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View Full Version : King's River Boat Procession -- Tickets!?

American Teacher-old
May 14th, 2006, 20:16
Hello all! I trust you had a restful weekend. Listen, some friends of mine are coming in from the USA to Bangkok and staying at the Pennisula for a few nights. One of those nights happens to be the 12th -- the celebration for HM the King. They tried to get tickets for one of the boat cruises -- but they were all sold out. Then they tried to get lawn seats or restaurant views -- but those were sold out too! Now, they are desperate to see this close up and money is not really a problem for them. That being said, is there any other way to get tickets? A scalper, a ticket agency, or something like that?

I am not a big Bangkok fan and therefore don't know too much about the workings of the city. Any hints or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


www.niddysnook.com (http://www.niddysnook.com)
** Pattaya's Tastiest Cheeseburger! **

May 14th, 2006, 21:13
"Royal Barge Processions June
I have been doing some research into the processions in June and find all tickets sold at the Navy base and cruise at 3000 baht a ticket on first day of sale yesterday May 5th!!

This is the route
The Royal Barge Procession will take place on 12 June 2006 at 19:30. The procession will sail from Wasukri Royal Pier to the Temple of Dawn. His Majesty the King will preside over the (sound and light) performance along with Head of States from 29 Nations.

Rehearsals are up to 9th with 52 barges which should be impressive I was wondering if anyone knew of cruises still open or good advantage points like riverside places or even Hotel rooms?" Boxer
www.boxertravels.com (http://www.boxertravels.com)

Maybe PM Boxer he may have found something or www.thaiticketmaster.com/events/royalbarge_eng.php (http://www.thaiticketmaster.com/events/royalbarge_eng.php) maybe one of the 3 rehearsal tickets are still available. Surely if anyone can do something it's the Concierge at The Peninsular?