesтАж stuff you canтАЩt get anywhere else. I bought heaps of clothes here.

These local designer clothes are cheaper than international brands. But I found the designs were more hit and miss. I had to sift through more to find something goodтАж more so than if I just walked into say, Ben Sherman or Superdry. The local designers are more inconsistent and imperfect (common flaws with shape and cutting) so itтАЩs important to try the stuff on and make sure itтАЩs comfortable. But all worthwhile because you get some cool designs you canтАЩt find elsewhere.

You can also find international brands here and apparently the food court is good but I didnтАЩt get around to checking it out yet.


My (occasional) Thai BF is normally this really sweet guy so it was cool seeing his persuasive/assertive sideтАж Every time I found something I liked, he would lean over the counter sweet talking and chatting away with the blushing sales assistant until we ended up with a good discount... Without him, shopping feels like such a chore!

Anyway, itтАЩs worth checking out next time youтАЩre in Bangkok. Not a bad way to spend some quality time with the love of your life or someone you might like to be the love of your lifeтАж

Terminal 21


Apparently this is the longest escalator in Asia or something.

Cool local designers with their little shops



February 23rd, 2012, 01:05
Lol I find it's usually the reverse in my case i.e. a pitched battle of them trying to get me IN to the malls and me trying to keep them OUT of them as no matter what every trip where I AM lured in never seems to end well for me, my wallet or my patience !! :-(((( lol

February 23rd, 2012, 02:49
Can't think of a worse way to spend time with a guy. I even hate having to do grocery shopping. But if that's what you enjoy, go for it.

February 23rd, 2012, 06:57
Personally, I absolutely detest shopping, to the point where I just let Kim dress me. Whenever I run out of clothes, I just give him some money, and he goes buys some for me. It's one of the perks to being gay, I find. You know, a gay male can actually pick out decent clothes for me, whereas a woman would probably come back with some god-awful shit.

For spending time together, for me, nothing beats cooking a nice dinner together. :)

February 23rd, 2012, 08:46
Central Festival in Pattaya is the nicest mall I have ever come across but the motorbike parking area redefines the word hot.

February 23rd, 2012, 09:15

So cool! The place looks good.

I think I will drop by a visit.

What are the prices of the clothes when you bought at those local designer shops...? Looks like some shirts I might actually wear hahah

February 23rd, 2012, 15:52
Yes, I had a quick look around Terminal 21 back in October when I had to go to Qatar Airlines office at Asoke to change my ticket. It looked very impressive.

One lad I knew at the time had asked me to go with him, but I knew I wouldnтАЩt get away with just window shopping so I turned him down. IтАЩm sure it would have proved very expensive had I agreed to go with him.

I also passed by Terminal 21 on my way to eat at Cabbages & Condoms on Sukumvit, Soi 12 last week, but did not go in. I really need to set aside some specific time to have a proper wander around, although I canтАЩt really think of anything that I actually need to buy, so maybe IтАЩll get away with just window shopping.

Perhaps the new Silom Complex will look just as good when it opens in 6-9 months time. Well, they are reported as spending 250million Baht on the refurbishment.

February 24th, 2012, 00:17
Window Shopping and talking about Malls Eh --- :scratch: :scratch:

This thread sounds something like one would read over on the Gbutton site

Whats coming next ???

Comparing knitting patterns ?

Swapping recipes with each other ?

If ye have to compare Malls and (this is truly pitiful )" window shopping" :pukeleft: could it not at least be in the form of which is the gayest Malls (Union @Ladprao )INMO
and which is the cruisest (The Mall @ Nam Wong Wam) INMO

Come back Latinpox :crazy: -- All is forgiven !!!!

February 24th, 2012, 11:16
Not too mention Terminal 21's expensive Japanese toilets that clean your backside with heated water LOL

February 25th, 2012, 00:53
Now thats more like it --- The toilets !!!! ( anything that gets this away from B/ls shopping expeditions has to be a good thing :bounce: )

so what do people think are the cruisest toilets in Bkk ???

:laughing3: :laughing3: :laughing3:

February 25th, 2012, 09:32
Of course i can soft lad ,no prob for me to do just that ---- OK can you do something for me ??

Beachy point out ANY (just 1 you simple twat ) thread that i have Ever Ever claimed I got" groped" (i presume u mean as in they felt me up soft lad ) in a gogo bar ??--that is for the raincoat brigade ,not me soft lad --

OR a thread in which i talk about where the " ladyboys have the biggest cocks" ??? --- come on B/L ??? put your money where your mouth is you pompous so and so !!!--- I will put 5000 b in Neals bar for all and sundry to drink if you can point out the threads you think i am part off that you say i cant stand to see !!

COME ON pls beachy --
however i can ans as to the " seedy Shitsville venue " places you refer too as---(not many places that have not been raided for drugs in the last few weeks ,--- Thats the place i left in the company of a few select friends a few short hours ago ---What more can i say but that the manager (a very drunken Nice )said tonite that they will be vacating sometime in April(aka Dave2 or for the BKK boys "Dave BY Triangle" )

Or mabye it was the "other " seedy place (aka Nab ) tonite (i thought thats the place that you met all the lovely locals ) and brought all back to your pad at the Hilton ! --u did not call it seedy then ??

Or mabye was it the Very seedy place (aka Step Up ) that you are on about ??? pls do tell

Tell me You soft git --i left all 3 last nite!!!???

-- or do U want to start a thread on something thats act about a real live place ( not a a place where most guys open up to you as to why they decided that a career of bending over to accomadate older fat Farang was what they dreamed of from when they were a little younger ) :pukeleft:

Im all ears soft lad !! :bounce:

ALL EARS :love4: :love4: :love4: :pukeleft:

February 25th, 2012, 15:53
Martin! Just what are you going on and on about and what's it remotely got to do with this topic?! :rolling:

This thread seems to have gotten you really excited!

Go easy on the Red Bulls and get some sleep! :sign5: :sign5: :sign5:

February 25th, 2012, 16:04
What are the prices of the clothes when you bought at those local designer shops...? Looks like some shirts I might actually wear hahah
Can't remember exactly but nothing was over 1,000 baht. I think most shirts were within 400-700 baht and some as cheap as 200-300 baht. Really basic stuff around 100 baht.

All up, you can buy 4-5 shirts here for every one shirt you get from an International Brand like G-Star or Zara. But try on the stuff and check for quality/comfort/fit before you buy.

For spending time together, for me, nothing beats cooking a nice dinner together. :)
My boyfriend is a brilliant cook but I can't cook for shit... especially not Thai food!

The few times we've cooked together, it's been embarrassing!

Central Festival in Pattaya is the nicest mall I have ever come across but the motorbike parking area redefines the word hot.
Yeah, I agree! Awesome design at the front overlooking the sea but the design of the interior, away from the sea is a bit disappointing, uninspiring and dark. Still, it's a pretty cool complex. Maybe I should write about it...

February 26th, 2012, 00:57
Pray tell? What is the location of this Mall??

February 26th, 2012, 01:11
Hello firecat! Take a look at the title of the thread

Terminal 21 - BangkokтАЩs coolest new fashion shopping mall

Too much whiskey tonight? :sign5:

February 26th, 2012, 01:35
Hello Boss, too much whiskey ?

What he wanted is.......

Location: Sukhumvit Road (between Soi 19 and 21)
MRT: Sukhumvit
BTS: Asok (direct access via Skywalk)

Terminal 21 Bangkok - Bangkok Shopping Mall http://www.bangkok.com/shopping-mall/terminal21.htm" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

February 26th, 2012, 02:27
you are only harmless Beach l

February 26th, 2012, 05:05
What are the bogs like for cruising?