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View Full Version : New to the Board - and Returning After Years Away!

February 10th, 2012, 23:49
Hey guys - hello from New York City!

I am brand new to this Board (my very first day!) and happy to be here - I am enjoying the freewheeling banter and the easy attitude(s) here.

I have been coming to Thailand many times each year for many years, but have not been around for the past two years. I will be happily arriving again this month and staying for two or so months. I have an apartment that I keep in Bangkok (Sathorn area) and will probably visit Pattaya (of course) and go upcountry, as well as take a longggg train trip from BKK-Malay border (something I have always wanted to try).

So, guys... besides welcoming here.... has stuff changed a lot? My last visit coincided with the Red Shirt situation in BKK... Anything you would suggest for someone who is by no means a newbie but has been away a bit?


February 11th, 2012, 08:23
welcome back/here/home then.
Trains: check seat61.com-but in essence it is just the same like any overnight train in TH-always late and pretty boring. Be aware that if you also re-enter TH by land and have no advance visa etc-you only get 15 day stamp (by air 30 days).
I also had to endure the redshirts from pretty close by-those thundering eternal communist propaganda speeches. It is normal now-but every now and then they gather again in some peaceful demo (far, far away from Satron-you wont even notice it)=they still want justice done.
As for the gay places; same same but different, like it always has been. read an overview site like nickysgaybangkok to get the feel back and check for new/changed places. There is also nickysgaypattaya-as its home for them, better informed.

February 11th, 2012, 10:38
Brithai wrote:
seems like we think alike a447

I've always said he was dumb....hehe