View Full Version : Maybe why GayRomeo is banned in Malaysia

February 14th, 2012, 17:10
It has come to my attention that GayRomeo is not accessible in Malaysia. I may have the possible answer as to why.

For the past two years there has been a pending international court case against a couple of Malaysian men who have been posting libel and slander against a prominent caucasian (white man) living in Malaysia. As a result, the Malayisan police, a few international embassies and lawyers (as well as GayRomeo) have been monitoring GayRomeo in Malaysia in order to gather evidence for the impending court case (held in abeyance in absentia).

As a result, warning must be given to ALL caucasian and bumiputera (malay) men who have used GayRomeo in Malaysia during the past three years that police monitoring has taken place.

It maybe the case that GayRomeo has suspended their service to Malaysia.#

If you require any further information, and the names of those involved, please do not hesitate to contact me use the e-mail button below for further information, names and details.

Due to their illegal actions, let us all "thank" the Malay men invovled for affecting all gays in Malaysia.


February 15th, 2012, 09:40
It has come to my attention that GayRomeo is not accessible in Malaysia. OK so im looking at the Gayromeo Users Online Now page and for Malaysia it shows 1523 online now, 427 travellers and 32435 total users - how do they all accessible it?

February 15th, 2012, 15:10
Now are 1845 online in Malaysia - seems there is no problem and my friends there tell me they have no problems to access.

February 20th, 2012, 19:24
Zwaan... who are you and on what authority do you make these claims? Do you have links to any news media articles that support what you say?

I suspect your post may be an attempt to deter people from using GayRomeo (maybe you're a competitor) or to get people's e-mail details...

December 11th, 2012, 03:15
Malaysia has a bad problem..its Muslims....and getting worse..no freedom of speach aval there.
How much longer will the public stand by while the Muslim politicans fuck them royally..

December 11th, 2012, 14:24
Malaysia has a bad problem..its Muslims....and getting worse..no freedom of speach aval there.
How much longer will the public stand by while the Muslim politicans fuck them royally..oh great a fuck show can I watch? Theres no freedom of speech in Thailand either between the defamation laws and less majesty law and lets not talk about the Singapore politician retirement fund that comes as part of their defamation laws - shall we go round each SE Asian country and point out where it's politicians fuck their populations?

December 11th, 2012, 15:00
...strange I travel on a regular basis to Indonesia (Jakarta and Jojakarta) and to a lesser degree Malaysia...and simply love it...due to the morality laws ...and limited contact with women these places are absolutely packed with horny men...all I gotta do is stroll past the public toilet area in a shopping mall and I'll be cruised ...its so...so...so easy...and very rarely is money involved...they just want sex...so sexully speaking as far as I'm concerned these aforementioned muslim countries rule...

December 11th, 2012, 20:06
Malaysia is a fun place for gays, both residents & visitors, if one has an open mind. Negative people will find biased news reporting uncomfortable, but it is their loss that they never had as much fun as latin & other positive posters who are in the know. :party

December 12th, 2012, 23:30
Just stayed 2 weeks in KUL and i liked it very much. Not any internet page i was looking for was banned. Had lots of fun in my room and in my sauna. Was already my 4th stay and very cheap because i dont need any cent for sex.

December 13th, 2012, 18:18
..true...very rarely is money exchanged for sexual services...the muslim boys are so bloody horny they'd mount a clothes dryer once it hit the spin cycle..

December 16th, 2012, 20:14
GayRomeo is banned by ONE Malaysian service provider as far as I know - the semi-governmental one. There is no problem accessing it on other service providers.